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EVE General Discussion

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I want your little things!

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The Dead Rabbit Society
#781 - 2011-11-17 16:02:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Moonaura
Linas IV wrote:
Moonaura wrote:

Agree with Point 2.

However, Point 1, I strongly disagree with and is not needed.

The solution already exists in game, you probably just aren't use it or enough of it, and relying on pure DPS tactics.

It is called ECM, and all Logistics are extremely vulnerable to cap drain mechanics, as well as sensor dampening if they are at range. Guardians are easy to jam with racial Amarr ECM, Scimitars are jammable with non racial ECM they have such low sensor strength, Oneiros are extremely cap vulnerable, rarely fitted with ECCM, and Basilisk have the largest signature and lowest EHP - and it needs fixing to be on par with the guardian. It is also extremely vulnerable to cap drain even when paired, as it is only just cap stable.

After being in R&K i know what I'm talking about. ^^

A Bunch of Guardians with ECCM, ECCM-Ganglink, and eventually ECCM-Implants are virtually unjammable. At least long enough until every Falcon, Rook or Scorpion on the field is dead. Check the numbers if you don't believe me.

Additionally, Reps on Logistics: 70km // Heavy Neut: 25 km
It needs at least two SDs per logistic to force them into Neutrange, so much for that vulnerability.

If the Logistics are doing their job good, there is close to nothing you can do about them with even numbers, period.

Well that is funny... because I too was in Rooks and Kings as well.

And I think Logistics are awesome aspect of EvE. Just because Rooks and Kings have perfected it, and have pilots that are willing to regularly fly logistics, does not mean the rest of the universe are doing it so well - because trust me - they ain't. The Guardian fit they use, is the best possible guardian tank fit in EvE, with about 30-40,000 more EHP than most Guardians are fit for. Combine that with their excellent scouting, very talented pilots, and titan hot drops that maximise the time and place they engage in fights, means they win a lot, and win big.

And as for them being unjammable... lol - I flew in a Guardian 90% of the time with my alt, and got jammed lots of times, and some of the fights do go against them in these situations, the same goes for when we were cap drained. I also fly Falcons and the Guardian is easy to jam with an Amarr racial, more than enough to disrupt cap sharing.

One little 'thing' that would help balance this out, would actually to fix the Caldari Basiliks and other Caldari Fleet Ships - giving Amarr Guardians issues with ECM shield fleets, that they currently don't really have. Support my request to get Caldari fixed here:

PS. And just for Lord Maldoror - look I didn't use Italics once Lol

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

Severian Carnifex
#782 - 2011-11-17 16:19:03 UTC
Remove mineral drops from drones!
Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#783 - 2011-11-17 16:26:07 UTC
Another one:

S&I window should display the number of jobs remaining as per my skills. E.g. "3 manufacturing jobs remaining". Or "7 / 10 used". Or something. That would get rid of the "set up new jobs until you get an error" annoyance.
Ryans Revenge
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#784 - 2011-11-17 16:30:52 UTC

  • Shortcut key to scan with directional scanner
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#785 - 2011-11-17 16:38:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Imrik86
Gevlin wrote:
mining crap or ore even mining in null sec is tough unless you control the entire region. Then a Botting we all go. as with the current system bot is able to log off before any belt is reached

Can we take the belts off the over view and put them as scann able items this way non- bot miners will have a chance to evac the belt if a hostile jumps into system

The current
Instant local and overview asteriod belts makes boting I think super easy or atleast bot ratting.

To be honest, that looks like a great idea.

Just like the player list on local, asteroid belts on overview/menu feels like "free information", and just helps bots. There's no reason why it shouldn't be scannable.

I would like to see mining (including hi-sec mining) get some love and be less boring. Make it a little more difficult (make miners scan for the best belts, give more variation to asteroid composition to make scanner modules useful again, spawn harder rats, etc.) but make it more rewarding.

Currently mining takes no effort, just a lot of time. That just benefits bots, not humans.

I mean, unless CCP lives off bot money, right? Cool
The Dead Rabbit Society
#786 - 2011-11-17 16:44:44 UTC
It might not erm... be 'exciting' to many in EvE but I support any features that make miners lives easier. I mean... I don't know how they manage to stare at those roids for so long, but... we should encourage them to keep doing it ;-)

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

#787 - 2011-11-17 16:52:24 UTC  |  Edited by: bornaa
Imrik86 wrote:
Gevlin wrote:
mining crap or ore even mining in null sec is tough unless you control the entire region. Then a Botting we all go. as with the current system bot is able to log off before any belt is reached

Can we take the belts off the over view and put them as scann able items this way non- bot miners will have a chance to evac the belt if a hostile jumps into system

The current
Instant local and overview asteriod belts makes boting I think super easy or atleast bot ratting.

To be honest, that looks like a great idea.

Just like the player list on local, asteroid belts on overview/menu feels like "free information", and just helps bots. There's no reason why it shouldn't be scannable.

I would like to see mining (including hi-sec mining) get some love and be less boring. Make it a little more difficult (make miners scan for the best belts, give more variation to asteroid composition to make scanner modules useful again, spawn harder rats, etc.) but make it more rewarding.

Currently mining takes no effort, just a lot of time. That just benefits bots, not humans.

I mean, unless CCP lives off bot money, right? Cool

There was one thread about mining changes that CCP ignored... all all not pew-pew threads...

There is many proposals on mining changes and one good accepted post there was:

- make belts so that you must scan them... i dont think botts can do scanning very well... (maybe add some more statics on scans too so that you must have brain to see its only static)
- static belts have only very small roids for new players... (strips dont have use if it)
- when you left scanned belt its gone (after like 10 mins)... you must scan again... (so botter cant scan it all in the morning and mine it all day long)
- make fleeting with other players and making real ops more rewarding then solo mining (orca boost better) - botts dont fleet
- Boost rats - botts have more problems with defending themself then real people, and it would be more involving.

And i think that's good post...

And to CCP...
Give Indy ppl some love...
EVE didn't have indy expansion at all...

and this would help too:

Severian Carnifex wrote:
Remove mineral drops from drones!

This is a little thing... or the least what you can do for industry...
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#788 - 2011-11-17 17:10:21 UTC
Minning mini game.

Increase yield my some mini game.

Little bar on each crystal that represents frquency..colored back ground and you get the frequency indicator to the optimal spot you get more ore....

Just something...if you don't play the mini game you still get ore though.
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#789 - 2011-11-17 17:16:47 UTC
There should be a distinction between BPC's and BPO's on kill mails.
The Illuminist
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#790 - 2011-11-17 17:27:16 UTC
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
Allow custom corp logos like we have custom alliance logos.

Ione Hawke
Darkness Industries
#791 - 2011-11-17 17:36:52 UTC
Do something about the cache, such that it doesnt get corrupted all the time - or that if it does the game can recover
Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium
#792 - 2011-11-17 17:55:02 UTC
Mh, take a look at how the new turret models interact with all the ships when you mount them. Some of them are outright silly, floating off the ship's hull, or are too big to fit without looking silly.
Danny Centauri
Templis CALSF
#793 - 2011-11-17 18:05:52 UTC
As an industry player I want to be able to install multiple jobs of the same type at the same time so that I don't get bored to hell clicking the same things over and over again.

As an industry player I want to be able to stamp my name/corporation on all items that I produce so that I can begin to create myself as a brand.

As a corporation member I want to be able to have a trade embarge on other corporations or allainces so that I can only trade with people who are not my enemy.

As a market user I want to be able to see who I am buying from before I buy so that I can see if someone is trying to manipulate the market.

As a market user I want to be able to make the conscious decision to be lazy and buy in bulk from someone who is more expensive on the market so that I save time and reward those who build in bulk.

As a POS owner I want to be able to allow other people to use my lab slots (other than ME/PE which they already can) so I can cover more of the cost of fueling the POS passively.

As a T2 capital manufacturer I want you to hurry up and release T2 dreads (the construction comp BPOs are already out) so that I have more to build and profit from.

As a small corporation member I want T2 dreads to be a highsec POS destruction tool as large POS's are pretty much invulnverable in highsec (other than to megacorps) so that I can pewpew some industry POS's and move my production to easier logistics (near Jita) space.

Nice little selection of user stories any of which being done would make me j1zz.

EVE Manufacturing Guide - Simple guides to manufacturing in EVE for both beginners and more experienced players.

E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#794 - 2011-11-17 18:11:34 UTC
oooo oooo

Let us re arange the watch list...
as a logi I liek to have the other logi at the top of the watch list and then the FC and other pcialized ships. The rest of the ships filled in as I can.

Right now this is a pain as you have to add them in that order and you have to do it all over again if someone joins or leaves as you can't put that person into your list anywhere but the bottom.

PvP roam I like to have other logi on the watch list at the top since repping them is job #1. next special ships like boosters or e-war...then other ships. This way after every warp or jump I can quickly target my fellow logi and watch the other important peolpe.

I then target based on broadcasts...but if the FC starts taking dmg or some other special ship I can be on the ball and be ready to rep...

But now if we get a new logi and new high priority ships I add him to the bootom of the list along with the new specials and my watch list is all messed up. I can't just target the top 5 because they are logi I have to recall who is logi and target them and then my list is also no loger in a priority bassis. Does player x have more value than Y i have no idea...what was x in again?

So please Please let us click and drag the names on the watch list to move them around.
E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#795 - 2011-11-17 18:14:28 UTC
ooo I like having a signauter on items of who made it and maybe what corp/alliance.

would be neat.

Also yes yes hi sec POS's are way to hard to destroy. An inustrial corp with prime location in or near a hub should have to defend them. When war dec's rather than just turrtle them up knowing it would take an insane amout of BS's to kill it.
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#796 - 2011-11-17 18:19:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Abdiel Kavash
I would love to be able to fit ships which I can't fly. It's always a bigger kindness to hand out fitted ships to corpmates than DIY packs.

An option to make the target icons smaller would be sweet too. I could easily tell the ship types if they were 50% smaller, and they wouldn't take up a sizeable portion of my screen.
#797 - 2011-11-17 18:26:03 UTC
just though about this ;

the ability to choose what chat channel we log.

cause i really dont care about what was said on jita's local while i care way more about corp, or convo.
and all this **** flood my folders.

btw some ingame links to the screeshots and logs folder would be appreciated
Nova Labs
EVIL Capybara Incorporated
#798 - 2011-11-17 18:34:09 UTC
Give the Mack more CPU so it can fit something which resembles a tank in those 4 mids.
Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#799 - 2011-11-17 18:35:54 UTC
When a cloaked vessel cloaks, have it truly cloak. Have it disappear from local altogether, as well as be inable to access local. You'll likely need to add a delay to being able to fire off a cyno when decloaking for balance (black ops can be an exception).

Cloaking should truly make you disappear.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Rad Ronson
#800 - 2011-11-17 18:37:41 UTC
NPC's that attack Cans and Containers in belts.