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Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1081 - 2013-10-18 23:19:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
Just some numbers on the potential magnitude here. Keep in mind these are estimates, based on what I've been told about GTC sales and how much isk goes in and out of SOMER per auction. I used a freighter auction as an example - and clearly their promos and the auction of other items that have different exchange rates change the numbers slightly. I understand that. This is not meant to be presented as fact of how much SOMER has made, but just a thought experiment about what is possible when you deal with the magnitude of isk we are dealing with.

Okay, so a Freighter 'sells' for about 1.6 billion isk (16 x 100 mil tickets) and it cashes out for about 1.3 billion isk in prizes. So one way of looking at this is that SOMER sells 1.3 billion isk for 1.6 billion, managing 300 mil in profit.

So let's go to the auction/raffle:

So 8 GTC's are sold, each for 200 mil isk. Each of these 200 mil isk chunks is used to bid on a freighter. It can be by one, two, three, up to eight different people but the entire freighter is basically bid on with the 200 mil bonus isk. The winner takes the cash out. So of the 1.6 bil put into the tickets, he gets 1.3 bil and SOMER keeps 300 mil.

By the way, notice that at this point the bonus isk is laundered into real isk. Of course people who were smart realized that it was real isk all the time and so I didn't really need to point this out to you - right?

Anyway, back to our example:

As per my prior discussion, SOMER just sold 1.3 billion isk for the cash received for 8 GTC referrals, which I am told is about $1.75 each. This is about 14 dollars for the entire freighter, or 10 dollars per billion isk. Not much at all, not considering PLEX go for about 500 mil (a little low but keeps math easy) for 17 dollars or 34 dollars per bil.

Now, note that SOMER claims on their website to have paid out 1.3 quadrillion isk. The freighter is a 1.3 billion isk payout, so let's just assume SOMER only raffles off freighters. Odd assumption, but since we are dealing in orders of magnitude it can still be used to illustrate how much cash comes into play.

If SOMER stuck with freighters, that means that for the 1.3 quadrillion isk paid out, they have taken in 1.6 quadrillion.

This means SOMER, in the paying out of that 1.3 quadrillion has made approximately 300 trillion isk in profits. Let's assume they only keep 1/3 of it, and pay out the rest to employees and in 'advertising' by sponsoring stuff, and other overhead.

That's 100 trillion isk in profit. At 10 dollars per billion, that is worth $1,000,000.

Now let's assume that SOMER cashes out on 25% of that, and uses the rest to keep their lottery solvent.

That's $250,000 in isk, or for SOMER 25 trillion isk.


If SOMER sells 25 trillion isk, then that's 25 trillion isk in PLEX that you DO NOT sell. I am assuming that the 200 mil credit doesn't create GTC sales mind you - and that it only encourages people to buy from SOMER. Some have taken issue with this, but I think based on human behavior, I have at least some validity to my argument. And you've explained in your own blogs if I recall, how RMT'ing takes money from the game developer. This is especially true when the only real way to buy isk legally is through CCP.

Anyway, 25 trillion isk.

500 million isk per plex.

50,000 PLEX.

That's $850,000 NOT paid to CCP to buy isk. SOMER makes $250,000. CCP loses $850,000. And that's only if they cash out on 1/4th of 1/3rd of what I estimate their profit to be.

Once again - I don't attest that these are actual numbers. And I admit that the profit has to occur over a long time because someone has to actually BUY the GTC... so it could take years to cash out at this magnitude, but as SOMER grows it will certainly be easier and quicker for them to generate cash.

This is just a little thought experiment about the magnitude of money we are dealing with.

And I don't really care if CCP buys it. It is not really my job to convince them. However, it raises enough questions that in my mind, for your devs to sit there and extol the virtues of a business that honestly gives nothing of substance to the community, and has the potential to cash out of EVE for over 3 million dollars and who potentially can deprive you of millions in PLEX sales...

For you to not see the risk in calling such an entity 100% trustworthy...

For you to not see the problems with developing a conflict of interest with such an entity...

And for your devs to once again start spewing nonsense about how in their "opinion" this is all okay...

Is honestly (and forgive me) about the single stupidest thing I've ever seen a business and its employees do...

It's crisis management 101 - and you are failing at it.

Every crisis needs a leader - a leader with clarity of thought and vision, a leader who quiets the room, takes charge, makes prompt clear headed decisions and ensures a consistent message and tone. Who is that leader at CCP?

Because the message is muddled, the decisions are dragged out and choices have seemed far from clear headed.

I wish CCP the best in sorting this out. I hope they choose wisely.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#1082 - 2013-10-18 23:21:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Rammix wrote:

Stop pretending that all capital infrastructure was built only because people donated isk buying plex's.

Not "donated ISK buying PLEXes" but "RL purchased ISK well before PLEXes even existed, and then switched over PLEXes as medium once they became available".

See, you can't deny what I have first hand experience of. I and my alts have been in multiple 0.0 corps / alliances, some of them were very hard working in their SRP (ships replacement program) and would impose us both regular and long week end "corp ops" aimed at grinding ISK (missioning, mining and so on) for the SRP. SRP limited to subcaps.

Others, instead, had caps SRP and nobody did any effort, there were "sister corps" or "pets" who magically made more ISK than all of us together.

Anyone who has been around in EvE enough has seen this or something similar to this.
Furthermore, before Darius Johnson got hired, RMT was blatant, smack in the face and tolerated in a VERY similar way to Somer is today.
Also, why did he leave? Among other things, because he found out that all his effort was futile because the connivence with cheaters just got raised the bar some notch up by his work at securing EvE but was anywhere close to go away?

Rammix wrote:

If capital ships are being built it means tonns of resources are being gathered making stable network of resources. And it also means a lot of people are involved in the industry. The industry is just stable and is working as a well-maintained system. With donations of plex or without them - in any case the industry would have reached the needed level of complexity and effectiveness to build capital ships in big amounts. It's absolutely natural. Any efforts to stop or narrow that would be strongly artificial.

Too bad all you said is false. Before ultra-massive ISK faucets got implemented (i.e. pre-nerf L4, pre-nerf incursions) industry had many years to settle down and move up to be a "well maintained system". More years than some other MMOs whole life spans. Yet those Titan and SC BPOs and all those station eggs were though nuggets to swallow.

It's been unnatural pre-nerf ISK faucets coupled with ample funds credit cards that this "industrial miracle" happened.

Rammix wrote:

I don't know Bronx, I'm not an american. You know, people don't have to be familiar with your local memes.

I am not American either, I just happen to not live inside a cavern. Which you seem to do about this but also EvE's RMT foundations.

Rammix wrote:

"relative anarchy of immortal capsuleers", it's either ok for you, or you chose a wrong game to play. That simple. And noone is forcing anybody to play with "a**holes", a pilot can choose people to have fun with. The universe is big enough.

Apparently CCP proves you wrong. After enough years of this behavior, they enforced no-harassment policies exactly on the first choice victims of this "immorality". Newbie systems are now enforced off limits for those kind of people to apply their undesiderable practices. And this, exactly because a large part of players took yoru suggestion by the letter and quit EvE within 2 weeks after trying it. And this hurted CCP's bottom line a lot.

Rammix wrote:

Calling plex-trade an RMT and stopping it is like cutting off one's head...

I stop because PLEX ARE PURE RMT. They are the main sanctioned CCP RMT, a RMT done by themselves. But it's still RMT and it's why I refuse to pay my subs with PLEX: it's cheating, just legitimate by the Maker but still RMT. Also it's a smart RMT made by CCP to uproot and defeat the former RMTers who just sold ISK for $$$.

They did not squash "classic" RMT, they made it less and less convenient by providing for the "officially sanctioned way to RMT". And then replaced those ISK sellers with their own version. Yet, at the roots, it's still RMT: people pay $$$ for PLEX and sell it on the EvE markets for ISK. It does not get a lot simpler than this.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#1083 - 2013-10-18 23:21:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Rammix wrote:

Banking system cannot work on trust, without state and government. And for all of it there must be instruments ingame available to capsuleers so that they could create administative autonomy.

I have to correct you, again.

You keep imagining banks are some sort of minority whims, while they have been very popular.
What in the end killed EvE banking is exactly tied to my talks above.

They did not die just because of the egregious scams and fu*k ups. They also died because in the end thanks to the innatural ultra massive ISK faucets their debtors stopped caring to go the extra mile to get 1-2B worth of loans. 1 day of Incursions => done. Same for their tellers (always a very scarce resource in those banks): they stopped caring to teller, they could grind some faucets and get in a day what they'd make in a long, thankless week as teller. Banks could not afford raising their pay because that was incompatible with their revenue.

The same destiny made obsolete other meta-professions. After years as auditor, I stopped doing it. Earning 50M for 10-14 hours of work? And put reputation on the line at every audit? NO WAY.
These days I refuse to move a finger for below 500M and people pay it because now the economy has been flooded and corrupted by too long lasting ISK fountains and also by RMT capitalizing on those.

Rammix wrote:

People don't go to banks because they trust them, they go there because they trust the government and its ability to maintain law. Also banks don't give money to people out of trust, banks rely on the law

CCP implemented scam limitations - both "mechanical" and policy based - on a number of EvE activities (policies on donations and characters selling come immediately to mind). CCP are already "the government", including ECB (EvE Central Bank). The opt in trustworthiness can be implemented by few lines of EULA (i.e. all those opting in are held completely accountable i.e. about scamming for period A to B (stated in advance, periods visible in the bio) and all their accounts will be perma banned if they scam. Furthermore only accounts owned for more than 3 years may be eligible for this. So they face a real loss in case of opted in policy breach.

This does not require any special "government" or "change in EvE's free morality foundations" and so on.
#1084 - 2013-10-19 06:57:08 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Not "donated ISK buying PLEXes" but "RL purchased ISK well before PLEXes even existed, and then switched over PLEXes as medium once they became available".

See, you can't deny what I have first hand experience of. I and my alts have been in multiple 0.0 corps / alliances, some of them were very hard working in their SRP (ships replacement program) and would impose us both regular and long week end "corp ops" aimed at grinding ISK (missioning, mining and so on) for the SRP. SRP limited to subcaps.

Others, instead, had caps SRP and nobody did any effort, there were "sister corps" or "pets" who magically made more ISK than all of us together.

Anyone who has been around in EvE enough has seen this or something similar to this.
Furthermore, before Darius Johnson got hired, RMT was blatant, smack in the face and tolerated in a VERY similar way to Somer is today.
Also, why did he leave? Among other things, because he found out that all his effort was futile because the connivence with cheaters just got raised the bar some notch up by his work at securing EvE but was anywhere close to go away?

You can't seriously say that plex-s are all bad. You ignored that part where I said that some people grind and other make events and content, and those people exchange time for isk via plex trade. It's a positive thing.
Unlike some other games, here no matter how much RL money you "invest" in plex it can blow away in a few moments. It's a (relatively) healthy thing.
Plex brings more interesting and positive opportunities for eve in general than it brings the negative.
Existence and wide availability of capitals - is a GOOD thing, because it gives access to "high end" content to more people, and involve more people to advanced types of battles.
If plex gave a strong push to the industry - it's also a good thing. Otherwise it would be moving on slowly like a turtle.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Too bad all you said is false. Before ultra-massive ISK faucets got implemented (i.e. pre-nerf L4, pre-nerf incursions) industry had many years to settle down and move up to be a "well maintained system". More years than some other MMOs whole life spans. Yet those Titan and SC BPOs and all those station eggs were though nuggets to swallow.

It's been unnatural pre-nerf ISK faucets coupled with ample funds credit cards that this "industrial miracle" happened.

No matter the role of plex, for all that infrastructure to work there HAS to be some people gathering resources, and some people organizing all the infrastructure and keeping it effective. You can't just pay npcs to gather ores and organize the whole industry including logistics.
Botting is a known problem and it must be dealt with. It's the root of the problem, not plex.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I am not American either, I just happen to not live inside a cavern. Which you seem to do about this but also EvE's RMT foundations.

Don't bend my words. I meant it was very strange to wait that somebody would understand some totally local meme.
I don't do RMT and I don't have to know anything about it unless it comes to surface. I'm here not to "fight" with or against ccp, I'm here to just write my opinion and read some others.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Apparently CCP proves you wrong. After enough years of this behavior, they enforced no-harassment policies exactly on the first choice victims of this "immorality". Newbie systems are now enforced off limits for those kind of people to apply their undesiderable practices. And this, exactly because a large part of players took yoru suggestion by the letter and quit EvE within 2 weeks after trying it. And this hurted CCP's bottom line a lot.

No, it does not. Intentional harrasment of newbies and just being scum with all other experienced players - are totally not the same.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

I stop because PLEX ARE PURE RMT. They are the main sanctioned CCP RMT, a RMT done by themselves. But it's still RMT and it's why I refuse to pay my subs with PLEX: it's cheating, just legitimate by the Maker but still RMT. Also it's a smart RMT made by CCP to uproot and defeat the former RMTers who just sold ISK for $$$.

They did not squash "classic" RMT, they made it less and less convenient by providing for the "officially sanctioned way to RMT". And then replaced those ISK sellers with their own version. Yet, at the roots, it's still RMT: people pay $$$ for PLEX and sell it on the EvE markets for ISK. It does not get a lot simpler than this.

If people buy plex for real money and sell it on the market ingame, it means other people buy it. If plex weren't used to pay for subscriptions its price would be falling down endlessly. But people use plex. It means some people grind isk to buy plex. And other people instead of spending their time for grinding spend it to create events and maintain activity.
As I've already said, plex is just an instrument for people to exchange time for money and vice versa. Without plex EVERYBODY would have to grind and there would be much much less fun and activity.

I see you like demagogy very much.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

#1085 - 2013-10-19 06:57:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Rammix
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Rammix wrote:

Banking system cannot work on trust, without state and government. And for all of it there must be instruments ingame available to capsuleers so that they could create administative autonomy.

I have to correct you, again.

You keep imagining banks are some sort of minority whims, while they have been very popular.
What in the end killed EvE banking is exactly tied to my talks above.

They did not die just because of the egregious scams and fu*k ups. They also died because in the end thanks to the innatural ultra massive ISK faucets their debtors stopped caring to go the extra mile to get 1-2B worth of loans. 1 day of Incursions => done. Same for their tellers (always a very scarce resource in those banks): they stopped caring to teller, they could grind some faucets and get in a day what they'd make in a long, thankless week as teller. Banks could not afford raising their pay because that was incompatible with their revenue.

The same destiny made obsolete other meta-professions. After years as auditor, I stopped doing it. Earning 50M for 10-14 hours of work? And put reputation on the line at every audit? NO WAY.
These days I refuse to move a finger for below 500M and people pay it because now the economy has been flooded and corrupted by too long lasting ISK fountains and also by RMT capitalizing on those.

Then the banks in eve were never really alive. "Real" banks would be able to hire people, to provide all spectre of services and still make enough money to pay good salaries plus high profits for the owners.
The reason - no trust. People en masse won't trust banks if nobody can guarantee that they won't be robbed. And banks can't give out credits to people because nothing can get their money back if a client decides to keep the money.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Rammix wrote:

People don't go to banks because they trust them, they go there because they trust the government and its ability to maintain law. Also banks don't give money to people out of trust, banks rely on the law

CCP implemented scam limitations - both "mechanical" and policy based - on a number of EvE activities (policies on donations and characters selling come immediately to mind). CCP are already "the government", including ECB (EvE Central Bank). The opt in trustworthiness can be implemented by few lines of EULA (i.e. all those opting in are held completely accountable i.e. about scamming for period A to B (stated in advance, periods visible in the bio) and all their accounts will be perma banned if they scam. Furthermore only accounts owned for more than 3 years may be eligible for this. So they face a real loss in case of opted in policy breach.

This does not require any special "government" or "change in EvE's free morality foundations" and so on.

If ccp will overwatch all the deals and guarantee flawless work of crediting system - it will be nothing like a sandbox. It will be a damn kindergarden for 25+ year old capsuleers. In a "harsh and dark place" like New Eden, pfff.
In eve such things must be operated by capsuleers, not the "godly hand" of ccp. Who would want to play Eve in which players can't make their own rules and break rules of other people? Ability to create and break is essential here.

Also, really working banks would provide so much power to the owners that they could manipulate nullsec politics, and such power always draws attention of people. If "banking game" in eve wasn't interesting above few billions of profit, it wasn't working as it should. And there is an obvious reason - absence of law. And in a sandbox game it's very difficult to create sandbox-style instruments to make and maintain law. That's what I was talking about earlier.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Epic Ganking Time
#1086 - 2013-10-19 07:54:02 UTC

What are you talking about LCO? That is a minor forum thread and it contains one of the best marketing charts EvE has! Those who are super serial about their game love that chart. Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#1087 - 2013-10-19 09:15:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Rammix wrote:

You can't seriously say that plex-s are all bad. You ignored that part where I said that some people grind and other make events and content, and those people exchange time for isk via plex trade. It's a positive thing.
Unlike some other games, here no matter how much RL money you "invest" in plex it can blow away in a few moments. It's a (relatively) healthy thing.
Plex brings more interesting and positive opportunities for eve in general than it brings the negative.
Existence and wide availability of capitals - is a GOOD thing, because it gives access to "high end" content to more people, and involve more people to advanced types of battles.
If plex gave a strong push to the industry - it's also a good thing. Otherwise it would be moving on slowly like a turtle.

A credit card bought titan is as bad as a PLEX bought titan.

I can also say that 2010 L4 missioning and then incursions running were really a lot of fun and positive and fostered production and investments. Incursions I can say they fostered human relations etc. etc.

Yet they were nerfed a ton (and too late).

The ability to $$$ purchase the way to null sec competitivity might look fair and positive to you but it's not. Said by someone who could buy his personal fleet of supercaps (i.e. it's not an "have not rant").

Rammix wrote:
No matter the role of plex, for all that infrastructure to work there HAS to be some people gathering resources, and some people organizing all the infrastructure and keeping it effective. You can't just pay npcs to gather ores and organize the whole industry including logistics.
Botting is a known problem and it must be dealt with. It's the root of the problem, not plex.

No, the root of the problem is being able to purchase competitivity and advantage.
Which is REALLY the topic of the threads created in these days, including this one.

People just don't place Somer and other forms of sanctioned RMT on the same level, expecially as sanctioned RMT make them accomplices to a RL money driven environment that helps the smarter ones "pay for free" (despite the others $$$ buying PLEX pay more than subbing).

Rammix wrote:
Don't bend my words. I meant it was very strange to wait that somebody would understand some totally local meme.

A city quarter is not a meme. And using Google is not beyond EvE general player's capability.

Rammix wrote:

No, it does not. Intentional harrasment of newbies and just being scum with all other experienced players - are totally not the same.

Creating these policies is a testament to recognizing that many potential EvE players are not available to stand those villains. CCP tones them down in hope those new players will learn and enjoy enough of the game to keep playing it *despite* those scums. Which in turn proves that:

- the villains are not positive to the game, not a "great experience" or an asset. Otherwise CCP would not ban them from those areas. They "prepare" new players to stand those villains later, that's hardly a testament to how those villains are positive for the game.

- that my earlier writing about SC players asking for SC to be different vs EvE in this point has a sense.

Rammix wrote:
If people buy plex for real money and sell it on the market ingame, it means other people buy it. If plex weren't used to pay for subscriptions its price would be falling down endlessly. But people use plex. It means some people grind isk to buy plex. And other people instead of spending their time for grinding spend it to create events and maintain activity.
As I've already said, plex is just an instrument for people to exchange time for money and vice versa. Without plex EVERYBODY would have to grind and there would be much much less fun and activity.

I see you like demagogy very much.

No, you are the one going the easy way and people even liked some of your posts.
You are embellishing the popular choice: buy PLEX, talk about how good super-blob-caps are and so on.

I, as usual, am going against the current and think outside of the herd.

A portion of the "some people grind ISK" consist of botters and RMTers.
A "just an instrument for people to exchange time for money" IS RMT.
Time is the scarcest and most expensive commodity in the world (not gold, not diamonds) and buying massive time shortcuts is a GREAT imbalance in a sandbox compeititve game. Be it sanctioned by CCP or not.

Imagine this: a guy diligently playing will take 3-4 years to get into his first titan and will shake at the very thought of losing it (thus also somewhat dictating a prudent game play).

A RMTer or even just one of many "new riches" will buy both a titan pilot and ship and does not even grow attached to them. Sure losing it stings but hey, they can afford it without "wasting time" (the real reason MMOs companies exist: make people pay for a long time with long term objectives). His gameplay will be more aggressive and showoff.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#1088 - 2013-10-19 09:21:44 UTC
Rammix wrote:

Then the banks in eve were never really alive. "Real" banks would be able to hire people, to provide all spectre of services and still make enough money to pay good salaries plus high profits for the owners.

EvE banks were alive and popular. This back when putting together the money for a carrier / dread was a sensible effort.

ISK faucets made them redundant and obsolete as the vast majority of the bank business were in the order of hundreds of millions.
The whole net assets value of the largest bank was like 1.5T.
Consider how thanks to ISK abundancy, 1.5T is what these days a single veteran player owns all by himself.

Proving my point: Which banks survived? BMBE and large investment vehicles like Grendell or me. Because we can efficiently deal with very few (read: easy tellering) but large transactions. "Large" is the keyword of the post 2010, money inflated EvE.

Rammix wrote:

If ccp will overwatch all the deals and guarantee flawless work of crediting system - it will be nothing like a sandbox. It will be a damn kindergarden for 25+ year old capsuleers. In a "harsh and dark place" like New Eden, pfff.
In eve such things must be operated by capsuleers, not the "godly hand" of ccp. Who would want to play Eve in which players can't make their own rules and break rules of other people? Ability to create and break is essential here.

EvE is a kindergarden for 25+ olds, because:

- those who want to play "simple and basic" (pew pew, mission etc.) get their content.
- those who after 10 years want to "go beyond" don't. EvE is clamped down to its basic level, wannabe advanced players can't push the sandbox into new directions, the sandbox walls really appear as the kindergarden doors.

Rammix wrote:

Also, really working banks would provide so much power to the owners that they could manipulate nullsec politics, and such power always draws attention of people.

I'd rather prefer working banks with political influence (like in RL, it's nothing incredible there) than RMT alliances having political influence, SOV and affect null sec politics.
If anything else, the former are legit sandbox byproducts, the latter I don't want to see them back again.
Konrad Kane
#1089 - 2013-10-19 09:48:09 UTC
I'm really kicking myself for not investing in popcorn last week.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#1090 - 2013-10-19 11:28:04 UTC
Not good enough, this is even worst then T20, stop messing with the sandbox.

Even if you give away more of this ships, their price will be much lower, just delete the scorpions and don't do this again.

The Tears Must Flow

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#1091 - 2013-10-19 13:47:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Vaju Enki wrote:
Not good enough, this is even worst then T20, stop messing with the sandbox.

Even if you give away more of this ships, their price will be much lower, just delete the scorpions and don't do this again.

Yes, CCP please prove us that you are still worth of our trust.

Prove to be the greatest MMO company out there: a company that can admit a mistake, take their responsibility and work towards mending it.

If so, you CCP would leave this situation stronger in our eyes than before you put yourself in this mess.
Tina Tin Tits
#1092 - 2013-10-19 15:15:01 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Yes, CCP please prove us that you are still worth of our trust.

Prove to be the greatest MMO company out there: a company that can admit a mistake, take their responsibility and work towards mending it.

If so, you CCP would leave this situation stronger in our eyes than before you put yourself in this mess.

I think they have pretty much already proven the opposite.

You don't think it's already too late to come out of this looking good?
Shai 'Hulud
#1093 - 2013-10-19 16:13:49 UTC
I think I finally understand what this "gray area" is. It's the area that only SOMER and other affiliates may inhabit. It's the part of the EULA that does not apply to them like it does to us.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Kate stark
#1094 - 2013-10-19 16:16:50 UTC
Tina Tin **** wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Yes, CCP please prove us that you are still worth of our trust.

Prove to be the greatest MMO company out there: a company that can admit a mistake, take their responsibility and work towards mending it.

If so, you CCP would leave this situation stronger in our eyes than before you put yourself in this mess.

I think they have pretty much already proven the opposite.

You don't think it's already too late to come out of this looking good?


Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Shai 'Hulud
#1095 - 2013-10-19 16:35:16 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
Tina Tin **** wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Yes, CCP please prove us that you are still worth of our trust.

Prove to be the greatest MMO company out there: a company that can admit a mistake, take their responsibility and work towards mending it.

If so, you CCP would leave this situation stronger in our eyes than before you put yourself in this mess.

I think they have pretty much already proven the opposite.

You don't think it's already too late to come out of this looking good?


I actually agree. There are steps CCP could take now that would indicate they realize the gravity of the situation, and they are serious about fixing it.

But, unfortunately, I have seen absolutely no indication that this is, or will be, the case. Their efforts thus far have been to preserve their ability to repeat the mistakes and to downplay what has already happened. All while displaying continued favoritism by allowing SOMER to do an RMT process that others have been threatened with bans for attempting.

Something like "We realize we broke the sandbox, and we want to do whatever we have to do to fix it."

From the responses we have been getting, I'm not sure many of the CCP employees even know what a sandbox game is...

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Tina Tin Tits
#1096 - 2013-10-19 17:30:02 UTC
Shai 'Hulud wrote:

But, unfortunately, I have seen absolutely no indication that this is, or will be, the case. Their efforts thus far have been to preserve their ability to repeat the mistakes and to downplay what has already happened. All while displaying continued favoritism by allowing SOMER to do an RMT process that others have been threatened with bans for attempting.

Exactly - they appear to be trying very hard to hang on to the grey area...

Which is why I think it is already too late...
Frying Doom
#1097 - 2013-10-19 21:25:34 UTC
Tina Tin **** wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Yes, CCP please prove us that you are still worth of our trust.

Prove to be the greatest MMO company out there: a company that can admit a mistake, take their responsibility and work towards mending it.

If so, you CCP would leave this situation stronger in our eyes than before you put yourself in this mess.

I think they have pretty much already proven the opposite.

You don't think it's already too late to come out of this looking good?

Personally I think they could unbury them selves by proving that they are still an unbiased provider.

I think the other thing they are forgetting is that this is no a free to play game where this sort of thing might slide better, we pay for this game and I don't think people will continue to want to if they show that it is one rule for most people and a different set of rules for others.

Personally I think too much will be put on this survey as if it comes back with results that say "The community has said Somer can keep getting billions of isk in gifts and continue to RMT" then people will just call bull on the whole thing and CCP can hardly argue as to why the results are correct as they have already shown their favoritism and the fact they will bend the rules for Somer Blink.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Real money traders
#1098 - 2013-10-19 21:41:10 UTC  |  Edited by: DarkDecay
Frying Doom wrote:
Personally I think too much will be put on this survey as if it comes back with results that say "The community has said Somer can keep getting billions of isk in gifts and continue to RMT" then people will just call bull on the whole thing and CCP can hardly argue as to why the results are correct as they have already shown their favoritism and the fact they will bend the rules for Somer Blink.

I think a truly independent survey company would be needed here as lets face it CCP and trust just dont seem to go together now.
Frying Doom
#1099 - 2013-10-19 23:04:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
DarkDecay wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Personally I think too much will be put on this survey as if it comes back with results that say "The community has said Somer can keep getting billions of isk in gifts and continue to RMT" then people will just call bull on the whole thing and CCP can hardly argue as to why the results are correct as they have already shown their favoritism and the fact they will bend the rules for Somer Blink.

I think a truly independent survey company would be needed here as lets face it CCP and trust just dont seem to go together now.

The shame is that after the Incarna disaster they were starting to earn back the trust of the players. Sure their customer service skills make telephone companies look good by comparison but the trust was coming back.

And then they once again threw it all away, and frankly for what? Money, the increased sales of GTCs. So once again we are back to the whole greed is good thing.

What strikes me is odd is that they haven't realized that improving their customer service and showing them selves to be a trust worthy company, keeping the promises they make to its paying customers (or just not making stupid announcements) would actually get them more money in the end than these 'Get rich quick schemes"

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

#1100 - 2013-10-19 23:06:48 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:


You completely ignore the essential parts you can't counter. Like positive sides of plex which are not "insignificant".

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

A city quarter is not a meme. And using Google is not beyond EvE general player's capability.

Why should I know anything about a city district (it's in New York, right?)? Or you think all the world should know about it? And why would I google some local thing? If Bronx were a world-wide significant cultural or historical thing probably it would deserve being known and it's memes being known, otherwise it's just a place.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Creating these policies is a testament to recognizing that many potential EvE players are not available to stand those villains. CCP tones them down in hope those new players will learn and enjoy enough of the game to keep playing it *despite* those scums. Which in turn proves that:

- the villains are not positive to the game, not a "great experience" or an asset. Otherwise CCP would not ban them from those areas. They "prepare" new players to stand those villains later, that's hardly a testament to how those villains are positive for the game.

- that my earlier writing about SC players asking for SC to be different vs EvE in this point has a sense.

Eve is created as a "dark and cruel universe". Presence of "bad people" just fits in it.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Rammix wrote:
If people buy plex for real money and sell it on the market ingame, it means other people buy it. If plex weren't used to pay for subscriptions its price would be falling down endlessly. But people use plex. It means some people grind isk to buy plex. And other people instead of spending their time for grinding spend it to create events and maintain activity.
As I've already said, plex is just an instrument for people to exchange time for money and vice versa. Without plex EVERYBODY would have to grind and there would be much much less fun and activity.

I see you like demagogy very much.

No, you are the one going the easy way and people even liked some of your posts.
You are embellishing the popular choice: buy PLEX, talk about how good super-blob-caps are and so on.

I, as usual, am going against the current and think outside of the herd.

A portion of the "some people grind ISK" consist of botters and RMTers.
A "just an instrument for people to exchange time for money" IS RMT.
Time is the scarcest and most expensive commodity in the world (not gold, not diamonds) and buying massive time shortcuts is a GREAT imbalance in a sandbox compeititve game. Be it sanctioned by CCP or not.

Imagine this: a guy diligently playing will take 3-4 years to get into his first titan and will shake at the very thought of losing it (thus also somewhat dictating a prudent game play).

A RMTer or even just one of many "new riches" will buy both a titan pilot and ship and does not even grow attached to them. Sure losing it stings but hey, they can afford it without "wasting time" (the real reason MMOs companies exist: make people pay for a long time with long term objectives). His gameplay will be more aggressive and showoff.

If you're suggesting to remove or strongly restrict access to the capitals I cannot agree with you. Supercapitals - maybe should become more difficult to build/get, but not capitals.
If ccp wins against botting it will solve most of the "too many capitals" problem. And if ccp completely (or almost completely) ends all illegal rmt, it will also help.
"Afford a titan without wasting time"? Lol, its cost is rather significant even in RL money. If you lose that titan bought for real money in the next battle, you also lose (in a moment) precious time spent on your job in real world.
Illegal RMT and botting are interlaced, as you know: people use bots to grind isk to sell this isk for RL money, and people invest RL money to help their bots be more effective. Sort of a black market business. Remove bots and illegal rmt, and plex market won't be such a big "problem". Yes, it has its bad sides, but it also has significant good sides (I've mentioned already, more pvp activity and less grinding).

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