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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Cyber Chaos Crew
#1061 - 2013-10-18 20:10:17 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Money Makin Mitch wrote:

apparently he has to be an authorized wholesale reseller Roll

it's almost like they are making this **** up as they go along

Lol they clearly are. They f*cked up big time and the longer CCP lets this mess unfold the worse it will get.
Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1062 - 2013-10-18 20:11:51 UTC
You would think CCP saying, "We sent everyone on vacation before this and it was a mistake" would be a good indication they had learned their lesson, and as such the entire group wouldn't be MIA again for this. It's an exercise in futility!

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1063 - 2013-10-18 20:19:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
Anya Klibor wrote:
Unfortunately this gets worse before it gets better. And by "gets better" I mean "stops being a complete ****-up", not "we get it and can now play the game feeling tons better". Why is it CCP Dolan and CCP Phantom are coming and telling us about violations of the EULA/TOS, but miraculously can't validate why X is legal, when X+1 is the exact same thing but isn't legal?

Devs gone wild!

Seriously, so how much isk can I tack on as an incentive for buying GTC's?

For the record, SOMER is NOT an authorized reseller. He's running a referral program and is therefore exchanging isk for referrals, which he gets cash for.

I am curious how this fits into your model?
Sal Landry
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1064 - 2013-10-18 20:21:57 UTC
Anya Klibor wrote:
You would think CCP saying, "We sent everyone on vacation before this and it was a mistake" would be a good indication they had learned their lesson, and as such the entire group wouldn't be MIA again for this. It's an exercise in futility!

But why should they have to say anything? CCP Guard told us to wait a few months and maybe they'll get back to us.

CCP damage control at its finest.
Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#1065 - 2013-10-18 20:27:49 UTC
Sal Landry wrote:
Anya Klibor wrote:
You would think CCP saying, "We sent everyone on vacation before this and it was a mistake" would be a good indication they had learned their lesson, and as such the entire group wouldn't be MIA again for this. It's an exercise in futility!

But why should they have to say anything? CCP Guard told us to wait a few months and maybe they'll get back to us.

CCP damage control at its finest.

winter is coming Twisted
Real money traders
#1066 - 2013-10-18 20:29:45 UTC  |  Edited by: DarkDecay
Will need to give CCP the benefit of the doubt on the thread locks as both mine and Shai's were ongoing while DNS's was over and there was no need to lock it.

He did the same as me and Shai and used an official reseller to get the buyer his GTC.

We all used the somer defence of raffle and made up currency.

Where we differed was that he never seemed to ask for a massive $2500 for his GTC's and someone just offered it, while I set an actual price for the GTC of $105 instead of $35 that people could accept for a 'free' plex pack and Shai had $1000 for a gtc for a ship raffle.

This could be the other reason why the threads were locked or not?
Kate stark
#1067 - 2013-10-18 20:30:45 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Mordachai wrote:
A) Will the outcome of those surveys be presented to the public ?

B) How will people get to know about those surveys if they arent forum warriors ?
(maybe eve-mail the whole community like ccp did with the CSM voting)

C) Will the changes(if any) just come as a tiny fine print in the EULA that nobody reads or will it be announced so people will know about it?

A) The forum one, for sure. CCP's version, I hope so, but it's up to them.

B) We are working on getting some messaging on the forum version.

C) I'm sure it will be announced.

with regard to B) i suggest that everyone is sent an eve mail so nobody can claim ignorance.

i know it's possible because i had eve mails about the CSM election.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1068 - 2013-10-18 20:37:31 UTC
It is entirely obvious to me what the next logical course of action for CCP is...

In B4 DNSBlack gets offered a job.

Shai 'Hulud
#1069 - 2013-10-18 20:38:26 UTC
Argus Sorn wrote:
It is entirely obvious to me what the next logical course of action for CCP is...

In B4 DNSBlack gets offered a job.

And praised for his great community service...

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Kate stark
#1070 - 2013-10-18 20:41:17 UTC
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Argus Sorn wrote:
It is entirely obvious to me what the next logical course of action for CCP is...

In B4 DNSBlack gets offered a job.

And praised for his great community service...

"Dear DNSBlack,

We're sorry to inform you that we've run out of IW Scorpions.
However, we have a few jobs laying round.

Look forward to seeing you in Iceland.

Regards, CCP."

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1071 - 2013-10-18 20:41:55 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
DarkDecay wrote:
Will need to give CCP the benefit of the doubt on the thread locks as both mine and Shai's were ongoing while DNS's was over and there was no need to lock it.

He did the same as me and Shai and used an official reseller to get the buyer his GTC.

We all used the somer defence of raffle and made up currency.

Where we differed was that he never seemed to ask for a massive $2500 for his GTC's and someone just offered it, while I set an actual price for the GTC of $105 instead of $35 that people could accept for a 'free' plex pack and Shai had $1000 for a gtc for a ship raffle.

This could be the other reason why the threads were locked or not?

You are using the same raffle scheme Somer Blink uses, with the exception that you are offering an over-priced GTC and a raffle, instead of a referral to a "normally" priced GTC sold by the authorized reseller and a raffle.

You not being an authorized reseller might be a good reason but I'm not sure if they have rules to regulate the price an authorized reseller can ask for a GTC. If they don't he can sell it for whatever value he wants, or even sell it for "the official value" + addittional value under the table.
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1072 - 2013-10-18 20:47:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
raven666wings wrote:
DarkDecay wrote:
Will need to give CCP the benefit of the doubt on the thread locks as both mine and Shai's were ongoing while DNS's was over and there was no need to lock it.

He did the same as me and Shai and used an official reseller to get the buyer his GTC.

We all used the somer defence of raffle and made up currency.

Where we differed was that he never seemed to ask for a massive $2500 for his GTC's and someone just offered it, while I set an actual price for the GTC of $105 instead of $35 that people could accept for a 'free' plex pack and Shai had $1000 for a gtc for a ship raffle.

This could be the other reason why the threads were locked or not?

You are using the same raffle scheme Somer Blink uses, with the exception that you are offering an over-priced GTC and a raffle, instead of offering a referral to a "normally" priced GTC sold by the authorized reseller and a raffle.

You not being an authorized reseller might be a good reason but I'm not sure if they have rules to regulate the price an authorized reseller can ask for a GTC. If they don't he can sell it for whatever value he wants.

SOMER is not a reseller. They work with an authorized reseller. I am not saying that there is complete parity between SOMER and our various sellers, but yeah... just something to remember.

All resellers I have seen have the price at $34.99. That could be a requirement. It should be - in order to prevent crazy competition between resellers. It's bad business to allow your agents to undercut eachother, no one will want to be your agent then.

But if that is the case, why allow them to compete/undercut by offering isk bonuss instead?
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1073 - 2013-10-18 20:50:41 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Argus Sorn wrote:

SOMER is not a reseller. They work with an authorized reseller.

All resellers I have seen have the price at $34.99. But why require all resellers to use the same price if you are going to allow them to compete against one another in the first place (by offering isk)?

Yeah right, they offer the "referral to the authorized reseller" and a raffle. That's what I wrote in last post. Shai and Dark could do the same (offer a referral to an authorized reseller sale).

Argus Sorn wrote:
That could be a requirement. It should be - in order to prevent crazy competition between resellers. It's bad business to allow your agents to undercut eachother, no one will want to be your agent then.

But if that is the case, why allow them to compete/undercut by offering isk bonuss instead?

Shai and Dark could offer the same raffles and a GTC referall to an authorized seller. The authorized seller sells the normally priced GTC and the buyer gives them rest of the money under the table.
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1074 - 2013-10-18 20:52:26 UTC
I know you do m8.

#1075 - 2013-10-18 20:59:56 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

1 - Capital blobs are a realistic result of ultra-massive RMT brought to the extreme. Stop pretending it's because of legit effort, this very thread shows the situation, the (too) smart players and a company that closes one eye including vs null sec RMT corps.
2 - What do those types of scum add to the game? It's like going to old Bronx and saying: "all those dog piles help keeping the awesome ambience!"
3 - See point 1. I want to see the same guys happily losing 47B worth of capital ships (just to talk about a recent battle) without blinking, without support from RMT ISK.
4 - It's unlikely SC will have realistic physics. But it'll implement enough to not appear to be a double clicks driven submarine sim. When playing skilled of course, for all the others there's Masterca... ehm Orbit at nn meters.
5 - It certainly does not apply to SC "EvE dissenters". SC is going to be identically "open ended", in fact it's close to EvE's basic principles enough, for a lot of EvE players to watch it closely.

Stop pretending that all capital infrastructure was built only because people donated isk buying plex's.
If capital ships are being built it means tonns of resources are being gathered making stable network of resources. And it also means a lot of people are involved in the industry. The industry is just stable and is working as a well-maintained system. With donations of plex or without them - in any case the industry would have reached the needed level of complexity and effectiveness to build capital ships in big amounts. It's absolutely natural. Any efforts to stop or narrow that would be strongly artificial.

I don't know Bronx, I'm not an american. You know, people don't have to be familiar with your local memes.
The very PRESENCE of scum makes a game more realistic. Those who can't or don't want to just deal with it - may go to a sweet, little-girl-ish game where people are all nice to each other.

Trade means deals going both ways. Legal donations (sic!) do not suit to the "RMT" term, because they go in but never go out of the game. And Plex btw does not produce ISK, it just stands for an exchange medium on the market. In other words, ISK just change hands without producing anything: some people spend their time to create ingame content and events, other people spend time grinding isk; then they "meet" on the market and there happens exchange of time for money (sort of a salary, in an unusual way). The game benefits from it.

Oh, I've looked at what is SC looking like. There is almost nothing to donate for yet, but I already see an incredible hunger for donations.
Eve is not a "submarine sim". I thought it was obvious.

I, for example, looked at it because I wanted a modern space MMO with manual piloting, i.e. space-fight simulator like "Dark Horizon" but in MMO genre.
And for me SC is not an option anymore.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Others seem to mind, maybe because sitting with utter a*holes does not immediately feel like it's a big value addition to the game.

"relative anarchy of immortal capsuleers", it's either ok for you, or you chose a wrong game to play. That simple. And noone is forcing anybody to play with "a**holes", a pilot can choose people to have fun with. The universe is big enough.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

What did not exist years ago was PLEX (officially supported RMT). PLEX is a perfect ISK exchange machine (aka wallet segregation breaker or ISK velocity increaser) that lets heavy ISK faucets grinders meet heavy ISK consumers (null sec alliances). Too often the ISK faucet grinders are botters and RMTers. The can buy thousands of PLEXes with dirty ISK and launder it as they place them for sale at convenient prices.

Calling plex-trade an RMT and stopping it is like cutting off one's head because of a headache. Cure headache - in this case it's botting and selling ISK on ebay or wherever - no need to lose the whole head.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

It's a sandbox game, meant to provide us tools to plan and draw our own life plots. If I want to become a trusted service I should be allowed access to *opt in* tools to certify the goodwill. That is self imposed policies and restrictions. A personal choice that lets other people think: "that guy gave up on impunity, he has to behave, we can trust his services".

Now, I personally don't have many issues, if you check the MD forum you will see I got even > 100B ISK just on my word but the game can't be designed around me, Chribba, Grendell and an handful others. Self imposed, opted in trustworthiness should be just another of the plethora of tools this game makes available to us.

Banking system cannot work on trust, without state and government. And for all of it there must be instruments ingame available to capsuleers so that they could create administative autonomy.
If you decide one day to use people's trust and start scamming them nothing can stop you and there is no way to punish you. And you're still talking about banking based on trust. Banks and law (law = government, police, courts) are inseparable. People don't go to banks because they trust them, they go there because they trust the government and its ability to maintain law. Also banks don't give money to people out of trust, banks rely on the law (read: government) and that the state can make people return money back (at least in most cases, enough to make bank's business highly profitable).
How do you imagine tools which would give players ability to:
1. Write constitution, laws.
2. Make courts, police.
3. Make the punishment for crime at least relatively inevitable.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

#1076 - 2013-10-18 21:00:21 UTC
Any set of constitution+laws is based on some ideology. If CCP someday decide to implement all things mentioned higher they either will have to force their ideals upon all the multinational and multicultural playerbase, and thus turn all of New Eden into something like empire space, or give the capsuleers instruments to "construct" from scratch their own governments. The first is awful for eve and the last is incredibly difficult.
Hence, banking system won't be introduced to eve in the near future.
Also, many people would hate seeing banks in their favourite game.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Also I find it peculiar to call "parasite" somebody who has to manually process ALL the withdrawal tellering process, person by person, transaction by transaction, and also pay interests to the account holders on top of it.

Banks don't do it for free. They get inadequately high profits, all the money tend to flow into banks (because of usury) and that makes banks the main cause of inflation. I mean IRL. Introduce banks to eve, allow them to lend at interest and inflation in eve's economy will like jump up.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

#1077 - 2013-10-18 21:09:01 UTC
Rammix wrote:
People don't go to banks because they trust them, they go there because they trust the government and its ability to maintain law. Also banks don't give money to people out of trust, banks rely on the law

Had to quote myself, sorry.
For the situation with SOMER this means that ccp is like a government whom the players believe, but if someday SOMER or similar "trust based" organization turns into a huge scam it will be "game mechanics" and I doubt ccp will punish them for that.
So ccp shouldn't show their trust to any ingame business organization unless they can guarantee for 100% that this won't ever turn into scam.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Real money traders
#1078 - 2013-10-18 21:18:41 UTC
Just popping in to say that I am still getting emails about people wanting to buy plex and isk for $$$.

If it had been a serious venture by me, and not just a giant **** you to ccp, then I think I could have sold, er 'raffled', maybe $3k worth in the last day. Seems like peeps love a bargain.

If someone did want to legitimately cash out then becoming a GTC reseller and giving a bigger bonus than somer or the other rmt'ers is the way to do it.

Shai 'Hulud
#1079 - 2013-10-18 22:18:03 UTC
DarkDecay wrote:
Just popping in to say that I am still getting emails about people wanting to buy plex and isk for $$$.

If it had been a serious venture by me, and not just a giant **** you to ccp, then I think I could have sold, er 'raffled', maybe $3k worth in the last day. Seems like peeps love a bargain.

If someone did want to legitimately cash out then becoming a GTC reseller and giving a bigger bonus than somer or the other rmt'ers is the way to do it.

My thread was very serious. I'm not sure why I am not being allowed to do what SOMER is doing?

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Large Collidable Object
#1080 - 2013-10-18 23:08:29 UTC
For CCPs consideration concerning bad press about recent events.
You know... [morons.](