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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Cyber Chaos Crew
#881 - 2013-10-17 14:01:56 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

If I had an ISK for every time someone's told me what a "real CSM" would do, I'd be richer than SOMER. Twisted

Isn't that what your godfathers do? Tell you what a "real CSM" should do? Defend their interests instead of the players'?

Would CCP be profiting from that? Would other CSM members be allowed to do the same? If not you may wanna call it a Grey Area.

PS- Grow a pair be a "real CSM" and tell CCP to either state they allow the same behaviour for all or are only favoring a few. The only grey area here is between the white of an empty CCP wallet and the black of a full one.
Frying Doom
#882 - 2013-10-17 14:07:49 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
A real CSM member who cares would be a bit more vocal and a bit less "let's do a poll to see if breaking the law is OK or not".

It's a matter of common sense.

If I had an ISK for every time someone's told me what a "real CSM" would do, I'd be richer than SOMER. Twisted

And you wouldn't even have to RMT like Somer to get there.Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

AayJay Crendraven
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#883 - 2013-10-17 14:27:28 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
A real CSM member who cares would be a bit more vocal and a bit less "let's do a poll to see if breaking the law is OK or not".

It's a matter of common sense.

If I had an ISK for every time someone's told me what a "real CSM" would do, I'd be richer than SOMER. Twisted

Then why dont you ******* do your job and get CCP to fix the problem instead of playing mommy's boy and telling us to not get angry?
Din Chao
#884 - 2013-10-17 14:36:16 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
A real CSM member who cares would be a bit more vocal and a bit less "let's do a poll to see if breaking the law is OK or not".

It's a matter of common sense.

If I had an ISK for every time someone's told me what a "real CSM" would do, I'd be richer than SOMER. Twisted

So, in your words, you've been told TRILLIONS of times by the community that you do a poor job representing the community, but prefer to ignore these criticisms from the community because that would mean you'd have to start representing that community.

Got it, thank you for your service.
#885 - 2013-10-17 15:08:34 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
A real CSM member who cares would be a bit more vocal and a bit less "let's do a poll to see if breaking the law is OK or not".

It's a matter of common sense.

If I had an ISK for every time someone's told me what a "real CSM" would do, I'd be richer than SOMER. Twisted

Can you explain how you reconcile your stance of two weeks ago, stating that you, and the CSM more generally, owe no duty of consultation to the player-base because you were elected as representatives to give your own views on their behalf, with your current unwillingness to take a position, instead supporting the rather ludicrous idea of a consultative, but thoroughly unscientific, survey 'to find out what the player-base wants'?

Also, no, you would have a few hundred thousand isk max Blink

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#886 - 2013-10-17 15:08:59 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
discussing the issue and suggesting alternatives is a bad idea; shut up and let's pretend this never happened

No, that is a bad idea, Kate.

We should discuss the issue without resorting to repetition, misquoting or over the top arguments.

The issue does need fixing and we are working on that fix.

Putting words in our mouths to inflame and troll isn't the way to progress. Threats to leave and unsubscribe make some sense as hitting a company where it lives is effective but if you are leaving then you shouldn't have a lot of say in what those of us staying behind live with for rules.

I understand that some of you are angry . . . good. It shows you really care about this game. Otherwise your reaction would be 'meh, whatever'. But harness that anger. Apply it in a focused way rather than spinning on the floor kicking and yelling 'but I want it my way' over and over.

Some of you are doing this and I appreciate the effort whether I agree with them or not. To put down what you want in simple statements without all the emotional baggage is hard, I get that. (I have kids)

BUT THAT is what helps us move forward. That is what makes people read and think and consider change.

Nobody asked you to shut up, just to pause, take a breath and present your arguments in calm rational way without all the repetition. I know that goes directly against the rules of threadnaughts but ti will work far better in the long run.

As for me, my biggest fear is that if things become black and white we may lose a LOT of the community support for other sites, other people who have done so much for the game but may wind up on the wrong side of some line drawn in ink. It is why I like the grey. Sure, Eve players being who they are will dance in the grey areas to find where the line actually is and that is their right. But I really really do not want to see some babies thrown out with the bathwater.

So making a snap decision and drawing hard and fast rules . . . well look over at the TOS thread and see how much that form of handling problems has worked out. So we listen to you, or try to. We talk to CCP and try to find what was done and why, what will happen next and make a format for the future that will address the current issues.


This is a surprisingly mature post. Thanks. However our answer is a definite no... No we don't want any "grey" anymore. We want it black and white, with lines clearly drawn and pretty visible when anyone attempts to play a dirt game. It is mostly so when it comes to most matters in game, it should be so with CCP's other dealings as well. I understand that some people in the grey with white intentions might have losses. But then this is where a hard choice comes in, which CCP seems very very clearly delaying. It is a choice between us and the white in grey.

The consciense of the gaming community is deeply wounded and every week that passes by, more and more of the good intentions are dying. Please, as CSM, encourage CCP as hard as you can to make that choice and draw the lines ASAP. I understand that this involves a lot of intricacies and complications, but it is not rocket science either.
Josef Djugashvilis
#887 - 2013-10-17 15:12:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
It would be helpful if someone from Some Blink posted a defence of their activities, in particular the charge that they are involved in RMT.

This is not a signature.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#888 - 2013-10-17 15:15:26 UTC
*continues reading this thread.

Now I remember why I have skipped voting for any CSM members these past few years...
Cyber Chaos Crew
#889 - 2013-10-17 15:30:44 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

The one thing that is entirely predictable is that no matter what, CSM will get sh*t on. (potential future candidates, take note!)
News at 11.

Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

WRT to the politician analogy made a few posts back, keep in mind that CCP isn't a politician, CCP is the King. The King gets to set the rules, and if the King decides to change the rules, he does so by divine right.

CSM gets to tell the King, "Your Majesty, we believe what you are doing is bad for the Kingdom."

And we as the commoners get to tell the King "You can get f*cked" while we unsub our accounts if we don't like the way he's ruling the kingdom (pretty much what you should be doing too instead of kissing his ass).
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#890 - 2013-10-17 15:30:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
A real CSM member who cares would be a bit more vocal and a bit less "let's do a poll to see if breaking the law is OK or not".

It's a matter of common sense.

If I had an ISK for every time someone's told me what a "real CSM" would do, I'd be richer than SOMER. Twisted

Don't try playing the "I have been forced into being a politician" card with me. It does not work.

If you joined the CSM is because you felt like you could do something and you knew that people would hold you accountable for what you do, say and also don't say or not do.
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#891 - 2013-10-17 15:35:54 UTC
Din Chao wrote:
[quote=Trebor Daehdoow]So, in your words, you've been told TRILLIONS of times by the community...

More likely I've been told trillions of times by the same 10 guys and their alts. Everyone else just calmly gives me their opinions, concerns, and votes. Twisted

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Cyber Chaos Crew
#892 - 2013-10-17 15:43:54 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Din Chao wrote:
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
* This issue is not going to be resolved quickly. The problem was a long time in the making, and it will be months in the resolution, if for no other reason than there are significant legal issues CCP has to take into consideration. Furthermore, a quick resolution is unlikely to be one you will like.

Sorry if CCP's legal department is so incompetent that it takes them months to work out a problem that should have been considered years ago. But that doesn't mean I have to continue paying them while they find their collective asses. That's not rage, BTW, it's simple personal finance. If I'm unhappy with a product, I'm not going to continue to buy it for a yet to be determined number of months in the hope that it will improve. I'll stop buying it, and only buy it if it improves.

So again, that's one less dissenting opinion for your eventual, redundant survey.

CCP wants to take time to assess the situation with the stakeholders before stating a public policy on the matter of RMT through GTC isk token bonuses. It's becoming obvious this is another maneuver to gain time and keep this matter in that "grey area" they're trying to create.

We as constumers however are not forced to keep paying for unfair service while waiting indefinitely for a resolution and have the power to refuse this conduct from CCP by unsubbing our accounts.

Furthermore we should only resub them when the policy regarding the community services, fansites and GTC isk tokens RMT is announced, clear and subject to be applied to every entity/player without exception.
Josef Djugashvilis
#893 - 2013-10-17 16:13:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
Removed unkind comment

This is not a signature.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#894 - 2013-10-17 16:25:17 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Everyone else just calmly gives me their opinions, concerns, and votes. Twisted

Giving you opinions, concerns and votes somehow seems highly useful.

Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

The one thing that is entirely predictable is that no matter what, CSM will get sh*t on. (potential future candidates, take note!)

Plz tell me it didn't take them to tag you with a yellow sticker and allow you into the coolboi's club for you to find that out. Even a blind man can see the huge ammount of BS going on in there.
Din Chao
#895 - 2013-10-17 16:32:54 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Din Chao wrote:
[quote=Trebor Daehdoow]So, in your words, you've been told TRILLIONS of times by the community...

More likely I've been told trillions of times by the same 10 guys and their alts. Everyone else just calmly gives me their opinions, concerns, and votes. Twisted

Personally, I've never told you that you weren't "being a real CSM" or whatever.

My questions and concerns were presented calmly a week ago, as they were in the FIRST reply in this thread. But that was probably my alt...

Concerns of CCP endorsing "services" like SOMER that run unregulated lotteries have been completely ignored in every official response in this thread, including the CSM responses.

I'm not the only one to voice these concerns, Jeg Elsker had similar questions on the most recent Crossing Zebras episode. He must be my alt...

When your continued response to reasonable, calm questions and concerns is condescension and snark, don't get upset when people tell you to go **** yourself.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#896 - 2013-10-17 16:37:25 UTC
Great job CCP! I was only back for about 4 months this time before your greed, favoritism, and utter incompetence ruined my desire to play again. You guys are like a dog that can't seem to learn to stop pissing in the house.

2 of my 3 accounts expire next week, and the third one expires a week after that. Time to do the only thing CCP understands.

You might as well disband the CSM and save the money, you are obviously not using them for anything and I have a feeling you may need that money soon.

“It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.”    -Jack Handy

Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#897 - 2013-10-17 16:37:46 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

WRT to the politician analogy made a few posts back, keep in mind that CCP isn't a politician, CCP is the King. The King gets to set the rules, and if the King decides to change the rules, he does so by divine right.

CSM gets to tell the King, "Your Majesty, we believe what you are doing is bad for the Kingdom."

a king and his council only rule at the whim of their subjects and 'divine right' doesn't count for much when the guillotines are erected by the agitated masses or when an usurper takes the throne. CCP is fed by it's customers, not the other way around. it's best to not forget that. many a king has fallen victim to his hubris.
#898 - 2013-10-17 16:53:28 UTC
I don't think a survey is a particularly good idea, for several reasons. One is the delay it necessarily imposes on getting any sort of resolution to the current problems. Another is that it introduces a new thing for players to complain about, in that there is no way any set of questions will be viewed as appropriate by all involved. The results will always be seen as flawed in some way.

But much more troubling than the idea of a survey is that the idea of a survey was proposed by the CSM. The CSM, in my view, is supposed to represent the player base. Democracy is a very messy process, and we went through it already to elect the CSM. Now we have them in place, and as veteran EVE players they should be capable of expressing reasonable player concerns to CCP, quickly and directly, without delay, and without conducting a survey or investigation or otherwise dragging things out for an extended period.

I have to assume that if CCP headquarters was on fire, immediate action would be taken to put the fire out. And if for some reason CCP was unable to decide what action would most likely put out the fire, and consulted the CSM, that the CSM would respond with some immediate sage advice regarding fire extinguishers, water, and calling the fire department. Clearly this current situation is not seen as an emergency by either CCP or the CSM. It appears to be something to be taken under advisement for possible further consideration, after lengthy collection of data. Possibly in the hope that the storm will blow over before any action is required.

My grandfather always told me that even a poor decision is better than indecision. I still believe him, even after making plenty of poor decisions. I personally would like to see some immediate corrective action. It may not be perfect. Hell, I wouldn't expect it to be. And if and when it becomes apparent that it wasn't quite right, it can be followed by some more corrective action. Just don't sit around waiting for the game to burn.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#899 - 2013-10-17 16:53:34 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

WRT to the politician analogy made a few posts back, keep in mind that CCP isn't a politician, CCP is the King. The King gets to set the rules, and if the King decides to change the rules, he does so by divine right.

CSM gets to tell the King, "Your Majesty, we believe what you are doing is bad for the Kingdom."

This is what we do to kings where I come from. Not going around kissing his ass.
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#900 - 2013-10-17 17:19:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
Money Makin Mitch wrote:
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

WRT to the politician analogy made a few posts back, keep in mind that CCP isn't a politician, CCP is the King. The King gets to set the rules, and if the King decides to change the rules, he does so by divine right.

CSM gets to tell the King, "Your Majesty, we believe what you are doing is bad for the Kingdom."

a king and his council only rule at the whim of their subjects and 'divine right' doesn't count for much when the guillotines are erected by the agitated masses or when an usurper takes the throne. CCP is fed by it's customers, not the other way around. it's best to not forget that. many a king has fallen victim to his hubris.

CCP is not the "King".

CCP is the "Company". Companies don't have subjects, they have "customers".

There are not many available customers for MMO companies, especially companies that already self select out a very specific group of customers by the nature of their game and business model. This gives them a rather small market to begin with.

It turns out in an MMO those customers invest a tremendous amount of time and energy into the game, and since they feel their only recourse (and you can ask yourself why they feel this is their only recourse... because that alone is a failure of the company) is to quit and throw all of that way - they are understandably upset.

Smart companies get concerned when their customers are upset because they value EVERY customer. Those companies understand that the upset customers deserve better than to be dismissed merely because they are upset. Especially when that market is small, you've already self selected out too many potential customers to afford to dismiss those you do have. Smart companies understand that how you handle your most irate, most difficult customer speaks more about you than how you deal with the calm and agreeable ones.

Thankfully, and I hope I am right here, but I believe based on my own conversations with Hilmar over "monoclegate" that he gets this.

If the ragey, trolling, and sarcastic responses by some of the community are bad - smug and dismissive responses from CSM members and/or CCP employees are far worse.

Everyone needs to be patient - but the CSM and CCP also need to understand why there is so much outrage and they need to take it seriously and more specifically, they need make sure people believe it is being taken seriously. It is one thing to take it seriously, it is another to convey that message successfully.

The continued upset you are hearing is because people DO NOT feel that way. Which means your message is getting muddled.

As for those upset folks - let me say this:

I believe that I have heard enough in the subtext and tweenspeak of some of the responses and rumor I am hearing to know that there are at least folks in the trenches who get it and who see these things with clarity. I believe that somewhere behind the scenes we have the advocates we need.

Even if we did not - then this is not a company worthy of our stress and concern. Be patient, and let those who have the ethical clarity and good business sense to see the way through this and who are in a position to influence the response on this issue... let them do their job.

If they fail, then we can make sure our voice is heard. Until then - be patient.