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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#721 - 2013-10-16 18:22:14 UTC
honestly, that 'survey' crap just felt like a slap in the face to me
Cyber Chaos Crew
#722 - 2013-10-16 18:28:48 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Given the current situation I'd say I would unsub, if I hadn't done it almost 2 years ago and plexed my account since then with isk Twisted
Dirt Nap Squad
#723 - 2013-10-16 18:30:09 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Money Makin Mitch wrote:
honestly, that 'survey' crap just felt like a slap in the face to me

Because it was. The only part they left off after the slap was the saying " now shut up and sit down you female dog"
State War Academy
Caldari State
#724 - 2013-10-16 18:30:22 UTC
While reading through this thread, a subtle thought has crossed my mind - I wonder if CCP Soundwave knew about this?

There was this phrase, "...going to a more competitive game..." linked with his departure. Perhaps he knew about this behind the door practice and felt it was ruining the Eve experience. Perhaps he complained and his words fell on deaf ears. So being the hard core gamer he always appeared to be, he took the last recourse he could - he left.

Just a wild thought of mine as I read this thread.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#725 - 2013-10-16 18:35:42 UTC
Money Makin Mitch wrote:

CCP Guard wrote:
We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

HEY CCP IAM THIS= relevant stakeholders in the company. Who hasnt been bought

BUT AFTER YOUR ACTIONS i FEEL MORE LIKE THIS= Irrelevant stakeholders in the company who you dont give 2 PPHHucks about. By all means have a grand old time in Vegas.


that response from CCP Guard really just pissed me off. we need to run it by 'relevant stakeholders'?!?!


Apparently, not relevant stakeholders, have you got the memo by now? Twisted
Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#726 - 2013-10-16 18:36:46 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Apparently, not relevant stakeholders, have you got the memo by now? Twisted

i assume they likely meant their EA overlords when they said that ****. if the shoe fits...
Shai 'Hulud
#727 - 2013-10-16 18:38:50 UTC
Let's also have a poll on whether women should have the right to vote, slavery and genocide Roll

I won't bother getting into the technical problems with such a poll, because you don't need a ******* poll to understand that you should enforce the game rules and avoid favoritism.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Jimmy Farrere
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#728 - 2013-10-16 18:42:13 UTC


Real money trading
Trading in-game items for real-life currency or services is NOT allowed under any circumstances.

Any circumstances CCP?
Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#729 - 2013-10-16 18:43:45 UTC
Jimmy Farrere wrote:


Real money trading
Trading in-game items for real-life currency or services is NOT allowed under any circumstances.

Any circumstances CCP?

some people are more equal than others Roll
Dirt Nap Squad
#730 - 2013-10-16 18:44:07 UTC
Ok I know your going to ask me this question " can you have my stuff" and my answer is yes you can. I cut a deal with the owner of battle clinic. He is going to give me 90% of his sales commission for selling GTC at his site for doing this. If you by a GTC from battle clinic you will get 1 ticket into my charcter raffle. Battle clinc will be running this promotion for 1 month at the e nd of the promotion I will get my commission and he will pick a winner. At that point we will do a charcter transfer on the forums.

I wish all of you the best of luck. I never thought I could sell my charcter for money but thanks to CCP and somer I guess this is legal now due to past practice. If Iam going to quit I might as well profit.
Josef Djugashvilis
#731 - 2013-10-16 18:45:36 UTC
Possible survey question?

Should CCP show the likes of Somer Blink:

1) Some favouritism

2) A great deal of favouritism

Thank you for your input.

This is not a signature.

Kate stark
#732 - 2013-10-16 18:45:41 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Hi again everyone.

Just a small update. We've been following the discussion and we are working on and/or looking at the topics brought up in this thread but as I talked about in the original post and in follow-up posts, we're making no fast decisions on any policies apart from the pausing of rare in-game reward programs. For all policy matters we are sitting down with relevant stakeholders and taking our time with the various feedback from the various channels so that what we end up with makes sense not just for the cases on people's minds right now, but also other current cases and potential future ones. Hasty decisions are not the solution here.
As we've stated, we are working on a more visible framework for how we reward and encourage third party initiatives. Work that had partly started but has been accelerated because of recent events. The timeline will probably run through the CSM winter summit with some information likely to be available sooner.

We had a good meeting with the CSM today where we discussed how we'll proceed in terms of gathering feedback on specific points of the debate through surveys. We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

A lot of us will be away for EVE Vegas in the coming days and we hope to meet some of you there for a chat.

don't make the survey a longwinded one. honestly. there's no faster way to lower participation than to make a survey that takes 45 mins with nearly identical questions.

alternatively for the same feedback, you could just read the thread.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Shai 'Hulud
#733 - 2013-10-16 18:48:31 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
Hi again everyone.

Just a small update. We've been following the discussion and we are working on and/or looking at the topics brought up in this thread but as I talked about in the original post and in follow-up posts, we're making no fast decisions on any policies apart from the pausing of rare in-game reward programs. For all policy matters we are sitting down with relevant stakeholders and taking our time with the various feedback from the various channels so that what we end up with makes sense not just for the cases on people's minds right now, but also other current cases and potential future ones. Hasty decisions are not the solution here.
As we've stated, we are working on a more visible framework for how we reward and encourage third party initiatives. Work that had partly started but has been accelerated because of recent events. The timeline will probably run through the CSM winter summit with some information likely to be available sooner.

We had a good meeting with the CSM today where we discussed how we'll proceed in terms of gathering feedback on specific points of the debate through surveys. We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

A lot of us will be away for EVE Vegas in the coming days and we hope to meet some of you there for a chat.

don't make the survey a longwinded one. honestly. there's no faster way to lower participation than to make a survey that takes 45 mins with nearly identical questions.

alternatively for the same feedback, you could just read the thread.

The survey is designed to replace this thread. In a survey they have final say over the questions, and thus over the possible results.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Kate stark
#734 - 2013-10-16 18:50:52 UTC
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
Hi again everyone.

Just a small update. We've been following the discussion and we are working on and/or looking at the topics brought up in this thread but as I talked about in the original post and in follow-up posts, we're making no fast decisions on any policies apart from the pausing of rare in-game reward programs. For all policy matters we are sitting down with relevant stakeholders and taking our time with the various feedback from the various channels so that what we end up with makes sense not just for the cases on people's minds right now, but also other current cases and potential future ones. Hasty decisions are not the solution here.
As we've stated, we are working on a more visible framework for how we reward and encourage third party initiatives. Work that had partly started but has been accelerated because of recent events. The timeline will probably run through the CSM winter summit with some information likely to be available sooner.

We had a good meeting with the CSM today where we discussed how we'll proceed in terms of gathering feedback on specific points of the debate through surveys. We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

A lot of us will be away for EVE Vegas in the coming days and we hope to meet some of you there for a chat.

don't make the survey a longwinded one. honestly. there's no faster way to lower participation than to make a survey that takes 45 mins with nearly identical questions.

alternatively for the same feedback, you could just read the thread.

The survey is designed to replace this thread. In a survey they have final say over the questions, and thus over the possible results.

and just like that, problem solved.

this is some nice sand...

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Shai 'Hulud
#735 - 2013-10-16 18:52:09 UTC
Basically what the poll/survey says is that they believe the rage in this thread is isolated, and not the feelings of community as a whole. It also hints that they STILL don't understand why people are mad.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#736 - 2013-10-16 18:52:29 UTC
Kate stark wrote:

and just like that, problem solved.

this is some nice sand...

feels more like a litter box to me...
Din Chao
#737 - 2013-10-16 19:02:37 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
A quick status report from the CSM side.

We had a 30 minute meeting with CCP Dolan on Monday about a CSM initiative to survey the community. The result of that meeting was constructive, and resulted in a 90 minute meeting Tuesday with CCP Dolan, CCP Navigator and CCP Guard.

During the second meeting, it was agreed that the first step in the process of resolving these issues is to get a better read on community opinions about acceptable practices.

To do this, CSM will be running two forum surveys, in a manner similar to our crowdsourcing initiatives. These will focus on Appropriate Fansite Incentives and Acceptable Fansite Business Models, and will be structured in a way that we hope will encourage good debate.

At the same time, CCP will be running identical surveys through their established subscriber survey methods, so that we have data on the opinions of the general community in addition to the forum community.

We are currently working with CCP to finalize the list of survey questions. We hope this will be completed in a few days, and the forum surveys will go live as soon as possible thereafter. However, things may slip a bit because of EVE Vegas.

CSM welcomes your input as we finalize the survey questions. Our current plan is that each question will be a statement, with 4 possible responses: "This is OK", "This is a grey-area", "This should not be allowed", and "I have no opinion".

Here are some sample statements to give you an idea of the style:

Fansite incentives:

* CCP can provide PLEX as prizes for contests on fansites.

* Fansites should receive incentives in proportion to their benefits to the community.

Business Models:

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me ISK.

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me real money.

We are particularly interested in questions that explore the grey areas.

My account expires in one day, so that's one less voice of dissent you'll get in your skewed, condescending "survey."
Congratulations, CSM 8 just made it's mark of irrelevancy.
Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#738 - 2013-10-16 19:15:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Deka Ekato
Twisted I'm so angry over CCP's greed. Twisted

Hell, I, now, wouldn't be surprised if it were eventually revealed that :

- Somer is actually run by CCP itself
- As the available prizes are spawned, so too are the so called "winners"

A "Win / Win" situation for CCP, financially.
A huge blemish on their reputation and integrity.

Somer is the Aurum store that they always wanted, since they decided that they wanted to go the microtransaction path with Eve.
Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#739 - 2013-10-16 19:16:12 UTC
Trebor comes in. Says something. Puts foot in mouth again. And people wonder why the CSM is a ******* joke.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#740 - 2013-10-16 19:23:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Basically what the poll/survey says is that they believe the rage in this thread is isolated, and not the feelings of community as a whole. It also hints that they STILL don't understand why people are mad.

Opinions of the community are important, but it does not change the facts:

1) SOMERblink is an RMT system being supported by CCP devs (intentionally or not).

2) SOMERblink is thus, by default, a micro transaction marketplace, allowing CCP to sell off high value items to the community.

Considering the outrage over the aurum store, and gold ammo, CCP and SOMBERblink have done a very good job sneaking #2 in on the community. What the CSM should do is to make sure the community is aware of these two points first.

If anyone has any doubts regarding my claims above, contact me in game and I will take you through it step by step. A number of others in here can do the same I am sure.

And what's even better - this particular micro transaction market lets them sell the same high value item over and over again. LOL.