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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Dirt Nap Squad
#701 - 2013-10-16 16:31:49 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Argus Sorn wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Argus Sorn wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

You have now admitted to being aware of the EULA violations with SOMER's operations. If the clock wasn't ticking before, it certainly is now. Every transaction they make money on between now and when you make a decision is officially on you, not them. I wonder how much time other RMT operations are allowed to run AFTER CCP is aware of them?...

P.S. - I don't actually believe CCP didn't know about this before, but now they have admitted such.

The "thing to do" would be to shut down SOMER's RMT'ing (the 200m isk per GTC purchase) PENDING the completion of the investigation.

The fact that SOMERblink is an RMT scheme as well as a form of micro transaction economy is a big deal - and does require some time to investigate I would imagine.

I would assume they are looking at how much isk has been sold, as well as any connections, if any, between devs, SOMER and MarkeeDragon. The "who knew what?" of this, if you will. So once again - patience is important. For CCP's side of it, they need to make sure that if we are going to be kept waiting, we get some solid answers.

In the meantime, I have to wonder why they haven't given SOMERblink some monocles to auction off...

I agree with patience, selectively. At this time this is not something to debate. SOMER is clearly in violation of the current EULA, and I don't think they need to have a discussion on whether rule breaking should be allowed (again, they have now admitted to being aware of the issue here). All they have to do is enforce their current rules.

If they want to have a discussion about the validity of those rules, and potential changes they would like to make to them going forward, then that is fine. But that should be done after they have enforced their current rules.

In the end this is just another form of special treatment for SOMER.

Well I would hope SOMER would get the same treatment as any other RMT entity.

Anything else might kill CCP and EVE.

Although I will admit that the manner in which they are conducting this RMT and micro transaction scheme is a bit complicated and people have had a tendency to overlook it.

If CCP started selling IW Scorps and SOE ships in the Aurum store the game would sink in a week.

But sell them through SOMERblink and it slips in under everyone's nose.

The reason it slipped under everyones nose is SOMER bought off the entire community LOL all those who burnt JITA are now being paid off. Somer = EDEN OPEN, Funding RVB, Selling gear some players could never get in game, Funding my enemies, Blah Blah Blah.

But argus I love the game, But argus they do so much for the community, But argus they Blah blah balh. Somer has bought the entire community and wreck the sand box. How can I make that statement well it is simple.

CCP Guard wrote:
We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

HEY CCP IAM THIS= relevant stakeholders in the company. Who hasnt been bought

BUT AFTER YOUR ACTIONS i FEEL MORE LIKE THIS= Irrelevant stakeholders in the company who you dont give 2 PPHHucks about. By all means have a grand old time in Vegas.
Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#702 - 2013-10-16 16:34:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Money Makin Mitch
i do find it pretty hilarious that CCP just basically admitted that Somer is RMTing... but they need to discuss it with 'relevant stakeholders' before they can do anything to punish their cashcow for behaviors that others would get banned over in the blink of an eye (no pun intended)... because ofc it's about the $$$ from the GTC sales.... it always was. we aren't stupid. CCP. Roll
Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#703 - 2013-10-16 16:36:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Money Makin Mitch

CCP Guard wrote:
We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

HEY CCP IAM THIS= relevant stakeholders in the company. Who hasnt been bought

BUT AFTER YOUR ACTIONS i FEEL MORE LIKE THIS= Irrelevant stakeholders in the company who you dont give 2 PPHHucks about. By all means have a grand old time in Vegas.


that response from CCP Guard really just pissed me off. we need to run it by 'relevant stakeholders'?!?!

Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#704 - 2013-10-16 16:37:27 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
A quick status report from the CSM side.

We had a 30 minute meeting with CCP Dolan on Monday about a CSM initiative to survey the community. The result of that meeting was constructive, and resulted in a 90 minute meeting Tuesday with CCP Dolan, CCP Navigator and CCP Guard.

During the second meeting, it was agreed that the first step in the process of resolving these issues is to get a better read on community opinions about acceptable practices.

To do this, CSM will be running two forum surveys, in a manner similar to our crowdsourcing initiatives. These will focus on Appropriate Fansite Incentives and Acceptable Fansite Business Models, and will be structured in a way that we hope will encourage good debate.

At the same time, CCP will be running identical surveys through their established subscriber survey methods, so that we have data on the opinions of the general community in addition to the forum community.

We are currently working with CCP to finalize the list of survey questions. We hope this will be completed in a few days, and the forum surveys will go live as soon as possible thereafter. However, things may slip a bit because of EVE Vegas.

CSM welcomes your input as we finalize the survey questions. Our current plan is that each question will be a statement, with 4 possible responses: "This is OK", "This is a grey-area", "This should not be allowed", and "I have no opinion".

Here are some sample statements to give you an idea of the style:

Fansite incentives:

* CCP can provide PLEX as prizes for contests on fansites.

* Fansites should receive incentives in proportion to their benefits to the community.

Business Models:

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me ISK.

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me real money.

We are particularly interested in questions that explore the grey areas.

I'd like to see questions about contests that are open to everyone, contests that require some sort of simple registration, facebook like/tweet, or that require ISK deposits. I see those 4 cases rather differently.

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Dirt Nap Squad
#705 - 2013-10-16 16:50:59 UTC
Two step wrote:
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
A quick status report from the CSM side.

We had a 30 minute meeting with CCP Dolan on Monday about a CSM initiative to survey the community. The result of that meeting was constructive, and resulted in a 90 minute meeting Tuesday with CCP Dolan, CCP Navigator and CCP Guard.

During the second meeting, it was agreed that the first step in the process of resolving these issues is to get a better read on community opinions about acceptable practices.

To do this, CSM will be running two forum surveys, in a manner similar to our crowdsourcing initiatives. These will focus on Appropriate Fansite Incentives and Acceptable Fansite Business Models, and will be structured in a way that we hope will encourage good debate.

At the same time, CCP will be running identical surveys through their established subscriber survey methods, so that we have data on the opinions of the general community in addition to the forum community.

We are currently working with CCP to finalize the list of survey questions. We hope this will be completed in a few days, and the forum surveys will go live as soon as possible thereafter. However, things may slip a bit because of EVE Vegas.

CSM welcomes your input as we finalize the survey questions. Our current plan is that each question will be a statement, with 4 possible responses: "This is OK", "This is a grey-area", "This should not be allowed", and "I have no opinion".

Here are some sample statements to give you an idea of the style:

Fansite incentives:

* CCP can provide PLEX as prizes for contests on fansites.

* Fansites should receive incentives in proportion to their benefits to the community.

Business Models:

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me ISK.

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me real money.

We are particularly interested in questions that explore the grey areas.

I'd like to see questions about contests that are open to everyone, contests that require some sort of simple registration, facebook like/tweet, or that require ISK deposits. I see those 4 cases rather differently.

Enforce your current EULA as it stands now. Then I will take your stupid survey. Once again CCP, community bought and paid for by Somer
Dirt Nap Squad
#706 - 2013-10-16 16:54:14 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Here I will fill out my survey for you. 3 accounts have now been un subbed. As a stakeholder I am beginning to cast my vote. Your survey is screwed at best. This is not a survey matter this is a clear breach of the tos and Eula contract. Save your surveys for political stuff.

At best the entire community has been bought off by somer and your market survey group is scewed. Stop the political crap. Somer here is an idea by a GTC from me get 500 mil blink credits and then fill out this survey and tell CCP what I nice guy Iam.
Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#707 - 2013-10-16 16:56:52 UTC

Enforce your current EULA as it stands now. Then I will take your stupid survey. Once again CCP, community bought and paid for by Somer

but Somer isn't like everyone else... any other RMTer would be gone already. CCP needs to run this by their 'relevant stakeholders' first, they wouldn't want to jeopardize their 'special relationship' with Somer afterall Roll

pathetic response really... we 'might' do something about Somer's questionable RMT-type practices, but we can't do it until AFTER Eve Vegas and talking to our corporate overlords... actually, we'll just get around to it at the Winter Summit... maybe.

i have a feeling they'll just condone Somer's practices in the end, and perhaps even amend the EULA in such a way that what Somer does is made fully legal Roll
Spaja Saist
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#708 - 2013-10-16 16:58:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Spaja Saist
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
A quick status report from the CSM side.

We had a 30 minute meeting with CCP Dolan on Monday about a CSM initiative to survey the community. The result of that meeting was constructive, and resulted in a 90 minute meeting Tuesday with CCP Dolan, CCP Navigator and CCP Guard.

During the second meeting, it was agreed that the first step in the process of resolving these issues is to get a better read on community opinions about acceptable practices.

To do this, CSM will be running two forum surveys, in a manner similar to our crowdsourcing initiatives. These will focus on Appropriate Fansite Incentives and Acceptable Fansite Business Models, and will be structured in a way that we hope will encourage good debate.

At the same time, CCP will be running identical surveys through their established subscriber survey methods, so that we have data on the opinions of the general community in addition to the forum community.

We are currently working with CCP to finalize the list of survey questions. We hope this will be completed in a few days, and the forum surveys will go live as soon as possible thereafter. However, things may slip a bit because of EVE Vegas.

CSM welcomes your input as we finalize the survey questions. Our current plan is that each question will be a statement, with 4 possible responses: "This is OK", "This is a grey-area", "This should not be allowed", and "I have no opinion".

Here are some sample statements to give you an idea of the style:

Fansite incentives:

* CCP can provide PLEX as prizes for contests on fansites.

* Fansites should receive incentives in proportion to their benefits to the community.

Business Models:

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me ISK.

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me real money.

We are particularly interested in questions that explore the grey areas.

This is CCP and CSM's answer to all this issues being raised? You have got to be kidding me. None of this addresses the issue of CCP not following their own EULA and allowing an RMT site to continue to operate as well as showering gifts on them. This reeks of CSM being in collusion with CCP and helping them to whitewash the whole incident. If you have to ask the community what it considers acceptable or not you have no business being on the CSM.

I just recently came back after a long absence because of Monoclegate and I see CCP has learned nothing from that fiasco. When I think where this game would be if CCP would quit shooting themselves in the foot it just pisses me off more.

I'm cancelling my subscription once again until CCP stops pulling this crap. Consider that my answer to your stupid survey.
Ali Aras
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#709 - 2013-10-16 17:00:21 UTC
Two step wrote:

I'd like to see questions about contests that are open to everyone, contests that require some sort of simple registration, facebook like/tweet, or that require ISK deposits. I see those 4 cases rather differently.

Good point, I'll add those. -- my blog

Dirt Nap Squad
#710 - 2013-10-16 17:05:04 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
At best the entire community has been bought off by somer and your market survey group is scewed. Stop the political crap.

Somer here is an idea "somer special buy a GTC from me get 500 mil blink credits and then fill out this survey and tell CCP what I nice guy Iam.

LoL seriously you guys are amazing
Dirt Nap Squad
#711 - 2013-10-16 17:19:19 UTC
If Iam making money off RMTing don't you think I will do everything in my power to keep this thing rolling. Somer is a real money making operation they have found away to exploit CCP and the gaming community of eve. Finding out we're grey areas are and the like will just lead to some one testing the next EULA and so on and so on. The EULA and tos are in place and somer has broken them period and if CCP doesn't think so then Iam sorry I no longer want to pay company my gaming dollars who are arbitrary in enforcing there contract they had me agree to.

First knot in the rope has been tied
Nocturnal Phantom
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#712 - 2013-10-16 17:26:10 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
iskflakes wrote:
When you reward somebody by giving them PLEX nobody else suffers any serious devaluation. When you give somebody an IWS all other IWS owners and collectors get completely screwed over because the price collapses.

Just give people PLEX in future, as much as you like, but no rare items ever.

That argument I would agree with in regards to certain rare items, but not the ISW as it was created for the express purpose of being a reward for all kinds of contributions and contests, making it inevitable that the price of the early ones will plummet. The problem more people would have with it is much rather that those who get it early gain more by selling it than those who get it late, which is a byproduct of slowly seeding rare items in this manner.

My Monocole eye piece has gone down in price. I am trying to feel upset but the tears won't come out.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#713 - 2013-10-16 17:32:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
A quick status report from the CSM side.

We had a 30 minute meeting with CCP Dolan on Monday about a CSM initiative to survey the community. The result of that meeting was constructive, and resulted in a 90 minute meeting Tuesday with CCP Dolan, CCP Navigator and CCP Guard.

During the second meeting, it was agreed that the first step in the process of resolving these issues is to get a better read on community opinions about acceptable practices.

To do this, CSM will be running two forum surveys, in a manner similar to our crowdsourcing initiatives. These will focus on Appropriate Fansite Incentives and Acceptable Fansite Business Models, and will be structured in a way that we hope will encourage good debate.

At the same time, CCP will be running identical surveys through their established subscriber survey methods, so that we have data on the opinions of the general community in addition to the forum community.

We are currently working with CCP to finalize the list of survey questions. We hope this will be completed in a few days, and the forum surveys will go live as soon as possible thereafter. However, things may slip a bit because of EVE Vegas.

CSM welcomes your input as we finalize the survey questions. Our current plan is that each question will be a statement, with 4 possible responses: "This is OK", "This is a grey-area", "This should not be allowed", and "I have no opinion".

Here are some sample statements to give you an idea of the style:

Fansite incentives:

* CCP can provide PLEX as prizes for contests on fansites.

* Fansites should receive incentives in proportion to their benefits to the community.

Business Models:

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me ISK.

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me real money.

We are particularly interested in questions that explore the grey areas.

So, Somer is a "fansite" now? Guard seems to have (vaguely) eluded otherwise when asked directly if Somer was considered a "fansite":

CCP Guard wrote:

To answer the fansite question, they haven't been a registered fansite but we work with other types of enterprises than registered fansites.

Your "surveys" should thus be inclusive of these other kinds of enterprises and not just fansites don't you think?

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#714 - 2013-10-16 17:49:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Deka Ekato
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
A quick status report from the CSM side.

We had a 30 minute meeting with CCP Dolan on Monday about a CSM initiative to survey the community. The result of that meeting was constructive, and resulted in a 90 minute meeting Tuesday with CCP Dolan, CCP Navigator and CCP Guard.

During the second meeting, it was agreed that the first step in the process of resolving these issues is to get a better read on community opinions about acceptable practices.

To do this, CSM will be running two forum surveys, in a manner similar to our crowdsourcing initiatives. These will focus on Appropriate Fansite Incentives and Acceptable Fansite Business Models, and will be structured in a way that we hope will encourage good debate.

At the same time, CCP will be running identical surveys through their established subscriber survey methods, so that we have data on the opinions of the general community in addition to the forum community.

We are currently working with CCP to finalize the list of survey questions. We hope this will be completed in a few days, and the forum surveys will go live as soon as possible thereafter. However, things may slip a bit because of EVE Vegas.

CSM welcomes your input as we finalize the survey questions. Our current plan is that each question will be a statement, with 4 possible responses: "This is OK", "This is a grey-area", "This should not be allowed", and "I have no opinion".

Here are some sample statements to give you an idea of the style:

Fansite incentives:

* CCP can provide PLEX as prizes for contests on fansites.

* Fansites should receive incentives in proportion to their benefits to the community.

Business Models:

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me ISK.

* I provide a service to the EVE community, and if they want to thank me, they can give me real money.

We are particularly interested in questions that explore the grey areas.

Seriously CCP, this is your initial response to this issue? And you made your PR department, ( The CSM ), deliver it to the public?

AttentionBy Money Making Mitch
#707Posted: 2013.10.16 16:56 | Report


Enforce your current EULA as it stands now. Then I will take your stupid survey. Once again CCP, community bought and paid for by Somer

but Somer isn't like everyone else... any other RMTer would be gone already. CCP needs to run this by their 'relevant stakeholders' first, they wouldn't want to jeopardize their 'special relationship' with Somer afterall

pathetic response really... we 'might' do something about Somer's questionable RMT-type practices, but we can't do it until AFTER Eve Vegas and talking to our corporate overlords... actually, we'll just get around to it at the Winter Summit... maybe.

i have a feeling they'll just condone Somer's practices in the end, and perhaps even amend the EULA in such a way that what Somer does is made fully legal

AttentionBy DNSBLACK
#710Posted: 2013.10.16 17:05 | Report | Edited by: DNSBLACK

At best the entire community has been bought off by somer and your market survey group is scewed. Stop the political crap.

Somer here is an idea "somer special buy a GTC from me get 500 mil blink credits and then fill out this survey and tell CCP what I nice guy Iam.

LoL seriously you guys are amazing

AttentionBy Money Making Mitch
#703Posted: 2013.10.16 16:36 | Report | Edited by: Money Makin Mitch


CCP Guard wrote:
We're also looking at the EULA questions brought up in this discussion, another matter that will take some time and input from relevant stakeholders in the company.

HEY CCP IAM THIS= relevant stakeholders in the company. Who hasnt been bought

BUT AFTER YOUR ACTIONS i FEEL MORE LIKE THIS= Irrelevant stakeholders in the company who you dont give 2 PPHHucks about. By all means have a grand old time in Vegas.


that response from CCP Guard really just pissed me off. we need to run it by 'relevant stakeholders'?!?!



- Have you addressed the issues? A : No. You have only addressed your own business concerns.
- Do you know what the issues are? It seems you are turning a blind eye, ignoring your customers. Just for a few, ( hell, alot ) dollars more
- This is the best course of action you can come up with in trying to fix this issue? ( I don't think you are trying to fix anything at all )

Sad, pathetic and disgusting. You are absolutely ######### on your customers. ( You can use any "mean" word to fill in the blank )

Somer, CCP's proxy Aurum store.
Brought to you by "Greed is Good" and Somer Blink, ( wearing his designer jeans and monocle, and a wide smile ) Sad
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#715 - 2013-10-16 18:00:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
SOMER Is not a fan site. But the fact is it doesn't matter. You are failing to grasp the real issues here.

SOMER is an in game corporation, that also exists as an out of game business since they are RMT'ing. The RMT'ing is basically, because of CCP gifts, amounting to the same micro transaction market we as a player base revolted against before.

So we have RMT'ing being endorsed by CCP devs, and a microtransaction economy that was never supposed to exist being "back doored" on us by the SOMERblink, MarkeeDragon and CCP.

As for the surverys - is CCP REALLY going to leave it up to the players if EULA violations and favoritism toward in game corporations is OKAY?

Why not release a survey with every exploit known in the game and ask players if we should be allowed to take advantage of the exploits? Why not ask us if we should be able to account share? Why not ask if we should be able to buy isk in the secondary market? Do Hilmar and David really need player opinion surveys to formulate a response? If so they should be fired.

You are a business. You should not be contracting out your business ethics questions to the players. Not to mention the problems with obtaining an accurate survey. How is the survey going to be given? On the forums? What survey tool is being used? Is each account going to get a vote, or each player? How do you plan on making sure you select the right sampling of players to get an accurate survey?

The answers to these things are relatively easy. CCP shouldn't be in the business of giving anyone anything of in game value, be it PLEX, ships, items or isk. They shouldn't be in the business of giving anyone REAL MONEY unless they are an entity that exists completely outside of the game (unlike SOMER) and they have a real contract with them. These questions are NOT HARD people.

End the RMT'ing and backdoor micro transaction store and then we can talk about how to reward fan sites.
Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#716 - 2013-10-16 18:07:38 UTC
Argus Sorn wrote:
SOMER Is not a fansite. But the fact is it doesn't matter. You are failing to grasp the real issues here.

SOMER is an in game corporation, that also exists as an out of game business since they are RMT'ing. The RMT'ing is basically, because of CCP gifts, amounting to the same micro transaction market we as a player base revolted against before.

So we have RMT'ing being endorsed by CCP devs, and a microtransaction economy that was never supposed to exist being "back doored" on us by the devs, MarkeeDragon and CCP.

As for the surverys - is CCP REALLY going to leave it up to the players if EULA violations and favoritism toward in game corporations is OKAY?

Why not release a survey with every exploit known in the game and ask players if we should be allowed to take advantage of the exploits? Why not ask us if we should be able to account share? Why not ask if we should be able to buy isk in the secondary market? Do Hilmar and David really need player opinion surveys to formulate a response? If so they should be fired.

You are a business. You should not be contracting out your business ethics questions to the players. Not to mention the problems with obtaining an accurate survey. How is the survey going to be given? On the forums? What survey tool is being used? Is each account going to get a vote, or each player? How do you plan on making sure you select the right sampling of players to get an accurate survey?

The answers to these things are easy. CCP shouldn't be in the business of giving anyone anything of in game value, be it PLEX, ships, items or isk. They shouldn't be in the business of giving anyone REAL MONEY unless they are an entity that exists completely outside of the game (unlike SOMER) and they have a real contract with them. These questions are NOT HARD people.

Real money traders
#717 - 2013-10-16 18:09:12 UTC
Pingu wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
We may make mistakes here and there but we're not dumb enough to think we can use Jedi mind tricks on you guys :)

Every answer from CCP is like a jedi mind trick. Getting the information we want from you is like pulling teeth. Will give you an example to illustrate this, here are three easy questions for you to (not?) answer...

Big list of all the give aways please, by this I mean ships or things created by CCP that were not given to the entire playerbase. You have said nothing was given away in secret, so because it is not a secret there is nothing stopping you from telling us. Pop it all in this thread in one convenient post for people to see, as it is not a secret. If the list is too massive then a link to where you have published it will do. Can we see that which is not secret?

Could you could also tell us how many GTC's have been sold by Somer (or their related gtc selling site). What is their $ value profit per GTC sold and how many have they sold; how real life profitable are they?

I have two trillion I could convert to ISK so how do I get to become an affiliate to rmt my isk as gtc's for $48,000?

Three easy questions to answer: what has been given away, how much has somer/their-rmt-site made and how do I get on the isk to $ conversion gravy train. Let's see how CCP do on these easy questions.

If there is one thing I really want to know it is how real life profitable somer/their-rmt-site was and I hope the CSM asks this.

Oh, and ten of twelve accounts unsubbed and the last two end in six days.
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#718 - 2013-10-16 18:14:54 UTC
10 accounts unsubbed already, plan on another within the next week.

Money Makin Mitch
Paid in Full
#719 - 2013-10-16 18:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Money Makin Mitch
DarkDecay wrote:
Pingu wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
We may make mistakes here and there but we're not dumb enough to think we can use Jedi mind tricks on you guys :)

Every answer from CCP is like a jedi mind trick. Getting the information we want from you is like pulling teeth. Will give you an example to illustrate this, here are three easy questions for you to (not?) answer...

Big list of all the give aways please, by this I mean ships or things created by CCP that were not given to the entire playerbase. You have said nothing was given away in secret, so because it is not a secret there is nothing stopping you from telling us. Pop it all in this thread in one convenient post for people to see, as it is not a secret. If the list is too massive then a link to where you have published it will do. Can we see that which is not secret?

Could you could also tell us how many GTC's have been sold by Somer (or their related gtc selling site). What is their $ value profit per GTC sold and how many have they sold; how real life profitable are they?

I have two trillion I could convert to ISK so how do I get to become an affiliate to rmt my isk as gtc's for $48,000?

Three easy questions to answer: what has been given away, how much has somer/their-rmt-site made and how do I get on the isk to $ conversion gravy train. Let's see how CCP do on these easy questions.

If there is one thing I really want to know it is how real life profitable somer/their-rmt-site was and I hope the CSM asks this.

Oh, and ten of twelve accounts unsubbed and the last two end in six days.

unfortunately i had to roll a couple of subs to fulfill in-game obligations last week, as i don't leave people holding the bag. so i figured i'd stick around and wait to see if this issue resolved itself in the meantime. but CCP is really testing the limits here. they simply don't 'get it'... or they do but are being willfully obtuse.

i currently run 11 accounts, but my patience is being tested here. if i didn't have in-game obligations to take care of, i wouldn't have bothered renewing some of my mains when i previously did. don't mistake my patience for weakness.

i'm very unhappy with the decision to delay any action until after Eve Vegas, and that crack about the Winter Summit just added more fuel to the fire. you really think we're just going to forget about this **** CCP? seriously?
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#720 - 2013-10-16 18:19:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
First, let me be clear, I support our CSM 100%. This is not a slight at them, but just 'real talk'.

The CSM was rendered irrelevant in this discussion the day CCP decided to endorse and support financially an RMT'ing 'lottery' that is nothing more than a back door aurum store.

Why? Because the CSM made it clear in the past that we didn't want micro transactions, so why support them through SOMER? Clearly the wishes of CSM were not relevant to how CCP decided to do business.

In addition, they have allowed SOMERblink to operate an RMT operation outside of the EULA. If the EULA is not 'gospel' then how, tell me, just how is the CSM white paper to be taken any seriously.

My point is that CCP has shown no respect for the CSM on this issue so far, and now their response is to ask you to create a "survey"?

You all have been thrown in front of a bus as far as I can tell.