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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

First post First post First post
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#521 - 2013-10-12 16:09:26 UTC
Out of game rewards only.

The Tears Must Flow

Cameron Freerunner
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#522 - 2013-10-12 16:10:34 UTC
At some point, repeatedly long-posting the same argument again and again becomes tedious. We've all made our points. No need to keep grinding away. It's not like the 14th wall of text is the one that will finally bring them to the light.
Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#523 - 2013-10-12 16:21:38 UTC
Aryth wrote:
Ideally sponsorship will come in the form of items that are not insanely valuable (magnates etc) and do not impact the sandbox in any meaningful way. ISK is highly meaningful.

Sponsorship should also be limited to non-profits like Chribba's EVE Files, or The angel project, or possibly EVE UNI. Things that enrich the community and are not simply large scale businesses that send a lot of time card revenue CCP's way.
Out of game items are much preferable to ingame ones. T-Shirts, or Rifter Hubs, or other various marketing swag. It would be preferable if game-time was given in such a way it cannot be easily monetized, perhaps game-time directly applied to an account.

These guidelines may not always be preferable and some exceptions may occur but those should be screened through the CSM. Everything should strive to keep the sandbox as pure as possible. Vanity items would be perfect for this. I can see CCP giving out 1000 free ship skins sometime down the road when you introduce that feature. Things that are nice to receive as a player but have no impact on the sandbox.

All the way back from page one.

This dude has nailed it perfectly.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#524 - 2013-10-12 17:11:44 UTC

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

#525 - 2013-10-12 17:12:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Rammix
Kate stark wrote:
they shouldn't be rewarded with isk for, making isk... recognition and reward are two separate things.

Money is vain. Several billion isk don't mean anything significant in the big Eve, several those mentioned ships are not so big profit. The main point is public support from ccp - towards an ingame business-oriented organization. Such attention to an out-of-game entity wouldn't have caused any disputes at all.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#526 - 2013-10-12 17:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
2 years ago I made a post asking for CCP to quit the hypocrisy, throw the mask and make RMT "canon".

There are MMOs where RMT is just a mechanic of the game, 3rd party companies may advertise services for cash and so on.

Most won't use them and there are alternate paths provided to achieve the same goals without spending a dime.

Now, EvE players seem to be extremely against accepting this kind of officially sanctioned RMT (in contrast with botted RMT, it's still banned).
I disagree with the general EvE playerbase and find it an act of hypocrisy to talk against RMT and then under hand go buy ISK on 3rd party websites etc. etc. It reminds me of a lot of certain politicians, all law incensed and then they do their dirty laundry in secret.

Anyway, my opinion is just the opinion of one player and thus irrelevant before the majority of EvE players who are against. I can respect that.

But now comes the salty bit.

CCP are long time trying to introduce RMT in all sorts of sauces. The only RMT that got traction and not a sea of polemics are PLEX and video cards for ISK.

But CCP do want to add more (see Aurum and other underhand attempts) and are also well interested into financially "interacting" with 3rd party sites. See the attempt to grab cash from 3rd party websites and apps.

Therefore we have a conflict of interest: EvE players don't want RMT but CCP does, and strongly.

At this point CCP HAVE to:

1) Grow a pair and tell it in the open: "YES WE ARE OK WITH CONTROLLED (by them or by 3rd parties checked by them) RMT".

2) Keep the current muddy profile, childishly trying to hide their hands when they get blatantly caught.


3) Give up on RMT. Forever.

seems completely out of CCP's agenda, then they should really take the responsibility (and the consequences, including players protesting + unsubbing) to announce that they do endorse controlled RMT.

It's time to end this years long gray area where: "you can do it (RMT) if you don't tell it too loud" or where: "we forbid RMT! - loudly spoken in public - but you (Somer and others) guys, you are trustworthy and so... do it... with discretion.

In the end it's fitting: an hypocrital software house delivering a grey area MMO to hypcrital players.
Shai 'Hulud
#527 - 2013-10-12 17:26:13 UTC
Rammix wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
they shouldn't be rewarded with isk for, making isk... recognition and reward are two separate things.

Money is vain. Several billion isk don't mean anything significant in the big Eve, several those mentioned ships are not so big profit. The main point is public support from ccp - towards an ingame business-oriented organization. Such attention to an out-of-game entity wouldn't have caused any disputes at all.

While I agree with your point, I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Josef Djugashvilis
#528 - 2013-10-12 17:29:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
Vaju Enki wrote:
Out of game rewards only.

So easy, so obviously the solution to the freebie part of the issues.

As for the possible RMT part, I have never bought a PLEX nor would I, so I have virtually no knowledge of any possible issues around it.

Removed biased waffle.

This is not a signature.

Shai 'Hulud
#529 - 2013-10-12 17:39:07 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Out of game rewards only.

So easy, so obviously the solution to the freebie part of the issues.

As for the possible RMT part, I have never bought a PLEX nor would I, so I have virtually no knowledge of any possible issues around it.

I would rather earn my shiny new ship etc doing stuff in the game rather than buy in-game stuff using real money.

However, each to their own and all that class of thing.

I agree with you. I have never purchased a PLEX with cash to trade for isk. But, if you are paying for your game time with cash, there is a decent chance the best deal offered for your payment is to buy the game time through SOMER's site. Unless you do one of the longer payment intervals through CCP's site, you would be better off buying it through SOMER.

Anyone who is paying for game time with cash, one month at a time, is getting ripped off unless they are buying it through SOMER. So it's not just about people that buy plex for the isk rather than the game time.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Kate stark
#530 - 2013-10-12 17:42:48 UTC
Rammix wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
they shouldn't be rewarded with isk for, making isk... recognition and reward are two separate things.

Money is vain. Several billion isk don't mean anything significant in the big Eve, several those mentioned ships are not so big profit. The main point is public support from ccp - towards an ingame business-oriented organization. Such attention to an out-of-game entity wouldn't have caused any disputes at all.

everything in-game has an isk value though, so inherently any in-game rewards are isk rewards. the value of the isk is irrelevant, it's just magicking isk out of thin air and dumping it in to player wallets without any guidelines is wide open to misuse and abuse.

i think CCP is perfectly fine saying "hey, they are doing something interesting why don't you take a look?", that level of recognition is fine. however flat out saying "blink are 100% legit" or whatever is just... no. it just shouldn't be happening.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#531 - 2013-10-12 17:55:56 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
they shouldn't be rewarded with isk for, making isk... recognition and reward are two separate things.

Money is vain. Several billion isk don't mean anything significant in the big Eve, several those mentioned ships are not so big profit. The main point is public support from ccp - towards an ingame business-oriented organization. Such attention to an out-of-game entity wouldn't have caused any disputes at all.

everything in-game has an isk value though, so inherently any in-game rewards are isk rewards. the value of the isk is irrelevant, it's just magicking isk out of thin air and dumping it in to player wallets without any guidelines is wide open to misuse and abuse.

i think CCP is perfectly fine saying "hey, they are doing something interesting why don't you take a look?", that level of recognition is fine. however flat out saying "blink are 100% legit" or whatever is just... no. it just shouldn't be happening.

Any transferable in game reward.

I mention a few options here for rewards with no isk value.

(I also mention a few limited ones which could be considered to have an ISK value. They're there mostly as a discussion point)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

#532 - 2013-10-12 18:38:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Rammix
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
2 years ago I made a post asking for CCP to quit the hypocrisy, throw the mask and make RMT "canon".

To legalize RMT in any form except which is being done by the developer - AWFUL idea.
Any form of legal RMT will provoke much more botting, macrosing etc activity. People should keep their RL business out of game worlds. If there are some games that allow RMT for players - those games are sh*t, I'm absolutely sure. When people mix their RL income with online sandbox-style game - you can't keep healthy virtual world.

Kate stark wrote:
however flat out saying "blink are 100% legit" or whatever is just... no. it just shouldn't be happening.

They made a "community spotlight" for SOMER which looked much like a commercial advertisement. It's not a "flat out saying" but by its significance - dangerously close to it.

Shai 'Hulud wrote:
I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Those ships cost between 10bil and 30bil each (according to eve-central). Approximately 30 ships were given (according to, it's 300-900 bil, depending on the selling prices. Well.. that's way too much, I agree with that. Twenty times less would be okay - WITHOUT public support.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Shai 'Hulud
#533 - 2013-10-12 18:44:20 UTC
Rammix wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Those ships cost between 10bil and 30bil each (according to eve-central). Approximately 30 ships were given (according to, it's 300-900 bil, depending on the selling prices. Well.. that's way too much, I agree with that. Twenty times less would be okay - WITHOUT public support.

You are forgetting the 1 of 5 ships x5 given to them to lottery off. I'm a unique ship collector myself. Based on my own, and more knowledgeable players' estimations, these ships could be worth as much as 1 trillion each (they came with a CCP guarantee that none of them would ever be released again, something that few "unique" ships actually have, and of 5 is one of the most rare of unique ships).

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Dirt Nap Squad
#534 - 2013-10-12 18:45:36 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
they shouldn't be rewarded with isk for, making isk... recognition and reward are two separate things.

Money is vain. Several billion isk don't mean anything significant in the big Eve, several those mentioned ships are not so big profit. The main point is public support from ccp - towards an ingame business-oriented organization. Such attention to an out-of-game entity wouldn't have caused any disputes at all.

While I agree with your point, I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Honestly think about what your are saying and how the alliance tourney is run before you equate PL and somer in the same argument.
Shai 'Hulud
#535 - 2013-10-12 18:48:46 UTC
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
they shouldn't be rewarded with isk for, making isk... recognition and reward are two separate things.

Money is vain. Several billion isk don't mean anything significant in the big Eve, several those mentioned ships are not so big profit. The main point is public support from ccp - towards an ingame business-oriented organization. Such attention to an out-of-game entity wouldn't have caused any disputes at all.

While I agree with your point, I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Honestly think about what your are saying and how the alliance tourney is run before you equal PL and somer in the same argument.

I think you misread my response.

I agreed with his sentiment that this is wrong regardless of the total value gifted, but corrected his total value gifted numbers.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

#536 - 2013-10-12 18:49:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Rammix
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Those ships cost between 10bil and 30bil each (according to eve-central). Approximately 30 ships were given (according to, it's 300-900 bil, depending on the selling prices. Well.. that's way too much, I agree with that. Twenty times less would be okay - WITHOUT public support.

You are forgetting the 1 of 5 ships x5 given to them to lottery off. I'm a unique ship collector myself. Based on my own, and more knowledgeable players' estimations, these ships could be worth as much as 1 trillion each (they came with a CCP guarantee that none of them would ever be released again, something that few "unique" ships actually have, and of 5 is one of the most rare of unique ships).

CCP guys have already clearly stated that those ships will appear again in the future. And they don't cost "1 trillion each".

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Shai 'Hulud
#537 - 2013-10-12 18:51:54 UTC
Rammix wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Those ships cost between 10bil and 30bil each (according to eve-central). Approximately 30 ships were given (according to, it's 300-900 bil, depending on the selling prices. Well.. that's way too much, I agree with that. Twenty times less would be okay - WITHOUT public support.

You are forgetting the 1 of 5 ships x5 given to them to lottery off. I'm a unique ship collector myself. Based on my own, and more knowledgeable players' estimations, these ships could be worth as much as 1 trillion each (they came with a CCP guarantee that none of them would ever be released again, something that few "unique" ships actually have, and of 5 is one of the most rare of unique ships).

CCP guys have already clearly stated that those ships will appear again in the future. And they don't cost "1 trillion each".

"These new cruisers will be unique assets that will be owned only by these players. We will not give these out again."

You have some reading to do.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free

Dirt Nap Squad
#538 - 2013-10-12 18:53:58 UTC
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Those ships cost between 10bil and 30bil each (according to eve-central). Approximately 30 ships were given (according to, it's 300-900 bil, depending on the selling prices. Well.. that's way too much, I agree with that. Twenty times less would be okay - WITHOUT public support.

You are forgetting the 1 of 5 ships x5 given to them to lottery off. I'm a unique ship collector myself. Based on my own, and more knowledgeable players' estimations, these ships could be worth as much as 1 trillion each (they came with a CCP guarantee that none of them would ever be released again, something that few "unique" ships actually have, and of 5 is one of the most rare of unique ships).

CCP guys have already clearly stated that those ships will appear again in the future. And they don't cost "1 trillion each".

"These new cruisers will be unique assets that will be owned only by these players. We will not give these out again."

You have some reading to do.

My bad I miss understood.
Anton Menges Saddat
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#539 - 2013-10-12 19:05:28 UTC
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
Rammix wrote:
Shai 'Hulud wrote:
I would like to point out that the total value of gifts given to SOMER is worth roughly the same amount that was awarded to PL for winning the last alliance tournament (~5 trilion ISK).

Those ships cost between 10bil and 30bil each (according to eve-central). Approximately 30 ships were given (according to, it's 300-900 bil, depending on the selling prices. Well.. that's way too much, I agree with that. Twenty times less would be okay - WITHOUT public support.

You are forgetting the 1 of 5 ships x5 given to them to lottery off. I'm a unique ship collector myself. Based on my own, and more knowledgeable players' estimations, these ships could be worth as much as 1 trillion each (they came with a CCP guarantee that none of them would ever be released again, something that few "unique" ships actually have, and of 5 is one of the most rare of unique ships).


they took a bad idea and after receiving massive backlash, decided to go with it anyways, and give out an equally if not more valuable award
Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#540 - 2013-10-12 19:34:08 UTC
Rammix wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
however flat out saying "blink are 100% legit" or whatever is just... no. it just shouldn't be happening.

They made a "community spotlight" for SOMER which looked much like a commercial advertisement. It's not a "flat out saying" but by its significance - dangerously close to it.

I don't think that reference was to the community spotlight, but rather CCP Navigator's statements in response to the EVE Vegas/SOMER Blink lottery fiasco:

CCP Navigator wrote:
SOMER Blink have a history of being trustworthy and honoring every blink played without exception.

CCP Navigator wrote:
Q3, How do we know we can trust Fansites and third parties to operate fairly and independently?

A3, We have worked with a lot of third party sites in the past such as EVE Radio, BIG Lottery and SOMER Blink. These entities (and others of course) have demonstrated a solid history of trust and reliability. As a result, we can verify that they have been straight and true in their dealings and this should be encouraged.


We would also like to address the role of SOMER Blink in this change. They have had three years of constantly delivering on every blink, blast and bonk they have organized.

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_