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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#481 - 2013-10-12 02:26:23 UTC
Shad Duken wrote:
Mitch's Forum Alt wrote:
Shad Duken wrote:
StabThigh wrote:
Shad Duken wrote:

Covering the "it's all RMTing because they make money off each referral" - so does every other site that refers you to a GTC site. CCP has clearly decided that this is acceptable for one reason or another (I'd guess because the site owners are having to pay RL cash for the sites?).

You missed the point. The point is not only that they make cash of each referrel, its that they offer isk for you to give them that cash.

It's a fine line, but actually they offer you BLINK CREDIT - which is not an in-game item.

blink credit = isk

Blink credit = blink credit.

The fact that it's portrayed in isk value is irrelevant. It's being used for ease of reference. They could equally use Ladybirds as the named currency, but that would confuse everyone.

Isk can be converted into Blink Credits, but Blink credits cannot be converted (directly) to Isk.

Blink credits can be used to win lotteries, no? So if you pay for every ticket you effectively by the item (hence why it is a penny auction). If you do this using blink credits that Somer gave you in exchange for cash, then you have effectively bought the item.

But you need not be the only bidder. If the eight people who bid on an item all use blink credits that were given to them for buying a GTC, then SOMER has now effectively sold the item for cash.

This isn't difficult. The line isn't fine except for people who want to ignore it like CCP Guard and the rest of the SOMERblink sponsored community dev team. LOL.

Dirt Nap Squad
#482 - 2013-10-12 02:35:11 UTC
Shad Duken wrote:
Kirren D'marr wrote:

Frankly, the replacement prizes were at least as bad as, if not worse than, the originally proposed prizes - they were something brand new and guaranteed unique; the SOMER lottery would be the only way to ever win one.

For anyone who doesn't know what "uptick" I'm talking about, it can be seen here (from SOMER Blink's own site tracking of Blink activity at the time the EVE Vegas giveaways were announced). It's pretty clear that this announcement had a huge impact on participation directed to SOMER Blink; they gained a massive ISK benefit from these prizes.

Although I agree there was a degree of uptick due to the prizes, you'll see a similar uptick for all of their celebrations - including a far bigger uptick during their 1Q when they had titans as prizes.

Kirren D'marr wrote:

Impossible to fix? Hardly. CCP has reversed ISK transactions many times in the past; there is no reason that they could not have reset this. Instead, they chose to proceed with the giveaway even after the public uproar, completely ignoring the most significant of player concerns over the matter: favoritism towards SOMER Blink over other player organizations.

And how many of those transactions include people who had a problem with it? How many hundreds of blinks would have to be rolled back, most of which would be for people who play blink for fun/winnings and not for the minimal number who came specifically for those two ships. Yet you talk about fair....

Ninja edit:
The only way to tell to any degree of accuracy would be how many NEW accounts were created to SOMER Blink from the time the prizes were announced to the time they were withdrawn - and how many of them stopped playing blink immediately after the withdrawal was announced.

your right but the thing is somer is not CCP. They are not regulated. They have no oversite. I want somer to be laid open and I want every full api on every account who is part of this scam. So then I can see how far reaching the isk I fightin this game goes.
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#483 - 2013-10-12 02:35:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
Shad Duken wrote:
Mitch's Forum Alt wrote:
Shad Duken wrote:

Isk can be converted into Blink Credits, but Blink credits cannot be converted (directly) to Isk.

sure they can. it's called buying every single ticket on a blink and cashing out the prize.

You are *trying* to win a ship/several ships, but you can't guarantee getting all the tickets - and therefore can't guarantee winning the blink.

You may win enough ships to get some of the blink credit converted back to ships, which you can then convert to isk, but unless you're extremely lucky you won't convert it all. The lottery and potential ship win isn't "Have Blink credit, therefore have isk".

You are not thinking of this globally. It doesn't matter if YOU win the ship.

You aren't the RMT'er. You are just being used by the RMT'er to convert isk to cash.

The RMT'er is the guy who converts isk/ships/etc into cash.

If any of the auctions are won with bids using "blink credits" that were given out for cash (GTC sale) then SOMER has effectively turned isk into cash. Due this enough in small amounts, it becomes a large amount.

The only effective way to make cash through RMT'ing is by doing it in small amounts. The 3 bucks or so SOMER gets for every 150 or so mil (I am estimating that they will take 50 million or so back via their take in the auction) is about 12 bucks for 600 mil which is close enough to a plex to be pretty damn efficient. I admit these are only estimates, and I might be way off.

But even if they manage half that it's pretty awesome.

Either way, it's clear that SOMERblink is violating the EULA, and CCP is encouraging it.

On top of that the community devs have said that this is all okay, and that they think SOMER is great because of the amount of isk they have thrown around.

So SOMER is breaking the rules, the rules are not being enforced, and CCP devs have admitted to loving SOMER because of the isk they spend.

This is influence peddling and bribery. This is a conflict of interest. This is a violation of business ethics.

Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#484 - 2013-10-12 03:19:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Argus Sorn
I'd also like to point out that all of these "EVE Vegas" auctions that have ALREADY BEEN WON:

So these have been giving out before EVE Vegas even occurred. They have NOTHING to do with EVE Vegas, other than SOMER and CCP saying they do. Has EVE Vegas actually endorsed this?

Basically this has nothing to do with EVE Vegas, it's a bunch of stuff that CCP gave to SOMER for them to auction off as part of their RMT scheme. How does any of this help sponsor or support EVE Vegas?

You guys are shameless no?
#485 - 2013-10-12 03:31:44 UTC
So what is the way forward? There are several aspects of this mess that some find disturbing. Which one(s) really constitute a problem for the game?

Any time someone talks about a need for transparency, they are referring to some behavior they perceive to be inappropriate. In which case transparency is not very likely to have solved anything. So for me personally, the issue here is not transparency. I acknowledge CCP has the right to keep secrets from me.

As far as alleged EULA violations by Somer Blink, the EULA is CCP's creation. IF CCP is happy with Somer Blink's business model and it is found to violate the current EULA, CCP can either turn a blind eye or change the EULA. The perception of a double standard for what constitutes RMT is a little unsettling, and if I were in the business of selling GTCs or if I had been banned for RMT activity it might be a problem for me. Since those things don't apply, then again for me personally, this is not the real problem.

When it comes to gambling and national and international laws, I think CCP and Somer Blink and their lawyers are capable of handling things without the help of me or other EVE players. Those of us who like to gamble should gamble, and those of us who think it is bad should probably avoid it. As a "casual gambler" I personally have no problem with the existence of gambling in or outside the game, but I understand it can be a problem for some and I don't think it should be required of any player in order to take advantage of any CCP-sponsored promotion.

CCP is in business to make a profit, and we all benefit when they have the money they need to support and develop the game. Sales of time codes is a revenue source, and promoting time code sales is a legitimate part of their business. It is natural for CCP to want to foster relationships with partners who help them sell GTCs. Whatever else can be said of Somer Blink, I think it's pretty clear that they do help sell GTCs.

So what is the problem?

For me the problem is simply the mixing of out-of-game relationships with in-game rewards. Outside the game I basically think CCP should be free to do whatever they want without transparency or player approval. Inside the game, I think the opinions of the players should be respected, and rigid guidelines should be followed by CCP to preserve fairness and equal opportunity. Specifically no player or organization should receive any injection of in-game wealth from CCP. No player should be forced to deal with a third party in order to receive benefits provided by CCP. Since game time is arguably an in-game commodity, all free accounts and plex rewards should be granted in accordance with published guidelines, and records of such benefits should be available to all players. CCP should be free to create rare items, both valuable and symbolic, but the manner of their distribution should be fair. I'd like to see the CSM involved in making the determination of exactly what is fair.

Other than that, sure there are things I agree and disagree with, and some that I shake my head at, but that aren't really my concern. We aren't all going to agree on what's appropriate, but maybe we can come to terms we can live with.
Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#486 - 2013-10-12 04:13:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirren D'marr
Careby wrote:
Any time someone talks about a need for transparency, they are referring to some behavior they perceive to be inappropriate. In which case transparency is not very likely to have solved anything. So for me personally, the issue here is not transparency. I acknowledge CCP has the right to keep secrets from me.

By and large, I agree with what you're saying, but there are a couple of points I felt merited a response. This is the first. Yes, CCP may have the right to keep secrets from the playerbase. However, I would contend that there is a limit as to what information can ethically be kept secret. Information that affects the market and game economy, which can give a group who knows that information an advantage over those who do not, most certainly crosses that line.

Careby wrote:
As far as alleged EULA violations by Somer Blink, the EULA is CCP's creation. IF CCP is happy with Somer Blink's business model and it is found to violate the current EULA, CCP can either turn a blind eye or change the EULA. The perception of a double standard for what constitutes RMT is a little unsettling, and if I were in the business of selling GTCs or if I had been banned for RMT activity it might be a problem for me. Since those things don't apply, then again for me personally, this is not the real problem.

The problem with legal issues, especially ones that are unclear, is they usually are only decided as in violation of the law or not once they have gone to court or have otherwise come to the attention of someone in authority. I doubt that a group like SOMER Blink employs lawyers. I'm sure CCP has a legal department; and their lawyers may have advised them (either correctly or incorrectly) that this sort of thing is perfectly legit. Or, they may have advised them that it is a legal gray area, but would be unlikely to be tested and they should be fine, especially if it doesn't draw the attention of the local (Icelandic) law. Or, they could have warned them that it was a clear violation, but in being buried inside an online game and again through a third party, no one with any power would be likely to notice. Either way, we as players have no way of knowing what side of the law this issue stands on, but it is certain that if there is anything questionable about it, none of the involved parties are going to intentionally draw attention to it.

The only way to truly know where an issue like this stands legally is not to blindly trust the parties involved to have taken care of it, but to shed light on it and get an official ruling by those in authority. Otherwise, it is just "asking the fox to guard the henhouse."

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

Dirt Nap Squad
#487 - 2013-10-12 05:36:20 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Ok I just had this explained in detail how it is RMTing on my coms by people who are a lot smarter then me. In very simple terms it boils down to this.

1. Somer is selling in game items for real money.

2. This is done thru GTC sales. CCP sells them to somer at 10.00 dollars he gets 5.00 dollars = 15 dollars( these are not real numbers. I would love to have the real numbers so I can show you exactly how much he is selling the stuff in game for. But for now we will go with this . You get 200 mil blink credits for buying GTC at his site. Notice I said blink credits not isk.

3. 200 mil blink credits is worth 5.OO. (Just so you can see the reference PLEX worth 600 mil cost 15.00). Somer is using his created out of game somer blink credits to auction off in game items and his out of game free credits are worth 5.00 real dollars for 200 mil or what ever his cut is

4. EVE widget comes up for bid. 48 slots at 200 mil a slot. If all slots are taken by GTC free somer blink credits promotion players then somer sold the in game widget (warning eula breach) for 240.00 dollars. If only half of the slots are free GTC blink credits he sold the item for 120.00 dollars and so on. Getting ready for this IT DOSN'T MATTER WHO WINS. YOU GAINING THE ITEM IS NOT RMTING AND SOMER DOSNT CARE. SOMER SELLING THE ITEM IS AND HE IS MAKING REAL MONEY OF IN GAME ITEMS ( EULA PLEASE SOME ONE PLEASE READ IT). The scary part is most of you don't take the item and turn it back into somer credits and keep playing his raffle game. I guess my father was right the house never loses.

5. RMTing is selling in game items. I don't want to quote the EULA again

Iam trying my best to type this out and Argus has typed it over and over again. CCP you have been scammed by a eve CORP. In one regard Iam proud of somer they pulled off the ultimate scam. This is bigger then the sleeper social club scam and makes eve bank look small. You my friends have won eve take your victory lap please while my friends at CCP in the community department try to save there job for helping you break the EULA and make CCP look really bad.

I would love for you to come on coms and hear it explained verbaly or could some one from EVE radio have argus on to explain it. Once you hear how it is done you will go OMG really.
#488 - 2013-10-12 05:53:55 UTC

1. Somer is selling in game items for real money.

Somer are giving you back some of the profit they make selling GTC in the form of Blink Credits. It could be argued that since they don't have to do this and could just keep the profits its not RMT and they're just giving you free credits.

The reality is that by giving away credits and losing some of their GTC profits to the occasional winner who cashes out, they're making it a lot more attractive to buy the GTC through them and thus creating more profits than they lose.

It's not really that complicated, but it's probably over the head of someone entertained by mashing F5 and clicking Blink!.
Dirt Nap Squad
#489 - 2013-10-12 06:00:56 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Disdaine wrote:

1. Somer is selling in game items for real money.

Somer are giving you back some of the profit they make selling GTC in the form of Blink Credits. It could be argued that since they don't have to do this and could just keep the profits its not RMT and they're just giving you free credits.

The reality is that by giving away credits and losing some of their GTC profits to the occasional winner who cashes out, they're making it a lot more attractive to buy the GTC through them and thus creating more profits than they lose.

It's not really that complicated, but it's probably over the head of someone entertained by mashing F5 and clicking Blink!.

They are not giving me anything and all they are doing is selling in game stuff. There profit is always there they havn't given me anything. They sold a widget made in game Why is so hard for you to see.

Ok I will sell you a GTC for 15.00 dollar. I get 5 CCP get 10. In return I will give you 1 bill willy wonka tickets to enter a drawing for my arazu. You will be one of 10 entries at 1 billion tickets each. I as a RMTer don't care abou the arazu I care about how much I sold it for if all entries are GTC willy wonka tickets I made 50 dollars cash and bought the araszu for 200 mil in game. How did they get the 200 mill you ask lets see how many I can name Botting, getting on coms and asking does any one want to sell me a arazu for 25 dollars I will pay you thru pay pal, they other dumb ass losing there isk in game on my gambling site I use with shill cause I have no over site and CCP is drunk on my love shall I go on <------> RMTers don't care about the ship they care about the 50 Dollars they want money not space ships or isk.

Why did you buy my a GTC from me you ask. Cause I was going to give you willy wonka tickets and a chance at some cool ingame stuff I don't giving a fly **** about cause iam making bank selling in game stuff so you will by my GTC and try to win it. Granted the fact they are a in game corp is even more of a issue for the sand box. But I use my in game isk I don't care about GTC purchases and I play for fun. Well somer is not designed for the house to lose I promise you that but even if somer lost all its isk it will still sell GTC and continue to sell stuff
Dirt Nap Squad
#490 - 2013-10-12 06:38:58 UTC
Somer found a way to create a fake currency called somer isk and sell it thru GTC sales. In exchange they are selling in game stuff with there fake isk and profiting with real money. They are in it for the business of making real money directly off in game items and that is a violation of the eula .
Kate stark
#491 - 2013-10-12 06:49:09 UTC
so, 27 pages and we've still had no word of what action is or isn't going to be taken on CCP's part?

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

#492 - 2013-10-12 07:04:30 UTC
Tinman Spectacular wrote:

...a flaming statue named after the pilot...

BTW, drones - those little creatures - also deserve such thing. I've suggested it in a petition, but seems the idea got lost in some labirynths of petitioning system.

CCP what would happen if you supported some player-run organization whose commercial activities ingame were based only on trust, and a day after receiving your public support they scammed people who started trusting them because of you?
If shorter, what if you supported someone and that person on the next day scammed people? What would you do?
The question is not related to SOMER (but I don't trust any lotteries anyway), I'm just curious.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

#493 - 2013-10-12 07:04:45 UTC


Glad you agree with what I posted. Lost your meds?
#494 - 2013-10-12 07:20:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Rammix
I think CCP shouldn't support in-game organizations whose only (or main) purpose is profit, instead of organizations wich take profit just as voluntary donations.
I mean if you want to support someone's business then please keep that support out of game. Ships you give don't mean anything, the important part is your public support of an in-game business entity.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Willco Inc.
#495 - 2013-10-12 07:48:45 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
l0rd carlos wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
also, generally, the people in the poker tournament put some extra effort in (you know, turning up to the poker tournament, and winning it) vs somer doing nothing that isn't day-to-day business for them.

You make it sound like as if creating and maintaining a well know eve online fansite + infrastructure and handling with employees is effortless.

This is a good point actually. While we totally understand that everyone has different opinions on different projects, there's no denying that it's not an everyday task to build something that a lot of our players like and use regularly. That goes for a lot of our fansites and other contributors. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer number of high level stuff we see coming from our community members.

I am sorry but Somer Blink and employees make tons of ISK from their 'service'... which mean they TAKE from Eve players not give. I realize Guard you were probably picked to respond to this fiasco since you are usually well liked, but the more you try to make them seem noble and needing of rewards, the paler your reputation gets.
Kate stark
#496 - 2013-10-12 08:03:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate stark
gargars wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
l0rd carlos wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
also, generally, the people in the poker tournament put some extra effort in (you know, turning up to the poker tournament, and winning it) vs somer doing nothing that isn't day-to-day business for them.

You make it sound like as if creating and maintaining a well know eve online fansite + infrastructure and handling with employees is effortless.

This is a good point actually. While we totally understand that everyone has different opinions on different projects, there's no denying that it's not an everyday task to build something that a lot of our players like and use regularly. That goes for a lot of our fansites and other contributors. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer number of high level stuff we see coming from our community members.

I am sorry but Somer Blink and employees make tons of ISK from their 'service'... which mean they TAKE from Eve players not give. I realize Guard you were probably picked to respond to this fiasco since you are usually well liked, but the more you try to make them seem noble and needing of rewards, the paler your reputation gets.

not to mention just because blink have decided that they will make money a different way is somehow more worthy of recognition basically belittles every one in eve who runs missions or salvages etc to make isk as CCP say "blink is making isk (just like you!), but we think they're worth more than you so we'll give them scorpions and you can keep being poor".

as i pointed out elsewhere, all of blink's benevolence is a direct method of drumming up more business. if i got a 3x payout on incursions etc for donating isk to new players, you bet your ass i'd be one of the most benevolent players in the game. not to mention, i'd be doing it without any one having any reason to think i'm involved in RMT or need to question my honesty/trustworthiness.

edits for clarity because it's a saturday and i should be asleep but i hurt my neck :(

also just to point out, this isn't me saying they shouldn't be recognised for doing something out of the ordinary; but they shouldn't be rewarded with isk for, making isk... recognition and reward are two separate things.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

#497 - 2013-10-12 08:21:19 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
CCP Guard wrote:

This is a good point actually. While we totally understand that everyone has different opinions on different projects, there's no denying that it's not an everyday task to build something that a lot of our players like and use regularly. That goes for a lot of our fansites and other contributors. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer number of high level stuff we see coming from our community members.

I fail to see why building a profitable business that relies on an out of game infrastructure should be treated as something special that deserves additional rewards on top of the profits it already generates for its owners, anymore than an unusual or extremely large business using ingame infrstructure deserves such rewards. An eve business is just that - a business - whether it operates in-game or out of game, and giving any eve business additional advantages over its competitors just for being successful (i.e. for being liked and used regularly) distorts the sandbox in a very significant way. The claim that because SOMER's business has an out of game website at its core it should therefore be treated according to a different set of rules than those that apply to all ingame businesses simply isn't going to wash.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Kate stark
#498 - 2013-10-12 08:26:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate stark
RAW23 wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:

This is a good point actually. While we totally understand that everyone has different opinions on different projects, there's no denying that it's not an everyday task to build something that a lot of our players like and use regularly. That goes for a lot of our fansites and other contributors. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer number of high level stuff we see coming from our community members.

I fail to see why building a profitable business that relies on an out of game infrastructure should be treated as something special that deserves additional rewards on top of the profits it already generates for its owners anymore than an unusual or extremely large business using ingame infrstructure deserves such rewards. An eve business is just that - a business - whether it operates in-game or out of game, and giving any eve business additional advantages over its competitors just for being successful (i.e. for being liked and used regularly) distorts the sandbox in a very significant way. The claim that because SOMER's business has an out of game website at its core it should therefore be treated according to a different set of rules than those that apply to all ingame businesses simply isn't going to wash.

not to mention, almost every entity in the game has an out of game website for their own forums and their own in-house tools etc.

goons do
pro synergy does
red frog does
push does
and many more i'm sure i haven't even come across.

not to mention all the people that make websites for OTHER PEOPLE to use, such as the websites with mineral prices, the market sites, the lp store sites, and they all do it for no reward, out of their own pocket, and for them it's nothing but a pure expense.

saying that blink are somehow special because they got a pretty website is a feeble justification for dumping billions of isk in their wallets.

actually, that point pretty much makes CCP guard wrong, it is an every day task to build an out of game website for players to use....

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

The Legendary Soldier
#499 - 2013-10-12 10:02:48 UTC
Judging by the post numbers, 5 posts have been removed from this thread in the last few hours.
I would love to know which ones...

Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

All Web Investigations
#500 - 2013-10-12 10:10:35 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Somer are to "community sites" what casinos are to volunteer-ran soup kitchens

I don't mean that as a dig at somer or casinos. Plenty of people like gambling, and I have no problem with organisations that provide those kinds of services. But there is a massive difference between a gambling business and a community oriented organisation