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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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#401 - 2013-10-11 18:00:21 UTC  |  Edited by: StabThigh
CCP Guard wrote:

You've asked for more clarifications a few times before in this thread and I´m not sure how I can clarify this to your satisfaction. I think it's fairly well covered in my reply why we thought it would make sense to explore a relationship with them during a time when we are thinking a lot about more tournaments and competitive events. If you just plain don't like lottery sites or SOMER in particular then of course you're just going to disagree with that judgement call and that's perfectly natural.

To answer the fansite question, they haven't been a registered fansite but we work with other types of enterprises than registered fansites.

Shocked Wow. That is your response, huh? I (all of my accounts) will not be coming back. Its too bad you folks can't see the mistake you made and the urgent remedy that it required. Spinning for 20 pages was not what I was hoping for in this thread(especially after NO responses on the forums for DAYS after this fiasco). Been playing since 04 and I will absolutely never support another product with a CCP stamp on it. You broke player trust, you gave away an enormous advantage in-game and yet the best you can do is "we though it was ok because..."

Kate stark
#402 - 2013-10-11 18:08:36 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Why don't we all just wait and see what CCP make of it all?

I am pretty sure they are aware of the issues now.

It is also worth pointing out (the obvious) that unsubbing means you lose access to the game as well as CCP losing revenue.

Perhaps CCP Guard could give some indication of a timescale to resolve this issue.

a timescale would be lovely, we've been waiting a full 7 days if i'm not mistaken. Wasn't the TMC article published last friday?

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Epic Ganking Time
#403 - 2013-10-11 18:09:08 UTC
Rob Crowley wrote:
Gogela wrote:
I can almost guarantee SOMER is looking at this thread and scratching his head wondering if the player base can count. If somebody hacked his account and stole "just" 100 IWSs worth of ISK he probably wouldn't notice for a long time, if at all. That's how far outclassed our wallets are by him. It's a non-factor. He hit the ludicrous ISK mark a long time ago. If he even does it for the ISK anymore it's only to see how crazy "crazy" can get.

tl;dr; what damage?
Why do you think it matters how big Somer's wallet is? If a trillion ISK is relevant or not in-game is decided by everyone's wallet, not by the richest guy's wallet. It has been said many times that the trillion ISK Somer received in the 2 give-aways combined could fund a major nullsec war for quite some time. It does not matter at all if Somer could do this with his own ISK (because that's legitimate sandbox stuff), it matters that CCP doesn't hand anyone the opportunity to do so.

You took that out of context. We were talking about damage to the EvE economy (or rather lack thereof). The difference in the context you're speaking in, between SOMER and 'everyone else's wallet' is that SOMER had the vision, time, and dedication to organize, design, and program a huge out-of-game application used by a hell of a lot of capsuleers.
Murk Paradox wrote:

Somer Blink is not a community site. It's a business.

Not it's not a business. It's makes fake play money. If I go around collecting up monopoly money for people to play games on my site I would not have to pay personal or corporate taxes to the state or federal government. Not a business. It's a game site, accessible to the EvE community. Thus, community site.
Murk Paradox wrote:
Gogela wrote:

Why don't you explain to me the difference between CCP contracting a community site, paying the developer in cash, and that developer turning around and buying a truckload of PLEX, and CCP just paying the community site developer in PLEX. Do it. What the hell is the difference?

That developer is not representing the community site.

Just like you don't reward the construction crews who built John Hopkins for the awesome research done there by the doctors.

...uh no. The community site is representing the developer. Other way around. This doesn't address what I wrote. The construction crews who built that hospital/research center did not volunteer. They go paid real life money. ...and now they can buy PLEX if so inclined.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Dirt Nap Squad
#404 - 2013-10-11 18:15:41 UTC
Ok so let me get this right

1. I buy a GTC from somer I get 200 blink credits to spend on the lotteries.

2. I use the blink credits and win in game stuff correct.

3. If I don't want the ship I can get a isk pay out.

4 Real money= blink credits= chance to win somer = prize is in game stuff

Holy **** how is this not RMT. CCP you have a third party exchanging real money for credits to play a lottery and win in game stuff. Who did ccp leave in charge of EVE. Wait that right there is no one at the helm. Now this not going to the CSM is making a lot of sense everyone work on eve is doing there own thing.

CCP Unifex please comeback the ship is sinking again. I know you are trying to carve out your notch at CCP but people are messing with the golden egg.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#405 - 2013-10-11 18:39:32 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:

To answer the fansite question, they haven't been a registered fansite but we work with other types of enterprises than registered fansites.

You say clearly here that they are an enterprise so giving them free stuff is indeed favoritism vs the other enterprise working in the same business. Isn't favoritism something you, as the creator of the sandbox, are not supposed to show so the sandbox stay a sandbox?

And remember,

CCP Guard wrote:
We may make mistakes here an there but we're not dumb enough to think we can use Jedi mind tricks on you guys :)

If you want to thank enterprise that gives out money to help causes in any way, shape or form, go as the govt do and give them tax breaks just like corp IRL get when they give money away. Oh wait, you already do that by giving them free account.
Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#406 - 2013-10-11 18:43:28 UTC
TLDR: This looks like a clear cut case of favoritism and profiteering.

CCP Guard wrote:
I think it's fairly well covered in my reply why we thought it would make sense to explore a relationship with them during a time when we are thinking a lot about more tournaments and competitive events.

This sentence shows that you are not really getting the point here Guard.

Not today spaghetti.

Epic Ganking Time
#407 - 2013-10-11 18:43:35 UTC
Ok so let me get this right

1. I buy a GTC from somer I get 200 blink credits to spend on the lotteries.

2. I use the blink credits and win in game stuff correct.

3. If I don't want the ship I can get a isk pay out.

4 Real money= blink credits= chance to win somer = prize is in game stuff

Holy **** how is this not RMT. CCP you have a third party exchanging real money for credits to play a lottery and win in game stuff. Who did ccp leave in charge of EVE. Wait that right there is no one at the helm. Now this not going to the CSM is making a lot of sense everyone work on eve is doing there own thing.

CCP Unifex please comeback the ship is sinking again. I know you are trying to carve out your notch at CCP but people are messing with the golden egg.

It is RMT... sort of. Just as PLEX is RMT. The difference between RMT that gets you banned and RMT that is sanctioned is who gets the money. If CCP gets it it's not bannable RMT. As a 3rd party affiliate, I would bet SOMER gets around 10% for the referral. ...just like gaming sites and others that advertise for EvE. So you are confused about key elements here... let's break it down.

STEP ONE: The Real money transaction.
A player has 50 bucks or whatever GTCs go for. He goes to the SOMER site and says "hell yah I'm feeling lucky, I want to win a lot of ISK. I need a little ISK for seed money and this will totally work out." He buys a GTC from SOMER. || AT THIS POINT - The real money transaction is done. Now follow the money. CCP get's 90% and The Real Life SOMER (not game character) gets 10% for the affiliate referral or however they set it up. That's how internet advertising works. You want to sell stuff on a site I owned and I develop, you need to make it worth my while. So SOMER got his little RL cut but CCP gets the lion's share, and the player who bought the GTC has a GTC. Part of your confusion lies in this stage. As the site operator and real life human being, SOMER is not acting in this stage as a video game character. He's a person. This wasn't a video game transaction... it was a real one.

STEP TWO: The Conversion.
Just as with a PLEX, the GTC has lost all of it's real money value now. It only had real money value at the time of the initial transaction, for which CCP raked in some dough. This GTC cannot be re-sold for real money. This is CCPs policy. The GTC, for it's entire existence, will always be controlled by CCPs policies. At this point in the process the purchaser of the GTC may submit it to the video game character known as SOMER. SOMER is not real here, and the transaction has nothing to do with real life cash. In fact, no matter what happens from here on out, the GTC will be burned at the next step and the rest of what happens with regards to the capsuleer's gambling addiction and SOMER scamming that poor fool out his ISK, there isn't going to be real money involved anymore.

There is only one point in the transaction where real money comes into play. At that point in the transaction there are 3 real people involved. The person who created the video game character SOMER, the guy who created the capsuleer that needed the ISK, and CCP. These are real entites and CCP gets most of the money per normal business practices.

What happens afterwards is where some of you are confused. After the initial transaction real money is not involved. The initial transaction was the same as any PLEX purchase. The latter transaction are not transactions... they are games being played by spaceship barbies in an internet game. The inability of some players to make the differentiation between real life people and spaceship barbie is starting to blow my mind.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

The Legendary Soldier
#408 - 2013-10-11 18:52:18 UTC  |  Edited by: The Legendary Soldier
CCP Guard wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:

You said you still weren't clear on what SOMER did to deserve our attention. I replied to a similar question in this post . If there's anything more you'd like to know about it I can try but I really don't know how much more I can add. It was a judgement call at the time.

This is what you said in that post:

CCP Guard wrote:
It had to do with timing, our impression of their overall track record and capability, their niche, and habit of sponsoring name a few.

That reply lacks specific details some of us keep asking you for. For whatever reason you continue to evade answering those questions directly.

Please clarify your post quoted above:

SB has an "overall track record" of doing what exactly?

SB's "capability" of doing what exactly?

What "niche" exactly are you referring to?

Does CCP consider SB to be a "fansite"?

Is CCP's official stance that SB is a trusted entity, and that players using it can expect not to be scammed?

if there are other considerations as you stated, could you please disclose any that relate directly to contributing to EVE players in their entirety?

You've asked for more clarifications a few times before in this thread and I´m not sure how I can clarify this to your satisfaction. I think it's fairly well covered in my reply why we thought it would make sense to explore a relationship with them during a time when we are thinking a lot about more tournaments and competitive events. If you just plain don't like lottery sites or SOMER in particular then of course you're just going to disagree with that judgement call and that's perfectly natural.

To answer the fansite question, they haven't been a registered fansite but we work with other types of enterprises than registered fansites.

There are five explicit questions there - which you have not deigned to answer.
So, how exactly can you be not quite sure how you can clarify?

Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

Jack Sprate
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#409 - 2013-10-11 19:04:22 UTC

CCP are watching what you do, not what you say.

Save your breath.
Argus Sorn
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#410 - 2013-10-11 19:12:03 UTC
Jack Sprate wrote:

CCP are watching what you do, not what you say.

Save your breath.

Time to unsub folks. It's the only chance we have of being heard.
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#411 - 2013-10-11 19:14:53 UTC
Ok so let me get this right

1. I buy a GTC from somer I get 200 blink credits to spend on the lotteries.

2. I use the blink credits and win in game stuff correct.

3. If I don't want the ship I can get a isk pay out.

4 Real money= blink credits= chance to win somer = prize is in game stuff

Holy **** how is this not RMT. CCP you have a third party exchanging real money for credits to play a lottery and win in game stuff. Who did ccp leave in charge of EVE. Wait that right there is no one at the helm. Now this not going to the CSM is making a lot of sense everyone work on eve is doing there own thing.

CCP Unifex please comeback the ship is sinking again. I know you are trying to carve out your notch at CCP but people are messing with the golden egg.

Gogela gave a good long explanation.

The short one is this:

What you've just described is no different from buying a plex and turning it into in game stuff.

The RMT problem is taking isk or in game stuff and turning it back into personal, real life money. That isn't happening here.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#412 - 2013-10-11 19:19:05 UTC
Remember during Monoclegate, when the uproar was over $90.0 monocles and $20.00 t-shirts that only our avatars could wear, and it had nothing to do with legitimate fears about the AUR Store selling items that could directly impact the game?

Once again, it's not about something being done in secrecy, it's because we don't like the price of something and thus we are wrong! So, who's going to be fired by Hilmar this time and used to try to make the players feel bad? Last time it was the community team, whom you threw under the bus to begin with.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#413 - 2013-10-11 19:25:27 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kirren D'marr wrote:
Sai Talos wrote:
Those of you calling SOMER's contributions to the Eve community into question, lets make one thing clear:

They have time and time again sponsored people and organizations who create content for our community so they can continue creating content without the need to make ISK. If you're wondering, just ask a SOMER employee what all they have sponsored.

Needed to clear the air there.

And no, I'm not a SOMER employee, and I'm out tens of billions thanks to them ;)

Edit: And you know what, CCP hasn't gifted me anything for the hundreds of hours I've spent editing videos, but that doesn't give me the right to throw rocks at them for trying to give back to content creators.

And in doing so, they raise visibility of their site, bringing in more customers and making themselves more ISK.

Sponsorship is not altruism; it is advertising.

Yet it is still a good thing, unless you are saying that the 100 of billions isk they have used in sponsoring player driven events was worthless and that they should stop?

I'm not saying whether it is good or bad; I'm merely pointing out that the reward for sponsorship is increased revenue, and as such it is neither deserving of, nor an appropraite justification for, further community awards.

As someone else pointed out, if events sponsored by SOMER are such a good thing, why not reward the event organizers who put things together, rather than the sponsors? It's like giving superbowl rings to the companies running the halftime commercials rather than the players (not a perfect analogy, but you get the idea).

l0rd carlos wrote:
Laughing Mime wrote:

CCP still don't see what is wrong with financially supporting a for-profit gambling site.A casino is not a community service.

But where do you draw the line?
If someone makes ISK by being a 3rd party on Super Traiding and sponsors community events to get more known, is that also "bad"?

Not necessarily "bad", but also not an action itself deserving of special rewards.

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

#414 - 2013-10-11 19:28:36 UTC
Gogela wrote:
... Part of your confusion lies in this stage. As the site operator and real life human being, SOMER is not acting in this stage as a video game character. He's a person. This wasn't a video game transaction... it was a real one....

I'm pretty sure ALL the RM in ALL RMT goes to real life human being persons and not video game characters. That's sort of the whole point of RMT.

Gogela wrote:
... This GTC cannot be re-sold for real money. This is CCPs policy...

Unless you are Somer Blink.

Gogela wrote:
... There is only one point in the transaction where real money comes into play. At that point in the transaction there are 3 real people involved. The person who created the video game character SOMER, the guy who created the capsuleer that needed the ISK, and CCP. These are real entites and CCP gets most of the money per normal business practices.

What happens afterwards is where some of you are confused. After the initial transaction real money is not involved. The initial transaction was the same as any PLEX purchase. The latter transaction are not transactions... they are games being played by spaceship barbies in an internet game. The inability of some players to make the differentiation between real life people and spaceship barbie is starting to blow my mind.

Let's compare buying a GTC from Markee Dragon via affiliate link on Somer Blink's website and buying a GTC from another retailer like In both cases CCP gets the wholesale price of one GTC. In both cases the EVE player gets a GTC. But in the first case, the EVE player is also given ISK credit, separate from the GTC. This ISK credit has value, therefore some of the cash paid by the player was paid for that ISK, and the rest was paid for the GTC. Part of the transaction was effectively Somer Blink trading ISK to the player for cash. Now what makes that part of the transaction different than "bannable RMT"? Is it only because it is relatively small compared to the GTC sale that occurs at the same time? Because while CCP gets their money for the GTC part of the deal, they get nothing for the additional ISK sold with it. Now you may say the ISK credit is a free bonus, and that Somer Blink gets nothing for it in return, and that the only money they get is incidental ad revenue from ads on their website that just coincidentally happen to be for EVE time codes. If so then nothing I say is likely to change your mind. I have bought time codes from Markee Dragon, and I know why I did it.

Din Chao
#415 - 2013-10-11 19:33:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Din Chao
Sorry if this question has already been answered (though based on what I've read of this thread, nothing of substance has actually been answered):

What kind of transparency, if any, has SOMER Blink given to CCP as to how their "lottery" actually works?
How does CCP know for certain that SOMER is running a legitimate operation and what guarantee do you have that they will continue running this way in the future?
Is CCP privy to the specifics of the transactions between SOMER and the players?
Who at CCP is working with SOMER to ensure that they are not cheating on their lotteries and/or stealing from the players?
Does SOMER random = random?

If these are questions that can't be answered, than how can CCP officially endorse SOMER Blink, effectively legitimizing what may or may not be legitimate?

You say SOMER was selected because of EVE Vegas, and SOMER being a gambling site. But the state of Nevada has a Gaming Commission, a government entity, whose job is to guarantee, to the best of their ability, the "fairness" of gambling in their state. Does CCP have such oversight?

EDIT: I see now that some of these questions/concerns were brought up in the FIRST reply to this thread and were completely ignored. I won't be holding my breath for a response...
Goonswarm Federation
#416 - 2013-10-11 19:39:45 UTC
People have pointed it out earlier in the thread. Somer sponsors to generate free advertising and goodwill.

The very same reasons CCP sponsors Somer and other players. There is no altruism here it is all business. This is fine and is a proven business model. Mixing them together at the expense of the sandbox is the core issue.

Guidelines we can all agree on can make this all work. At no point do I think the greater playerbase would like for profit entities getting more profit from CCP. Reward them in other methods, limit direct wealth injection to non-profits if you do it at all. Caution in doing that at all should be the norm.

CCP has far too many tools at their disposal to need to do direct wealth injection. Skinning, vanity items (that do not have huge value), gametime directly on accounts, free advertising (they do this), real world items (hubs,tshirts,passes).

Wealth injection of any kind should be the absolute last resort when the other methods are not appropriate. There are just so many complications that can arise when you cross that line into the sandbox that it should be avoided in the vast majority of cases if not all.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#417 - 2013-10-11 19:42:13 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:

You've asked for more clarifications a few times before in this thread and I´m not sure how I can clarify this to your satisfaction. I think it's fairly well covered in my reply why we thought it would make sense to explore a relationship with them during a time when we are thinking a lot about more tournaments and competitive events. If you just plain don't like lottery sites or SOMER in particular then of course you're just going to disagree with that judgement call and that's perfectly natural.

Well, answering my direct questions INDIVIDUALLY with SPECIFIC answers instead of vague generalizations would satisfy me. Otherwise your responses thus far seem to be intentionally vague word crafting, and as such I am requesting that you be more specific.

Good luck; I asked for the same thing yesterday (specific, measurable reasons for the SOMER gifts), and that's the point at which Guard stopped responding to my posts.

Since CCP has had ample opportunity to present evidence to the contrary, and has failed to do so, my assumption at this point is that there are no specifics to be given, and that the choice of SOMER as a recipient was purely arbitrary.

I've made my decision; I'm discontinuing my recurring subscription. There is still time for CCP to change my mind, as I've got just over a month left, but at this point it is going to take some drastic measures and open honesty to brign me back. Lip service to an idea won't be nearly enough; there needs to be real change and real fixes for past mistakes before more of my money goes to CCP.

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

Cameron Freerunner
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#418 - 2013-10-11 19:45:11 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
You've asked for more clarifications a few times before in this thread and I´m not sure how I can clarify this to your satisfaction. I think it's fairly well covered in my reply why we thought it would make sense to explore a relationship with them during a time when we are thinking a lot about more tournaments and competitive events.

CCP Guard wrote:
I've answered this but I can clarify. It had to do with timing, our impression of their overall track record and capability, their niche, and habit of sponsoring name a few. This mixed into a feeling that we should contact them and do stuff with them around EVE Vegas and upcoming tournaments. One thing we are doing more of and looking to do more of is E-sports and online tournaments and if you look at any team sport today you see a lot of betting sites doing sponsorship as that makes sense in it's just a relationship that we wanted to explore and which we will continue exploring. Doesn't take away from anything other people are doing that is totally different and brings a different kind of value to our universe.

To revisit many, many other posters' replies: What were the specific criteria that were applied to selecting Somer as a test case? Total PLEX sales? Total site hits? Length of service? Recommendation of others? Random?

I think what's problematic for many people are the words "impression" and "feeling." I certainly understand the concept of exploring various ways to interact with the playerbase, but doing it on the basis of "feelings" is just weird. If you didn't have metrics on which to base a decision, it is baffling why you'd make a decision at all.

I'd like to point out that all of the major professional sports in the U.S. take extraordinary steps to steer clear of gambling and the gambling industry. Nothing tarnishes a sport more than the discovery that players shaved points or otherwise rigged the outcome of the game. European soccer might still be tied to such things, but now they're dealing with a worldwide cheating scandal as a result. CCP should avoid gambling like the plague unless they're looking forward to an eventual scandal. You'd think the AT shennanigans would have been proof enough. When players see CCP acting without clearly stated rules, these are the kinds of things they think of. I hate to beat a dead horse, but had safeguards been in place prior to the T20 incident, CCP would have a lot more goodwill to work with, and that alone should have made you cautious about giving out goodies without clearcut guidelines.

CCP Guard wrote:
There's a lot of good projects and site we have yet to cover in the Community Spotlights and we can't do everyone at once.

What we've tried to do is focus on established things over brand new ones, but we've made exceptions in special cases for example when the Brave Newbies rose fast and hard because it was just such a good story. Timing is important (again) so if there's an upcoming event by someone we have on the back burner we may pull them up a few slots. Also we try to have diversity, not write about similar things week after week etc. But the selection method isn't highly developed or scientific and for something like this I don't think it can be, or that it has to be.

Everything, absolutely everything, that touches on the ingame world is part of the EVE metagame. Someone, somewhere is affected by these things. The Frog's competitors have every right to complain about it, and they should (but they haven't). As I said before, when the rules aren't clear, suspicion naturally follows.

You guys have built the only game I know of in which the rules of the game itself are mutable and part of the metagame. PvP at the design level and at the marketing level are part and parcel of this game. If you're handing out goodies, everyone is going to want some. That should have been obvious.

On the flip side, this leaves you guys in a very awkward place. I don't doubt that there are constant discussions about how to free yourselves from the tyrrany of the playerbase. I don't doubt that that attitude and those concerns drive much of what happened in this situation (e.g., who the hell are they to dictate business decisions to us!). What other company has tied their future so directly to the whims of soulless jackals who think they know everything? This is ultimately the problem that CCP has to solve. Dev tags or not, you're part of the sandbox too!
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#419 - 2013-10-11 19:54:13 UTC
Aryth wrote:

CCP has far too many tools at their disposal to need to do direct wealth injection. Skinning, vanity items (that do not have huge value), gametime directly on accounts, free advertising (they do this), real world items (hubs,tshirts,passes).

Wealth injection of any kind should be the absolute last resort when the other methods are not appropriate. There are just so many complications that can arise when you cross that line into the sandbox that it should be avoided in the vast majority of cases if not all.

I find it ironic that this "direct wealth injection", the IWS, is merely a twiddle of a few numbers in a database for CCP, and that anything "trivial" like game time, t-shirts, mugs, and advertising all have real world value and cost to CCP.

I would also argue that a spaceship with a fancy paintjob is merely a vanity item.

If people stopped arbitrarily placing ridiculous value on nonsense items, there wouldn't be a problem with any wealth injection. Stop feeding the frenzy. You guys are all turning the IWS into the $1000 pair of jeans by buying into the idea of it being worth something more than it is.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Shai 'Hulud
#420 - 2013-10-11 20:01:06 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
Aryth wrote:

CCP has far too many tools at their disposal to need to do direct wealth injection. Skinning, vanity items (that do not have huge value), gametime directly on accounts, free advertising (they do this), real world items (hubs,tshirts,passes).

Wealth injection of any kind should be the absolute last resort when the other methods are not appropriate. There are just so many complications that can arise when you cross that line into the sandbox that it should be avoided in the vast majority of cases if not all.

I find it ironic that this "direct wealth injection", the IWS, is merely a twiddle of a few numbers in a database for CCP, and that anything "trivial" like game time, t-shirts, mugs, and advertising all have real world value and cost to CCP.

I would also argue that a spaceship with a fancy paintjob is merely a vanity item.

If people stopped arbitrarily placing ridiculous value on nonsense items, there wouldn't be a problem with any wealth injection. Stop feeding the frenzy. You guys are all turning the IWS into the $1000 pair of jeans by buying into the idea of it being worth something more than it is.

Where do you get arbitrary? Stuff is worth what it is worth for a number of reasons, it's not arbitrary.

And the market value of these items was not unknown at the time of the gift.

The most useful slaves are those that believe themselves to be free