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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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All Web Investigations
#321 - 2013-10-11 13:09:38 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
You're right... everyone should get a blue ribbon and a plaque for participation.

Trophies for everyone!

That would be meaningful.

That's not what I said at all. Creating strawman arguments just makes you look like a troll.

You claimed anyone could do this and get the same 'reward' - and I'm pointing out that others have done these same things and not been treat the same way or been given the same things. That is me demonstrating that your statements are false.

Please be mature
Kalindra Chan
#322 - 2013-10-11 13:09:58 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
It's rather sad to see the only defense of this boiling down to "you're just jealous because you didn't get stuff!!!"

That's not quite how it works, my dears. Lets imagine we're playing the ol' classic game Counter Strike. Lets say you start your first round, and the admin gives the other team AK47s, while your team are stuck with the pistols.

If you speak out against the admins actions, would it be fair to scream "you're just jealous you didn't get them!"? No, of course it wouldn't. It isn't jealousy, it's about balance and fairness.


@ War Kitten: to your comment why we dont run a website like Somer blinks lottery by ourselfs? Because we want to play EVE Online in that said sandbox and not administrating some website!

I'm a trap!

Tron 3K
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#323 - 2013-10-11 13:11:00 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
Andski wrote:
War Kitten wrote:

A bunch of whiny "adults" complained something in life isn't fair.
CCP puts on hold a cool reward program until definition of fair can be determined.
Whiny adults continue to whine because they are whiners.

Get over it people, life isn't fair, EVE isn't fair.


eve is quite fair, actually: any advantage a player has over any other player is within the reach of any player, with exceptions few and far between

you're just trying to be the ~contrarian~

Creating a for-profit gambling website is also within reach of any player. So is organizing a competitive combat league.

I'm not being contrary for the sake of contrariness. I truly think people are up in arms over nothing and at the root of most all of the complaints is jealousy in one form or another.

There are plenty of other for-profit gambling organisations within EVE, there are plenty of groups who organise pvp events. There are plenty of groups who do not organise events but sponsor them. And so on and so forth.

These other ones were not given the same massive boost to what their businesses can offer (i.e. special ships) and were not given direct personal wallet lining gifts (again with special ships).

So claiming "other people can do it" seems a bit empty when other people HAVE done it but haven't been treat the same way.

To resort to just claiming it is "jealousy" is rather childish. It isn't "jealousy" to expect a level playing field in a game

You're right... everyone should get a blue ribbon and a plaque for participation.

Trophies for everyone!

That would be meaningful.

You are reaching with your trolling now..
All Web Investigations
#324 - 2013-10-11 13:11:20 UTC
Additionally, why can't the "meaningful" rewards be ones that don't give a direct in-game advantage over other players?

How about a non-transferable t-shirt for your char that has "SOMER" stamped on it? How about a USB rifter hub?

You understand that rewards can be meaningful and fair at the same time, yes?
Tron 3K
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#325 - 2013-10-11 13:25:47 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
You're right... everyone should get a blue ribbon and a plaque for participation.

Trophies for everyone!

That would be meaningful.

That's not what I said at all. Creating strawman arguments just makes you look like a troll.

You claimed anyone could do this and get the same 'reward' - and I'm pointing out that others have done these same things and not been treat the same way or been given the same things. That is me demonstrating that your statements are false.

Please be mature

Regardless of anyone else doing this in the past or future.. Items should not be given out as a promotion on their site like that.. If they are doing a fanfest or something of the like then CCP can be like sure we'll give you this item(s) to give out to such and such.. but don't give them the ones running the event the items.. Have the event runner tell CCP who won the item at their event and then CCP contract/give the item to the winning person.

Yes there could be some collusion at a fanfest meeting or whatever. But given that this is taking place where the people are actually gathering the likely hood of that is a little smaller because if you screw someone over they could start a mob and burn the place down or you get the crap beat out of you..
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#326 - 2013-10-11 13:26:41 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Additionally, why can't the "meaningful" rewards be ones that don't give a direct in-game advantage over other players?

A scorpion... marginally useful by itself....with lesser stats than other scorpions.... and a fancy paintjob. Oh big in-game advantage there.

The only value is the rarity, and that's a value that can be made liquid and useful a few times only. Once the collectors have the 1 they "NEED" for their collection, who else is that ship worth billions of isk to really?

The Mona Lisa is valuable because there is one of it. 132 exact duplicates of the Mona Lisa are not worth 132x as much as the one Mona Lisa.


How about a non-transferable t-shirt for your char that has "SOMER" stamped on it? How about a USB rifter hub?

You understand that rewards can be meaningful and fair at the same time, yes?

An out of game reward can be sold on ebay and turned into plex too. What's the difference?

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#327 - 2013-10-11 13:33:32 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
You're right... everyone should get a blue ribbon and a plaque for participation.

Trophies for everyone!

That would be meaningful.

That's not what I said at all. Creating strawman arguments just makes you look like a troll.

You claimed anyone could do this and get the same 'reward' - and I'm pointing out that others have done these same things and not been treat the same way or been given the same things. That is me demonstrating that your statements are false.

Please be mature

It's not a straw man if you present the same argument again in your reply.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:

I'm pointing out that others have done these same things and not been treat the same way or been given the same things.

That right there is exactly what I'm replying to.

"We made a website too, where's our free stuff?"

"We played football too, where's our trophy for participating?"

You have to win.

You may not know ahead of time what the criteria is for winning in this case, but I guarantee you it doesn't include whining about the others who have won.


I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#328 - 2013-10-11 13:35:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
CCP Guard wrote:

You said you still weren't clear on what SOMER did to deserve our attention. I replied to a similar question in this post . If there's anything more you'd like to know about it I can try but I really don't know how much more I can add. It was a judgement call at the time.

This is what you said in that post:

CCP Guard wrote:
It had to do with timing, our impression of their overall track record and capability, their niche, and habit of sponsoring name a few.

That is still vague and lacks specific details some of us keep asking you for.

An "overall track record" of doing what exactly?

SB's capability of doing what exactly?

What niche exactly are you referring to?

Does CCP consider SB to be a "fansite"?

You said those are a few, could you please disclose some more, any that relate directly to contributing to EVE players in their entirety?

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Mitch's Forum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#329 - 2013-10-11 13:37:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Mitch's Forum Alt
I'm disappointed to see that it still seems as if CCP does not 'get it'... we don't want you giving stuff to people in-game that gives them any kind of advantage... the SIW is worth what it's worth because of it's rarity, if you look at the sell history people are clearly willing to pay huge amounts for it, even now. It doesn't matter if it only refines to 1trit if it can be easily converted to a t2 bpo or a supercap hull. Also, that thing about the SIW being announced to be a promo item... yeah, that was vaguely worded, over a year ago, and doesn't excuse handing out a full 33% increase in supply to one entity in complete secrecy, enabling them to engage in insider trading. Also, the response the what qualified Somer to receive so many handouts is evasive... we want better answers than they do cool stuff.... what were the exact criteria? Also, why do people keep forgetting about the monocles they also recieved? those are also selling for billions of isk... so that would make somer the recipient of 3 different handouts, a spotlight, and seemingly offical dev endorsement of legitimacy? show me on other entity receiving that kind of attention please. better yet, show a non-profit entity receiving anything close to that. all those handouts totalover 1tril in profit for somer easily. and all given in dubious circumstances. i'm sorry, but it still doesn't smell right to me.

Edit: oh, and one more thing... why would you give 15bil ships to individual corp members... who are only doing their jobs? they joined the corp to make easy isk, they get paid per hour as well as plex. they definitely do not join somer's corp to donate to charity, lol, they are already being rewarded through the insane profits blink makes and the compensation somer provides. devs are way out of line giving them all those free ships to do shady deals with. somer runs a purely for-profit corp, there is no charity in his actions, sponsoring anything is only marketing/advertising, not an altruistic action.
Dirt Nap Squad
#330 - 2013-10-11 13:45:26 UTC
"GM Nythanos wrote:
Warnings include information stating that additional violations can lead to further action being taken up to and including a permanent ban if violations continue to be committed, such as:
"Please refrain from such activities in the future or we may take further action against your account, up to and including a permanent ban."

The other option is that we don't inform a player that additional action may be taken for future violations and just act if they continue but that's hardly ideal for anyone. It's better to let players know that they need to stop such activities since if they don't we may have to take additional action beyond warning them.

If a player receives a warning and has questions or concerns regarding it they are welcome to file a ticket and we can assist them with the matter accordingly."

LOL This is Irony and I think this is what the eve player base is telling you CCP community team.
Kalindra Chan
#331 - 2013-10-11 13:51:53 UTC
The moment has come...

Thank you CCP for taking away my motivation to play Eve Online!

Somer blink actually cannot be blamed, because it is CCP alone allowing their lottery business.

I dont care about the few thousand dollars i put into plexes and collector editions..

The thing what makes me very sad is, that you took away the joy i had playing eve, which is.. i mean was such a great universe for a virtual life.

I know nobody cares, just wanted to let you know CCP and maybe i am not the only one... :(

I'm a trap!

Miss Ladybird
#332 - 2013-10-11 13:52:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Miss Ladybird
CCP Guard did you really say those ships were worth 30 trit?

Frankly Somer has conquered this game more than anyone else to date.

1) He has raked in isk from players in game hand over fist, God knows how much he has now.

2) He has strategically sponsored events to advertise his lottery service, so he can get more people on his website losing all their isk and not enjoying it in game, and as a reward CCP print him out a 300b isk prize (no not 30 trit Guard).

3) He has all the top names vouching for how great his lotteries are, and even has CCP tirelessly asserting, again and again, and even in this thread, how great his service is to this game.

4) He has so much power that if he did pull a massive scam out of his operation, it would literally probably feature in headline world news, would also deal a massive gut blow to CCP and all the other fools that have promoted him, and might just bring the whole game crashing down.

Nice work.

Time to quit eve I suppose. There is only so much insult to my intelligence I can stomach.
Mitch's Forum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#333 - 2013-10-11 13:57:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Mitch's Forum Alt
Kalindra Chan wrote:
The moment has come...

Thank you CCP for taking away my motivation to play Eve Online!

Somer blink actually cannot be blamed, because it is CCP alone allowing their lottery business.

I dont care about the few thousand dollars i put into plexes and collector editions..

The thing what makes me very sad is, that you took away the joy i had playing eve, which is.. i mean was such a great universe for a virtual life.

I know nobody cares, just wanted to let you know CCP and maybe i am not the only one... :(

you aren't the only one... i already let several accounts lapse due to this and am still debating what to do with the others as they come up for renewal. unfortunately, i do have to keep 2 accounts up for another month due to some in-game business (i keep my word, not gonna leave people holding the bag like CCP does), but depending on how this turns out, i may just let everything expire once that business is taken care of.

at the very least, i expect a complete halt in the issuance of SIW... not just a temporary stop... i'm talking a full, we're done, the units in game will be the only units in game type of deal. if you want to resume in the future, you do it with a new ship skin and announce it clearly and well ahead of time so that we don't have another situation with insider traders taking advantage of a falsely reported supply to sell their dev-spawned items for top dollar. of course, the truly correct thing to do would be to remove the 30 units given to somer from the game and reverse transactions on any of those issued that have been sold through dishonest means.
Dirt Nap Squad
#334 - 2013-10-11 13:58:23 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Kalindra Chan wrote:
The moment has come...

Thank you CCP for taking away my motivation to play Eve Online!

Somer blink actually cannot be blamed, because it is CCP alone allowing their lottery business.

I dont care about the few thousand dollars i put into plexes and collector editions..

The thing what makes me very sad is, that you took away the joy i had playing eve, which is.. i mean was such a great universe for a virtual life.

I know nobody cares, just wanted to let you know CCP and maybe i am not the only one... :(

"GM Nythanos wrote:
Warnings include information stating that additional violations can lead to further action being taken up to and including a permanent ban if violations continue to be committed, such as:
"Please refrain from such activities in the future or we may take further action against your account, up to and including a permanent ban."

The other option is that we don't inform a player that additional action may be taken for future violations and just act if they continue but that's hardly ideal for anyone. It's better to let players know that they need to stop such activities since if they don't we may have to take additional action beyond warning them.

If a player receives a warning and has questions or concerns regarding it they are welcome to file a ticket and we can assist them with the matter accordingly."

LOL This is Irony and I think this is what the eve player base is telling you CCP community team.

I guess your reponse to this crisis has reached the community GM desk and they are beginning to wiegh in. Hey have you ever heard of the butterfly effect let me link a cool video this company named CCP uses

By the way Iam being a smartass no if and or buts about it
Miss Ladybird
#335 - 2013-10-11 14:02:01 UTC
Mitch's Forum Alt wrote:
Kalindra Chan wrote:
The moment has come...

Thank you CCP for taking away my motivation to play Eve Online!

Somer blink actually cannot be blamed, because it is CCP alone allowing their lottery business.

I dont care about the few thousand dollars i put into plexes and collector editions..

The thing what makes me very sad is, that you took away the joy i had playing eve, which is.. i mean was such a great universe for a virtual life.

I know nobody cares, just wanted to let you know CCP and maybe i am not the only one... :(

you aren't the only one... i already let several accounts lapse due to this and am still debating what to do with the others as they come up for renewal. unfortunately, i do have to keep 2 accounts up for another month due to some in-game business (i keep my word, not gonna leave people holding the bag like CCP does), but depending on how this turns out, i may just let everything expire once that business is taken care of.

at the very least, i expect a complete halt in the issuance of SIW... not just a temporary stop... i'm talking a full, we're done, the units in game will be the only units in game type of deal. if you want to resume in the future, you do it with a new ship skin and announce it clearly and well ahead of time so that we don't have another situation with insider traders taking advantage of a falsely reported supply to sell their dev-spawned items for top dollar.

I agree. CCP are trying to claim what was given was worth 30 trit / nothing. it was worth 300b isk. And we are all paying for this game and deserve a better account than this. They simply dont want to face up to the train wreck that this is.

I am the same as you. I used to have multiple accounts but I have honestly let them all lapse apart from my main due to the constant having to stomach this kind of nonsense. If anyone from CCP doesnt believe me... check my account history.
Josef Djugashvilis
#336 - 2013-10-11 14:07:29 UTC
To those who say they are going to or may quit, I would ask them wait to see what CCP do about this...error of judgment.

Those of us who are opposed to the favouritism are against it precisely because we really care about and enjoy Eve Online, where success or failure is fought for (by whatever means) on a level playing field, where the same rules apply to all.

The likes of War Kitten and Jenn Aside et al, who constantly try to portray opposition to valuable/useful in-game freebies, as a jealously issue, simply serve to help me realize that as bad as I am at Eve, they are worse.

This is not a signature.

Mitch's Forum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#337 - 2013-10-11 14:13:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Mitch's Forum Alt
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
To those who say they are going to or may quit, I would ask them wait to see what CCP do about this...error of judgment.

Those of us who are opposed to the favouritism are against it precisely because we really care about and enjoy Eve Online, where success or failure is fought for (by whatever means) on a level playing field, where the same rules apply to all.

The likes of War Kitten and Jenn Aside et al, who constantly try to portray opposition to valuable/useful in-game freebies, as a jealously issue, simply serve to help me realize that as bad as I am at Eve, they are worse.

well, i am still here because i am giving CCP a chance to make it right, i'm just not feeling so optimistic after reading the replies in this thread that display lack of understanding of what is upsetting people. and no, i'm not jealous of the ships... i own one myself, and it wasn't spawned for me, it's one of the first run units that was handed out at the tourney. even if it were to completely lose all value, it wouldn't destroy my wallet or assets list, but that's not the point. the point is i actually had to work for my isk to be able to acquire one, and i didn't have any insider info to help me sell at an inflated price either. the devs giving somer the ships directly impacts my gameplay in that it devalues my items and gives me competition. if that is going to be the case, why would i want to bother doing things to earn isk when others are getting their stuff for free? i did have to keep two of my mains active for another month to keep my word with an in-game deal, but aside from that i have no renewed lapsed toons, and i am strongly considering letting all of my accounts (11 in total atm) just die if this kind of situation continues.

i guess one good thing for our types in this situation is we get extra votes Twisted
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#338 - 2013-10-11 14:15:16 UTC
Miss Ladybird wrote:
Mitch's Forum Alt wrote:
Kalindra Chan wrote:
The moment has come...

Thank you CCP for taking away my motivation to play Eve Online!

Somer blink actually cannot be blamed, because it is CCP alone allowing their lottery business.

I dont care about the few thousand dollars i put into plexes and collector editions..

The thing what makes me very sad is, that you took away the joy i had playing eve, which is.. i mean was such a great universe for a virtual life.

I know nobody cares, just wanted to let you know CCP and maybe i am not the only one... :(

you aren't the only one... i already let several accounts lapse due to this and am still debating what to do with the others as they come up for renewal. unfortunately, i do have to keep 2 accounts up for another month due to some in-game business (i keep my word, not gonna leave people holding the bag like CCP does), but depending on how this turns out, i may just let everything expire once that business is taken care of.

at the very least, i expect a complete halt in the issuance of SIW... not just a temporary stop... i'm talking a full, we're done, the units in game will be the only units in game type of deal. if you want to resume in the future, you do it with a new ship skin and announce it clearly and well ahead of time so that we don't have another situation with insider traders taking advantage of a falsely reported supply to sell their dev-spawned items for top dollar.

I agree. CCP are trying to claim what was given was worth 30 trit / nothing. it was worth 300b isk. And we are all paying for this game and deserve a better account than this. They simply dont want to face up to the train wreck that this is.

I am the same as you. I used to have multiple accounts but I have honestly let them all lapse apart from my main due to the constant having to stomach this kind of nonsense. If anyone from CCP doesnt believe me... check my account history.

Paranoia is a ***** isn't it... Must be tough living with it.

Not once has guard said it was worth one trit. They have a refine value of one trit. He was speaking to the initial design of the item.

But I am seriously wasting my time here I can see. Hopefully though those that aren't so silly might see some benefit from it.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#339 - 2013-10-11 14:22:00 UTC
My two cents, thanks guard seems like a rational response to community concerns.

I can read your post literally without reading between lines and see how we got to where we are. I accept your explanation and later further clarifications.

Time to move forward people..
Mitch's Forum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#340 - 2013-10-11 14:22:10 UTC
T1nyMan wrote:

Paranoia is a ***** isn't it... Must be tough living with it.

Not once has guard said it was worth one trit. They have a refine value of one trit. He was speaking to the initial design of the item.

But I am seriously wasting my time here I can see. Hopefully though those that aren't so silly might see some benefit from it.

when i read the first responses on TCM and that other gaming site, they pretty much said them item is worth 1trit, lol. many of the stooges on here keep repeating that as well.

and we've already established the original design of the item was for the Nex store and rest is just retconning on CCP's part