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[Rubicon] Rapid Heavy Missile Launchers

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CCP Rise
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2013-10-07 11:58:10 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Rise
Another feature you guys will get your hands on very shortly on the public test server are the new Rapid Heavy Missile launchers!

Please keep in mind that they are still in an early development state in some ways. They still have yet to receive their new icon, there's definitely still some bugs with the firing animation and the stats themselves haven't undergone as much review as some other balance features.

With that out of the way we can talk about the launchers themselves. The idea here is pretty basic in being basically a copy of the Rapid Light Missile launcher group but stepped up one class. Doing this hopefully accomplishes a few goals:
  • Expands the fitting options for battleship sized missile users (currently there's not as much flexibility as turret systems get)
  • Opens up new tactics for battleship sized missile users
  • Adds continuity with medium sized missile systems

  • The high-level design for these launchers is very straight forward because of its parallel to the rapid lights. They should:
  • Fire heavy missiles
  • Have a higher rate of fire than normal heavy launchers
  • Have lower overall dps than cruise or torpedo launchers
  • Be easier to fit than cruise or torpedo launchers

  • The sticky part is hitting the numbers just right so that they are better damage output against smaller targets than cruise or torpedo launchers but not so high that they become the right choice in almost all cases. Here's where the numbers are at now, but they are certainly up for negotiation.

    Type ( CPU need / PG need / rate of fire)

    Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (50 / 960 / 9.3s)
    Rapid Heavy Missile launcher II (59 / 1210 / 7.45s)
    'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (46 / 1160 / 7.45s)
    'Limos' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (49 / 1160 / 8.37s)
    'Malkuth' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (43 / 1160 / 8.84s)
    Caldari Navy Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (59 / 1060 / 6.51s)
    Domination Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (43 / 1160 / 7.21s)
    Dread Guristas Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (59 / 1060 / 6.51s)
    Estamel's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (72 / 1060 / 5.21s)
    Gotan's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (50 / 1160 / 6.33s)
    Hakim's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (48 / 1160 / 6.7s)
    Kaikka's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (62 / 1060 / 6.19s)
    Mizuro's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (45 / 1160 / 7.07s)
    Republic Fleet Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (43 / 1160 / 7.21s)
    Shaqil's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (50 / 1060 / 5.96s)
    Thon's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (66 / 1060 / 5.86s)
    Tobias' Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (52 / 1160 / 5.96s)
    True Sansha Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (43 / 1160 / 7.21s)
    Vepas' Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (68 / 1060 / 5.54s)
    YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (51 / 1160 / 7.91s)

    As you can see, we are going to put in a full range of meta levels for Rapid Heavy Launchers and they will all be attained in the same way you would get the Cruise or Torpedo launcher counterpart at a given meta. They will drop at the same rates and obtained at the same LP. The manufacturing costs will be between the cost of torpedo and cruiser launchers which should lead to prices that are very similar.

    If you have questions or feedback let us know and I'll do my best to answer.
    Thanks <3


    Forgot to mention something important - Battleships with Damage bonuses (like Raven and Typhoon rate of fire) will have those bonuses applied to the new launchers. Any bonuses to damage projection or application will NOT be applied (such as Raven missile velocity or Typhoon explosion velocity).


    Mea Culpa.
    Shadow Cartel
    #2 - 2013-10-07 11:59:28 UTC
    Yep, scrap it

    RLMLs are stupidly OP and these aren't different.



    Lidia Caderu
    Brave Newbies Inc.
    Brave Collective
    #3 - 2013-10-07 12:00:29 UTC
    Omnathious Deninard
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #4 - 2013-10-07 12:03:31 UTC
    The have a little faster ROF than I thought.

    If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

    Drake Doe
    88Th Tax Haven
    #5 - 2013-10-07 12:03:32 UTC
    Time to buy ravens

    "The homogenization of EVE began when Gallente and Caldari started sharing a weapon system."---Vermaak Doe-- "Ohh squabbles ohh I love my dust trolls like watching an episode of Maury with less " Is he my Dad " but more of " My Neighbor took a dump on my lawn " good episode! pops more corn" ---Evernub--

    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #6 - 2013-10-07 12:04:25 UTC
    Roime wrote:
    and these aren't different.

    Thank you for the laugh.

    If you think that 480 DPS with Fury missiles at 47.5km on a Battleship hull is OP, then I don't even know what to tell you. And that's with 3 BCS.
    Alticus C Bear
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #7 - 2013-10-07 12:06:12 UTC
    I assume power grid is actually the middle stat?
    Omnathious Deninard
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #8 - 2013-10-07 12:06:37 UTC
    Which ships, if any, will get bonuses to these? Or is that a secret?

    If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

    #9 - 2013-10-07 12:08:06 UTC
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Which ships, if any, will get bonuses to these? Or is that a secret?

    Phoon and Raven
    Lidia Caderu
    Brave Newbies Inc.
    Brave Collective
    #10 - 2013-10-07 12:09:13 UTC
    Isn't it enough just 1 basic meta version of RMS, instead of:

    'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (46 / 1160 / 7.45s)
    'Limos' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (49 / 1160 / 8.37s)
    'Malkuth' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (43 / 1160 / 8.84s)
    Mea Culpa.
    Shadow Cartel
    #11 - 2013-10-07 12:09:59 UTC
    SMT008 wrote:
    Roime wrote:
    and these aren't different.

    Thank you for the laugh.

    If you think that 480 DPS with Fury missiles at 47.5km on a Battleship hull is OP, then I don't even know what to tell you. And that's with 3 BCS.

    The issue is damage application, not paper dps.


    The Dead Rabbit Society
    #12 - 2013-10-07 12:10:31 UTC
    Will any ships be getting relevant bonuses? Aka like the Caracal does for RLML?

    "The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #13 - 2013-10-07 12:11:22 UTC
    Roime wrote:
    SMT008 wrote:
    Roime wrote:
    and these aren't different.

    Thank you for the laugh.

    If you think that 480 DPS with Fury missiles at 47.5km on a Battleship hull is OP, then I don't even know what to tell you. And that's with 3 BCS.

    The issue is damage application, not paper dps.

    Alright, so now you're telling us that Heavy Missiles apply damage too well ?

    There is a reason no one uses them anymore except on the occasional Drake and 100MN Tengus.

    Jayne Fillon
    #14 - 2013-10-07 12:14:32 UTC
    I'm excited to check these out on sisi! Great work, good to see some love for missiles.

    Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

    Habitual Euthanasia
    Pandemic Legion
    #15 - 2013-10-07 12:17:48 UTC
    Heavy missiles are garbage right now, cant imagine why one would want to use them on a battleship except in some very specific edge case.
    Bouh Revetoile
    In Wreck we thrust
    #16 - 2013-10-07 12:18:37 UTC
    SMT008 wrote:
    Roime wrote:
    SMT008 wrote:
    Roime wrote:
    and these aren't different.

    Thank you for the laugh.

    If you think that 480 DPS with Fury missiles at 47.5km on a Battleship hull is OP, then I don't even know what to tell you. And that's with 3 BCS.

    The issue is damage application, not paper dps.

    Alright, so now you're telling us that Heavy Missiles apply damage too well ?

    There is a reason no one uses them anymore except on the occasional Drake and 100MN Tengus.

    Indeed, Light Missiles apply damage incomparably too well I'd say.
    Exploration Frontier inc
    #17 - 2013-10-07 12:20:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
    It would be wise to first take a look at heavy missiles. They were nerfed some time ago before the up of other medium-sized long-range weapons.

    Now that these have been buffed again, I believe you CCP should first rebalance heavy missiles (I don't know for you but I never got to use them since the nerf) THEN tweak the stats of these RHML.

    Edit : Also, CCP, you should first state what you want players to use in specific situations.
    e.g. : For a BS versus BC, do you plan to make the BS player use Cruise or RHML ? What is your exact conception of "Balanced" ? Because RHML could become quite popular actually. I don't use BS missiles for small roams since they are almost always useless against smaller sizes, and this could change the meta. Where you planning to make another niche module, or something more important ?

    Edit 2 : Of course, finally having a tracking computer / enhancer / remote computer / disruptor equivalent for missiles would also be a good thing to consider before actually balancing the RHML.

    Signature Tanking Best Tanking

    [Ex-F] CEO -

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    Vorll Minaaran
    Centre Of Attention
    #18 - 2013-10-07 12:20:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Vorll Minaaran
    seems the PG and CPU stats not in the correct order:

    CCP Rise wrote:

    Type (PG need / CPU need / rate of fire)
    Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I (50 / 960 / 9.3s)

    No raven has 6x960 CPU to fit all launcherslot :)
    Schmata Bastanold
    In Boobiez We Trust
    #19 - 2013-10-07 12:21:11 UTC
    Because we really need another missile launcher in 15 meta levels of obscurity...

    Just post about one thing everybody is really curious about: new deployable structures. Gief us all da detailz! NAOW!

    Invalid signature format

    Bouh Revetoile
    In Wreck we thrust
    #20 - 2013-10-07 12:23:45 UTC
    Is a Rapid Cruise Missile Launcher on project for capitals ?
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