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Mateber Mining and Manufacturing Company
#41 - 2013-09-26 22:07:17 UTC
Maegor Stark wrote:
who does high-sec PI anyways? Might as well just scratch your balls and hope ISK drops to the floor. That **** is evne worse than mining.

One of the reasons for that is the huge taxes, if taxes are low its a decent income with 5+ skills and few chars.

knowledge is power.

Herpp Derpp
Goonswarm Federation
#42 - 2013-09-26 22:15:05 UTC
Themick Mccoy wrote:
Jackie Arkaral wrote:
AmI the only one that has an issue with HI Sec POCOs? The comment on the announcement was that if a corporation set the tax rate too high, that was fine. People would just go elsewhere.

What happens when a large nullsec alliance decides that they want to shut down hisec PI for "fun" and sets the rate to 100% across 100's of systems.

Stop being lazy and go shoot the offending poco(s)? It's not realistically possible to shut down every system in highsec. That is too many planets to cover.

Added to watchlist
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2013-09-26 22:28:17 UTC
Grozen wrote:
Jackie Arkaral wrote:
AmI the only one that has an issue with HI Sec POCOs? The comment on the announcement was that if a corporation set the tax rate too high, that was fine. People would just go elsewhere.

What happens when a large nullsec alliance decides that they want to shut down hisec PI for "fun" and sets the rate to 100% across 100's of systems.

then we will just have to adapt to the new prices, which also mean modules which said alliances use will become as expensive as the taxes they put on carebears.So its a win win situation nobody has the upper hand.

Yeah, because high sec PI gives a lot more than in null sec. lol
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#44 - 2013-09-26 22:58:27 UTC
But we have a plan...

A plan so cunning, you could stick a tail on it, and call it a weasel!

Kaivar Lancer
#45 - 2013-09-27 00:25:52 UTC
Wow. CCP buffs null-sec bears again.
Goonswarm Federation
#46 - 2013-09-27 01:30:27 UTC
Ivan Krividus
Cold Lazarus Inc
#47 - 2013-09-27 01:35:20 UTC
Jackie Arkaral wrote:
AmI the only one that has an issue with HI Sec POCOs? The comment on the announcement was that if a corporation set the tax rate too high, that was fine. People would just go elsewhere.

What happens when a large nullsec alliance decides that they want to shut down hisec PI for "fun" and sets the rate to 100% across 100's of systems.

theyll waste ALL their money wardeccing hundreds of corperations and wasting tons and tons of time and resources to kill each POCO. And they will be spread out through empire, so some people may be able to fight a war
Marcus Trial
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#48 - 2013-09-27 02:11:09 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
Wow. CCP buffs null-sec bears again.

And another hisec bear is bitching. C'mon, keep the tears flowing.

On another note: if indeed all hisec POCOs are going to be "divvied up" between the oh so big and bad nullsec power blocks, as the op is suggesting, this may be an opportunity for lowsec corps to make some more ISK. Take a look at POCO taxes near your border to hisec after the great reshuffle, set your own POCOs to 2% below (or 10%-25% below if taxes are set to a ridiculous value). Check how many hisec bears are willing to do their PI on your planets. Fine tune taxes, watch the ISK flow.
Scooter McCabe
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#49 - 2013-09-27 02:20:50 UTC
Jackie Arkaral wrote:
AmI the only one that has an issue with HI Sec POCOs? The comment on the announcement was that if a corporation set the tax rate too high, that was fine. People would just go elsewhere.

What happens when a large nullsec alliance decides that they want to shut down hisec PI for "fun" and sets the rate to 100% across 100's of systems.

I want to personally take the time to assure you that this would simply never happen. Its a complete logistical impossibility and horribly time consuming. It would require completely soulless person who enjoys sowing misery with little to no explanation why. Then you would need a few thousand of them since one guy can't do it alone. One big fat neck beard or one who has recently lost a lot of weight by eating ham and has recently dressed up as an admiral or commodore. So it would have to start with a guy like that getting orders from some kind of person who likes yoga, dire wolves and a love hate relationship with Jaegermeister. Okay so you would need that combo going and then thousands of sadistic mischief makers to follow along.

Of course then there is the entire logistical impossibility of wiping out all the POCOs and putting in place new POCOs so Hi Sec pays a hefty levy or Imperial Tax if you will. I mean to do this would be like shutting down Ice mining in Hi Sec and making a bunch of sniveling virgins cry loud enough to CCP to get mining ships a resistance buff so they can sit in front of a computer humping a rock. Ironic if you think about it because while they hump that rock their genitalia is atrophying from blood flow restrictions caused by a sedentary lifestyle and radiation from your laptop that you shouldn't actually sit in your lap stupid.

So now that you are done realizing "oh my God they are shriveled!" I just want to reaffirm that no entity in this game would want to wipe out POCOs purely for the fun of it and such a logistical feat would require a veritable swarm of neck beards. If such a group was around you have to ask yourself: Is it better to be at the right hand of the devil or in his path?

Did I mention we rent now?
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#50 - 2013-09-27 07:05:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
When I hard this was coming I thought hmmmm, what could the Goons do, and it was damn obvious to me that even the exceptionally organised and talented Goons or even the entire CFC would not be able to take and control all of the POCO's in HS, its just not possible. And anyway even if they did, keeping them would be a real problem.

The only question I have is in terms of the mechanics, I have heard that shooting them will not invoke a Concord response, but what if you are shootingf the shooters, does that get a Concord response, or do the people shooting the POCO get a criminal flag, which makes it rather interesting. When I heard this I was wondering how it would work within the war dec system, so the actual mechanics in terms of aggro need to have been thought through before deciding on this, so please enlighten us fast..

As for you High Sec bears, if the CFC was to grab a large slice of the POCO's, just wait until they deploy and then RF the lot of them, you wanted a way to get back at them, there you have it, though with the criminal flag you may well have HS griefer corps queuing up around POCO's as soon as you started, the permutations are endless.

I think a lot of fun is possible...

EDIT: Just thought of a key question, if CCP made it possible to have multiple POCO's then we are talking fun fun fun in that this makes it much better...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Mhax Arthie
#51 - 2013-09-27 08:53:50 UTC
Scooter McCabe wrote:

Did I mention we rent now?

Now that you mention it, cant wait for the new poco rent adverts:
"Are you a fat Jita trader that like doing PI with no sweat? Good! We can rent you a poco anywhere around any major trade hub for only 9,99% tax!

PS: Just ignore those siphon modules around the poco's, they are actually beacons to help you find your way"
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#52 - 2013-09-27 10:08:42 UTC
EVERY Hisec Mercs/Griefer will just love to see more Nulbears come on their turf playing with POCOs.

EVERY carebear having a small fiber of PVP in them will want a piece of the pie.

I do not believe a 'single' nulsec entity owning all of Hisec POCOs, as it has been said, it is just not logistically possible. Maybe some regions of space, yes, I can picture this.

Also, funny number of Structure mails about POCOs being shot at.
Mhax Arthie
#53 - 2013-09-27 10:30:04 UTC
Starrakatt wrote:
EVERY Hisec Mercs/Griefer will just love to see more Nulbears come on their turf playing with POCOs.

EVERY carebear having a small fiber of PVP in them will want a piece of the pie.

I do not believe a 'single' nulsec entity owning all of Hisec POCOs, as it has been said, it is just not logistically possible. Maybe some regions of space, yes, I can picture this.

Also, funny number of Structure mails about POCOs being shot at.

One of those "nullbear" alliances just wiped out the whole south-west side of EVE map and you think they will be scared about some hi sec pirate/mercenary gangs? Really?
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#54 - 2013-09-27 10:36:13 UTC
Being scared is not an issue. Having to run 50+ jumps through hisec (no JBs, no titan bridges) every time any 10-man gang decides to take a potshot at one of their POCOs would get boring really fast. Realistically even the entire CFC isn't able to effectively project power over all of highsec on such scale. This isn't fighting a concentrated war in a single region against a single large entity. We're talking about swatting every single fly living in highsec. Even if no single highsec corp stands a chance in a direct fight, if the "combined forces of highsec" reinforce 10 POCOs in different corners of space every day, we can only defend so many until it's not worth the effort.
Mhax Arthie
#55 - 2013-09-27 12:03:50 UTC
There is no point to control the whole hi sec poco's, but only those that generates big profits. If your doing PI in hi sec further than 5 jump away from any main trade hub, your doing it wrong.
Scooter McCabe
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#56 - 2013-09-27 14:19:15 UTC
Starrakatt wrote:
EVERY Hisec Mercs/Griefer will just love to see more Nulbears come on their turf playing with POCOs.

EVERY carebear having a small fiber of PVP in them will want a piece of the pie.

I do not believe a 'single' nulsec entity owning all of Hisec POCOs, as it has been said, it is just not logistically possible. Maybe some regions of space, yes, I can picture this.

Also, funny number of Structure mails about POCOs being shot at.

If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass when he hops.
Goonswarm Federation
#57 - 2013-09-27 15:52:23 UTC
The Wheel Of Misfortune has determined that today's highsec taxes will be ... "EXTORTIONATE"!

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#58 - 2013-09-27 15:52:52 UTC
forecast for tomorrow is "CRIPPLING"

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#59 - 2013-09-27 18:20:57 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Being scared is not an issue. Having to run 50+ jumps through hisec (no JBs, no titan bridges) every time any 10-man gang decides to take a potshot at one of their POCOs would get boring really fast. Realistically even the entire CFC isn't able to effectively project power over all of highsec on such scale. This isn't fighting a concentrated war in a single region against a single large entity. We're talking about swatting every single fly living in highsec. Even if no single highsec corp stands a chance in a direct fight, if the "combined forces of highsec" reinforce 10 POCOs in different corners of space every day, we can only defend so many until it's not worth the effort.

This. ^ ^ Especially considering defensive fleets roaming Hisec from POCO to POCO are not in 0.0 doing what they usually do. Also, such ).) gangs/fleet will get blueballed all the times since this is Hisec and NPC stations. Boring, VERY quickly.

Also, I been a Nulbear myself, now reformed into Hisec wannabee PvPer, and not ashamed about it! \o/

So, thinking that a big nulsec entity will have the time and/or ressources to deal with constant Hisec POCO harrassment is unrealistic.

But as I said, small sectors of Hisec could possibly controlled by said Nulsec entities (staging systems/constellations). Also Hisec entities, enough big FW alliances/Corps to manage that in their chosen Hisec home systems and surroundings. Also, will attract fights, which is good from a PVP viewpoint.

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#60 - 2013-09-27 20:07:36 UTC
Jackie Arkaral wrote:
AmI the only one that has an issue with HI Sec POCOs? The comment on the announcement was that if a corporation set the tax rate too high, that was fine. People would just go elsewhere.

What happens when a large nullsec alliance decides that they want to shut down hisec PI for "fun" and sets the rate to 100% across 100's of systems.

You could get together with some friends and retake the POCO...