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[Odyssey 1.1] Heavy Assault Cruisers - round two

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Devon Weeks
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2201 - 2013-08-19 09:28:10 UTC
And you still havnt replied to the statement that dualrep is better after 23 seconds and that this means the usual buffer doesnt count.

Get on TQ with that dual rep fit. I've tried to tell you that the plate+MAAR is outperforming it in practice. Take that or leave it. Fly what you want. What you die in makes no difference to me. The Deimos simply doesn't need that kind of setup and is perfectly capable of upengaging or tanking multiple targets without it.
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#2202 - 2013-08-19 09:33:26 UTC
Im not talking about tq atm, im talking about sis where they buffed the deimos rep power compared to tq by over 50%.

Plate + aar frit on non frigs are bad in general.
Devon Weeks
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2203 - 2013-08-19 09:37:29 UTC
And I'm talking about when that Sisi Deimos hits TQ. Time will tell whether or not that dual rep sees much flight time after the first month or so after it hits. I don't think it will.
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#2204 - 2013-08-19 09:46:25 UTC
Devon Weeks wrote:
And I'm talking about when that Sisi Deimos hits TQ. Time will tell whether or not that dual rep sees much flight time after the first month or so after it hits. I don't think it will.

The whole ship wont, nor will the hac class in general. They will be just as bad post patch as they are now. The problem is the price of the things and the fact that they offer nothing unique. The fine tuning of balancing is of very little relevance.

If i want as much performance per isk as possible from a cruiser sized ship i run t1 cruisers, if i want the best performance possible of a cruiser i run with t3s. ABCs are what hacs should have been,
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#2205 - 2013-08-19 09:47:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Iyacia Cyric'ai
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
...On another subject, I'm rather unimpressed by the Zealot. I feel it will become the rifter of the HAC revamp. Give it a 25m drone bay please.

It is unchanged because of Scorch I reckon, works so well in swarms with that lens type that it is considered good while all others are getting buffed to function in and out of swarms.
Adding a flight of light drones is a crutch move, like wanting covops on something broken thinking it will help. Between AARs and ASBs a flight of damage drones is no threat to frigates, sensor strengths have gone up with new skills and implants so ec300s will be pointless .. so what would be the purpose of that flight?

It needs what all laser boats needs: Tracking.

Introduce the 3rd pulses (M/L Gatlings) or do a combo bonus similar to what has been done for drones with +5% optimal/+5% tracking, trading some of the range for actually being able to apply damage inside web range.

Won't happen of course, because Amarr is not meant to be solo/small-gang viable until sometime after 2016 to give Gallente lovers enough time to harvest tears from us Big smile
Well Pilgrim and curse are pretty standard solo ships. Slicer and Omen Navy Issue (especially the Nomen) are arguably some of the best solo hulls out there. I get that it's probably a bad idea for the Zealot to go as fast as a Nomen since it'll be unkillable with the t2 resists and the 50% mwd sig bonus (and because it'll obsolete the Nomen) but surely a little bit of anti-tackle/anti-frig capability isn't going to make it broken OP. Assault frigs and some of the tankier frigs like Merlins and Incursuses don't care about a flight of warriors so it's not like it'll be untackleable. But a flight of ec-300s might save you every blue moon. That's really all I think it will take the make the Zealot on par with the other buffed HACs.

This isn't comparable to some herp derp suggestion like add a cov-ops on an abaddon or something. It'll just make the zealot kind of like a shied talos - still vulnerable to frig tackle but not utterly and completely dead if something gets under 10km.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#2206 - 2013-08-19 11:20:35 UTC
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
Well Pilgrim and curse are pretty standard solo ships...

They are also not HACs and have not yet been through the wringer, I have no doubt that the Devs will find some ingenious way to mess them up as well.
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
Slicer and Omen Navy Issue (especially the Nomen) ..

Also not HACs and if you look at them you'd know that their eminent solo capability hinges on one, count it ONE, playstyle. They are superb kiters but are distinctly sub-par if they want to brawl .. no other T1 hulls have the same narrow niche .. and Nomen has 50m3 drones which does exactly squat.
You have one guess as to why they don't function inside scram/web range (hint: starts with "T", rhymes with fracking).
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
..but surely a little bit of anti-tackle/anti-frig capability isn't going to make it broken OP..
That is just it, adding drones does not constitute anti-frig capability, against a noob frig pilot perhaps but anyone in FW, and I guess RvB as well, who flies frigs a lot will tell you that an OV tab for drones makes short work of both light and medium. They pose a credible and real threat to frigates in swarms, but then the frigate has much more pressing matters to attend to making the point moot.
EC drones will help once in a while, but I flat out refuse to accept balancing based on what is generally regarded as a broken thing, even people who abuse the snot of EC drones support a revision of them .. hell, CCP themselves have said they don't like them for Goddess sake.
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
This isn't comparable to some herp derp suggestion like add a cov-ops on an abaddon or something. It'll just make the zealot kind of like a shied talos - still vulnerable to frig tackle but not utterly and completely dead if something gets under 10km.

And I would be perfectly fine with that kind of balancing if it was applied as a general rule, but it is only the Amarr hulls that have to make abhorrent sacrifices in order to function outside of their niche .. I'd even go so far as to say they are the only HACs with a niche.

Equal opportunity is what I want, nothing more. Zealot would work brilliantly if we had access to a gatling type medium gun so the hull itself is not really at fault, but unless said gatling is added then something has to be changed for equal opportunity to exist.

Sacrilege is just 'meh'. Same as always but with a range bonus it will rarely if ever need .. missiles, HAMs in particular, require tackle or free mids for painting .. what good is +50% range if you have to be on top of the target to apply any damage in the first place and where is the speed that is necessary to make that range matter?
Compare to Cerberus and cringe .. that thing will almost outdamage and certainly outrange and outrun the Sacrilege using AML's which double as the ultimate frigate swatters and frees up more fittings than it can use.

In short: Amarr hulls are the only ones of which I cannot confidently say "I can make that work" in more than a few engagements and/or engagement types.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2207 - 2013-08-19 12:25:03 UTC
Here is my general question. Why do hacs have 2x the cap recharge rate of a command ship?

Why can a deimos run a single MARII tackle and guns with cap recharge (no cap boosters) Where an eos/astarte cannot even with 2x nos fitted.

Hac cap regen seems a bit over the top.
Mr Doctor
The Initiative.
#2208 - 2013-08-19 12:30:07 UTC
T2s specialise in areas, HACs happen to specialise in cap management. They also cant boost fleets or have battleship tank.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2209 - 2013-08-19 12:41:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
Mr Doctor wrote:
T2s specialise in areas, HACs happen to specialise in cap management. They also cant boost fleets or have battleship tank.

Hacs tank better than commands in both the fleet level (with logi) and the individual (self rep). Mucher smaller sig and a higher speed mitigates far more damage than a command in fleet or solo play.

If you don't believe me, hop on sisi and see which is easier to kill. An astarte/eos, or a Deimos. You will find that the Deimos is significantly tankier.
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2210 - 2013-08-19 13:39:18 UTC
W0lf Crendraven wrote:
Devon Weeks wrote:
You are doing it wrong, dual-rep has not been necessary on rep bonused hulls after the AAR introduction, plate+MAAR is what you want.

You haven't read the thread, obviously, or you'd know that the cap boosted MAAR setup I'm referring to is the 800mm plate setup. I've been the one arguing AGAINST the dual rep option. I'm not really sure where you got that I'm promoting dual reps. Dual rep isn't mentioned anywhere in what you quoted.

And you still havnt replied to the statement that dualrep is better after 23 seconds and that this means the usual buffer doesnt count.

actually i've ben using it with 800 plate and single MAR, medium cap booster, 400 boosters. needs a small PG implant.

works very well until it encounters 3 heavy neuts on 120 degree cycles. and even then it doesn't die quickly.

deimos doesnt need a tracking bonus. the falloff bonus is useful as it allows the ship to hit anything in scram range. its also useful in the 200mm railgun fit.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Devon Weeks
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2211 - 2013-08-19 14:02:26 UTC
actually i've ben using it with 800 plate and single MAR, medium cap booster, 400 boosters. needs a small PG implant.

Actually, with ions and the ancillary rep, you don't need implants at all. Give it a shot!
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2212 - 2013-08-19 14:13:36 UTC
Devon Weeks wrote:
actually i've ben using it with 800 plate and single MAR, medium cap booster, 400 boosters. needs a small PG implant.

Actually, with ions and the ancillary rep, you don't need implants at all. Give it a shot!

It worked well for me with the ancillary until I encountered 2 opponents at once.

The 800 plate was not enough to see me through the reload. I prefer the predictability of the MAR, but I accept that it can't mitigate as much early-fight damage.

Jerrick, we've always seen eye to eye mate but I think it's ok that the HACs have better cap management than the CSs. The HACs are going to be in the brawl at the start and need to last the course. You (I) wouldn't commit the command ship to scram/neut range until the fight was clearly going in my favour.

I think this is where in practice the tactical advantage of the EOS may become apparent, since it can apply damage from 30km away via drones or sentries while maintaining its options.

Presumably the same is true of a rail-fitted astarte, and the minny ships.

In this use case, the EOS has the advantage of being able to engage at any range like a missile boat (with the obvious downside that drones can be blapped).

It seems to me to all balance out. Let's organise a 10v10 fight on Sisi and see how it works out?

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2213 - 2013-08-19 14:28:32 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Let's organise a 10v10 fight on Sisi and see how it works out?

I'm down however it's going to be hard to get an accurate picture of fleet cap stability until the cap xfer bug is fixed.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#2214 - 2013-08-19 17:10:58 UTC
The Deimos needs to be re-examined. It may not be Op in a fleet scenario, however solo / small gang it is simply too effective with local reppers.

Check it out on the test server and you'll see how crazy it tanks.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2215 - 2013-08-19 17:20:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
Phaade wrote:
The Deimos needs to be re-examined. It may not be Op in a fleet scenario, however solo / small gang it is simply too effective with local reppers.

Check it out on the test server and you'll see how crazy it tanks.

Being cap stable running a marII all guns, and tackle (with a mwd fit) just seems a bit too crazy imo especially considering it does not need a single cap mod to achieve this. I'd like to see it's cap regen nerfed to be more inline with other hacs barring the sac of course. Overall the ability to tank another hac forever simple off cap recharge seems a bit cheesy especially when it's doing around 700 dps. With links, -sig pill, and -sig implants it becomes simply (lol rly ccp?) status. If the deimos was forced to burn a cap booster every now and then while running a single mar I don't think we would see nearly the issue that is present on sisi.

In conclusion: A 5 slot tank deimos should not be tankier and more cap stable than a 6 slot tank eos with 2x med nos, just saying...

I understand that the overall massive increase to cap recharge on hacs was to allow them to run mwd forever however this massive buff has had very significant impacts on other aspects of the game.
Alex Tutuola
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2216 - 2013-08-19 17:31:58 UTC
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
Phaade wrote:
The Deimos needs to be re-examined. It may not be Op in a fleet scenario, however solo / small gang it is simply too effective with local reppers.

Check it out on the test server and you'll see how crazy it tanks.

Being cap stable running a marII all guns, and tackle (with a mwd fit) just seems a bit too crazy imo especially considering it does not need a single cap mod to achieve this. I'd like to see it's cap regen nerfed to be more inline with other hacs barring the sac of course. Overall the ability to tank another hac forever simple off cap recharge seems a bit cheesy especially when it's doing around 700 dps. With links, -sig pill, and -sig implants it becomes simply (lol rly ccp?) status. If the deimos was forced to burn a cap booster every now and then while running a single mar I don't think we would see nearly the issue that is present on sisi.

In conclusion: A 5 slot tank deimos should not be tankier and more cap stable than a 6 slot tank eos with 2x med nos, just saying...

I understand that the overall massive increase to cap recharge on hacs was to allow them to run mwd forever however this massive buff has had very significant impacts on other aspects of the game.

I think the idea is that the deimos has, to this point, found itself constantly the target of energy neutralization. The capacitor reflects that it should be stable until is it neutralized. This should be a common problem for the deimos, due to the ranges in which it engages. You'll still need that cap booster, because even your guns turn off when neuted out in a hybrid ship. This isn't so with the other brawlers.

At least, I've yet to actually SEE a zealot deliberately enter neut range.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2217 - 2013-08-19 17:43:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
Alex Tutuola wrote:

I think the idea is that the deimos has, to this point, found itself constantly the target of energy neutralization. The capacitor reflects that it should be stable until is it neutralized. This should be a common problem for the deimos, due to the ranges in which it engages. You'll still need that cap booster, because even your guns turn off when neuted out in a hybrid ship. This isn't so with the other brawlers.

At least, I've yet to actually SEE a zealot deliberately enter neut range.

The recharge rate really does not have any significant impact if you're being heavily nueted. You're going to be burning your charges anyway and probably going to be dieing anyway.

The problem comes when you're fighting targets w/o lots of nuets or any nuets. The deimos is very close to un-killable (even when out numbered) against the majority of hacs and up in these situations.

Hop and Sisi and i'll show ya.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#2218 - 2013-08-19 18:08:05 UTC
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
Alex Tutuola wrote:

I think the idea is that the deimos has, to this point, found itself constantly the target of energy neutralization. The capacitor reflects that it should be stable until is it neutralized. This should be a common problem for the deimos, due to the ranges in which it engages. You'll still need that cap booster, because even your guns turn off when neuted out in a hybrid ship. This isn't so with the other brawlers.

At least, I've yet to actually SEE a zealot deliberately enter neut range.

The recharge rate really does not have any significant impact if you're being heavily nueted. You're going to be burning your charges anyway and probably going to be dieing anyway.

The problem comes when you're fighting targets w/o lots of nuets or any nuets. The deimos is very close to un-killable (even when out numbered) against the majority of hacs and up in these situations.

Hop and Sisi and i'll show ya.

I couldn't believe how well you tanked it, honestly was ridiculous. It must be perma tanking about 500-600 dps while running guns and tackle.
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2219 - 2013-08-19 22:09:03 UTC
Well yes... that's its job...

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2220 - 2013-08-19 22:23:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Well yes... that's its job...

It's one of the fastest hacs, is the highest dps hac (700ish dps with void, hammers, 5% med hybrid implants and 1 mag stab) and is also one of the tankiest sub caps in the game.

I don't think it's job is to do all of that at the same time which it currently does.

I'm not arguing removing the tank bonus, or changing speed, sig, or fittings. I simply (strongly) believe that it's cap recharge is too high and imo ALL of the hacs need to have their recharge looked into.

It simply makes no sense that a deimos is cap stable with a mar, tackle, and guns compared to an eos with 2x med nos,guns,tackle, and a marII that's not.