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New dev blog: Starbase happy fun time

First post First post
Silk Vixen
Caldari State
#161 - 2011-11-07 16:53:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Silk Vixen
Kalissa wrote:
I swear there is just too much common sense coming from CCP these days. Lol

Who are you people and what have you done with the real CCP???

Nice going guys!

Common sense these days is stupidity. Uncommon sense is where you do things that MAKE SENSE. To this defintion I'll agree that CCP is showing "Common Sense" here.
Largo Coronet
Caldari State
#162 - 2011-11-07 16:53:15 UTC
Dalton Vanadis wrote:
This probably was the simplest solution for the dev team to implement, especially given how many other projects are going on and their stated planned full overhaul of the POS system. The downfall is that yeah, corps run around like mad and the market goes ballistic for a month, but that happens every expansion; get over it.

You're kidding, right? You know nothing of database and data table management, right? "Global search and replace" never made it to your computer school at kindergarten, right?


This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.

Someday, this signature may save my life.

Celebris Nexterra
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#163 - 2011-11-07 16:53:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Celebris Nexterra
Soooo when someone is being POS-bashed, (assuming they have an infinite amount of batteries) they can continually anchor and online ECM/Neut/SD batteries???? Someone mentioned doing the same with guns earlier, but because you have to come outside the shield to put ammo in them, it didn't matter. But those batteries don't need ammo, and many would argue a tower should only have ECM batteries on it, as they are rather OP.

I really see a problem with these new anchoring/onlining times. Someone mentioned having a queue set up. I think this is more appropriate, as a POS SHOULD be challenging to set up in that it takes a long time. But you shouldn't have to sit there and stare at each mod waiting for it to anchor/online.

POS bashes are already long and boring enough, please don't make it worse.
Metis Laxon
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#164 - 2011-11-07 16:53:25 UTC
Tazmikella wrote:
Seriously. Do you want to just kill the game? It is good intent to create "blocks" that people can use to fuel, but you are going about it all wrong and will harrass to stop people from using POSes all together.

First this is the "new" block for 1/hour for Small tower:

8x Coolant
4x Enriched Uranium
400x relevant racial Isotope
4x Mechanical Parts
20x Oxygen
1x Robotics
150x Heavy Water
150x Liquid Ozone

Well the current need for 1/hour for a Small tower is:

2x Coolant
1x Enriched Uranium
113x relevant racial Isotope
2x Mechanical Parts
7x Oxygen
1x Robotics
38x Heavy Water
38x Liquid Ozone


Now be a good boy and divide that by four.
Celebris Nexterra
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#165 - 2011-11-07 16:53:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Celebris Nexterra
**** double post, sorry.
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#166 - 2011-11-07 16:53:40 UTC  |  Edited by: CynoNet Two
I hate to say it, but i think CCP are trying too hard to please us...

As a lifelong starbase masochist I'm all for starbase improvements. Hell there's a reason I mentioned fuel pellets in the CSM proposal. However this whole devblog smacks of pushing out a fix as quickly as possible to impress us, rather than spending a little more time to get it right. Shortcuts like half and half fueling, cutting fuel bonuses and the inevitable market chaos caused by the changes in a short period between patches.

Greyscale, rest assured that we are impressed that you're actively working on fixing these issues. Please take the time to do it properly rather than rushing things out for the holidays. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd rather wait an extra few weeks for the automatic handover than spend December re-fueling towers constantly.

BPO seeding in the main patch, fuel change over in the new year.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#167 - 2011-11-07 16:53:45 UTC
why cant i build these at a POS, where i have NO STATION NEARBY THAT I CAN DOCK IN?

Or what about making them at a pos IN MY WORMHOLE?
MicroCon Enterprises
#168 - 2011-11-07 16:53:46 UTC
Callic Veratar wrote:
Tazmikella wrote:
8x Coolant
4x Enriched Uranium
400x relevant racial Isotope
4x Mechanical Parts
20x Oxygen
1x Robotics
150x Heavy Water
150x Liquid Ozone

Read the blog, and the 15 responses to this again. You get 4 blocks for the that price. Cost for starbases did not just quadruple.
Yes, I see that now as pointed out ... saw the word 'four' twice in the sentence and passed over the second occurrence - corrected on that point.
Goonswarm Federation
#169 - 2011-11-07 16:54:03 UTC
Grace Murray wrote:
Wow, thanks for yet another w-space nerf in the winter patch. Now, not only is PI going to cost us a lot more, but instead of fueling our tower mostly on PI goods from in our system, and only needing to haul in ice goo for fuel, we either need to buy it ALL, or haul everything out, find a nearby factory, buy ice goo, and haul it all back in again.

CCP, PLEASE stop only considering the "big alliance in nullsec" case when you design these things. That's not your entire player base, and homogenizing your game takes out a lot of what makes it cool in the first place.

ammo array you blithering moron

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Creat Posudol
German Oldies
#170 - 2011-11-07 16:54:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Creat Posudol
edit: retracted and removed, thread is moving too fast, no need to repeat stuff with lengthy quotes when the OP of the quote already recognized his error....
Goonswarm Federation
#171 - 2011-11-07 16:54:21 UTC
Gizan wrote:
why cant i build these at a POS, where i have NO STATION NEARBY THAT I CAN DOCK IN?

ammo array you blithering moron

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#172 - 2011-11-07 16:55:12 UTC
For people worrying about the cost of the blocks on market.

Each 4-block batch would cost around 500k isk to build right now. A large tower consumes 530k isk worth of fuel every hour (caldari fuel).

Selling the blocks at 132k/unit (530k for 4, the same price POS owners are paying now), would net the builder 4.3 mil/day per production line, or 43 mil/day per industry char.

This is pretty damn good for T1 production, so you can be sure lots and lots of people will do it, and unavoidably drive the prices down.

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#173 - 2011-11-07 16:55:59 UTC
"you'll no longer need the starbase's password to use its jump bridge"

A good change that improves the current game for the players.

Keep it up.
Apaco lypse
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#174 - 2011-11-07 16:56:15 UTC
I see a lot of uninformed players that are out side of EVE, going to be pissed, better get the word out on all available media
Muppets Released
Forged of Fire
#175 - 2011-11-07 16:56:32 UTC
Where are we going to produce all this stuff?

You keep adding more things to build.

You keep getting new players to join.

However, there's never been an adjustment to the # of production/research/invention slots available in stations.

You practically have to have a POS just to build anything these days in any quantity.
Metis Laxon
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#176 - 2011-11-07 16:57:10 UTC
Grace Murray wrote:
Wow, thanks for yet another w-space nerf in the winter patch. Now, not only is PI going to cost us a lot more, but instead of fueling our tower mostly on PI goods from in our system, and only needing to haul in ice goo for fuel, we either need to buy it ALL, or haul everything out, find a nearby factory, buy ice goo, and haul it all back in again.

CCP, PLEASE stop only considering the "big alliance in nullsec" case when you design these things. That's not your entire player base, and homogenizing your game takes out a lot of what makes it cool in the first place.

You can make it in your POS from you very own PI goods you know. Oh wait you didn't know... how awkward. Perhaps to avoid awkward situations you should read thoroughly, use your brain and not bash the keyboard so often.
Callic Veratar
#177 - 2011-11-07 16:57:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Callic Veratar

    The list of suggested changes I've seen so far:
  • Seed more faction towers
  • Add a method to tax JB users (voluntary or involuntary) in LO or ISK
  • Allow POS shield/JB access by standing
  • Rename Fuel Blocks to Fuel Pellets (or something more sci-fi like Energon Cubes with less copyright infringement)
  • Colour code the fuel blocks
  • Reduce production time
  • Reduce block size to aid logistics of large numbers of blocks
  • Remove the dual-fuel period and do an in-place conversion of fuel to block in all starbases (may result in offline starbases, missing fuel, mayhem)
  • Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone requirements will be higher on average for well-configured POSes.
  • Manufacturing slots may become overbooked as lots of cells will be needed.
  • Restore the sov/faction tower consumption bonus

  • Suggested methods to do this are:
  • Increasing number of blocks produced and consumption by the same factor (10 or 100)
  • Changing the global fuel clock from an hourly period to a by minute period (stupid hard and probably not worth it)
  • Create faction fuel for the faction starbases (like T2 ammo for T2 guns, BPOs available from Faction LP stores)
  • Allow Fuel Blocks to unpack to their original components (and starbases to run without packing the goods)
Halloween Harry
#178 - 2011-11-07 16:57:45 UTC
I think the point is this is another load on the limited build slots in game. Not just locally but thruout the whole game. 2800 builds to fuel one POS at 10min per 4 blocks would add load to the entire network of slots. The point of PI was to give players the means to fuel POSes locally, if we have to ship to empire to build and ship back.

This is epic fail..
Dalton Vanadis
Imperium Technologies
Sigma Grindset
#179 - 2011-11-07 16:58:07 UTC
Creat Posudol wrote:
Taedrin wrote:
I am actually somewhat unhappy with these changes.

1) Having virtually EVERYTHING anchor and online in seconds is WAY too fast. It would be better, IMO, to allow multiple items to anchor/online at once, or to be able to queue up anchoring/onlining actions around a tower so that you can simply tell the tower where you want everything to be, and it will anchor it for you - freeing you up to go do some other activity instead of having to sit there and baby-sit the thing.

That would most likely be a much more complicated change: instead of just adjusting a couple of database entries you'd have to implement a way to queue or (un-)anchor modules in parallel. The dev blog and posts by devs in this thread have made it quite clear that they are working on or towards a real solution to the disaster which are POS'. I'd rather see them spend some small amount of time on quick and easy fixes, which also achieve a goal well enough, instead of using much more time to rework the current system with similar results. That time can be used to either fix something else or work on the new system already (fingers crossed!).

I do agree though that it shouldn't be possible to anchor and online a tower in mid-combat, apart from that the change seems just fine though

Agreed, looking forward to the full revamp
darius mclever
#180 - 2011-11-07 16:58:26 UTC
Grace Murray wrote:
Wow, thanks for yet another w-space nerf in the winter patch. Now, not only is PI going to cost us a lot more, but instead of fueling our tower mostly on PI goods from in our system, and only needing to haul in ice goo for fuel, we either need to buy it ALL, or haul everything out, find a nearby factory, buy ice goo, and haul it all back in again.

CCP, PLEASE stop only considering the "big alliance in nullsec" case when you design these things. That's not your entire player base, and homogenizing your game takes out a lot of what makes it cool in the first place.

just an idea... haul in an array to build fuel pellets in the w-space system. keep hauling in ice as usual and build the blocks on your POS.
maybe something to think about.