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Feedback Request: System transition

First post
Stellar Production
#221 - 2013-05-16 10:30:00 UTC
Altrue wrote:
I hope that the new wormhole transition is only work in progress, otherwise it's a bit poor to only have a fade to black with no tunnel.

You will be happy to know CCP has said they are looking into adding this effect to jump bridges, jump drives, and wormholes soon :)
Stellar Production
#222 - 2013-05-16 11:13:10 UTC
Thank you thank you thank you thank you for turning off the tracking cam at the end of the jump animation <3
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#223 - 2013-05-16 18:09:18 UTC
I'm sure this has already been said, but it's worth saying again--hiding the game UI during jump transitions is a bad experience. I could be in the middle of a chat conversation, or browsing the market, or anything, and going through the gate completely interrupts that by hiding everything--even if I had to briefly pause what I was doing during a jump with the previous method, it interrupted my flow less to have the stuff stay on screen.
Smoking Blunts
ZC Omega
#224 - 2013-05-16 18:11:48 UTC
why does the camera now reset to zoomed in after jumping.

I want it zoomed out until I zoom in, why are you making me reset it after each jump?

where are all my UI windows going?

plus side, less camera movement on the whole. but I would still like to turn this off please

OMG when can i get a pic here

Knights of a Once Square Table INC.
#225 - 2013-05-16 21:02:28 UTC
Please dont touch my camera angle nor zoom level.

If you insist on the swivel transition instead of a much cleaner direct cut scene version of the jump animation, at least reset my camera when the transition is done with a direct cut. (Or swivel back if you REALLY have to. Urgh.)

I always travel zoomed out. TBH honest I always play zoomed out. Having to zoom out after each jump is beyond annoying.

Pretty please. (As a bonus you will avoid getting threadnaughted by your players after the patch. Yes, it is THAT annoying...)
Einar Matveinen
Mahe Ratu
#226 - 2013-05-16 22:23:54 UTC
I don't like too much new wormhole jump effect ... Ugh
Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#227 - 2013-05-16 22:42:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Max Kolonko wrote:

WHY cant we get EXACTLY the same graphics animation for WH?

Wormholes don't "point" anywhere like the stargates do. I'd imagine the effect relies on having two points, or one point an an axis, to align itself on.

thhief ghabmoef

Stellar Production
#228 - 2013-05-16 23:43:33 UTC
Fronkfurter McSheebleton wrote:
Max Kolonko wrote:

WHY cant we get EXACTLY the same graphics animation for WH?

Wormholes don't "point" anywhere like the stargates do. I'd imagine the effect relies on having two points, or one point an an axis, to align itself on.

Actually to be honest, the wormhole can be entered from any direction, Id say probably the easiest way is to allign the cam to the nearest planet and have the cam go through the hole toward that planet. This would give a fixed point of reference I think.
Goonswarm Federation
#229 - 2013-05-16 23:58:06 UTC
my orca character doesn't look at the gate after jumping, and the only thing I did differently was toggle C a couple/few times during warp. it's the only client that doesn't do the final "look at the gate" after jumping.
Brainless Bimbo
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#230 - 2013-05-17 00:17:06 UTC
Still have the central ship picture from the fitting window present over the warp tunnel if fitting window was open when jump made.

camera now stays at range, or is that an artefact of fitting window, will check tomorrow

already dead, just havenĀ“t fallen over yet....

Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#231 - 2013-05-17 00:28:55 UTC
Octoven wrote:
Fronkfurter McSheebleton wrote:
Max Kolonko wrote:

WHY cant we get EXACTLY the same graphics animation for WH?

Wormholes don't "point" anywhere like the stargates do. I'd imagine the effect relies on having two points, or one point an an axis, to align itself on.

Actually to be honest, the wormhole can be entered from any direction, Id say probably the easiest way is to allign the cam to the nearest planet and have the cam go through the hole toward that planet. This would give a fixed point of reference I think.

Or just the line from the ship to the wormhole...
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#232 - 2013-05-17 08:55:02 UTC
my impressions on the new jump animation

1- graphic are good, nice job, i love it

2- this is a bit more immersive, but not completely (see below for details)

3- the camera ressetting and spinning is annoying passed the first jump

As CCP stated, the main purpose for this animation is supposed to be les "cuts" in the player experience, but i think that, while this is a good step in this direction, it as not totally achieved is goal

i would suggest that the jump transition to be closer to the warp one:

-once at the gate, make ship vanish with the animation, then rotate camera to the correct angle for the new (awesome) animation to start (like it is now)

-then play the animation, but keep the whole UI, just refresh it accordingly (mid animation, switch system relative info like name etc.., clean overview, and instead of "warping...", the speed bar would display "jumping....", no need to have the "warp bubble / distance etc..." here, just leave this blank, we dont care)

at landing, no camera movement, camera is behind ship and retain it's zoom level (the one it had prior to activating the gate)

this would, for me at least, be a really smooth jump experience

the feeling as it is in sis curently is like you replaced a ugly progress bar by an great cut-scene, but it remain a "cut" in the experience
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#233 - 2013-05-17 11:23:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Durzel
Chris Winter wrote:
I'm sure this has already been said, but it's worth saying again--hiding the game UI during jump transitions is a bad experience. I could be in the middle of a chat conversation, or browsing the market, or anything, and going through the gate completely interrupts that by hiding everything--even if I had to briefly pause what I was doing during a jump with the previous method, it interrupted my flow less to have the stuff stay on screen.


I know CCP wants everyone to enjoy their new gee-whizz-bang effect, but it'll still look great with the UI in front of it and we won't have a disjointed UX.

Aside from that the removal of auto-tracking camera on the gate is great, but I'd like the game to maintain the original zoom level if possible.
Tr0pa de elite.
#234 - 2013-05-17 12:35:59 UTC
I applaud to your efforts in making this game better, and more attractive.

However I would like to point out that one must be careful with the effects - they may become irritating after you seen them few times. Especially I would like to point out that experienced pvp players does not care about non-pvp related effects, and that they turn off all except missile, turret and ewar effects, often in low graphic mode.

Also another reason to turn of the effects is that player that are hooked on EVE play long sessions, and effects are detrimental to their eyes. All those contrasted nebulas, glowing clouds in PVE sites, not to mention the SUN! are hurting the eyes.

Please enable us to at least customize the contrast, if not turn off the unneeded effects at all.

Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#235 - 2013-05-17 13:19:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidyk
The jump sounds are changed.. why they sounded really good in the first odyssey patch on sisi.. There is huge gap with no sound in the middle of the jump transition and then there is always two or three similar sounds with bass.
There has been more diversity in those sounds before the latest update of odyssey now they they sound a bit same :P and it almost seems that all of those different sounds are muffled to three or four different jump transition sounds, before I ve registered at least 10 awesome different ones for every jump :P. I ve really liked the sound which was new to jumping sounds and its now really muffled down with two sounds which overlaps it.

Maybe just having those sounds more full again, I miss the energy of those sounds before these.. It allways started with ready stage where it was preparing for the boom which was the middle stage of the transition now theres really no sound, and then it ended with awesome brake(decelerate) sound which totally finish the transition and gave you the nerd boner.. Now I dont know but those sounds are quite empty and without energy to me but still all sounds pretty awesome its just badly put together. Though the odyssey first shown jump sounds on fanfest were probly really best :)

But overall great work on all CCP, thanks!
#236 - 2013-05-17 14:50:14 UTC
Following the recent sisi patch on the 16th, the forced camera movement when activating a star gate remains a nausea inducing issue.
Adan Natrier
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#237 - 2013-05-17 17:33:25 UTC
From flying around a bit (a lot) on sisi It seems to me that, if the tracking camera is off, the camera shouldn't turn to look down the gate as you go through it. If tracking camera is on, it should - like how it now tracks back on jump exit, and is behaviourally consistent with how the tracking camera works. If it's not supposed to track, that camera has no business moving of its own accord. I like the effect, and I can manually spin the camera in 'jump' anyway - this just puts it back in players' hands, without adding any more options selections or tickboxes than already exist.

There was an update not so long ago that kept zoom levels constant between changing ships in space. And yet the current jump cam does. When I'm not using tracking - I don't mind it pulling the zoom in, so much as it changing direction. This is not comfortable for a sense of preserving orientation when there's no visual reference, but I'm not going to pretend it's making me sick.

I care about vanishing UI less than some, as I basically fly everywhere manual. But it'd be nice if it were possible for it not to.

One more thing, the discovery/new sensor overlay visual when it's running gets cut by the system transition 'hole' like it were foreground (except, transparent parts of the hole still cut; some overlapping alpha thing). To reproduce allow for the scan running behind the direction the camera will look down the gate, then jump.
Chloe Celeste
Net Effect
#238 - 2013-05-17 20:36:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Chloe Celeste
Chris Winter wrote:
I'm sure this has already been said, but it's worth saying again--hiding the game UI during jump transitions is a bad experience. I could be in the middle of a chat conversation, or browsing the market, or anything, and going through the gate completely interrupts that by hiding everything--even if I had to briefly pause what I was doing during a jump with the previous method, it interrupted my flow less to have the stuff stay on screen.

I also agree with this statement. At the very least the chat and other signifcant mission crtiical windows should still be fully functional and since the IGB maintains its display while jumping don't see why it can't be adjusted in future patches.

I think the reason for the hiding is probably realted to the fact that for a split second or two while jumping, currently on TQ, the UI has no functionality and just simply loads the next system. With that said the jump animation is significantly longer period of delay so I think that is the reason a lot of people are unhappy with the hiding of the most of the UI during jumping proceedures.

I think an option to toggle off all animations should be developed soon. That way if the animations were toggeled off then it would remain as it is now on TQ but allow people who aren't bothered by the animations leave them enabled. This would make the Eve Client much more robust and meaningful.
Chloe Celeste
Net Effect
#239 - 2013-05-17 23:11:50 UTC
Chloe Celeste wrote:

CCP Sisyphus,

Anything you all can do to make the system transitions when jumping eaiser on the eyes and less jerking around motion? I love the effect but it's making me extremly dizzy even after traveling once through it to a neighboring system. I wouldn't be surprised if other people are experiencing similar experiences.

For me, the major problem is when the camera zooms in and is locked onto my ship. Possibly by removing the camera lock it would prevent a lot of the jostling around and simply zoom in without any jerking movement and motion? ....

Just reporting that I checked out the changes in the system transition aka jump animation and at its current state on 5/17/13 and it no longer makes me dizzy or hurts my eyes anywhere close to the degree that it did previously and it's within tolerable limits.

CCP - Thank you very much for addressing this major concern rather quickly.

To give additional feedback, in current design the camera snap to is a bit quick and fast and that is the only thing I would improve upon at this point. Wouldn't want anyone to get whiplash, lol. However, if this is the final design I know I'll be able to continue enjoying Eve and be able to view the animation too!

Kudos CCP!
Mohr Cowbell
KarmaFleet University
#240 - 2013-05-18 00:00:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Mohr Cowbell
I would like to have wild guitar licks played while jumping. Immersion.

Edit: I noticed that this sounded sarcastic, but no I'm serious.