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Dev Blog: Resource Shakeup in Odyssey: Just don’t call it a Cataclysm + Companion blog

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Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#861 - 2013-05-09 13:12:01 UTC
Sassums wrote:
Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

If you don't like it, go to highsec.

The Tears Must Flow

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#862 - 2013-05-09 14:18:20 UTC
Salpad wrote:
Good that you're re-balancing high-end ores, to make them worth more, but why not do a little for mid-end ores as well? Ones like Jaspet, Hedbergite and Hemorphite? Ores typically found in low-sec but also in high-sec gravimetric sites?

Currently their value per m3 is the same as the low-end ores, or only a very few percent (as in single digits) higher.

Of course, if that changes after the expansion, so that we have a clearer value-per-m3 hierarchy, with low-end < mid-end < high-end then that's fine, but if such a hierarchy does not emerge clearly, could you consider giving a slight boost to mid-end ores? Just somehing like +15% mineral content.

Really? Have you checked the prices? Hedbergite, Hemorphite, and Jaspet are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most valuable ores right now, at least according to Beat out only by Arknor. I believe the reason these ores were left untouched is because they apear in high sec grav sites. Sites which will no longer need to be scanned down.

I would love to see low sec ores valued high enough to make low sec mining worthwhile, but I do not see that ever happening.

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#863 - 2013-05-09 14:23:09 UTC
Bario Norte wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:

  • We are not currently planning to improve ore or ice compression, including the rates of compression or Rorquals. We encourage those ice miners that outpace their Rorqual capacity to try selling the excess on local markets, I think they may find people willing to buy their products.

  • You say you are not "planning" changes... but ICE compression will be by far at a disadvantage... can you please take a look at just doing something about the ice compressions so its not like 1.5 HULKS for 1 Rorqual!!!

    Also, the "local market" as you stated will not buy the volume of ice that is mined in o.o even if prices are WAY LESS then jita prices. Furthermore, it does not solve the problem about how to get the ICE to so-called (0.0 market hub) from the mining system!


    Well in my experience ICE sells very well, often well above Jita prices at any null sec outpost where a character with perfect refining skills can process it at 100%. Even a 35% facility can give you 98.5% refine, which is pretty good. ICE products sell well at any null sec station or outpost.

    As far as the local market goes, the capacity is certainly there. After all 85-90% of all ICE products are consumed in low and null sec, not in high sec. Sellin g in high sec generally means most of what is sold is shipped back out to null.
    Sylvia Nardieu
    Super Serious Fight Club
    #864 - 2013-05-09 15:19:30 UTC
    Here's an idea which might provide miners out of hisec a fighting chance - give skiff +2 warp core strength back, and provide procurer with +1 too?
    Mysterious Island 0001
    #865 - 2013-05-09 15:20:24 UTC
    Executive summary:
    I'm certainly no expert on moon mining or flying capitals in combat or otherwise, but I can tell you it has always irked me that I can't mine moons in high security space (that's right, isn't it?). I mean, I see the moons, they are everywhere, and you're telling me I can't mine them? Is there some game lore that tells me why things are this way, or is it just politics? For Trit's sake, just let me mine a little cheese off a moon in high... plain colby would be fine. I don't want to have to reinvent myself in low/null security space just so I can try out moon mining long enough to see if I like it. That goes for flying and building big ships as well. Currently we can't build or fly the biggest ships in high sec, right? You need to figure out a way for me to try these things alone in my own good time without risking my imaginary life. I swear by Green Eggs and Ham, don't you know that when I die in this game it can feel like I died in real life? I do not like it, Sam I Am !!

    Maybe you could place limits on moon mining, sort of like you've done on planetary interaction, so at least a small scale operation could be achieved in highsec.
    As far as building ships, perhaps the process could take longer in high security. You could say this is due to the bureaucracy of concord regulations or something like that to make it reasonably believeable.
    As far as flying capitals or titans, concord could install some kind of damping technology on each ship built in high security that would suppress certain of their advantages while in empire - enough to prevent them from unbalancing the game. If someone wanted to bring, say, a Titan into high sec for the first time, they would be held up in doing so until the concord technology was added to their ship. There could even be skills needed to implement that technology on such ships for travel in highsec, along with a modified gate mechanic skill that would allow use of a standard gate.
    As always, politics will rule the day, and the fate of these ideas too. Don't know but that others have had these ideas, but I wanted to be heard. These are my ideas, and mine alone. I mined them from my head, where I now have room for more cheese.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this.
    Bugsy VanHalen
    Society of lost Souls
    #866 - 2013-05-09 15:34:52 UTC
    This thread is supposed to be about the resource shake up. As far as I am concerned that does include ICE, but does not include ganking, or ship balancing.

    The resource changes as far as ore composition changes look great. I really like what I see.

    The ICE changes seem a little extreme but I do not think it will be near as hard to adapt as many believe. According to the figures I have seen this will not be a big issue. ICE fields will now deplete. So what. that was a needed change. At least they will respawn every 4 hours, not at down time. That will mitigate the impact more than enough.

    Many players seem outraged that high sec ICE will only be enough to cover 80% of the over all demand. That means 20% of the ICE will need to be mined in low or null sec. This is all demand, not just high sec demand, that makes a huge difference. I do not see a problem with this. Why?

    First of all I believe that currently more than 20% of the available ICE is mined in null sec already. Anyone who has lived in null sec knows ICE mining ops are nearly as common as ore mining ops. Capitals need ICE for fuel, Jump bridges need ICE for fuel, POSes that run the facilities to build super capitals and run jump bridge networks need ICE for fuel, The ICE demand in null sec is huge. Much of this demand is for Liquid Ozone which high sec ICE is not a good source of. High sec ICE has only 25 LO per block, while Dark Glitter has 1000 LO per block. A very large amount of dark glitter is mined in null sec. Which brings us to my other point.

    According to the stats I have seen 85-90% of the ICE consumed in game is consumed in low and null, only 10-15% of ICE products sold are consumed in high sec. So high sec consumes 10-15% of the ICE but will (after June 4th) produce up to 80% of the total ICE available. This seems fine to me, it just means less ICE will go through Jita, this 20% will be more than offset just bey ICE currently being mined in Null being sold in null rather than being shipped to Jita. This will drive change in how ICE products are handled and marketed, but there will be no shortage of ICE products. If there is, capital ships and jump bridges will be hit much harder than POSes. I believe this change will work out just fine.

    The only issue I have with the proposed changes in Odyssey is the move of grav sites to anomalies. This is game breaking to me. Null sec mining is risky as it is, now the little risk mitigation we had is gone. We now have to rely on alliance/corp PVPers to provide protection for the nullbear miners. FOZZIE, that is just not going to happen!

    I have yet to see a single post in this thread that supports this change. It does not matter if you mine in null, low, or W-space, the needed mechanics for risk mitigation that make mining in dangerous space possible will be gone if this change goes through.

    In all dangerous space whether it be roaming gangs or solo PVPers, you still need to have at least one probe launcher to find and attack the local miners hiding in the grav sites. In W-space most pilots do have a probe launcher, this increases risk, but you still have D-scan to alert you to incoming threats. Cloaked ships do not show on D-scan but their probes do. No probes, No warning.

    What happens if grav sites are changed to anomalies? Several things. If grav sites are moved over to anomalies we will see the following changes.

    - Null sec miners will no longer have the security of having to be scanned down before they can be attacked. Currently the only real threats are ships with a probe launcher, but you can mitigate the risk by watching D-scan for probes. Considering that only about 10% of the roaming gangs in null sec have a ship with a probe launcher, only about 10% of the ships passing through represent an actual threat. After this change not only will there be no probes to watch D-scan for, but every ship can find the anomaly with its onboard scanner. this not only reduces the warning time of an attack, but moves the threat from about 10% of the ships to 100%. So we lose a significant amount of warning, plus get an increase in base risk by a factor of 10. that is 1000% increase! (10x increase not 10%), while the ore composition changes will only give a 10-15% boost to the reward. This is a huge change. null sec mining risk vs reward was fairly well balanced before, now we have a 1000% increase in risk, with only a 10-15% increase in reward > balance gone.

    - Low sec mining is an activity that is barely done now, as the risk vs reward makes it not worth while. Yet low sec mining will get the same 1000% increase in risk, without the benefit of any increased reward. And this is suposed to increase low sec mining? WTF have they been smoking??

    - W-space mining is currently the lowest income stream available in W-space, but you can not control the sites that spawn so you either run the grav sites or do nothing until something else spawns. This sucks, but is acceptable as it is. You have no local to warn you about possible threats, but you still have D-scan. Since most PVP ships in W-space are cloakys the ships will not show on D-scan, but their probes will, provided they need probes to find you. In W-space almost every ship has a probe launcher so you are looking at more a shift from 95% of the ships representing a threat, to 100% not the 10 times increase seen in null sec. But you have the added risk mitigation of being able to somewhat control, the entrances to your space. Wormholes can be closed making it unlikely you will have visitors. Every thing you do in W-space out side of the POS except for maybe PI is in sites that you enemy has to scan down. Grav sites will be useless to wormhole dwellers. You won't see new threats in system due to no local, in coming Cloaked ships do not show on D-scan, and you will not see probes as they will not be need to find you, not to mention your ship is slow, and unarmed.

    Bugsy VanHalen
    Society of lost Souls
    #867 - 2013-05-09 15:37:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
    I get that developers wanted to add some risk to mining, as well as make it more aces sable for new miners moving out of high sec into null sec for the better rewards. But this change of grav sites to anomalies was a bad move. it is just out of balance. The difference in risk is massive, like the move from CONCORD to no CONCORD when traveling from 0.5 to an 0.4 system. Security status was suposed to create a gradual increase in safety as you move toward high security space. We do see that from 0.5 to 1.0 space. But the gap between 0.5 and 0.4 is huge. Just like the gap in risk mitigation between an anomaly and a cosmic signature is huge.

    Sure most anomalies get run, but they are heavily populated with NPC's and you are in a combat ship. Any ship warping in to attack you is at risk from both the NPC's and you shooting back. While an anomaly grav site that risk is gone, the rats are gone before the miners start, and any that spawn are no real threat to an incoming ganker. Plus the mining ships are slow, have a crap tank, and can not shot back. If while you were runing a combat anomaly there was no NPC threat to an incoming ganker, and you could not shoot them, the risk would be to high to run those sites. This is what the new grav sites will be.
    Bugsy VanHalen
    Society of lost Souls
    #868 - 2013-05-09 15:49:55 UTC
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Sassums wrote:
    Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

    It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

    This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

    If you don't like it, go to highsec.

    Except that one of the driving factors behind odyssey is supposed to be encouraging more players to move out of high sec, not those already gone to come running back. If your solution to Odyssey is go back to high sec, than Odyseey is a failed expansion.
    Dark Venture Corporation
    Kitchen Sinkhole
    #869 - 2013-05-09 17:16:35 UTC
    Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Sassums wrote:
    Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

    It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

    This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

    If you don't like it, go to highsec.

    Except that one of the driving factors behind odyssey is supposed to be encouraging more players to move out of high sec, not those already gone to come running back. If your solution to Odyssey is go back to high sec, than Odyseey is a failed expansion.

    Being able to instantly warp to a miner is hardly a challenge. If you had issues finding miners before you just had no idea what you were doing. Good WH scouts could pin a miner in under 30 seconds. Which at least is a fraction of a fighting chance compared to point, click, warp.
    Vaju Enki
    Secular Wisdom
    #870 - 2013-05-09 18:21:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaju Enki
    Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Sassums wrote:
    Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

    It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

    This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

    If you don't like it, go to highsec.

    Except that one of the driving factors behind odyssey is supposed to be encouraging more players to move out of high sec, not those already gone to come running back. If your solution to Odyssey is go back to high sec, than Odyseey is a failed expansion.

    The only fail around here is you. Odyssey is supposed to fix some of the risk vs reward imbalance in the game, and that's exactly what's delivering.

    The Tears Must Flow

    Bugsy VanHalen
    Society of lost Souls
    #871 - 2013-05-09 18:39:54 UTC
    Sassums wrote:
    Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Sassums wrote:
    Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

    It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

    This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

    If you don't like it, go to highsec.

    Except that one of the driving factors behind odyssey is supposed to be encouraging more players to move out of high sec, not those already gone to come running back. If your solution to Odyssey is go back to high sec, than Odyseey is a failed expansion.

    Being able to instantly warp to a miner is hardly a challenge. If you had issues finding miners before you just had no idea what you were doing. Good WH scouts could pin a miner in under 30 seconds. Which at least is a fraction of a fighting chance compared to point, click, warp.

    WOW, right over your head.

    Yes it is easy to scan down either the grav site, or the ship in the grav site. Both methods however need a probe launcher on your ship. And if the miner sees a red or neut in the system they just have to watch D-scan for probes. Risky? Yes but manageable as most PVPers roaming null sec do not fit a probe launcher. As a result the risk vs reward is balanced.

    the increase this change will do for miners is much less from the fact that the belts are easier to find, it is from the fact that now every ship will be able to find them. 30 seconds down to 10 seconds to get the warp point is not the problem. The problem is before only about 10% of the roamers had a probe launcher and were an actual threat, every ship in the game has a system scanner. So now 100% of the roaming ships are a threat.

    Sure in W-space the impact is much smaller. But most wormhole dwellers have adeveloped a second nature for watching D-scan for threats, If you are ratting, or mining, or anything else in a wormhole site, you just watch for combat probes on D-scan. How do you suggest you acheive that same risk mitigation when there are no combat probes to see on D-scan. That 30 second window is small but enough for an alert pilot to GTFO. With not needing probes out at all to find you that 30 second warning becomes zero.
    Bugsy VanHalen
    Society of lost Souls
    #872 - 2013-05-09 18:55:49 UTC
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Sassums wrote:
    Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

    It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

    This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

    If you don't like it, go to highsec.

    Except that one of the driving factors behind odyssey is supposed to be encouraging more players to move out of high sec, not those already gone to come running back. If your solution to Odyssey is go back to high sec, than Odyseey is a failed expansion.

    The only fail around here is you. Odyssey is supposed to fix some of the risk vs reward imbalance in the game, and that's exactly what's delivering.


    According to the CSM minutes the Odyssey expansion was primarily about fixing null sec industry and encouraging more industrial players to move from high sec out to null.

    The risk vs reward balance that was supposed to be fixed was the fact that a high sec miner made the same if not more isk/hr as a null sec miner, while the null sec miner had much higher risk. The idea was to increase the reward for null sec miners to offset the already higher level of risk and return it to a somewhat balanced state.

    They have added 10 pounds to the reward side of that scale which was great, but then they added 100 pounds to the risk side which makes it even worse than it was before.

    CSM developers clearly stated in the CSM minutes that they wanted to expand and support null sec industry, including both mining and manufacturing. The ore composition changes alone would have done this nicely. But the added risk from moving grav sites to anomalies tips the scale way to far in the wrong direction.

    Vaju Enki
    Secular Wisdom
    #873 - 2013-05-09 19:15:39 UTC
    Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Sassums wrote:
    Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

    It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

    This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

    If you don't like it, go to highsec.

    Except that one of the driving factors behind odyssey is supposed to be encouraging more players to move out of high sec, not those already gone to come running back. If your solution to Odyssey is go back to high sec, than Odyseey is a failed expansion.

    The only fail around here is you. Odyssey is supposed to fix some of the risk vs reward imbalance in the game, and that's exactly what's delivering.


    According to the CSM minutes the Odyssey expansion was primarily about fixing null sec industry and encouraging more industrial players to move from high sec out to null.

    The risk vs reward balance that was supposed to be fixed was the fact that a high sec miner made the same if not more isk/hr as a null sec miner, while the null sec miner had much higher risk. The idea was to increase the reward for null sec miners to offset the already higher level of risk and return it to a somewhat balanced state.

    They have added 10 pounds to the reward side of that scale which was great, but then they added 100 pounds to the risk side which makes it even worse than it was before.

    CSM developers clearly stated in the CSM minutes that they wanted to expand and support null sec industry, including both mining and manufacturing. The ore composition changes alone would have done this nicely. But the added risk from moving grav sites to anomalies tips the scale way to far in the wrong direction.

    Industry will be viable outside highsec. It's really that simple.

    The Tears Must Flow

    LoanWolf Tivianne
    Ace's And 8's
    #874 - 2013-05-09 22:52:37 UTC
    after spending some time in sisi playing around took me a while to find one but i found a wh hoped in played with the scanning and i admit that with the new scanning setup it may be eraser to spot new sigs but i have a few questions about the update time of the hud for the sigs is it updated in real time or on a delay what im asking is how long from spawn till it shows up on the overlay ?

    im also curious about the way the ore sights will spawn will they have effects on combat sights in wh space or they on there own timer if i have to warp off because of a gank how long till it despawns or will it simply just be there till its emptied

    ps CCP Fozzy i wasent implying that you wasent watching the topic only that you wasent really commenting on most of the banter back and forth

    yea my spelling sucks so do you go back to work school teacher your not wanted here

    Mallak Azaria
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #875 - 2013-05-09 23:51:21 UTC
    Rondee wrote:
    Ok, so now all we need in order to find a grav site is a one-click operation instead of actually scanning it? Seriously, CCP?

    No you still have to actually probe it down, the scanner just tells you that it's there & gives you the general location.

    Do you people actually read things, or do you just skim over the details & complain about the first thing you don't like the sound of?

    This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

    LoanWolf Tivianne
    Ace's And 8's
    #876 - 2013-05-10 00:24:53 UTC  |  Edited by: LoanWolf Tivianne
    you dont even have to scan them down if you have active overlay on it will show you ever thing in the system ore sights and combat sights can be hovered over and warped to

    other sights still have to be scaned down

    the overlay updates im guessing in real time ish like ever second or so

    edited to add that in a empty system any new sig would show up in space but in a full system it would still show up just might not be as easy to see its new

    had to take out the screenshot evdently my host dont let you link to it

    yea my spelling sucks so do you go back to work school teacher your not wanted here

    Goonswarm Federation
    #877 - 2013-05-10 09:17:13 UTC  |  Edited by: OldWolf69
    Vaju Enki wrote:
    Sassums wrote:
    Whatever Fozzie is smoking either A isn't enough, or B needs to be shared because to think the risk vs reward by changing the way grav sites are discovered is laughable at best. Making something easier is only something SOE would do (See their SWG disaster).

    It makes absolutely no sense for me to be able to instantly warp to a hidden Grav Site within a WH and destroy the folks mining there without as much as a single form of warning. The only warning they have is if someone within the corp or alliance in the WH system happens to scan and see a new signature appear or if the miner happens to D-Scan before the hostile vessel can cloak. Please enlighten me as to how this is risk vs reward?

    This is simply huge risk. No Reward. The amount of 200mil + Mining vessels that will be lost hardly makes up for the isk regained from mining. I'm sorry but your logic is severely flawed.

    If you don't like it, go to highsec.

    Rofl, sir. I'm affraid you'll go hisec soon too. If you ever left hisec. Btw industry was viable also before, outside hisec. But legends will be legends forever, in this game.
    CCP Fozzie
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #878 - 2013-05-10 10:52:38 UTC
    Bugsy VanHalen wrote:

    According to the CSM minutes the Odyssey expansion was primarily about fixing null sec industry and encouraging more industrial players to move from high sec out to null.

    Odyssey isn't about making people move to nullsec, it's about presenting people with options of many different activities to do out in space, in all areas of space.

    When the last CSM summit was happening we had not yet begun the planning stage for what would become Odyssey.

    Game Designer | Team Five-0

    Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
    Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

    Rengerel en Distel
    #879 - 2013-05-10 11:29:51 UTC
    Mallak Azaria wrote:
    Rondee wrote:
    Ok, so now all we need in order to find a grav site is a one-click operation instead of actually scanning it? Seriously, CCP?

    No you still have to actually probe it down, the scanner just tells you that it's there & gives you the general location.

    Do you people actually read things, or do you just skim over the details & complain about the first thing you don't like the sound of?

    Actually grav and ice sites are anomalies in Odyssey, which means the on board scanner finds them at 100%.
    (Not sure if some kind of subtle Goon troll)

    With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

    Urgg Boolean
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #880 - 2013-05-10 11:39:52 UTC
    ICE : I'm sure somebody thought of this already, but if hi sec will only supply 80% of the game's ice needs, then if more players want POSes, hi sec ice will be less of the total percentage. I'm sure some people will think this is good, and others won't. I just wanted to make sure this little factoid is out there for discussion. It may be a moot point if the number of POSes remains the same over time.