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[Odyssey Feedback Request] Team Super Friends - Probe Scanning and You

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Adhocracy Incorporated
#261 - 2013-05-09 12:50:54 UTC
Altrue wrote:

But but.. It's a CCP logo ! You can't ask them to remove it !

I've tried to scan on SISI and I have to say that it's quite awful. Does any of you have figured how to move all the probes close to their center of gravity ?

1- Push Alt
2- Grab arrow
3- Move mouse

1- Push Maj
2- Grab arrow
3- Release Maj
4- Push Alt
5- Move mouse (without being able to see the arrows, so your cursor is currently moving something you can't see...)

No, really, not good.

Drag the probe range bubble. Automatically resizes and adjusts relative position. Easy as pie.
David Campbell
Gallente Militia War Supplies
#262 - 2013-05-09 12:52:39 UTC
David Campbell wrote:
Terrorfrodo wrote:
David Campbell wrote:
Being able to filter signatures by types (data, relics, gas, etc...) even though the percentage to identify them isn't reached yet is a bit overpowered.
I can warp into system, launch probes in wide formation and via the filters, I know in a few seconds what kind of sites are in systems and how many of each types. Talk about dumbing things down.

How do you do that? I don't think this is the case.

With customs filters, I've just tested it, and the remaining signatures are all of the selected types so far (5 tries).

Well, I must have been really lucky, cause I the 6th didn't work, disregard my comment.
Shaya Phnx
#263 - 2013-05-09 12:56:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Shaya Phnx
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
Shaya Phnx wrote:
I hope you accept my apologice if this question has been answered before, i didn't read every post here.

How do I show the Anomalies on Sisi in space. currently there are just a few seconds after initilizing the system, when I can see them inspace. If I use my onboard scanner or even probes, they are not shown in space, just in the scanner overview.

Sensor overlay on?

where can i switch this on?

edit found it:

It can also be run continuously via the new radial version of the scanner button beside the console at the bottom of your screen.
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#264 - 2013-05-09 12:57:09 UTC
Johan Toralen wrote:
Reading all the comments and giving it a try myself i find it quite worrysome that Odyssey is already so close around the corner.
It really feels like the new system was designed in a rush by someone who didn't really use any of the advanced probing techniques. It needs a LOT of work and finetuning. Being in game development myself i know this is impossible in such short time. These updates should have been put on sisi 3-4 months in advance and then properly fleshed out with the help of community feedback.
Casual Explorers will love the changes but all the rest gets alienated because a) player skill is taken out of the equation b) its dumbed down to a point that some tasks actualy become more of a chore or downright impossible compared to before.

The new system has potential. I like the feel of it. The system scanner is nice to quickly see if its worth to probe the system, launching multiple probes is nice, the handling of the probes themself feels nice and streamlined. But we could have all this while still maintaining advanced probing techniques. This new system could make new and old explorers happy alike. But right now it only gathers to casuals. In Eve Online of all games!


in a nutshell, CCP don't bring it on TQ like this allow it more finetuning / feedback.

don't make your uninventory mistake again....(wich is STILL not as effective as the old one, btw....)
Olari Vanderfall
Caldari State
#265 - 2013-05-09 13:04:35 UTC
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
Olari Vanderfall wrote:
So far the only thing I like is the ability to move the entire formation with one block, but any decent scanner had no trouble holding shift.

Tbh, I kinda like the ability to get an automatic formation, because it was a royal pita to set the same damn setup every time I entered another system - it just gets old once you're used to one way of probing.

Yeah, auto formation is nice. I'd love to set my own formation with either multiple probe types or the ability to have different Au probes that maintain their relative Au differences (ie 16/4, 8/2, 4/1)
Haulie Berry
#266 - 2013-05-09 13:08:36 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Haulie Berry wrote:
Why is everyone talking about the loss of DSPs as if their removal were merely collateral damage?

DSPs were pretty obviously not intended to be used to circumvent a huge portion of the exploration time sink - that was a function of a flawed mechanical design.

Really? Then what were they pretty obviously for? They don't have the signal strength to scan anything down on their own (ie you'd never use 7 in a pattern, so why ever use more than one). And if they were just to show you in one scan all of the sigs but nothing more, they would be largely useless, especially for something that required astrometrics 5 to use.

No I would say it is quite the opposite. DSP's were absolutely designed to help speed up an advanced players scanning. One who was willing to train astrometrics to 5 AND use a ship capable of fitting an expanded launcher

Exactly this. They (CCP) actually take away people's main advantage if they went through the horrid all V scanning train.
I think we can all live with being blobbed with mindless minigames. Those minigames are the worst to come to eve ever since incarna, but that's not the topic.

Why is a system, that didn't need a fix, now getting destroyfixed. In Eve, the least noobs care for eyecandy, and the older players actually yearn for iterations, but NOT this pile of unneccessary/unwanted/dumbing-down changes. Nothing is bad with dumbing things down, excuse me, but at the point where it touches the functionality and options I have, leaving me -now- far behind given the 2 months of exclusive scantraining, really annoys me.

Yeah, I'm sure when they redid scanning last time, they sat down at a table and said, "Okay, so... deep space probes. Here's what we'll do with them. We'll make it so the player can sit down with a spreadsheet, and then use these things to immediately tell which sigs are of low value. That sounds like a pretty advanced tactic, right? Right?"


Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#267 - 2013-05-09 13:16:00 UTC
As Haulle said above I'm not so sure that people getting used to dropping a DSP and knowing what all the sigs are before you've actually gone any further in scanning was ever what CCP intended.

If the new system means you can't know instantly what every sig is, but it's a lot quicker to scan individual sigs down - isn't that a positive result? More engagement, less undocumented & unintended features that you're at an instant disadvantage if you don't know. Did the skill ceiling come from knowledge of these undocumented variables - e.g. like signature sizes all being constant - or from actual scanning ability?

The new probing system isn't without its faults and foibles, but it's not the apocalypse.It is worth noting also that there was a lot of "the sky is falling" posts about exploration being dumbed down the last time it was revamped.......
Olari Vanderfall
Caldari State
#268 - 2013-05-09 13:19:58 UTC
There are 2 main points going on in this thread regarding deeps. One is the ability to drop a single deep and know what sigs are based on sig strength. The other is using them in a probe setup with combats.

I do think the drop 1 probe get sig strength is a bit gamey and could be addressed without removal of deeps.

My main issue is that the deeps are integral to any advanced probing technique and should not be removed unless there is a suitable replacement for this method. The reason for Astro 5 was 8 probes and deeps. If you wanted to be the best scanner this is what you trained. I didn't even think twice about the skill train because I love scanning and knew to be the best you needed it.

#269 - 2013-05-09 13:24:32 UTC
For the Pinpoint formation it would be nice, if the formation adepts do the range of the probes, because it jumps always back to the original range for the saved formation

Every winner needs a looser, only idiots need a leader!

Johan Toralen
#270 - 2013-05-09 13:29:17 UTC
Olari Vanderfall wrote:
There are 2 main points going on in this thread regarding deeps. One is the ability to drop a single deep and know what sigs are based on sig strength. The other is using them in a probe setup with combats.

I do think the drop 1 probe get sig strength is a bit gamey and could be addressed without removal of deeps.

My main issue is that the deeps are integral to any advanced probing technique and should not be removed unless there is a suitable replacement for this method. The reason for Astro 5 was 8 probes and deeps. If you wanted to be the best scanner this is what you trained. I didn't even think twice about the skill train because I love scanning and knew to be the best you needed it.

Your second point is what i was looking forward for the most as not yet fully skilled prober. That's what dissapoiunt me the most right now.

I can see why CCP maybe thought the DSP insta filter was bad and wanted it gone. But then why didn't they just randomize the signature strenghts to some degree instead of removing the whole system. It's like amputating a leg to fix an ingrown toe nail.
Fistful of Finns
#271 - 2013-05-09 13:30:00 UTC
So in nutshell you are:

1) Removing all the skill from probing
2) Making probing ridiculously easy
3) Boosting probe strengths -> even more faster & easier 100% hits

So instead of getting one good prober for the fleet I can go what ever idiot and probably he doesn't need to have even a proper probe ship and get good results fast.

About all these changes are bad. Probing is too damn easy already. Now you can do it so fast and effortlessly that opponent probably won't see the probes in the scan unless he spams it like maniac.
Olari Vanderfall
Caldari State
#272 - 2013-05-09 13:37:37 UTC
Durzel wrote:
The new probing system isn't without its faults and foibles, but it's not the apocalypse.It is worth noting also that there was a lot of "the sky is falling" posts about exploration being dumbed down the last time it was revamped.......

Completely different change with Apocrypha. It went from a random number generator to requiring skill at setting probes and arranging them. Most scanners find their setup and stick with it, so an automated method of doing this is great. Removing deeps is limiting a probers options. I'm fine if you're a basic prober and want to use the default layout, but if your profession is probing you want options. I'd love even more probe types for specialized situations which would allow for other probe arrangement such as in combat probing or even specific ship type.

Basically I want to see probing become more accessible but once you get into it you have multiple options. Not a one size fits all.
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#273 - 2013-05-09 13:39:17 UTC
erinomaisenvarma wrote:
So in nutshell you are:

1) Removing all the skill from probing
2) Making probing ridiculously easy
3) Boosting probe strengths -> even more faster & easier 100% hits

So instead of getting one good prober for the fleet I can go what ever idiot and probably he doesn't need to have even a proper probe ship and get good results fast.

About all these changes are bad. Probing is too damn easy already. Now you can do it so fast and effortlessly that opponent probably won't see the probes in the scan unless he spams it like maniac.

after that, they could as well remove probes for signatures and makes em all 100% would be the same...

also, i tried to fit a thanny, but it is not possible on SISI

cap ships requires XL rigs now, but there are none seeded on market, hence it is not possible to test any capital ship.

please seed market with XL rigs (both T1 & T2)
Jim Orland
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#274 - 2013-05-09 13:41:44 UTC
Zetaomega333 wrote:
So with the new scanning mods being midslots basically Gallente and Caldari as hands down the best scanning ships due to 5 midslots over the minmatar/amarr with 4. Is this going to change?

Yes, I'm sure they will redo all Minmatar and Amarr ships because you don't feel like cross-training racial frigates.
Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#275 - 2013-05-09 13:43:06 UTC
Can u give back the timer bar when i press analyze pls?

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#276 - 2013-05-09 13:46:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Lloyd Roses
Durzel wrote:
As Haulle said above I'm not so sure that people getting used to dropping a DSP and knowing what all the sigs are before you've actually gone any further in scanning was ever what CCP intended.

If the new system means you can't know instantly what every sig is, but it's a lot quicker to scan individual sigs down - isn't that a positive result? More engagement, less undocumented & unintended features that you're at an instant disadvantage if you don't know. Did the skill ceiling come from knowledge of these undocumented variables - e.g. like signature sizes all being constant - or from actual scanning ability?

The new probing system isn't without its faults and foibles, but it's not the apocalypse.It is worth noting also that there was a lot of "the sky is falling" posts about exploration being dumbed down the last time it was revamped.......

The issue with DSPs is wormholes. I agree, you don't need them for the occasional scan in hisec.

However, around 50%+ of the systems I come through I would have to scan 40+ sigs. Again 40. FOURTY. This takes some time.
By scanning a lot and experimenting, I came across the dsp - though I started with 8 sister DSPs, I soon came to the conclusion that one regular one is just enough. It helped me keeping an advantage over casual scanners, as scanning was merely all I did till now in eve.

The announced changes are therefore a raised middlefinger into my face (and surely the face of many other pilots) that used to skill stuff you can now replace by fitting three mods, giving you equal access to probe down all possible sigs without any true specialization. Now, more people scanning is not a problem, but wormholes being empty as **** regarding pvp, at least DSPs did allow us to quickly map the chain (what we practiced LONG time) and allowed us to master the interpretation of that excelsheet. There are a lot of oppurtunities where one jumps a wormhole and after the first scan result, can say how many wormholes, k-holes, worthy sites etc. are in there. This is not an exploit, but IMO the reward for doing this extensively along with some mindwork.

What CCP is doing right here, is nothing but setting people back to where they started - aka taking away from the game for us real scanners. Real scanners because there is a difference between scanning 10 radars or ~700 sigs and ~150 wormholes a month in average. I scan a lot, and I don't like my primary tool being deleted cause devs say 'eh, you don't need that anyway, look we gave you more colours.'

Now factoring in that just slapping three modules in the (atleast for pure probing chars) mostly unused mids on a toon with all III/IV will yield the same advantage as lvl 5 scanning skills is absurd.
Unforgiven Storm
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#277 - 2013-05-09 13:52:12 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
He stated earlier they aren't reimbursing SP difference due to multiplier change.


Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)

Nam Dnilb
Universal Frog
#278 - 2013-05-09 13:58:38 UTC
Durzel wrote:
...dropping a DSP and knowing what all the sigs are before you've actually gone any further in scanning was ever what CCP intended.

You never knew what all the sigs are, what are you talking about?

Durzel wrote:
Did the skill ceiling come from knowledge of these undocumented variables - e.g. like signature sizes all being constant - or from actual scanning ability?

My edge came from using eight probes,setting them up in elaborate formations quickly, allowing for fast probing even in unbonused ships. DSP was a nice boon but not the deciding factor.
Oreamnos Amric
Confidently Incompetent
#279 - 2013-05-09 14:01:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Oreamnos Amric
In an attempt to not just whine about the changes and maybe try some constructive comments, here are my thoughts after giving the scanning interface a fair trial on sisi. Incidentally, is it just me or is there a real lack of things to scan on sisi?

  • I like that I can drag all the probes without having to hold shift or alt.

  • I dislike that I have to hold shift+alt to expand the probes distance from each other, alt should be enough.

  • I was all excited about the ability to save my favourite scanning patterns. To find CCP have decided what my favourite scanning pattern is somewhat sucks. Part of the challenge should be learning and understanding what scanning actually is about.

  • Please can I define my preferred probe scan range on launch?

  • Please can I define my preferred probe distance from each other on launch?

  • I use the scanning method mixing DSP with other probes. I don't really understand why my scanning style has been deemed undesirable and simply removed from the game. This is a personal choice in a game which is meant to be all about finding your own way of doing things.

  • I like the ability to launch multiple probes at once but why am I forced to launch seven? If I only wanted to launch five in a single plane scanning pattern that should be supported.

  • I would like the timer bar back for the scan. Feedback on how far along a scan is is useful, even if we're only talking six seconds.

  • Sometimes I want to leave my probes behind for tactical reasons. Don't make them magically reappear in my ship.

I view scanning as one area of EVE where improving your real skills at scanning as well as training in-game makes a difference. This makes it a truly rewarding area of the game. All these changes remove that and make scanning just another "push button receive bacon" mechanism.
Shadow Pool
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#280 - 2013-05-09 14:07:12 UTC
Overall really nice changes. Except where you made it so you have to launch 7 probes.

Notify You need 7 charges to activate Expanded Probe Launcher II