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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Caldari

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Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#641 - 2013-05-07 22:05:05 UTC
Airto TLA wrote:
I have a general question at this point, I have not gotten to deep into this, but in some cases CCP is compressing down the high slot weapons (basically making 6 work like 8 for example), this means the ships in question in effect have more slots. But they have locked all battle ships to 19 slots (adjusted for Droneships).

So how are they correcting for this? Lets face if you let any race take their 8 gun ship, double up the guns then move two slots to other levels and keep two auxilery slots hi slots, most would be thrilled even if it ate one of their bonuses.

So I guess what I am saying does 19 realy equal 19, when 6 of your high slots are 33% better than mine?
That's my point, really.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#642 - 2013-05-07 22:09:14 UTC
Connall Tara wrote:
Josilin du Guesclin wrote:
[quote=Connall Tara]
Oh, and the Hyp is smaller, more agile, faster, and has far longer cap-life. The Rokh won't even be able to fire its guns for more than a few minutes, while the Hyp is quite likely to be cap-stable.

In the current meta the Hyp out-Rokhs the Rokh (and the Typhoon out Ravens the Raven). Welcome to the Brave New World.

but are you sure on that? or making assumptions? i recommend actually checking, the rokh, even compared to a dual tracking computer hyperion, still outranges its gallente counter part with nought but its bonus alone. in addition to that, the rokh needs not share its tanking slots with its damage slots, so even if the hyperion brings enough tank to match the rokh (which, it should be stated requires 2 1600mm plates, a damage control and at least 2 enams on top of armour rigging) and brings, as you say twin tracking computers, the rokh STILL out preforms the hyperion at these ranges as its 50% bonus to raw optimal is superior to the effect of twin tracking computers with optimal range scripts by a significant degree, the the point that a rokh can hit targets effectively with caldari navy antimatter within optimal all the way out to 62 kilometres the hyperion with dual tracking computers can only reach 47 kilometres, 15 kilometres is a fairly big difference wouldn't you agree?

and in turn, lets consider the changes to the hyperion, yes it has recieved the much loved 10% damage and 6 turret fix, but unlike the other vessels which have received this bonus the hyperion has infact lost firepower from its guns, not gained with this change.

at the present moment the hyperion has a 5% hybrid damage bonus and 8 turrets meaning it effectively fights with 10 turrets, after these changes it will be fighting with an effective 9 turrets. this has of course been compensated for elsewhere, with the addition of the much vaunted 125m3 drone bandwidth allowing the hyperion to fly a full wing of heavy drones. the application of these drones in combat however, is questionable. if we are indeed only considering the 80-120km mark the effect of a wing of ogre II's would be problematic at best considering the extreme distance such drones would have to fly at a MWD speed of 1 kilometre/second.

alternatively of course we could point to sentry drones but now we have other issues, in order to properly employ sentry drones at the suggested ranges you require mid slots to effectively extend their range, which you have said are used for tracking computers to allow the railguns to hit out further. bouncer drones are the closest sentry drone for this purpose but even they would be suffering from attacking within fall off range at the proposed ranges

this is the point i'm trying to make, the hyperion can most certainly outrange, out damage or out tank a rokh. but NEVER all of them at once, not without resorting to faction or even deadspace modules to compensate.

the rokh can outrange, out tank and out dps a hyperion with a standard fit, railgun to railgun with 3 magnetic stabilisers and a tracking enhancer in its lows, its mids can be brought up to a powerful 136k EHP with 2 LSE's, 2 invulns, a damage control and shield rigging. the hyperion requires at least 1 addition slot to achieve this which, even with 7 lows, means that it has to compromise a magstab for simmilar effect.

the rokh is not at threat from the hyperion as a sniping platform and i will attest still combined the best balance of durability and damage projection available for a hybrid weapons pilot. other ships can exceed it in some areas, but in all three? it stands strong ^_^

And dont you see the cheesiness here? why should the Rokh outtank, outdamage and outrange the hyperion if they have the same role? the problem still is; the Rokh wants to be resilient Blasterplatform and resilient sniper. If i fit my Hyperion with Railguns, why should she be inferior to the rokh (apart from the different slotlayout and the different tanks). Why should the Hyperion not be equal to the rokh if fitted correctly? Both are using the same weapon System.

But the main Point is still: The Battleship Setup the Caldari have is not fine; the Scorpion should fill in a different role as the Battleship it is; we dont need an ecm-bonused battleship, which is not even using a Shield-tank. We need a fair Role disposition here, if you want to compare the rokh to the abbaddon, give her the damage bonus. If you want the rokh to be the sniper: give her the range and damage bonus and dont mess around with the mix of both, resilience and sniper (which can easily be compensated for with the right fitting)

And for the Scorpion: If rokh stays the sniper, the scorpion would be the perfect candidate for the resilience and damage bonus, if hybrid or missile damage bonus is your decision ccp, do it right; make them fight ;>

have a nice day.


Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#643 - 2013-05-07 22:15:49 UTC
Connall Tara wrote:

but are you sure on that? or making assumptions? i recommend actually checking, the rokh, even compared to a dual tracking computer hyperion, still outranges its gallente counter part with nought but its bonus alone.

You seem to have neglected the minor matter of falloff.
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#644 - 2013-05-07 23:13:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Grunnax Aurelius
As you know I posted this before as a fix to the issues of the Raven:


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Cruise and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire per level
+7.5% Shield Boost Amount per level (+10% bonus to Cruise Missile Torpedo Velocity removed)

Slot layout: 7H(-1), 7M(+1), 5L; 4 turrets , 7(+1) launchers
Fittings: 11000 PWG(+1500), 800(+100) CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500 / 5800(-841) / 6400(-241)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1160s / 4.74
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 120(+26) / .12(-.008) / 99300000 / 16.52s (-1.1s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(-25) / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 80(+5)km / 100(+15) / 7
Sensor strength: 22 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 400(-70)

Here is how I think the issues with the following Caldari Battleships should be handled.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+10% Railgun Turret Optimal Range per level (+10% to large Hybrid Turret optimal range removed)
+10% Railgun Turret Damage per level (+4% Shield resistances per level (-1% per level) removed)

Slot layout: 8H, 6M, 5L; 8 turrets , 4 launchers
Fittings: 15000 PWG, 780 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 8500 / 7000 / 7500
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 6000 / 1250s / 4.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 89 / .136 / 105300000 / 19.85s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125(+75) / 125(+75)
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 100(+10)km / 85(+10) / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 450(-50)

Weapon specific bonuses to eliminate the issues with sharing a weapon system with Gallente, same should be done to all Gallente and Caldari ships, more damage to fix the issue with the terrible damage Railguns output, more drone bay and bandwidth for Sentries, more targeting range and scan resolution, less signature radius.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
30(+15)% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal and falloff range per level
25% bonus to ECM Burst range per level

Role Bonus: Target Spectrum Breakers only effect non-fleet members, 100% Jam Strength increase to EC-Drones

Notes: Can only fit four ECM Target Jammers

Slot layout: 5H(-1), 8M, 5L(+1); 4 turrets , 4 launchers
Fittings: 9000 PWG, 750 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7000(+359) / 5500 / 6500(+1031)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 94 / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 110 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 425(-55)

Give the Piece of Crap Target Spectrum Break some actual use and make better use of EC-Drones. Increase in Jam Strength and Reduce the amount of Jammers allowed to keep the current Jam Strength and to allow viable Shield Tank to be fitted.

EDIT: Having taken the resist bonus from the rokh you could move that to the raven instead of the shield boost bonus.

Standard Corp 123
#645 - 2013-05-08 03:53:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Hagika
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
As you know I posted this before as a fix to the issues of the Raven:


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Cruise and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire per level
+7.5% Shield Boost Amount per level (+10% bonus to Cruise Missile Torpedo Velocity removed)

Slot layout: 7H(-1), 7M(+1), 5L; 4 turrets , 7(+1) launchers
Fittings: 11000 PWG(+1500), 800(+100) CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500 / 5800(-841) / 6400(-241)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1160s / 4.74
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 120(+26) / .12(-.008) / 99300000 / 16.52s (-1.1s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(-25) / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 80(+5)km / 100(+15) / 7
Sensor strength: 22 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 400(-70)

Here is how I think the issues with the following Caldari Battleships should be handled.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+10% Railgun Turret Optimal Range per level (+10% to large Hybrid Turret optimal range removed)
+10% Railgun Turret Damage per level (+4% Shield resistances per level (-1% per level) removed)

Slot layout: 8H, 6M, 5L; 8 turrets , 4 launchers
Fittings: 15000 PWG, 780 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 8500 / 7000 / 7500
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 6000 / 1250s / 4.8
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 89 / .136 / 105300000 / 19.85s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125(+75) / 125(+75)
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 100(+10)km / 85(+10) / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 450(-50)

Weapon specific bonuses to eliminate the issues with sharing a weapon system with Gallente, same should be done to all Gallente and Caldari ships, more damage to fix the issue with the terrible damage Railguns output, more drone bay and bandwidth for Sentries, more targeting range and scan resolution, less signature radius.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
30(+15)% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal and falloff range per level
25% bonus to ECM Burst range per level

Role Bonus: Target Spectrum Breakers only effect non-fleet members, 100% Jam Strength increase to EC-Drones

Notes: Can only fit four ECM Target Jammers

Slot layout: 5H(-1), 8M, 5L(+1); 4 turrets , 4 launchers
Fittings: 9000 PWG, 750 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7000(+359) / 5500 / 6500(+1031)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 94 / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 110 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 425(-55)

Give the Piece of Crap Target Spectrum Break some actual use and make better use of EC-Drones. Increase in Jam Strength and Reduce the amount of Jammers allowed to keep the current Jam Strength and to allow viable Shield Tank to be fitted.

EDIT: Having taken the resist bonus from the rokh you could move that to the raven instead of the shield boost bonus.

Still love these changes. At this point, I could deal with the Scorp being a long range drone boat. Give it drone bonuses for optimal range and tracking to use sentry or heavies, then slap some cruise missiles on and have at it.
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#646 - 2013-05-08 04:12:03 UTC
Hagika wrote:
Still love these changes. At this point, I could deal with the Scorp being a long range drone boat. Give it drone bonuses for optimal range and tracking to use sentry or heavies, then slap some cruise missiles on and have at it.

I don't know man, kinda like the Scorpions uniqueness, and Caldari are not a Drone Race by lore, I will die before I see a Caldari Drone Boat. :P

Standard Corp 123
#647 - 2013-05-08 04:42:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Hagika
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Still love these changes. At this point, I could deal with the Scorp being a long range drone boat. Give it drone bonuses for optimal range and tracking to use sentry or heavies, then slap some cruise missiles on and have at it.

I don't know man, kinda like the Scorpions uniqueness, and Caldari are not a Drone Race by lore, I will die before I see a Caldari Drone Boat. :P

I like it too but ECM will always be a limiting factor in the caldari line.. Too many people cry about it and CCP will of course drop nerf bat and while they are nerfing the mods they power trip and nerf the ship its on as well.

Hence why the scorp just blows in every sense.

Look on the bright side, now we can pay almost 300 mil for the garbage, Isnt it great !?!?! Roll
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#648 - 2013-05-08 05:11:35 UTC
Hagika wrote:
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Still love these changes. At this point, I could deal with the Scorp being a long range drone boat. Give it drone bonuses for optimal range and tracking to use sentry or heavies, then slap some cruise missiles on and have at it.

I don't know man, kinda like the Scorpions uniqueness, and Caldari are not a Drone Race by lore, I will die before I see a Caldari Drone Boat. :P

I like it too but ECM will always be a limiting factor in the caldari line.. Too many people cry about it and CCP will of course drop nerf bat and while they are nerfing the mods they power trip and nerf the ship its on as well.

Hence why the scorp just blows in every sense.

The other option is make the Scorpion the Torpedo Brawling Boat of the Caldari while the Raven holds its place as a Cruise Missile kitter, and my suggested Rokh changes as the Sniper.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Torpedo Explosion Radius per level
+4% bonus to Shield Resistances per level

Slot layout: 6H, 8M, 4L; 0(-4) turrets , 6(+2) launchers
Fittings: 9500(+500) PWG, 750 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500(+859) / 5500 / 6500(+1031)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 113(+19) / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 110 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 425(-55)

This could probably be really good, here is some evidence to show what it would be like with suggested changes above:

State War Academy
Caldari State
#649 - 2013-05-08 05:28:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Zetak
As you know I posted this before as a fix to the issues of the Raven:


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Cruise and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire per level
+7.5% Shield Boost Amount per level (+10% bonus to Cruise Missile Torpedo Velocity removed)

Slot layout: 7H(-1), 7M(+1), 5L; 4 turrets , 7(+1) launchers
Fittings: 11000 PWG(+1500), 800(+100) CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500 / 5800(-841) / 6400(-241)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1160s / 4.74
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 120(+26) / .12(-.008) / 99300000 / 16.52s (-1.1s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(-25) / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 80(+5)km / 100(+15) / 7
Sensor strength: 22 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 400(-70)

Here is how I think the issues with the following Caldari Battleships should be handled.

My tears started to fall out looking at this.Big smile

Seriously though. Last night I thought about how could we make this thing work. I mean the seven missile slot. Then I had a revelation. We all agree on the fact that changing the bonus to shield boost is a highly desirable thing. also we can all agree that in the current form 7 launcher with the proposed cruise change is a little too much. Now I thought that to solve this we should propose that they tone down the cruise damage and rof by 5%, from 25% to 20%. I think we can agree that it is a reasonable change, "give to get". I mean mostly us raven pilots and now phoon pilots will use missile system anyways. I propose that they give 7 missile to the phoon too. it is only fair to both ships.

Also I propose that hull and armor should be a bit more downsized to compensate for the additional speed and shield boost bonus. maybe to 5400 armor and 5800 to hull. if you lose your ship you are dead in the water anyway
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#650 - 2013-05-08 05:32:14 UTC
Zetak wrote:
As you know I posted this before as a fix to the issues of the Raven:


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Cruise and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire per level
+7.5% Shield Boost Amount per level (+10% bonus to Cruise Missile Torpedo Velocity removed)

Slot layout: 7H(-1), 7M(+1), 5L; 4 turrets , 7(+1) launchers
Fittings: 11000 PWG(+1500), 800(+100) CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500 / 5800(-841) / 6400(-241)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1160s / 4.74
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 120(+26) / .12(-.008) / 99300000 / 16.52s (-1.1s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(-25) / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 80(+5)km / 100(+15) / 7
Sensor strength: 22 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 400(-70)

Here is how I think the issues with the following Caldari Battleships should be handled.

My tears started to fall out looking at this.Big smile

Seriously though. Last night I thought about how could we make this thing work. I mean the seven missile slot. Then I had a revelation. We all agree on the fact that changing the bonus to shield boost is a highly desirable thing. also we can all agree that in the current form 7 launcher with the proposed cruise change is a little too much. Now I thought that to solve this we should propose that they tone down the cruise damage and rof by 5%, from 25% to 20%. I think we can agree that it is a reasonable change, "give to get". I mean mostly us raven pilots and now phoon pilots will use missile system anyways. I propose that they give 7 missile to the phoon too. it is only fair to both ships.

Also I propose that hull and armor should be a bit more downsized to compensate for the additional speed and shield boost bonus. maybe to 5400 armor and 5800 to hull. if you lose your ship you are dead in the water anyway

The whole point of giving the Raven a 7th launcher was to allow it to compete with the Typhoon.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#651 - 2013-05-08 05:36:22 UTC
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Still love these changes. At this point, I could deal with the Scorp being a long range drone boat. Give it drone bonuses for optimal range and tracking to use sentry or heavies, then slap some cruise missiles on and have at it.

I don't know man, kinda like the Scorpions uniqueness, and Caldari are not a Drone Race by lore, I will die before I see a Caldari Drone Boat. :P

I like it too but ECM will always be a limiting factor in the caldari line.. Too many people cry about it and CCP will of course drop nerf bat and while they are nerfing the mods they power trip and nerf the ship its on as well.

Hence why the scorp just blows in every sense.

The other option is make the Scorpion the Torpedo Brawling Boat of the Caldari while the Raven holds its place as a Cruise Missile kitter, and my suggested Rokh changes as the Sniper.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Torpedo Explosion Radius per level
+4% bonus to Shield Resistances per level

Slot layout: 6H, 8M, 4L; 0(-4) turrets , 6(+2) launchers
Fittings: 9500(+500) PWG, 750 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500(+859) / 5500 / 6500(+1031)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 113(+19) / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 110 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 425(-55)

This could probably be really good, here is some evidence to show what it would be like with suggested changes above:

I don't think this is the way, though I like it. I do not think it should be changed like this, because we have the scorp navy issue. relatively cheap: 280 mil. and it has almost identical stats of your proposal. due to its shield res bonus it is a medium damage vessel with high toughness. I think and don't take this the wrong way instead of this huge change they should adjust it a bit to be a better disruption boat. drone focus for example
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#652 - 2013-05-08 05:39:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Grunnax Aurelius
Zetak wrote:
drone focus for example

The next person I hear dare even propose making a Caldari Drone boat is going to be hunted!!! Yes I am a little bit a lore fanatic and a dedicated Caldari player, but NO DRONE BOATS FOR CALDARI!!! Its wrong on so many levels.

If you want ships that are practically Caldari with Drones fly Guristas ships, they are freaking amazing.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#653 - 2013-05-08 05:42:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Zetak
The whole point of giving the Raven a 7th launcher was to allow it to compete with the Typhoon.

Yeah right. I did forget that. Did I mentione that my tears started to fall out? It must have messed with my brain somehow. Big smile

The next person I hear dare even propose making a Caldari Drone boat is going to be hunted!!! Yes I am a little bit a lore fanatic and a dedicated Caldari player, but NO DRONE BOATS FOR CALDARI!!! Its wrong on so many levels.

If you want ships that are practically Caldari with Drones fly Guristas ships, they are freaking amazing.

Ok I will stop nowBlink
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#654 - 2013-05-08 05:44:35 UTC
Zetak wrote:
The whole point of giving the Raven a 7th launcher was to allow it to compete with the Typhoon.

Yeah right. I did forget that. Did I mentioned that my tears started to fall out? It must have messed with my brain somehow. Big smile

The next person I hear dare even propose making a Caldari Drone boat is going to be hunted!!! Yes I am a little bit a lore fanatic and a dedicated Caldari player, but NO DRONE BOATS FOR CALDARI!!! Its wrong on so many levels.

If you want ships that are practically Caldari with Drones fly Guristas ships, they are freaking amazing.

Ok I will stop nowBlink

Big smile

State War Academy
Caldari State
#655 - 2013-05-08 06:20:52 UTC
5% increased rate of fire for all Cruise Missile Launchers
200 added power grid need for all Cruise Missile launchers

4700m/sec base missile velocity for all Cruise Missiles (up from 3750m/sec)
14 second base flight time for all Cruise Missiles (down from 20 seconds)
25% increase in base damage for all Cruise Missiles
10% increase in explosion radius for all Cruise Missiles

update in the cruise section.

Maybe it is a sign of great things to come? (our proposals passed?)
Standard Corp 123
#656 - 2013-05-08 07:01:23 UTC
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Still love these changes. At this point, I could deal with the Scorp being a long range drone boat. Give it drone bonuses for optimal range and tracking to use sentry or heavies, then slap some cruise missiles on and have at it.

I don't know man, kinda like the Scorpions uniqueness, and Caldari are not a Drone Race by lore, I will die before I see a Caldari Drone Boat. :P

I like it too but ECM will always be a limiting factor in the caldari line.. Too many people cry about it and CCP will of course drop nerf bat and while they are nerfing the mods they power trip and nerf the ship its on as well.

Hence why the scorp just blows in every sense.

The other option is make the Scorpion the Torpedo Brawling Boat of the Caldari while the Raven holds its place as a Cruise Missile kitter, and my suggested Rokh changes as the Sniper.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Torpedo Explosion Radius per level
+4% bonus to Shield Resistances per level

Slot layout: 6H, 8M, 4L; 0(-4) turrets , 6(+2) launchers
Fittings: 9500(+500) PWG, 750 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500(+859) / 5500 / 6500(+1031)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 113(+19) / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 110 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 425(-55)

This could probably be really good, here is some evidence to show what it would be like with suggested changes above:

i cant get the photo to expand to read..
Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#657 - 2013-05-08 07:03:27 UTC
Hagika wrote:

I like it too but ECM will always be a limiting factor in the caldari line.. Too many people cry about it and CCP will of course drop nerf bat and while they are nerfing the mods they power trip and nerf the ship its on as well.

Hence why the scorp just blows in every sense.

Look on the bright side, now we can pay almost 300 mil for the garbage, Isnt it great !?!?! Roll

ECM is pretty broken, and not in that it's over- or under-powered (it's both, IMO). It's all or nothing, so once it's affected you there's nothing you can do about it other than hope it fails on the next cycle. Likewise, for the person applying if it doesn't work it's a wasted module for the next 20s. Then there's how specific the modules are - unless you have the right module for the target it's pretty damned weak, but if you have the right one it's very strong. And the worst of all for the targets - the module that defends against it has no other use. Tracking Disrupters are countered by modules that improve tracking, optimal and falloff - modules that are useful in most shooting situations. Sensor Dampeners are the same - Sensor Boosters and Signal Amplifiers counter them and improve your sensors at all times. ECCM modules don't do any of that, however - all they do is make you harder to affect with ECM.
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#658 - 2013-05-08 07:05:10 UTC
Hagika wrote:
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Still love these changes. At this point, I could deal with the Scorp being a long range drone boat. Give it drone bonuses for optimal range and tracking to use sentry or heavies, then slap some cruise missiles on and have at it.

I don't know man, kinda like the Scorpions uniqueness, and Caldari are not a Drone Race by lore, I will die before I see a Caldari Drone Boat. :P

I like it too but ECM will always be a limiting factor in the caldari line.. Too many people cry about it and CCP will of course drop nerf bat and while they are nerfing the mods they power trip and nerf the ship its on as well.

Hence why the scorp just blows in every sense.

The other option is make the Scorpion the Torpedo Brawling Boat of the Caldari while the Raven holds its place as a Cruise Missile kitter, and my suggested Rokh changes as the Sniper.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Torpedo Explosion Radius per level
+4% bonus to Shield Resistances per level

Slot layout: 6H, 8M, 4L; 0(-4) turrets , 6(+2) launchers
Fittings: 9500(+500) PWG, 750 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500(+859) / 5500 / 6500(+1031)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 113(+19) / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 110 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 425(-55)

This could probably be really good, here is some evidence to show what it would be like with suggested changes above:

i cant get the photo to expand to read..

Try holding CTRL and using the scroll wheel on mouse

Standard Corp 123
#659 - 2013-05-08 07:08:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Hagika
I like it too but ECM will always be a limiting factor in the caldari line.. Too many people cry about it and CCP will of course drop nerf bat and while they are nerfing the mods they power trip and nerf the ship its on as well.

Hence why the scorp just blows in every sense.

The other option is make the Scorpion the Torpedo Brawling Boat of the Caldari while the Raven holds its place as a Cruise Missile kitter, and my suggested Rokh changes as the Sniper.


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+5% bonus to Torpedo Explosion Radius per level
+4% bonus to Shield Resistances per level

Slot layout: 6H, 8M, 4L; 0(-4) turrets , 6(+2) launchers
Fittings: 9500(+500) PWG, 750 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 7500(+859) / 5500 / 6500(+1031)
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / recharge per second) : 5500(+187.5) / 1087s / 5.06
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 113(+19) / .116 / 103600000 / 16.66s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 75 / 75
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 90km / 110 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 425(-55)

This could probably be really good, here is some evidence to show what it would be like with suggested changes above:

i cant get the photo to expand to read..[/quote]

Try holding CTRL and using the scroll wheel on mouse

it expanded but not enough to read.
Standard Corp 123
#660 - 2013-05-08 07:09:15 UTC
Zetak wrote:
5% increased rate of fire for all Cruise Missile Launchers
200 added power grid need for all Cruise Missile launchers

4700m/sec base missile velocity for all Cruise Missiles (up from 3750m/sec)
14 second base flight time for all Cruise Missiles (down from 20 seconds)
25% increase in base damage for all Cruise Missiles
10% increase in explosion radius for all Cruise Missiles

update in the cruise section.

Maybe it is a sign of great things to come? (our proposals passed?)

I dont see any different changes. Looks to be the same from when it was posted originally