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Docking/Undocking Animation

First post
Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#21 - 2013-04-26 23:06:54 UTC
+1 on Riyal's idea. The docking animation could be stretched out by having the station interface appear once session change is complete.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Logan LaMort
Screaming Hayabusa
#22 - 2013-04-26 23:13:49 UTC
I was just thinking about this.

  • Animation time dynamically linked to the undock timer, so basically the animation only plays for as long as it would take for you to undock right now. This would work exactly like the new stargate jump effect, so there's no fluff that makes you undock longer than you normally would.

  • Have the front of the ship in the hanger view pointing towards the exit which has the background ships passing by.

  • When you press undock, the engines start to light up, possibly flicker as though the ship is going through pre flight checks.

  • The ship then slowly drifts towards the exit, engines blazing.

  • The camera does a fancy graphical transition from the interior of the station to the outside of the station, maybe everything gets pixelated and the camera 'reboots' back up again outside (This could also alleviate the second or two gap of graphical objects of popping in to existence when you undock.).

  • With CQ active, you'd just have the fancy camera change, since you're out of pod.
Noriko Mai
#23 - 2013-04-26 23:16:57 UTC
Undocking takes 5-8 seconds and has !two! progress bars... Thats more than enough to let the ship float in the direction of exit. Then simply load the outside in a smooth transition.

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

Rebecha Pucontis
#24 - 2013-04-26 23:18:40 UTC
What about when you warp to the part of the station where there is no entrance? For instance Amarr stations, if you warp from the side, to play an animation you would have to fly to the bottom of the station.

I would certainly be happy to spend a few extra seconds if there was a docking animation, but may be difficult to implement for the reasons given above,
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2013-04-26 23:20:00 UTC
Clear Skies.

Logan LaMort
Screaming Hayabusa
#26 - 2013-04-26 23:27:04 UTC
A docking animation could easily be two docking drones coming out of nowhere and locking the ship in a tractor beam just as the camera transitions from space to the station.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#27 - 2013-04-26 23:45:04 UTC
I really love the new station environments. They feel alive with ships moving in the background. I also thought the new undocking sound and lights flashing was pretty cool. At least its something more than just a loading bar.

As far as docking animations, I'm not to sure about this. It just seems that any animation worth a damn would take longer than it does to dock up. Maybe, like others have suggested above make it an optional setting.

The new star gate animation is just amazing! I yelled a few tasteful expletives of joy and actually clapped when I saw that, and yes I was sitting at home alone...Lol
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2013-04-26 23:49:10 UTC
Hate to hijack the thread but you should also consider much LESS docking.

Some things like talking to agents, offloading, recharging your shield/cap could be done outside the station. If this is done, making a longer docking animation would be more tolerable and it would bring life to the area outside the station with parked ships and little drones flying around to move cargo, repair, guide ships into place etc. The need to dock could be limited to hiding from combat or changing ships.

I think it would be an improvement to stations that outside of places like Jita feel like this dead thing in space.

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Valeska Vasile
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#29 - 2013-04-26 23:54:15 UTC
A less "middle of the screen" loading and canceling button ( i love these circles menus).
For the animation , show some kind of docking beam shutting down, and your ship starting going ahead.
Ruskarn Andedare
Lion Investments
#30 - 2013-04-27 00:10:23 UTC
Even if it added a couple of seconds a brief animation of your ship moving from its hangar to the outbound feed would really help immersion

As would MUCH larger station models to justify how we're all in there Lol
Noriko Mai
#31 - 2013-04-27 00:34:18 UTC
Throktar wrote:
The new star gate animation is just amazing! I yelled a few tasteful expletives of joy and actually clapped when I saw that, and yes I was sitting at home alone...Lol

Same here Big smileBig smile

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-04-27 02:33:58 UTC
If you can do a stargate loading screen with a transition between the stargates, you can do a seamless transition to undock with the ship moving a little bit towards the exit.

Please do this for odyssey. Simply having flashing lights does not really constitute an undocking animation.

Also, do some sort of transition when i'm logging in. Can't stand having the game freeze for like 5 seconds as it figures out what it needs for me to log in. I can't alt-tab out of the game when this happens or anything, i'm stuck waiting for it to stop freezing. No matter how many caches get deleted this still happens for at least a small length of time...

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Lost True
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-04-27 03:32:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Lost True
KuroVolt wrote:
This is the one Im really looking forward to.

But all of a sudden it hit me: While I would love to see my ship fly towards the exit of its hangar and towards the main docking/undocking bay of the station, such an animation would take alot more time than a loading bar so it would probably not be very well recieved by the more *get down to bussiness* players.

Would you mind taking a few seconds longer to dock/undock in the name of immersion?
And if not: What animation could CCP possibly add that only takes about the same time the current undock does and still feels realistic?


I like to things quickly - dock-unload-undock...

BUT i don't mind, i support any reasonable ideas for immersion - animations, avatars...

Also YES for the graphics upgrades, although my notebook it's quite old.

Because if you will do the game exactly how "most" of the players "wants", it'll be a game with poor graphics, no immersion, and WC3/LoL type of gameplay...

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

CCP Sisyphus
C C P Alliance
#34 - 2013-04-27 06:19:10 UTC
Whatever is done - I will say that our aim when killing all these loading progress bars is simple:

No Extra Time.

The client has to unload the scene, ask for new location, get information from server, load assets, confirm to server its all there. There are hard limits on this time which will happen no matter how fast your computer is. We want to use this time for something more immersive that "loading bar popup".

CCP Sisyphus | Team TriLambda | Team Klang | @CCP_Sisyphus

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#35 - 2013-04-27 08:09:45 UTC
CCP Sisyphus wrote:
Whatever is done - I will say that our aim when killing all these loading progress bars is simple:

No Extra Time.

This is what most of us (I guess) wanted to hear.

Btw, I hope you're not in Iceland or one would wonder how you can post here at 6 am during fanfest ...

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2013-04-27 08:19:06 UTC
It has to be optional.
SOmetimes whole fleets need to undock on short notice and jump to an open cyno.
If eve freezes on some clients because of the animation (not everybody plays on high end equipment) whole ops were in danger.
There would be a lot of petitions....

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Deneth Vakorum
Space Men
#37 - 2013-04-27 08:25:05 UTC
Even just moving the ship slowly toward the exit with all the new flashing lights would be fine. You could even swing the camera to an extreme high or low position that would hide the ship in the "exit tube" thing if the client/server communication took longer than usual.
CCP Sisyphus
C C P Alliance
#38 - 2013-04-27 08:30:36 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:
CCP Sisyphus wrote:
Whatever is done - I will say that our aim when killing all these loading progress bars is simple:

No Extra Time.

This is what most of us (I guess) wanted to hear.

Btw, I hope you're not in Iceland or one would wonder how you can post here at 6 am during fanfest ...

its already 6am??!

CCP Sisyphus | Team TriLambda | Team Klang | @CCP_Sisyphus

#39 - 2013-04-27 08:48:33 UTC
It would be cool if players un-docking from the captains quarters view got an animation of their avatar climbing into the pod.
Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#40 - 2013-04-27 08:54:06 UTC
CCP Sisyphus wrote:
Lors Dornick wrote:
CCP Sisyphus wrote:
Whatever is done - I will say that our aim when killing all these loading progress bars is simple:

No Extra Time.

This is what most of us (I guess) wanted to hear.

Btw, I hope you're not in Iceland or one would wonder how you can post here at 6 am during fanfest ...

its already 6am??!

No, 8:30 GMT according to your post.

Now, there's Blue Badges stationed on odd places on the globe as Shanghai and Atlanta.

But a dev on iceland, early morning saturday during fanfast, who's both awake and sober enough to log in ...

Sounds a bit unexpected ;)

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.