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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Caldari

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Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#421 - 2013-04-23 11:21:16 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:

Add in squad bonuses.

The rest of your post is an argument that ECM on a tanked Scorp is so weak that the Scorpion should not be primaried. But Scorpions still get primaried. Your argument is internally contradictory - either decide that Scorps are so weak that nobody primaries then and hence tank is unimportant, or that they need a decent tank because they do get primaried because they are a threat.

Why should i add squad bonuses? I never add them , then shouldnt we add ganglinks too or titan?

Scorps get primaried cause they are so easy to kill,low resists low ehp. No contradiction there.
Yes scorp is weak , but easy to kill + some ppl still not adapted to new ecm efficiency ---> primary.
Scorp is a battleship , sure it needs a decent tank ,all battleships need that.

Do you realy think that the buffed scorpion will be viable, especially as its cost probably will be increased by a lot ?
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#422 - 2013-04-23 12:07:39 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Do you realy think that the buffed scorpion will be viable, especially as its cost probably will be increased by a lot ?

Why would the Scorpion become more expensive? Did they increase the mineral requirements to build one?

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#423 - 2013-04-23 13:42:23 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:

Add in squad bonuses.

The rest of your post is an argument that ECM on a tanked Scorp is so weak that the Scorpion should not be primaried. But Scorpions still get primaried. Your argument is internally contradictory - either decide that Scorps are so weak that nobody primaries then and hence tank is unimportant, or that they need a decent tank because they do get primaried because they are a threat.

Why should i add squad bonuses? I never add them.

More fool you, then. Squad bonuses are available to everyone in a squad with an appropriately-skilled (not hard) and valid squad booster. If you never add them then you're either soloing a lot or doing it wrong, and since we're talking about a Scorp, the chances are that it's the latter.

Viable, yes. If you want to propose increasing the Scorp's ECM strength then I'm very sympathetic to that though, it should really have a bigger ECM strength bonus than a Blackbird, to reflect the sensor strengths of its intended targets. But really, the entire chance-based mechanic of ECM is utterly terrible and should be binned.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#424 - 2013-04-23 15:18:55 UTC
The basic idea of ECM is bad in the first place. Get rid of it and replace it with an EWAR that isn't horribly unreliable.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#425 - 2013-04-23 15:21:02 UTC
Hagika wrote:
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Given that the Phoon applies damage better than the Raven, please either make the raven apply damage better or give it another launcher slot to add more dps to compensate. The Raven is absolutely **** for a battleship and it needs to be boosted significantly in order to make it better.

The irony of lore stating Caldari superiority when they are certainly not and the Raven is useless in PVP.

I have tested the raven on duality it rapes the typhoon.

Let me guess, you put them face to face, standing still and just shot till one died....

That doesnt exclude the fact that the raven is still a sub par pvp ship compared to the others.

Maybe he put them 25km apart.

The range bonus on the Raven is kind of a big deal with torps, you know.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Standard Corp 123
#426 - 2013-04-23 15:47:20 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
Hagika wrote:
Given that the Phoon applies damage better than the Raven, please either make the raven apply damage better or give it another launcher slot to add more dps to compensate. The Raven is absolutely **** for a battleship and it needs to be boosted significantly in order to make it better.

The irony of lore stating Caldari superiority when they are certainly not and the Raven is useless in PVP.

I have tested the raven on duality it rapes the typhoon.

Let me guess, you put them face to face, standing still and just shot till one died....

That doesnt exclude the fact that the raven is still a sub par pvp ship compared to the others.

Maybe he put them 25km apart.

The range bonus on the Raven is kind of a big deal with torps, you know.

Yes and there can be many other factors, but to say a raven is better than a phoon is not even remotely close to the truth. Also at 25km, then an enmy will more than likely warp away, or the phoon can close the distance.

The raven is severely lacking which is why its pretty much never used in pvp.
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#427 - 2013-04-23 17:33:05 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Naomi Knight wrote:
Do you realy think that the buffed scorpion will be viable, especially as its cost probably will be increased by a lot ?

Why would the Scorpion become more expensive? Did they increase the mineral requirements to build one?

this is from the main ccp post:
"Cost of production will be adjusted to reflect tiericide, but so far we have not settled on exact numbers."
probably tier 1 bs will cost more , we will see

Gypsio 3 wrote:
More fool you, then. Squad bonuses are available to everyone in a squad with an appropriately-skilled (not hard) and valid squad booster. If you never add them then you're either soloing a lot or doing it wrong, and since we're talking about a Scorp, the chances are that it's the latter.

Cause it gives the same buff for every ship in exactly the same way, thats why it is not needed to apply it as you can compare every ship to eachother without the squad bonus.
I bet most people post their eft stats without the squad bonus applied.
Standard Corp 123
#428 - 2013-04-23 18:14:19 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:
Naomi Knight wrote:
Do you realy think that the buffed scorpion will be viable, especially as its cost probably will be increased by a lot ?

Why would the Scorpion become more expensive? Did they increase the mineral requirements to build one?

this is from the main ccp post:
"Cost of production will be adjusted to reflect tiericide, but so far we have not settled on exact numbers."
probably tier 1 bs will cost more , we will see

Gypsio 3 wrote:
More fool you, then. Squad bonuses are available to everyone in a squad with an appropriately-skilled (not hard) and valid squad booster. If you never add them then you're either soloing a lot or doing it wrong, and since we're talking about a Scorp, the chances are that it's the latter.

Cause it gives the same buff for every ship in exactly the same way, thats why it is not needed to apply it as you can compare every ship to eachother without the squad bonus.
I bet most people post their eft stats without the squad bonus applied.

I never include squad of fleet bonus in stats, because in reality you will not always have it.
Yet what irks me is some people will use them and then post the stats and then scream how the ship is fine.
Standard Corp 123
#429 - 2013-04-23 18:15:35 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Naomi Knight wrote:
Do you realy think that the buffed scorpion will be viable, especially as its cost probably will be increased by a lot ?

Why would the Scorpion become more expensive? Did they increase the mineral requirements to build one?

Ever watch the market on items when there is a sudden change or buff/nerf to ship?

Of course they will go up in price.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#430 - 2013-04-23 18:49:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Coreola
Is this supposed to be signature radii balance?

Armageddon 450 (+80)
Apocalypse 380 (-20)
Abaddon 470

Typhoon 330 (+10)
Tempest 360 (+20)
Maelstrom 460

Scorpion 480
Raven 420 (-50)
Rokh 500

Dominix 465 (+45)
Megathron 380 (-20)
Hyperion 485

Typhoon and Raven sig. radii are completely ridiculous for opposite reasons.

Jump, jump, jump.

Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#431 - 2013-04-23 18:54:48 UTC
Coreola wrote:
Is this supposed to be signature radii balance?

Armageddon 450 (+80)
Apocalypse 380 (-20)
Abaddon 470

Typhoon 330 (+10)
Tempest 360 (+20)
Maelstrom 460

Scorpion 480
Raven 420 (-50)
Rokh 500

Dominix 465 (+45)
Megathron 380 (-20)
Hyperion 485

Welcome to winmatar online , if you didnt know already :P
Standard Corp 123
#432 - 2013-04-23 20:42:39 UTC
Truth ^^
Jonas Sukarala
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#433 - 2013-04-23 20:46:39 UTC
it is ridiculous that the phoon only has an extra 20 sig radius than the brutix.. have they seen the difference in size between the ships/classes?
Bc's should have much less sig radius.

'Tech3 ships need to be put down, like a rabid dog drooling everywhere in the house, they are out of line' CCP Ytterbium Nerf missile range into place where is the TD missile change?  ..projectiles should use capacitor. ABC's should be T2 HABC and nerf web strength its still too high

Standard Corp 123
#434 - 2013-04-23 22:15:53 UTC
Jonas Sukarala wrote:
it is ridiculous that the phoon only has an extra 20 sig radius than the brutix.. have they seen the difference in size between the ships/classes?
Bc's should have much less sig radius.

The Minnie BS's aside from maelstrom were made to a smaller sig to make up for a slight lack in firepower but the problem is, they do not lack in firepower.

They should be bumped up in sig rad to match the others.
Kenshi Hanshin
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#435 - 2013-04-23 22:34:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenshi Hanshin
*Warning explicit language alert*

Are you f*cking kidding me! Caldari ships are completely worthless in PvP. The Rokh is the only anyone uses. And that mostly as a long-range sniper. Do you even look at your kill-board stats?

Ravens both standard and Navy Issue are not useful in PvP. You might have only a few compared to hundreds of kills compared to any other BS in the game.

Scorpion, I don't give a d'mn about what you claim. But the whole premise of the scorpion is bullshit. ECM boats with the recent skills that fortify sensor strength are practically worthless. As others have pointed out, if they last at all it is maybe for 2-3 cycles of their jammers. Then is it pop and back to hisec you go. Make it a combat battleship that actually is worth something!

I agree 100% with the remarks that missiles are complete crap wrt pvp compared to turrets. Missile mechanics are terrible. Why do I have to put up with a flight time that is barely shorter than sending Light Combat drones the distance? If we want to talk lore, drones which are 6m long at the shortest have MWDs, AI cores etc. Why the h*ll can't you people 'put a mwd' on missile? Thereby reducing flight-time so we can actually use our missiles at full range. Rather than sticking them up the other guy's tail?!

Continuing the remarks on missiles, what is with the Kinetic damage bonuses?! Are you trying to make caldari missile ships worthless in pvp? Cause you are succeeding so d*mn well I would give you a gold medal. Missiles are not even close to balanced compared to turrets or drones. End of story!

One last thing, resistance bonuses are instrumental in keeping Caldari ships remotely useful. Shield tanking is the only one that has a 0% hole in the default bonuses. If you add up the resistances across the board for Armor and Shield; shield is indisputably disadvantaged. The 5% resistance/level bonuses on Caldari ships is the only thing that allows pilot to stand a chance of competing with armor tankers.

I will urge you to rethink your proposal and actually look at the data with unbaised eyes. Since some of your devs seem to confuse their personal playing with their work.

(Minmatar are called Winmatar on the forums for a reason you know...)
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#436 - 2013-04-24 06:07:31 UTC
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
*Warning explicit language alert*

Are you f*cking kidding me! Caldari ships are completely worthless in PvP. The Rokh is the only anyone uses. And that mostly as a long-range sniper. Do you even look at your kill-board stats?

Ravens both standard and Navy Issue are not useful in PvP. You might have only a few compared to hundreds of kills compared to any other BS in the game.

Scorpion, I don't give a d'mn about what you claim. But the whole premise of the scorpion is bullshit. ECM boats with the recent skills that fortify sensor strength are practically worthless. As others have pointed out, if they last at all it is maybe for 2-3 cycles of their jammers. Then is it pop and back to hisec you go. Make it a combat battleship that actually is worth something!

I agree 100% with the remarks that missiles are complete crap wrt pvp compared to turrets. Missile mechanics are terrible. Why do I have to put up with a flight time that is barely shorter than sending Light Combat drones the distance? If we want to talk lore, drones which are 6m long at the shortest have MWDs, AI cores etc. Why the h*ll can't you people 'put a mwd' on missile? Thereby reducing flight-time so we can actually use our missiles at full range. Rather than sticking them up the other guy's tail?!

Continuing the remarks on missiles, what is with the Kinetic damage bonuses?! Are you trying to make caldari missile ships worthless in pvp? Cause you are succeeding so d*mn well I would give you a gold medal. Missiles are not even close to balanced compared to turrets or drones. End of story!

One last thing, resistance bonuses are instrumental in keeping Caldari ships remotely useful. Shield tanking is the only one that has a 0% hole in the default bonuses. If you add up the resistances across the board for Armor and Shield; shield is indisputably disadvantaged. The 5% resistance/level bonuses on Caldari ships is the only thing that allows pilot to stand a chance of competing with armor tankers.

I will urge you to rethink your proposal and actually look at the data with unbaised eyes. Since some of your devs seem to confuse their personal playing with their work.

(Minmatar are called Winmatar on the forums for a reason you know...)

Missiles are bad for pvp.... wana jump in a frigate and fight my hookbill or condor?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#437 - 2013-04-24 13:52:43 UTC
Apparently CCP Rise is now reading and providing some feedback about battleships, so here we go.

The Raven still needs some improvement. Actually, I think that all battleships that rely on mobility need a particular improvement.

Fly a Talos for a while. You use cap-hungry guns, and a cap-hungry MWD, right ?

Now fly a shield Typhoon for example. Or a Raven/Tempest. None of those ships use cap-hungry weapons, correct ?

But they have a terribly low amount of cap. Scrap that, the problem isn't the total amount of cap or even the cap regen.

The problem is in the 100MN MWD.

Battleships are slow to reach their top speed. 100MN MWDs have very much higher capacitor needs than 10MN MWDs (which is normal). The problem is that the capacitor need isn't inline with what battleships can provide.

As such, almost all battleships that rely on cap-hungry guns and/or mobility fit a heavy cap booster.

Ships that I've seen fitted with a cap booster :

Tempests, Typhoons, Abaddons, Armageddons, Ravens, Rokhs, Megathrons, Hyperions, Dominixes, Apocalypses.

That's almost all battleships except for the Maelstrom, which does fit capboosters but only on their active-tanked versions.

Now let's ask ourselves why is this happening.

It's simple.

I compared two ships so that I can highlight what's going on. A Naga, and a Raven. Both are the attack variants. The Naga is the attack battlecruiser, the Raven is the attack battleship.

All V, the Naga provides +13.5 cap/s. The Raven provides +16.8 cap/s. All is good, the battleship provides more cap than the Naga, that's normal.

A 10MN MWD requires 13.5 cap/s to keep running, while the 100MN MWD requires 54 cap/s.

This is where things go wrong, in my humble opinion.

An attack battleship revolves around "moving fast". I mean, as fast as a battleship can be.

Battleships are slow by design, they take multiple cycles to get to full speed, and their full speed is of course way slower than any other subcapital ship.

So why are we restricting them with this cap issue ? How come I can keep a Naga running at full speed while throwing Null L shells around for 4mn while a Raven will deplete its cap in 2mn10s with just a MWD running ?

Alright, how do we currently fix this ? Simple, we fit heavy capboosters.

What happens then ? You sacrifice a medslot, you lose 1925 PWG and 40 CPU. You need to stock capboosters somewhere and can't fight for very long if you also have an Ancillary shield booster. You can't kite for long either, while a Naga (or any other battlecruiser) can do it without any cap issue even when shooting guns.

In exchange, you get to keep running when neuted, that's correct. However, what would you fit if you don't really care about neuting but still want to keep your MWD running ? Realisticly, you're forced to fit a heavy cap booster.

Now what do we do ?

CCP Rise, if you're reading this and I know you will, I'm just pointing out the reason why *attack battleships* probably won't work as expected or at least won't perform as good as one would expect them to.

I can provide some possible solutions, here they are, It's up to you to decide which one you want to see implemented :

Reduce 100MN MWD cap usage : This one is pretty straight forward. But I have this feeling that you won't pick that one because it's the easiest one. And I know you almost never chose the simplest choice. It will fix the problem, to a certain extend, but you won't like it, I know it.

Introduce the X-large Capacitor Battery : I just thought about this. The current largest cap battery is the "Large Capacitor Battery II".

It provides 700 Cap, grants a reflective bonus against capwarfare, and it uses 100 CPU and 275 PWG.

Cap batteries truly are useless on Battleships. They are useful in CERTAIN, VERY SPECIFIC situations on cruisers and I think that it's mostly alright. But on battleships, they are of no use.

I think it's a good occasion to make them useful. I'll create a debate thread about cap-batteries.
#438 - 2013-04-24 14:45:48 UTC
suggest to replace the bonus velocity for bonus explosion radius
Zansha Expansion
#439 - 2013-04-24 20:18:56 UTC
SongSinger wrote:
suggest to replace the bonus velocity for bonus explosion radius

For * sake cruise missiles will go over 11km/s on a Raven and will reach every target very very fast. You won't even be able to escape them if you mjd away - they'll make an inspace turn and just continue to the target (if the target stays locked).

The only thing the Raven needs is more shield HP. It won't break anything, really.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#440 - 2013-04-24 21:33:13 UTC
SongSinger wrote:
suggest to replace the bonus velocity for bonus explosion radius

I dunno really, get a Rapier/Huginn in support and that explosion radius bonus (and particularly the explosion velocity bonus of the Typhoon) suddenly becomes not very useful. In contrast, you can't really replace the missile velocity bonus. It isn't the greatest bonus ever by any means, but it has its uses in terms of reduced flight times, greater concentration of volley damage in time and reduced hostile logi reaction time.

If torps got a bit more range, making the missile velocity bonus more useful with them, then I'd favour keeping it, I think. What?