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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Caldari

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Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#381 - 2013-04-21 13:02:56 UTC
Hello Everyone,
i want to ask ccp a few questions, and i need honest answers?

Why are you giving the typhoon an additional launcher slot so the typhoon has as much damage as the raven?

Raven has a range and a damage Bonus
is it supposed to be an attack battleship?

>> An attack BS no one uses in pvp...

Why are you making a tier 3 Battlecruiser doing more damage than the battleship counterpart?! And Ladys and gentlemen the BC (Naga) does MORE damage than the BS (rokh)

Rokh has a Range and a Resistance Bonus
wait... why always compare it to the abbadon, when there is no damage bonus, why compare it to other sniperships, when there is a Resistance bonus. The Thing is: CCP Wants the Rokh to be an highly resistive blaster boat AND a Sniper? while The Caldari already have a Range Bonus Battleship (The Raven). And rather then fixing ranged Missiles for Pv P Sniping they give the Rokh a Range Bonus for ppl to use it as a Sniper... doing less damage then the other Blasterships, while having less tank. And while the rokh having the weakest alpha, and worse damage then the naga.

CCP... decide now what the Rokh will be in the future and do what you must, if its a sniper, give it a damage and range bonus, if its an attack ship, give it the long expected Damage bonus and delete the Range bonus.

And not even have the Caldari a worthless Raven, that no one chooses over the Typhoon anymore, they get the awesome Rokh being a soso Blaster and Soso Snipership with weird bonuses and being weaker than the bc counterpart of the same race... they Get the Scorpion....

The Scorpion
The Scorpion is seldomly used, and barely effective. but you can see more into the topic if you compare it with the awesome new Drone boat of the Amarr... having Ewar bonuses, Drone Damage and tank. The Scorpion just loses in every thinkable part. A pvp ship from the scratch, and no one flies it...

CCP. If you want the Scorpion to be Valid as an ewar boat, fix ECM.
If you dont fix ECM, finally drop the ECM bonuses and bring it in line with the other Ewarable ships, you could even make it a Drone Boat or give it a Missile rof + resistance bonus (brawler).
Do this If you give the Rokh the damage bonus it deserves to be the sniper it should be, and if you want a restistance bonused ship.

Caldari never had many drones to be takene with any of their ships... but to even nerf that inability further, while boosting many ships Drone Bandwith...

Summary Caldari:
- Second Choice Torp boat
- Second Choice Sniper /3rd or 4th choice Blaster/Brawler
- bottom of the Barrel Ewar Ship (worse than the falcon, which a preposter already said)
- Even less drones than before, while the ships stay useless.

CCP are you serious about this?

have a nice day.


serras bang
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#382 - 2013-04-21 19:17:17 UTC
the raven looks good however will that extra mid actualy be usefull as for pve the mid that should have been spare and usualy some of the lows had to be used with cap rechargers ect so my question is is this problem fixed with the update or just amplified more ?

the raven would have been fine as is with its slot layout if the cap issue was fixed enough to have fread up the slots in the first place.
Zansha Expansion
#383 - 2013-04-22 00:23:36 UTC
I just come from Duality and I can say that that Typhoon should be very afraid of the Raven Twisted and the cruise missiles of doom.

I can only advise you to go there and fly her and dont forget to try her out with torpedos - dat Abbadon was very surprised to see a 1200dps Raven - yes a Raven!

And if you ever wanted to see instant hitting cruise missiles you should go there too and have a look.

Hint - you don't need a painter for cruise missiles.

Oh, and every smaller ship should just warp away if possible, those doom missiles WILL hit you, there is no way you can outrun them.

Nanoravens reborn!!

Can the Scorpion get another launcher and / or turret hardpoint? I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird, so we can call it a battleship again?
Right now it bugs me that she has 4 launcher and 4 turret hardpoints and 5 highs instead of 5 launchers / 5 turrets so we could fit her as flavor gun or missile boat.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Bigger than Jesus
#384 - 2013-04-22 01:00:46 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
I just come from Duality and I can say that that Typhoon should be very afraid of the Raven Twisted and the cruise missiles of doom.

I can only advise you to go there and fly her and dont forget to try her out with torpedos - dat Abbadon was very surprised to see a 1200dps Raven - yes a Raven!

And if you ever wanted to see instant hitting cruise missiles you should go there too and have a look.

Hint - you don't need a painter for cruise missiles.

Oh, and every smaller ship should just warp away if possible, those doom missiles WILL hit you, there is no way you can outrun them.

Nanoravens reborn!!

Can the Scorpion get another launcher and / or turret hardpoint? I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird, so we can call it a battleship again?
Right now it bugs me that she has 4 launcher and 4 turret hardpoints and 5 highs instead of 5 launchers / 5 turrets so we could fit her as flavor gun or missile boat.

5th slot is a utility slot. A very minmatar way of thinking.
Liandri Industrial
#385 - 2013-04-22 02:12:40 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
I just come from Duality and I can say that that Typhoon should be very afraid of the Raven Twisted and the cruise missiles of doom.

I can only advise you to go there and fly her and dont forget to try her out with torpedos - dat Abbadon was very surprised to see a 1200dps Raven - yes a Raven!

And if you ever wanted to see instant hitting cruise missiles you should go there too and have a look.

Hint - you don't need a painter for cruise missiles.

Oh, and every smaller ship should just warp away if possible, those doom missiles WILL hit you, there is no way you can outrun them.

Nanoravens reborn!!

Can the Scorpion get another launcher and / or turret hardpoint? I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird, so we can call it a battleship again?
Right now it bugs me that she has 4 launcher and 4 turret hardpoints and 5 highs instead of 5 launchers / 5 turrets so we could fit her as flavor gun or missile boat.

Catherine Laartii
#386 - 2013-04-22 03:57:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Catherine Laartii
CCP Rise wrote:


The Rokh, like most of the former tier 3 battleships, is in a very healthy place currently. It hasn't been changed, except for a tweak to the resist bonus. This change is significant, and we are going to dedicate an entire thread to discussing the power of resistance bonuses later in the day. If you want to talk about this bonus here, in relation to the Rokh specifically, feel free. The general idea from our end is that the current bonus to resistance is one of the most powerful ship bonuses in the game. It adds to the power of local tanks (active and passive) as well as remote tanks, which has consistently positioned ships with this bonus at the center of some of the most powerful gameplay available. We feel that the Rokh is a good example of this powerful gameplay, and expect it to thrive despite this change.

Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+10% to large Hybrid Turret optimal range
+4% Shield resistances per level (-1% per level)

Oh my poor, poor Rokh. Why are you so neglected?

First off, quoting CCP Rise: "The Rokh, like most of the former tier 3 battleships, is in a very healthy place currently. "
Supressing riotous laughter and rivers of tears at the ignorance of that statement, I would like to point out that the rokh is, as awful as it is for me to put this in a pun, "Between a Rokh and a hard place." Hybrids are currently broken in the realm of the caldari, as their usefulness is in CCP trying to force Caldari to use just rails, and Gallente just blasters.

This is the single largest problem facing the ship rebalancing initiative as it stands, and it cannot be understated.

How this is so is by looking at weapons "sharing" of different races.
Caldari + Minmatar = missiles. Caldari's secondary weapon systems are hybrids, and the matari's are missiles. They have projectiles unique to them, but the current spec for them seems to be using missiles much more heavily than before, to the order of hybrids for caldari.

Gallente + Amarr = Drones. Both the gallente and amarr have drone boats at every level, with the exception of amarr frigates. Like the matari in the sense of unique weapon systems, the amarr specialize in lasers, but have a wide variety of drone boats all the same.

Gallente + Caldari = Hybrids...but not quite. Here's where we run into problems. a full quarter to a third, I repeat, ALMOST A FULL THIRD OF THE SHIPS IN THE GAME are BROKEN because of how massively screwed up hybrids are, and the intended roles of their ships are.

The solution to this quandry is simple: Increase rail range, and substitue one of the range bonuses on all caldari ships with a damage bonus. a 50% increase in rail range while reducing the 10% optimal range per level bonus on caldari ships that don't get damage bonuses means that they can now interchangeably snipe with rails and brawl with blasters just as effectively. And the SAME goes for the gallente boats.

Why, you might ask, is this a good idea if two races use the same weapons system to homogenize them?
The answer is simple:
GUNS ARE NOT BEHOLDEN AS A PRIMARY WEAPON SYSTEM. ALL weapons systems are EQUAL in regards to usability to their parent ships as long as they get appropriate bonuses. Drones, missiles, and guns are ALL
individually as effective as the other in regards to a ship using one as a primary weapons system. The problem is when you try to COMBINE those two. Split weapon loadouts are the bane of ship fitting, as they do not allow you to effectively use one over the other effectively. This has been mitigated nicely by the current tiercide initiative, and I praise them for that, but they are not seeing the other side of the issue as it was previously stated: Forcing guns as primary weapon systems.

The rokh, then, would best benefit with this setup after the aforementioned hybrid rebalance with a 50% increase in rail range, and possibly balancing blasters to have even optimal and falloff range:

Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
+10% to large Hybrid Turret Damage
+4% Shield resistances per level (-1% per level)

Reallocate slots to a 6/8/5 slot loadout. This allows the rokh to become a 'combat' battleship with sturdy defenses and solid damage. I can build a rokh with LASERS that's more effective than a rail or blaster ship. This is because the rokh is the only battleship aside from the oddity that is the Scorpion that doest get an applied damage bonus (This is under my belief that Tracking Speed bonuses are an applied damage bonus, since they allow you to 'apply' your damage better with hitting your target for more damage).

While the scorpion provides a valuable role of heavy ECM support, it does suffer badly from a split weapons loadout that prevents it from having a primary weapons system. My solution to this issue would be rebalance the scorpion appropriately to this end:


Caldari Battleship Skill Bonuses:
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
5% bonus to Cruise and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire per level

Slot layout: 6H, 8M, 5L(+1); 0 turrets -4 , 6 launchers

This allows the Scorpion the option to become a fully-fledged pvp-capable, dps dealing battleship. This negates the issue of it being a 'disruption' battleship by allowing it to balance its roles effectively without displacing its current capabilities, and giving it the dps it needs to contribute in ANY situation, since it does dps currently on-par with a cruiser, which is absurdly underpowered.
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#387 - 2013-04-22 05:34:59 UTC
Caldari Optimal range for blasters should not be overlooked.

I was sad when CCP bowed down to the silly idea that the moa should have a damage bonus rather than a range bonus.
Adding range to the already impressive DPS of blasters just works well giving better damage application in practice but less 'eft' dps. I know which I'd rather have.

Keep the range bonus.

Rokh v Naga....really?!

The nage can put out more DPS yeah. But is paper thin compared to the Rokh.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#388 - 2013-04-22 07:00:04 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
I just come from Duality and I can say that that Typhoon should be very afraid of the Raven Twisted and the cruise missiles of doom.

I can only advise you to go there and fly her and dont forget to try her out with torpedos - dat Abbadon was very surprised to see a 1200dps Raven - yes a Raven!

And if you ever wanted to see instant hitting cruise missiles you should go there too and have a look.

Hint - you don't need a painter for cruise missiles.

Oh, and every smaller ship should just warp away if possible, those doom missiles WILL hit you, there is no way you can outrun them.

Nanoravens reborn!!

Can the Scorpion get another launcher and / or turret hardpoint? I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird, so we can call it a battleship again?
Right now it bugs me that she has 4 launcher and 4 turret hardpoints and 5 highs instead of 5 launchers / 5 turrets so we could fit her as flavor gun or missile boat.

Finally someone who has provided proof of my idea of a NanoRaven which i surmised by the stat changes and the Cruise Missile changes.

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#389 - 2013-04-22 07:25:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Caitlyn Tufy
I swear, half the people in this thread either never flew Caldari ship or downright suck doing it. What is this I'm reading about drone Scorpions and megathronized Rokhs?

@Catherine Laartii:

1. Optimal bonus is a damage bonus anywhere but at point blank range, where a tracking bonused ship such as Megathron will always be superior anyway, even if the Rokh were to get a damage bonus.

Anyone flying the Naga will be able to tell you that you can't effectively run a tank and the guns at the same time, making it paper thin in practice. Meanwhile, the Rokh is able to get over 20k shield, over 70% (65% after Odyssey) resists across the board and still be cap stable without the MWD running. In other words, whenever you need a brick wall, Rokh wins hands down, no questions asked.

2. Scorpion's purpose was never dps. Its purpose is to drop into the fight and unleash electronic hell on the targets, while surviving a bit more than smaller ships can. It doesn't need damage to do so, just as a Falcon or a Blackbird usually only equip weapons to whore kill mails.

Now, the problem with ECMs is that it's a chance based ewar - it can be incredibly effective or completely worthless, depending on your luck. It also means that a Falcon can be almost as effective as a Scorpion while also having the ability to appear whenever it wants. If it were up to me, I'd turn ECM into a system that reduces a number of targets the ship can lock on to. A frigate would be able to reduce this number by 1, a cruiser by 2 and a battleship by 3 per module. Effectively, this would mean you'd need more ECMs to lock down cruisers or battleships, but it would also mean a Scorpion would be more effective in locking down logistics than a Falcon or a Griffin would be. In turn, it would make ECM effect on the battlefield predictable as a force multiplier tool.

I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird

You already do. It's called Widow.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#390 - 2013-04-22 07:36:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Catherine Laartii wrote:

Oh my poor, poor Rokh. Why are you so neglected?

First off, quoting CCP Rise: "The Rokh, like most of the former tier 3 battleships, is in a very healthy place currently. "
Supressing riotous laughter and rivers of tears at the ignorance of that statement, I would like to point out that the rokh is, as awful as it is for me to put this in a pun, "Between a Rokh and a hard place." Hybrids are currently broken in the realm of the caldari, as their usefulness is in CCP trying to force Caldari to use just rails, and Gallente just blasters.

Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#391 - 2013-04-22 08:16:43 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:

Oh my poor, poor Rokh. Why are you so neglected?

First off, quoting CCP Rise: "The Rokh, like most of the former tier 3 battleships, is in a very healthy place currently. "
Supressing riotous laughter and rivers of tears at the ignorance of that statement, I would like to point out that the rokh is, as awful as it is for me to put this in a pun, "Between a Rokh and a hard place." Hybrids are currently broken in the realm of the caldari, as their usefulness is in CCP trying to force Caldari to use just rails, and Gallente just blasters.


it is only usable in huge rr fleets , and now ccp wants to nerf that,soon it will be outplaced by another ship/doctrine and rokh wont be used at all
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#392 - 2013-04-22 08:29:13 UTC
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
I swear, half the people in this thread either never flew Caldari ship or downright suck doing it. What is this I'm reading about drone Scorpions and megathronized Rokhs?

@Catherine Laartii:

1. Optimal bonus is a damage bonus anywhere but at point blank range, where a tracking bonused ship such as Megathron will always be superior anyway, even if the Rokh were to get a damage bonus.

Anyone flying the Naga will be able to tell you that you can't effectively run a tank and the guns at the same time, making it paper thin in practice. Meanwhile, the Rokh is able to get over 20k shield, over 70% (65% after Odyssey) resists across the board and still be cap stable without the MWD running. In other words, whenever you need a brick wall, Rokh wins hands down, no questions asked.

2. Scorpion's purpose was never dps. Its purpose is to drop into the fight and unleash electronic hell on the targets, while surviving a bit more than smaller ships can. It doesn't need damage to do so, just as a Falcon or a Blackbird usually only equip weapons to ***** kill mails.

Now, the problem with ECMs is that it's a chance based ewar - it can be incredibly effective or completely worthless, depending on your luck. It also means that a Falcon can be almost as effective as a Scorpion while also having the ability to appear whenever it wants. If it were up to me, I'd turn ECM into a system that reduces a number of targets the ship can lock on to. A frigate would be able to reduce this number by 1, a cruiser by 2 and a battleship by 3 per module. Effectively, this would mean you'd need more ECMs to lock down cruisers or battleships, but it would also mean a Scorpion would be more effective in locking down logistics than a Falcon or a Griffin would be. In turn, it would make ECM effect on the battlefield predictable as a force multiplier tool.

I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird

You already do. It's called Widow.

oh god another dumby ...
"I'd turn ECM into a system that reduces a number of targets the ship can lock on to." that would make ecm totally useless , most ships doesnt need more than one locked targets, pls bring more ****** ideas how to totally screw ecm
yes i could totally predict ecm effect , which would be totally useless laugable crap

I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird

"You already do. It's called Widow."
omg , the widow costs makes it not good at all in actual fighting,oh and the rook is crappy to begin with,
still scorpion shouldnt be just a larger blackbird especially as it nearly cant do anything better,same ecm strenght... rly ccp?:O, more buffer tank doesnt worth the extra costs size and slowness, so why to bring scorp? no wonder it is the least used bs by a huge margin, it has very limited role , with very limited efficiency --> crap
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#393 - 2013-04-22 08:30:52 UTC
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:
elitatwo wrote:
I just come from Duality and I can say that that Typhoon should be very afraid of the Raven Twisted and the cruise missiles of doom.

I can only advise you to go there and fly her and dont forget to try her out with torpedos - dat Abbadon was very surprised to see a 1200dps Raven - yes a Raven!

And if you ever wanted to see instant hitting cruise missiles you should go there too and have a look.

Hint - you don't need a painter for cruise missiles.

Oh, and every smaller ship should just warp away if possible, those doom missiles WILL hit you, there is no way you can outrun them.

Nanoravens reborn!!

Can the Scorpion get another launcher and / or turret hardpoint? I'd rather have a larger Rook than a large Blackbird, so we can call it a battleship again?
Right now it bugs me that she has 4 launcher and 4 turret hardpoints and 5 highs instead of 5 launchers / 5 turrets so we could fit her as flavor gun or missile boat.

Finally someone who has provided proof of my idea of a NanoRaven which i surmised by the stat changes and the Cruise Missile changes.

the problem is that the typoon does it just way better, so why to use the raven?
funny how matar instantly steal cruise missiles as soon as they are becoming usable .... winmatard online
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#394 - 2013-04-22 09:55:11 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:

Oh my poor, poor Rokh. Why are you so neglected?

First off, quoting CCP Rise: "The Rokh, like most of the former tier 3 battleships, is in a very healthy place currently. "
Supressing riotous laughter and rivers of tears at the ignorance of that statement, I would like to point out that the rokh is, as awful as it is for me to put this in a pun, "Between a Rokh and a hard place." Hybrids are currently broken in the realm of the caldari, as their usefulness is in CCP trying to force Caldari to use just rails, and Gallente just blasters.


it is only usable in huge rr fleets , and now ccp wants to nerf that,soon it will be outplaced by another ship/doctrine and rokh wont be used at all

Stop whining Naomi, it'll be fine. The advantages of damage projection, instant shield RR and high resists will still remain.
Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#395 - 2013-04-22 10:14:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Caitlyn Tufy
Naomi Knight wrote:
oh god another dumby ...
"I'd turn ECM into a system that reduces a number of targets the ship can lock on to." that would make ecm totally useless , most ships doesnt need more than one locked targets, pls bring more ****** ideas how to totally screw ecm
yes i could totally predict ecm effect , which would be totally useless laugable crap

Not totally useless, different. ECM is problematic to balance as it is, because its use is binary - either it works and is incredibly powerful or it doesn't and it's a waste of slot space. Contrast this to other forms of ewar, that always work and never really fail, but affect ships in some way or another.

Consider my suggestion (with made up figures that are in no way balanced) in relation to these other forms of ewar. A single griffin could never lock down a full battleship, but two could lock down a logistics ship. A single Falcon or Blackbird could lock down a logistics ship and a single Scorpion could lock down two at once. Here's something else that happens: One Scorp drops 6 ECMs on three battleships. They each can lock one target left. Now a griffin locks down the remaining target on each one. Two ships, one of those a battleship and the other a frigate, just took out three ships for as long as they're alive (no chance, meaning those ships are locked down permanently, remember?). That same Scorpion could also solo lock three cruisers permanently, while a single Griffin couldn't handle any (assuming no other modules affecting the outcome of those locks, of course).

So, useless? I think not - it wouldn't make ECM weaker than other forms of ewar, but it would also no longer be chance based.

"You already do. It's called Widow."
omg , the widow costs makes it not good at all in actual fighting,oh and the rook is crappy to begin with,

Widow costs half as much as Vindicator, just as Rook costs about half the Ashimmu. Similarily, Vagabond or Cerberus are more expensive than Rook, same as Vargur or Golem are more expensive than Widow. Thus, the price is balanced as to where the ship should be relative to its counterparts. Whether the black ops perform well or not for their price is a different matter.

still scorpion shouldnt be just a larger blackbird especially as it nearly cant do anything better,same ecm strenght... rly ccp?:O, more buffer tank doesnt worth the extra costs size and slowness, so why to bring scorp? no wonder it is the least used bs by a huge margin, it has very limited role , with very limited efficiency --> crap

I agree, as shown above, three things matter about ECM - the lock time (Griffin wins here), range (Blackbird and Scorp are the same here) and survivability (Falcon can dictate the terms of engagement, therefore it wins here). If only there was a way to make battleship-based ECM more powerful than frigate-based ECM and if only a single frigate wasn't enough to lock down a whole battleship... ;)
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#396 - 2013-04-22 10:34:53 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:

Stop whining Naomi, it'll be fine. The advantages of damage projection, instant shield RR and high resists will still remain.

for the time being yes , but seeing how ccp is aiming for solo ships to become viable everywhere probably will change that , we will see
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#397 - 2013-04-22 10:55:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Naomi Knight

Not totally useless, different. ECM is problematic to balance as it is, because its use is binary - either it works and is incredibly powerful or it doesn't and it's a waste of slot space. Contrast this to other forms of ewar, that always work and never really fail, but affect ships in some way or another.

yes thats why ecm should be remade, but scorpion should be used in fleet fights, that why you bring a slow tankier huge ship than the blackbirds ,and its ecm jamm strength there is just not enough to do the job

Consider my suggestion (with made up figures that are in no way balanced) in relation to these other forms of ewar. A single griffin could never lock down a full battleship, but two could lock down a logistics ship. A single Falcon or Blackbird could lock down a logistics ship and a single Scorpion could lock down two at once. Here's something else that happens: One Scorp drops 6 ECMs on three battleships. They each can lock one target left. Now a griffin locks down the remaining target on each one. Two ships, one of those a battleship and the other a frigate, just took out three ships for as long as they're alive (no chance, meaning those ships are locked down permanently, remember?). That same Scorpion could also solo lock three cruisers permanently, while a single Griffin couldn't handle any (assuming no other modules affecting the outcome of those locks, of course).

griffin coulndnt lock a full bs fine , so you need 2 griffins,or 1 falcon/bb to lock down 1 logi there is already a problem , why do you need 2 or 1 ship just to lock down 1 ship? the jammer ships cant rly do anything else ,so why dont you just bring another type of ship as it would make +1 logi for enemy +1 ship for u
now the griffin +scorp , thats 2 ships ,now try to coordinate that effectively with 10+ scorpions it becomes impossible

So, useless? I think not - it wouldn't make ECM weaker than other forms of ewar, but it would also no longer be chance based.
thats why it would be useless , why to use ecm if it is weaker than other ewar , when other ewar are not rly utilized anyway, i see so few recons used for damping/tracking disrupting, so if ecm will be weaker than those , we wont see ecms at all

Widow costs half as much as Vindicator, just as Rook costs about half the Ashimmu. Similarily, Vagabond or Cerberus are more expensive than Rook, same as Vargur or Golem are more expensive than Widow. Thus, the price is balanced as to where the ship should be relative to its counterparts. Whether the black ops perform well or not for their price is a different matter.

sorry i dont understand how vindicators or marauders relevant at all, scorpion ewar bs , maybe im wrong but i think those should be used in fleet fights, and in fleet fights prices do matter, and currently scropion has no counterparts it is the sole ewar bs,the neutralizer geddon while come close according to ccp is an attack bs,btw geddon will be better at countering logis than scorp :P
and it can actually do dmg and tank better at the same time


I agree, as shown above, three things matter about ECM - the lock time (Griffin wins here), range (Blackbird and Scorp are the same here) and survivability (Falcon can dictate the terms of engagement, therefore it wins here). If only there was a way to make battleship-based ECM more powerful than frigate-based ECM and if only a single frigate wasn't enough to lock down a whole battleship... ;)

there is a way , just boost ecm strength bonus /lvl for the scorp(what i would like to see) other than that a complet ecm remake is needed

oh and the rook became so weak , ecm nerf +hml nerf hit it hard, not it lacks both dps and tank or jamm :(
and it was the least used combat recon already
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#398 - 2013-04-22 14:08:04 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Naomi Knight wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Catherine Laartii wrote:

Oh my poor, poor Rokh. Why are you so neglected?

First off, quoting CCP Rise: "The Rokh, like most of the former tier 3 battleships, is in a very healthy place currently. "
Supressing riotous laughter and rivers of tears at the ignorance of that statement, I would like to point out that the rokh is, as awful as it is for me to put this in a pun, "Between a Rokh and a hard place." Hybrids are currently broken in the realm of the caldari, as their usefulness is in CCP trying to force Caldari to use just rails, and Gallente just blasters.


it is only usable in huge rr fleets , and now ccp wants to nerf that,soon it will be outplaced by another ship/doctrine and rokh wont be used at all

Stop whining Naomi, it'll be fine. The advantages of damage projection, instant shield RR and high resists will still remain.

Rokh is an outstanding fleet BS, in fact I'd go so far as to say it's probably the best of the straight T1 lineup for that role.

If you want to run missions, then a Cruise Raven will be ridiculously good for that.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#399 - 2013-04-22 15:39:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
Grunnax Aurelius wrote:

I am a Dedicated Caldari pilot, and if you change the Scorpion to a Drone boat, that is sacrilege to the Caldari lore, they are not a Drone race. If you want to change the Scorpion keep its current layout of 6 / 8 / 4 and just make it have 6 launcher hardpoints and change is skill bonuses so that it is a Torpedo boat like having Rate of Fire to Launchers and Damage Bonus and leave the Raven to what it is supposed to do which is kite with Cruise Missiles. Otherwise leave the Scorpion as it is.

As for you statement on the Raven being crappy and slow and having a terrible tank your fit is obviously not a correct one, and if your neuting rats that is the dumbest thing i have heard for a level 4 Raven. Its getting another Mid which is more tank, its gaining more speed, Cruise Missiles are being buffed by 30% what f u c k i n g more do you want, they have finally fixed the Raven into a position where its not only better for PvE but also becoming viable for PvP.

EDIT: if you want a Drone Scorpion go train and buy a Rattlesnake

Have you actually read the new specs? I too am a dedicated caldari pilot At least on one of my toons. I fly the Raven a lot, completed over 1000 lvl 4 missions with it. I never said the Raven was crappy, just that it's tank was barely adequate. True the Raven can be fit with a very good tank. But in doing so the DPS is far to low to be an efficient mission runner. As an experienced level 4 mission runner, any fit that includes CCC rigs is a fail. At worst fit a cap booster, but do not sacrifice DPS for tank. Gank is tank when running missions.

My raven is fit for DPS with cruise missiles, It does well over 700 DPS, and with 2 rigor rigs and a flare rig it applies that DPS very well out past 50km, a range that is needed in level 4 missions. You need this kind of DPS to compete with other mission running fits. If you are happy with 400-500 DPS then you are better off running missions with the Drake as it will do 400-500 DPS and still have a better tank. My Raven can complete missions almost as fast as a Mach. At a fraction of the price.

If you have not noticed the changes coming with Odyssey bring a significant reduction of the ravens tank. -500 shields HP, - 841 armor, and - 241 hull. 500 shield HP may not sound like much, but with 75% resists that is 2000 EHP. The extra mid slot should more than make up for this lost tank, but does not really add any utility. An extra mid slot would have been nice for a Target painter, or e-war, but now you need to use it for tank to compensate for the cuts to its already mediocre tank.

The raven has also had a little boost to CPU and power grid ans well as a small buff to its capacitor. As I said, I never said the Raven was crappy, only that I would have to test these changes to see if it was actually a buff, or a nerf in disguise.

Now on to the Scorpion. ECM has been nerfed to hell. ECM is nearly useless in PVE. Missiles are nearly useless in PVP. So what situation is this ship used for?

The Scorpion is the worst ship in its class for DPS. It has a decent tank, but is set up as primarily an ECM boat. Why does nobody complain about other races not having an ECM battleship? One simple fact, because they suck and nobody wants or uses them. If an ECM battleship was a good idea every none caldari pilot would be complaining their race did not have one. Making the Scorpions primary purpose ECM, makes the ship near worthless.

if you don't think making the scorpion a drone boat works with the lore, fine, suggest something useful. Caldari already have a missile boat (the raven) and a gun boat (The Rokh) The raven is an attack battle ship (lower tank but faster more agile.) The scorpion would make a good Combat battleship, different from the raven, but possibly with the same 6 launcher missile platform(with lower DPS bonuses and more tank bonuses). I don't care either way, but the ECM battleship is useless and needs to go.
Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#400 - 2013-04-22 15:42:25 UTC
Can we give the Raven some more cap and cap recharge please, or give all the Attack Battleships a role bonus that reduces cap requirement of MicroWarpdrives by 25%?