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Dev Blog: In the Navy: Changes to Navy Ships in Odyssey

First post
Athena Maldoran
#101 - 2013-04-10 22:50:52 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.

this is more news worthy than the dev blog o.O
Frying Doom
#102 - 2013-04-10 22:54:13 UTC
Athena Maldoran wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.

this is more news worthy than the dev blog o.O

Given the amount of work CCP Fozzie is doing, I really wouldn't care if he wrote dirty limericks on the forums.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#103 - 2013-04-10 23:02:37 UTC
kyrieee wrote:
I think you're overpricing them in terms of LP considering their stats.

^^^^ This, completely agree with.
Ginger Barbarella
#104 - 2013-04-10 23:05:11 UTC
Tippia wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.
Until I get this, nothing is the T2 myrm I've always wanted. Cry

You guys that love the Myrm are almost (*almost*) as weird as the Domi people.

/me shivers

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#105 - 2013-04-10 23:05:12 UTC
Marcel Devereux wrote:
I think you need to check your costs again. I would love to use these for PVP, but 250M+ a ship is a bit ridiculous. For FW it needs to be 80K LP.

Definately, I'm looking at that new harbinger, and thinking "****, that pricey? But I wanna pvp with it!"
Evasion Gaming
The Ancients.
#106 - 2013-04-10 23:05:54 UTC
So I have been the largest fan boi for the balance team up to and including all your hard work to date. But I am getting concerned, very very concerned.

How the are T2 ships going to have a place in the game within the cruiser to BC size range? That was a problem BEFORE when the T1 cruisers were a laughable write off. And although I thought there was plenty of space left in the spectrum after the T1 balance pass of those hull sizes, I am much much less confident after the navy balance pass. And pirate hulls haven't even been looked at yet!

Seriously guys how are you not either subjecting yourselves to MASSIVE power creep or creating the same forced obsolescence or meta domination that was a problem before? Are you expecting that balance by cost will be the factor that will keep the Cane FI from oppressively pressuring the meta, because we all know how that works? Or is it shear powercreep where you estimate that the rebalanced T1 cruiser line can deal with the old 'cane at this point? I was totally tracking the changes up until this point, but I really honestly don't see the space for these ships in the game. How the T2 cruiser/BC possible squeeze into the narrow narrow gaps between the announced hulls?

Please release the resist bonus thread soon as well. I really want an understanding of the thought processes now. I can't really comment on the BS threads until we get more info!
Sunshine and Lollipops
#107 - 2013-04-10 23:40:41 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
You guys that love the Myrm are almost (*almost*) as weird as the Domi people.

/me shivers
Myrm = sexiest ship in the game.
Roden = sexiest gallente livery.

Roden Myrm = pron. P
Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#108 - 2013-04-11 00:03:40 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Krell Kroenen wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:

We went with the ships we considered to be the most "iconic" BCs for each race. There was lots of internal debate about Brutix vs Myrm but Brutix won out.

So who's side were you on in this debate eh? Team Myrm or Team Brutix?

I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.

Dont tell me the vulture is going to be a black + gold colored drake because i will jiss.

(Now that i recall...a certain university you may know of has those colors...)

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Sierra Spurgeon
C5 Flight
#109 - 2013-04-11 00:05:15 UTC
so what your sayin is your unraping the hurri and upcharging 150mill for it? in adition to making a drake it has no chance of competing with . good move
Krell Kroenen
The Devil's Shadow
#110 - 2013-04-11 01:12:24 UTC
Sierra Spurgeon wrote:
so what your sayin is your unraping the hurri and upcharging 150mill for it? in adition to making a drake it has no chance of competing with . good move

Well it's not quiet an un-rapping. look at the PG and the cap...
Load Up Blast Everything
#111 - 2013-04-11 01:30:34 UTC
Anyone else notice that the Navy Brutix only has 6 turrets instead of the 7 on a usual Brutix...??????
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2013-04-11 01:46:23 UTC
Keep the Domi model the way it is ment to be! It is the battle potato of freedom!
Khoul Ay'd
The Affiliation
#113 - 2013-04-11 02:15:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Khoul Ay'd
Tippia wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.
Until I get this, nothing is the T2 myrm I've always wanted. Cry

Roden paint cool! But for the love of all that is holy and Gallente, never EVER fit that on a Myrmi again! Shocked

The things we do today we must live with forever.... Think about it

Sunshine and Lollipops
#114 - 2013-04-11 02:23:18 UTC
Khoul Ay'd wrote:
Tippia wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.
Until I get this, nothing is the T2 myrm I've always wanted. Cry

Roden paint cool! But for the love of all that is holy and Gallente, never EVER fit that on a Myrmi again! Shocked

SIF. The Myrm was always better as a shield boat, and Roden = missiles, which the Gallente needs more of! So there! P
Liam Inkuras
#115 - 2013-04-11 02:28:53 UTC
BlakPhoenix wrote:
Anyone else notice that the Navy Brutix only has 6 turrets instead of the 7 on a usual Brutix...??????

Normal Brutix only has 6 turrets now as well. As of February 19th actually.

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#116 - 2013-04-11 02:45:45 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.

I'm really concerned about the direction you're going with command ships, what with giving them combat focused roles and with forcing them on-grid.

If you're going to give a command ship a focused combat role you're going to have to nerf its EHP pretty heavily considering how ridiculous some of them can get.

A standard T2 fit Damnation can reach 240k EHP without even boosting itself or getting boosts from anywhere else. This is also with T1 rigs and no implants. If you want to give them a combat role you'd have to nerf this if you want to keep the ship from becoming overpowered.

At the same time if you force them ongrid with a nerfed tank you're going to have problems and a tremendous amount of complaints because these will become the ships that die first in any engagement. Fleet boosting will become a thing of the past because they won't last long enough to help except in much smaller engagements, or engagements where you have a significant number advantage (and that's DEFINITELY something we want to avoid).

The only way I can see you dealing with this is you either create a ship that can fit the same tank it has now only if you forgo fitting weapons and if you fit weapons you can't do fleet boosts or fit said tank, or people will just start making entire fleets of command ships just so that their enemy won't know which ship is giving boosts and I don't think that's something we want to happen.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Anarchist's Anonymous
#117 - 2013-04-11 03:48:06 UTC
Logging into the forums for the first time in a long time only to ask why we will never have another myrm?

Sent from my Gallente Erabus Titan on -FA- SRP

Anarchist's Anonymous
#118 - 2013-04-11 03:51:25 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I was leading team Myrm but I'm also super excited to fly the Navy Brutix. Also don't let the looks fool you, under its skin the future Eos is going to be the T2 Myrm you guys have always wanted.

What is that shuddering in my pants?

Sent from my Gallente Erabus Titan on -FA- SRP

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2013-04-11 04:00:11 UTC
4 Boring ships which do nothing but be slightly better t1 variants. With a price of around 175mill isk at the minimum, I'd fork up the 25 for a claymore.

How about introducing new ships that do something fun and exciting, add new elements to the game instead of just the same basic tank and gank? Spend time on revamping the mission systems or something as apposed to this useless stuff.

I believe you also left around 75pg off the Navy Cane that should be there and was on the old one.

Vote Item Heck One for CSM8

Loot 'n' Scoot Salvage Co.
No Therapy
#120 - 2013-04-11 04:01:28 UTC