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EVE Online: Retribution 1.0 Feedback

First post
Haifisch Zahne
Hraka Manufacture GmbH
#901 - 2012-12-06 20:22:49 UTC
CCP must let us know *NOW* wht the Christmas present(s) will be. If any, this year I suspect a lump of coal.

If the present isn't something absolutely spectacular, my subscription dies now, and they don't even get the benefit of one extra month. However, just to be clear, the subscription will be cancelled.

This just gives them an additional month of income during which their devs can find new jobs, as I suspect there will be a huge number of cancelled subscriptions. Again.
Ehdward Spengler
Diplomatic Immunization
#902 - 2012-12-06 20:35:00 UTC
There are clowns putting 100,000 isk bounties on everyone in sight. Now if someone wants to take shots at me so be it; it's EVE, there is no 100% safety anywhere. But the whole point of bounties is undermined if EVERYONE has one on them. That's just nonsense. I think CCP have a bit more refining to do on the new system.
Godless Horizon.
#903 - 2012-12-06 20:41:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Lunarstorm95
Fleet Hanger changes. Horrible. Removing divisions, HORRIBLY horrible. Yeah that bad. Make it optional?

Im hopping this doesn't turn into the game trying to please the noobs (if they cant withstand the current learning curve they shouldn't play the game) Don't ruin the game for us. Don't follow WOW

My 2 cents...

Nice UI changs, seems more realistic, idk if its just me but its hard to see the pics of the ship your shooting. Im picky but maybe a hint of brightness on those images would be nice:)

Also what the heck did u do to the poor mega? It didn't deserve getting hit with the ugly stick...

“You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.” ― Robert A. Heinlein "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." ― Confucius 

Oraac Ensor
#904 - 2012-12-06 20:56:01 UTC
Totally Wasted Blonde wrote:
For those having such a hard time with bleeps, bing, buzzes of in game sounds.... I present this revolutionary in game add on


Please explain to the rest of us how we use this tool to remove only the annoying pointless sounds and leave the useful ones.
No Alibi
Sometimes Here
#905 - 2012-12-06 20:58:59 UTC
Ehdward Spengler wrote:
There are clowns putting 100,000 isk bounties on everyone in sight. Now if someone wants to take shots at me so be it; it's EVE, there is no 100% safety anywhere. But the whole point of bounties is undermined if EVERYONE has one on them. That's just nonsense. I think CCP have a bit more refining to do on the new system.

At least let the issuer remove it. Kind dumb that you can bounty yourself also...What?

I fly by the seat of my pants, No wonder my ass is always on fire!

Arch Convivitor
Tempest Freelancers
#906 - 2012-12-06 20:59:02 UTC
Some more thoughts on the bounty system:

First, I understand what the new system was meant to resolve, and also how it is supposed to make bounty-hunting more plausible as a career choice.

But the current implementation makes no sense from a science-fiction universe realism standpoint.

In our world, you can have a bounty on a wanted criminal, an escaped prisoner, someone who jumped bail, etc.

But you can’t place a bounty on your neighbor or business competitor just because he’s ticking you off. You can hire a ‘hit’ on your business competitor, but that is obviously a highly illegal and risky undertaking.

The new system, in effect, makes hiring a hit on a completely law-abiding citizen perfectly legal.

To look at it from another angle – my industrialist char has been a peaceful miner in Eve for about a month. Now he has a big red wanted sign on him and a 2 mil bounty. I am not concerned about the bounty. Someone will need a good enough ship to get through my rokh-miner tank, and then face Concord because I chiefly mine in hisec. It isn’t worth it to them.

However, if I want to start a carebear mining corp, I have a problem because to a complete rookie that wanted notice & reward makes me look like some kind of wasteland gangster. It is a real liability from a recruitment standpoint, and I didn’t do anything in-game to deserve being hindered that way.

It’s like hanging a sign on the door of your local shopkeeper, “Feel free to mess this guy up – we’ll pay you.” No one thinks that should be legal. Law-abiding citizens of New Eden should have similar protections. Like the shopkeeper, they are providing a service. (Yes, pvp-ers, carebear miners are providing a service.)

Maybe you want to differentiate between “taking out a hit” on a character (an illegal act) and setting up a bounty on a wanted criminal. Incorporate a ‘hit’ option in contracts, with possible repercussions for the one hiring. (You could make ‘black-market contracting’ a skill, if you want.) Taking out a bounty, on the other hand, should be perfectly legal and tied to security status.

It would certainly do more towards further sci-fi realism in the Eve universe. No one wants to play in an arbitrary, nonsensical world where random hit notices are the norm.
Elaine' du'pont
#907 - 2012-12-06 21:08:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Elaine' du'pont
I just tried the salvage drones with a corpmate in fleet, ..and i have one word to say to you dev' people: diabolic. So i can only use drones automated to salvage my own wreck's not a corp member wreck's in same fleet ..even if they are blue/white to me. So if i am in a mision and try to salvage the rats will insta agro and kill them...and if i go with an alt in fleet after me leaving the room to ..clean up, still useless because it's not practical my wreck. So what are salv drone's good for?...give a man an idea and then just bulsh^&%^ his hopes, dreams. And to think i was thinking i just migh like the word...salvage, with the idea of automated drone salvage. Im very very disappointed with this. Not bad enough you screw up the heavy missile dps on my i got to train gunnery/ ans bs class ships..i loved the ideea of mobility, now i will loose couple of months with gunnery skils then a couple more skiling for a flying suck less. In one dev post it was mentioned that the point of nerf the heavy missile was to make people more pvp oriented making a player more aware of ammo types with different targets., well some people dont have time or don't like pvp, maybe some people like just exploring space in peace and quiet or missioning ...not runnig desperately like ragging rabbit's in 00 space ...with a nevrotic ceo who scream's in TS. Not my ideea of, after all a game's purpose it's!
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#908 - 2012-12-06 21:16:44 UTC
Haifisch Zahne wrote:
CCP must let us know *NOW* wht the Christmas present(s) will be. If any, this year I suspect a lump of coal.

If the present isn't something absolutely spectacular, my subscription dies now, and they don't even get the benefit of one extra month. However, just to be clear, the subscription will be cancelled.

This just gives them an additional month of income during which their devs can find new jobs, as I suspect there will be a huge number of cancelled subscriptions. Again.

pax ammaria part 2Big smile
Syri Taneka
#909 - 2012-12-06 21:40:30 UTC
Wigster Atild wrote:
...bunch of text...

Dude, I checked your bio in game, your bounty is WAY too small to bother suicide ganking you. Now, if you had a bounty in the 1B+ range, then maybe, MAYBE it would be worth it... if you fly ships which cost that much. (Basically, nothing you could fly that would be gankable in something costing less than your current total bounty is going to cost enough to pay out that full bounty. Unless, ya know, you go afk in space in an officer-fit interceptor or something.)
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#910 - 2012-12-06 21:42:55 UTC
Riazal wrote:
Haifisch Zahne wrote:
CCP must let us know *NOW* wht the Christmas present(s) will be. If any, this year I suspect a lump of coal.

If the present isn't something absolutely spectacular, my subscription dies now, and they don't even get the benefit of one extra month. However, just to be clear, the subscription will be cancelled.

This just gives them an additional month of income during which their devs can find new jobs, as I suspect there will be a huge number of cancelled subscriptions. Again.

pax ammaria part 2Big smile

At Christmas time everyone must dilligently read and reflect upon their copies of Pax Ammaria. I certainly value and treasure mine...

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Cindy Starr
Caldari State
#911 - 2012-12-06 21:52:13 UTC



Please let me choose whether I want location awareness music or the previous jukebox where I can choose my own music as well.
Syri Taneka
#912 - 2012-12-06 22:09:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Syri Taneka
Nene Ryuseika wrote:
5 drones on level 3 ..

20 minutes.. should be able to do it IMHO

god remiel would argue gallente space ain't green if I said so


and trolls who have to counter every single thing people say won't change that

This thread is twice as long as it needs to be because of Remiel Pollard

Can we get some new posting rules. :P

Let's see.. Salvage drones with level 5 skill have, if I'm understanding this right, 13% "access difficulty" (whatever that really means). Pilot with Salvager I and level 2 Salvaging skill has 15% access difficulty. I'm not sure where the thresholds are, but chew on that a little. At level 3 SDO skill, your drones are equivalent to a t1 salvager with 1 level in the Salvaging skill.
ValentineMichael Smith
Farnham's Freehold
#913 - 2012-12-06 22:11:12 UTC
Nene Ryuseika wrote:
...and trolls who have to counter every single thing people say won't change that

This thread is twice as long as it needs to be because of Remiel Pollard

Can we get some new posting rules. :P

Yes, this guy seems to get off on being an ass. I don't understand why he is reading the forum if he doesn't want to hear anyone's complaints. Get a life.
Bianca Byun
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#914 - 2012-12-06 22:14:36 UTC
TBH, this patch ruined Eveonline for me. There are several things that I use to do for fun, that were exciting, that are no longer possible. It is hard to swallow that we cannot afk level 4s, let alone many of our missions ships are nearly worthless since they cant be used in the same application. I considered going out to nullsec and carrier ratting for isk. But wait, now rats will **** up my fighters. It is a great idea that I can sit in my faction bs and die from a single warp scramming frig. Its not as if we trained all of this **** to defend against that. CCP, if you wanted to drop everything I liked about this game, why not spread it out in a few patches? You failed hard if you ask me. I have played eve for about 3 years now and I think this isnt even the same game that I knew. I am in shock at how strange the choices you have made. I got the impression that you were trying to make Eve more "safe" for noobs. It seems to me that nullsec and low are safer now. Consider the first day how many people got popped and didnt even understand it. This patch sucks and ruined a fun game. I will look at other games to fill the void.
United System's Commonwealth
#915 - 2012-12-06 22:20:23 UTC
these little arrows around the brackets are covering so much of the actual ship model that i am not able to tell what ship by looking at it from a natural zoom level. it was possible with the old brackets. maybe remove these little arrows again? don't see what benefit they give.

but most disturbing certainly is the disco lights when you hover over a module... everything starts blinking and stuff... almost as annoying as the lot of agression sounds when activating mods on something... horrible
Xylorn Hasher
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#916 - 2012-12-06 22:21:12 UTC
Loki textures are bugged. Front of the ship has old textures, the rest new one which occur in strange behaviour when ship cloak after jumping gate. To be more specific only the front of the ship is transparent rest is simply gone.

All my posts are made shortly after Marihuana consumption.

Vlad Kuha
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#917 - 2012-12-06 22:26:18 UTC
Sansha Tracking Disruptors have become incredibly effective. Tried "Sansha Vigil" in Harbinger with Tracking Computer and medium pulse lasers......was disrupted by 3 NPCs and was unable to hit a battlecruiser at 5km range with no transversal.

As it stands turrets are now uselss against TD sanshas,
Sizzle Anburn
Squaredeal Enterprises
#918 - 2012-12-06 22:28:04 UTC
Lunarstorm95 wrote:
idk if its just me but its hard to see the pics of the ship your shooting.

Same here. CCP, please consider making them clearer and more distinct.
United System's Commonwealth
#919 - 2012-12-06 22:28:26 UTC
Oraac Ensor wrote:
Totally Wasted Blonde wrote:
For those having such a hard time with bleeps, bing, buzzes of in game sounds.... I present this revolutionary in game add on


Please explain to the rest of us how we use this tool to remove only the annoying pointless sounds and leave the useful ones.

I hope CCP is by now aware of the fact that there are actually a lot of useful sounds (e.g. gate activation) that you cannot really turn off if you want to keep situation awareness.

I hope CCP also realizes that sounds like when you agress something are totally obsolete. they are like the "are you sure you you want to delete this" after you just clicked "delete", of course i am sure... dumb ass... i also turned the safety to "red" just before to be able to "delete" this... Blink
All Kill No Skill
#920 - 2012-12-06 22:52:57 UTC
Over the past couple years I've made lots of ambient, drone and dark electronic music because of the EVE Jukebox, fitting music for EVE that I often play while engrossed in game play. I fear CCP has destroyed the motivation to keep producing new music of the sort by removing the jukebox. The jukebox was a good feature for a sandbox, not only for motivating creativity by various artists, but giving players the ability to add to their individual experience and tastes within this sandbox experience. Now we have a choice of a narrow view of music for our sandbox experience (which doesn't seem very sandboxy) or turn off the music all together. So now the music of simply off. Return the jukebox before EVE becomes horribly boring.

I'm in it for the money
