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EVE Online: Retribution 1.0 Issues

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Anvil Capital Trading
#741 - 2012-12-06 00:10:24 UTC
Windows 7 PC

Character One - Can Enter Game Fine - Is Docked
Character Two - Can Enter Game Fine - Is Docked

Character Three - Get's 'Socket Closed' Error' every time I try to log it in. He is undocked in space.

I am running an Nvidia 560 Ti

I'm scared to undock on my other accounts now for fear of not being able to use them either.
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#742 - 2012-12-06 00:21:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Stormshadow
Undock with minny freighter caused random visual damage indication where ships shield/armor/hull bars were aprox 30% at red. Hoovering the indicators with mouse revealed that there was no actual damage in any of them. Was fixed after visiting station after that.

Has happened couple times now.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Zephon Xeinos
Marche au Supplice
#743 - 2012-12-06 00:26:49 UTC
Kenneth O'Hara wrote:
Zephon Xeinos wrote:
Zephon Xeinos wrote:
should I be concerned with this FPS moniter feedback?

I find that this issue arises when the "aggression timer" pops up after shooting mission rats and stays this way until the counter is over, which is causing me lag spikes when warping, docking, moving my camera about in space.

Stop moving.

what amazing help :D
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#744 - 2012-12-06 00:41:56 UTC
Tactical is showing 200km ring at true distance of 170km

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Billy Kid
#745 - 2012-12-06 00:47:11 UTC
1: If I for example are in Amarr and sets my destination to, let just take Jita but it doesent matter from where to where, then I cant choose "Remove Waypoint" in the drop-down menu but I can choose "Set Destination" or Add Waypoint".
After I have done that I can choose the "Remove Destination" but it dont remove it, it just go back to the menu as before.

2: I have researched all the Cargo Container BPO's to ME 25 but it still shows the same amount of minerals to build one as if it was in ME 0 ?

3: I use the "Cool Gray" Theme but have changed the Transparency to 255 in the "Background Color" but every time I log in I have to go in and slide it down to 0 and then back up to 255 again. If I dont do this my "Loading Bars" in the center of the screen has a black background instead of the grey it is supposed to be. This bug is not new, I reported it 20 December 2011 but no one ever solved it. Did not even get a reply from CCP.
Sacred Templars
#746 - 2012-12-06 01:11:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalissa
Apologies if this has already been posted

We're having problems with linking jump bridges at the moment.

We installed a bridge in a system this morning and then we installed it's counterpart only a couple of hours ago, yet the bridges are invisible to each other, they dont show in the menu in the pos under unlinked bridges and they dont show in the menu when you click on the bridge itself.

Other bridges are showing fine, including unlinked bridges which were anchored before the patch.

Anyone else had a similar problem? If not then I think this is one more for the bug list!
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#747 - 2012-12-06 01:13:26 UTC
Mr ZZZZZZZZ wrote:
CCP Habakuk wrote:
Mr ZZZZZZZZ wrote:
more info on issues with loading a freighter.

I have 756,000/864,000 m3 showing on my freighter.

Cannot add a single magnate at 2,500 m3.

same thing with ammo, adding 20,000 units fails. but I can add 10,000 units twice.

this is not good......

Could you please write a bugreport (Press F12 ingame, then "Report Bug") about this? I had a short check on our test server Buckingham and I was not able to reproduce it so far. Please add as many details as possible. Try for example to repackage the freighter and assemble it again. Try it with a different ship. Thanks!

Will do, And I did find one other person reporting it.

Humh, Went to Jita with partial load, emptied it, flew back to our office and it works fine now.

so not reproduceable.
Drago Misharie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#748 - 2012-12-06 01:20:56 UTC
Drago Misharie wrote:

Guys, I had the setting working in local members list and on my overview but upon logging off and back in it no longer works.

Attempted to log off and on multiple times, still doesn't work.

NOW.... Activate Button isn't working

Found someone to kill and we were all sent to pounce on them (EVEN THOUGH THE OVERVIEW AND LOCAL STILL DON"T WORK) and the activate button wouldn't do anything.

What the hey?
Adria Origin
Yar Har Fiddle Di Dee
#749 - 2012-12-06 02:02:03 UTC
Blockade Runners are now immune to cargo scanners.

Their description needs updated then.
Alice Katsuko
Caldari State
#750 - 2012-12-06 02:20:53 UTC
Not sure if this is a bug, an oversight, or a case of things working as intended, but Capital Remote Hull Repper skill requirements were not reduced to be in line with the new requirements for other capital remote support modules.
Madmaardigan Kronos
Gallente Federation
#751 - 2012-12-06 02:33:42 UTC
I submitted an in-game bug report about anyone experiencing invisible ships, and stations both within the station and while un-docking DEV's are aware of this issue and are trying to resolve it, just FYI to anyone as the DEV's monitoring this forum havn't replied to that particular question as far as I can tell.

good hunting all!
Feel Good Incorporated.
#752 - 2012-12-06 02:35:43 UTC
Not sure if this is a "new" feature.

I have a Caldari Navy EM Ward Field on my ship. I bought it to get my cap stable on my tengu. because before the patch the cap usage of this lower than the T2 version.

Is this an intended change? or a unexpected change?

I would really like it to be fix back to where it was previously
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#753 - 2012-12-06 02:50:44 UTC
I've had 2 occasions now where the indicators for shield/armor/hull in the HUD have improperly shown about 30% red, instead of all white. On mouse-over these have shown correct figures both nominal and %. Visually however the ship appears to have equal damage on all 3 types.

at the time of this posting i'm unable to reproduce this.

ships that have had this happen to are: buzzard and noobship
Mercurialis Inc.
Goonswarm Federation
#754 - 2012-12-06 02:55:11 UTC
I'm not sure if this has already been stated or this was part of the patch, which I can't find anything on. Cynosural fields aren't shown on the in game map of eve and has also seemed to have reduced the number of active cynosural generators around eve.
EI Digin
#755 - 2012-12-06 02:56:08 UTC
I have set an overview colortag/background for pilots who have kill rights available to purchase to make it easier to identify targets within a system. The issue is that the overview tags and the colortag are not reliable, and there have been many times where I have clicked on a neutral, untagged ship only to have the kill right cross show up. Once they show up for that particular person, they're there for good.

Also there are some lag issues with activating kill rights, at least one time today I mashed the activate killright button only for nothing to happen, and for the player to slowly autopilot its way to the gate/station.
Richard Cave
2 Girls - 1 Corp
#756 - 2012-12-06 03:06:40 UTC
Not really sure if it's an issue, but the Jukebox is missing. Was this removed from the game completely?
Deep Space Research Inc
#757 - 2012-12-06 03:14:33 UTC
mining frigates can equip guns... some how i doubt this is working as intended?

02:33:26 Combat 84 from superkings 232[.MOD.](Incursus) - Light Neutron Blaster II - Hits
02:33:26 Combat 57 from smidster[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Hits
02:33:26 Combat 143 to smidster[.MOD.](Venture) - Scourge Rocket - Hits
02:33:23 Combat 50 from Tedio[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Hits
02:33:22 Combat 99 from superkings 232[.MOD.](Incursus) - Light Neutron Blaster II - Penetrates
02:33:22 Combat 48 from smidster[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Hits
02:33:20 Combat 49 from Tedio[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Hits
02:33:19 Combat 20 from smidster[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Grazes
02:33:17 Combat 97 from superkings 232[.MOD.](Incursus) - Light Neutron Blaster II - Glances Off
02:33:17 Combat 22 from Tedio[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Grazes
02:33:16 Combat 22 from smidster[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Grazes
02:33:15 Combat 50 from Tedio[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Grazes
02:33:15 Combat 197 to Hobgoblin II[.MOD.](Hobgoblin II) - Scourge Rocket - Hits
02:33:14 Combat 123 from superkings 232[.MOD.](Incursus) - Light Neutron Blaster II - Hits
02:33:13 Combat 31 from smidster[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Grazes
02:33:13 Combat 163 to Hobgoblin II[.MOD.](Hobgoblin II) - Scourge Rocket - Hits
02:33:12 Combat 60 from Tedio[.MOD.](Venture) - 200mm AutoCannon II - Glances Off
02:33:12 Combat 126 from superkings 232[.MOD.](Incursus) - Light Neutron Blaster II - Hits
02:33:11 Combat 25 from smidster[.MOD.](Venture) - Hobgoblin II - Glances Off
miles veters
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#758 - 2012-12-06 03:16:11 UTC  |  Edited by: miles veters
no idear why you need 3 levels of safety,

only need two

green-PE mode normal mode shoot npc,

red-PK mode PvP mode, shoot everybody.
#759 - 2012-12-06 03:27:02 UTC
I'd like to point out that the loss of the jukebox is really, really irritating. In-game i'd like control over which music plays when & where.

What is it with CCP REMOVING features that were great? ... Like automated ship spinning & now the juke box?! :/
Adria Origin
Yar Har Fiddle Di Dee
#760 - 2012-12-06 03:29:24 UTC
Velarra wrote:
I'd like to point out that the loss of the jukebox is really, really irritating. In-game i'd like control over which music plays when & where.

What is it with CCP REMOVING features that were great? ... Like automated ship spinning & now the juke box?! :/

EVE has sound?


Ok seriously though, mute in game sound, open this. Fix'd.