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[GALMIL] Intaki Liberated!

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#1 - 2012-11-12 08:06:18 UTC
Placid Region, Viriette Constellation, Agoze System, 9-2 Center For Advanced Studes Station: What should have been a happy occasion after Federation Militia forces yet again liberated Intaki, has turned into a firestorm.

"Intaki has been liberated yet again by the Federation Militia, the rule of the Caldari and that Lesbian exile Yuri Intaki is no more," Luminaire General X Gallentius declared. "You would think the ungrateful Intaki separatists would be happy that they can now run their remote and insignificant system any the way they see fit, and that they can also vote in Federation elections, but that would be asking too much." The Unofficial Spokesman for the Federation continued. "No, these morons from Intaki would rather stay "neutral" and let the Caldari corporations claim sovereignty over Intaki and exploit their resources. But what would you expect from quislings such as these? These are the same idiots who hire merecenaries with clear connections to organized crime to "protect" their system. They are all corrupt!"

Luminaire General X Gallentius continued on his rant. "Four years ago the ILF protected that Lesbian Yuri Intaki in her desire to take over Intaki. I will not forget what they did. Only after a united Gallente militia routed Caldari forces did these Intaki separatists "apologize" and promise to use peaceful means to try to turn Intaki into an independent system."

"We have once again freed Intaki of Caldari Corporate Rule, and now we, The Federation Militia, will likely upgrade this remote backwater system to Tier 5 which means the following:

* +25 station manufacturing, copy, ME, PE, Invention slots
* 50% market tax reduction
* 50% repair cost reduction
* 30% manufacturing time reduction
* 20% reduction to starbase fuel cost

"The benefits to Intaki and its people are incredible. This will lead to a huge economic boom the likes of which have never been seen in this Constellation. Will these corrupt organizations thank us? No. Will they help defend the system and keep these economic advantages going? Of course not. Criminal organizations are by nature leeches. They live off the hard work of others. The Federation Militia has lost too many ships for this forsaken system. Too many of my fellow pilots, and too many of my drones have been sacrificed so these morons can whine on the forums how they are being exploited and abused by the Federation. No more. Not by me. I came here only to secure the rest of the constellation. Intaki is dead to me."

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#2 - 2012-11-12 08:23:25 UTC
Oh, please do shut up, mate Roll

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-11-12 08:24:07 UTC
Boycott Intaki: No Upgrades
Deen Wispa
United Caldari Space Command.
#4 - 2012-11-12 08:32:28 UTC
If ILF and other residents of Intaki wish to see more prosperity than they ever witnessed under the Caldari regime, please get in touch with Justified Chaos. We will make you an offer you cannot refuse.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-11-12 10:01:25 UTC
As always excellent work.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#6 - 2012-11-12 11:46:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiberious Thessalonia
One thinks that Luminaire General X Gallentius drank the hate tea.

Also, what does Yuri Intaki's sexual orientation have to do with anything?
Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#7 - 2012-11-12 14:01:36 UTC
Welcome to democracy. Where the culture of "everyone can and should speak up" means that, no matter how hard you try, it will never be enough.
Gussarde en Welle
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-11-12 17:04:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Gussarde en Welle
I am very happy to see Caldari interference in Intaki space reduced, but the tone of this article is culturally blind and incredibly offensive. Clearly the OP does not understand the mind of the Intaki people. We are desperately trying to avoid being manipulated by external interests so that we can seek independence as a democratic, peaceful and politically neutral ally of our neighbors. Calling the Security Directorate of the High Counsel "criminals" and "quislings" only obscures the issue and fans the flames of discontent.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#9 - 2012-11-12 17:25:08 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Security of Intaki is being farmed out to a known criminal organization. What do our pro-separatist quisling apologists have to say in response?

I call on all Federation Militia pilots to boycott Intaki. No upgrades. They don't want our help, and therefore we should not give it.

Thanks to the Federation Militia, you are closer to your dream of independence as well. You live in a Federation - the only true democracy in New Eden, not a Fascist dictatorship. You are welcome.
Gussarde en Welle
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-11-12 18:50:42 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Security of Intaki is being farmed out to a known criminal organization. What do our pro-separatist quisling apologists have to say in response?

I call on all Federation Militia pilots to boycott Intaki. No upgrades. They don't want our help, and therefore we should not give it.

Thanks to the Federation Militia, you are closer to your dream of independence as well. You live in a Federation - the only true democracy in New Eden, not a Fascist dictatorship. You are welcome.

Point taken, but please don't boycott Intaki. The separatist movement is not inherently anti-Federation.

Yet...I, too, am surprised that the IPI-IRED coalition hasn't weighed in on your post.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-11-12 19:27:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Mekhana
Mr. Gussarde you are the sane minority here at the IS.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Scope Works
#12 - 2012-11-12 19:58:31 UTC
I was with you until you called Yuri a lesbian and other such nonsense...come on man, show some respect, at least.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#13 - 2012-11-12 20:35:25 UTC
Anslo wrote:
I was with you until you called Yuri a lesbian and other such nonsense...come on man, show some respect, at least.
I apologize for inadvertently insulting Lesbians. It won't happen again.
Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#14 - 2012-11-12 20:39:55 UTC
They let you people have starships.

Bless your hearts.
Caellach Marellus
#15 - 2012-11-12 21:29:01 UTC
I can't help but see this as a reckless course of action by the Militia. While a vocal minority have been critical of the Federation and called for secession, I've seen nothing from Intaki's populace majority to suggest dissatisfaction.

Punishing the silent majority for the words of a vocal few will drive more people away than it will attempt to bring into the fold.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Intaki Liberation Front
Intaki Prosperity Initiative
#16 - 2012-11-13 02:30:29 UTC
While General Gallentius' public chestbeating was entirely inevitable following FedMil's recent advance into the Intaki system, I'm not entirely convinced over what we have been "saved" from.

There are comments about Caldari rule, but having been active in Intaki for a very long time I've seen little evidence of State dominion.

Yes, Caldari Navy vessels have patrolled through the system from time to time, and the State banner was on display at a military installation somewhere in the system, but system-wide governance? Caldari control? The personal and private fiefdom of a single CalMil pilot, whose sexual preferences somehow find themselves relevant? No, these recycled FedMil exaggerations are no reflection of the facts.

The Intaki Assembly continued in its capacity as the local authority, with all of the administrative and legislative power it has always had.

There are also "concerns" voiced over Caldari corporations exploiting the system, stripping it bare of its resources. There is of course little evidence of exploitation, unless of course we look (admittedly with an overly cynical mind, and I am being purposefully so when I say this) to the established Federal stations in the system, set up as they are for efficient mining, storage and export, but providing little in the way of manufacturing, research or retail.

And next a corrupt military force patrolling the heavens! As I respond right now, I am in the Intaki system looking at Federation Navy ships, in numbers, openly and blatantly disregarding the wishes of the Intaki Assembly who specifically and explicitly exercised their right to deny Federation Navy access to the system. The Federation might like us to believe they respect the autonomy of its member nations, but the evidence is to the contrary.

The General then takes a moment to adopt a more positive attitude. This is good. He speaks of the potential for FedMil to actually invest in the Intaki system, raising it to Tier 5 status.

Proudly announcing that Intaki will benefit from additional in-station manufacturing and blueprint related facilities, he does of course reveal his ignorance of the system in that the Federation corporations in Intaki do not offer these facilities to begin with, and as such these "improvements" could never be granted.

But I'm perhaps being unfair to the General. Upgrading to Tier 5 would be a positive step to be applauded and welcomed, by Federal and Secessionist alike. Unfortunately for the General, he was again incorrect when suggesting these benefits would be unprecedented and thus far had never been seen in the constellation.

Until recently Intaki had already been enjoying Tier 5 status and the benefits that brings. The actions of FedMil are directly responsible for this no longer being the case and so Intaki is, under the occupation of FedMil, worse off than it was less than a fortnight ago.

And so we come to the final comments from members of FedMil. Remarks such as "Intaki is dead to me" and "Boycott Intaki. No upgrades". These spite-filled sentiments reveal a severe lack concern for the citizens they claim to protect. They do not care for the welfare of the people who find themselves in the middle of a warzone, suffering from the effects any conflict has on a population.

All that matters is that the Generals can replace little blue flags with little green flags, pinning them to their campaign maps so that they can back-slap and congratulate each other for the "liberation" of a people they very clearly despise.

Their efforts to subjugate Intaki and its people will, however be in vain.

Less than 24 hours since their victory, their attitude and public statements have marginalised and alienated Intaki across the Federation. Already the general population and capsuleers alike speak out to give voice to their distaste. Slowly people come to the realisation that in the case of Intaki, only a fully independent and autonomous Intaki nation state, an Intaki Sovereigty, will act in the best interests of its own people.

Intaki Endures.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#17 - 2012-11-13 03:51:47 UTC
I think the general feeling is that if you want Tier 5, then you ought to join the militia and upgrade it yourself.

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#18 - 2012-11-13 09:17:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Aelisha
Bataav wrote:
While General Gallentius' public chestbeating was entirely inevitable following FedMil's recent advance into the Intaki system, I'm not entirely convinced over what we have been "saved" from.

There are comments about Caldari rule, but having been active in Intaki for a very long time I've seen little evidence of State dominion.

Yes, Caldari Navy vessels have patrolled through the system from time to time, and the State banner was on display at a military installation somewhere in the system, but system-wide governance? Caldari control? The personal and private fiefdom of a single CalMil pilot, whose sexual preferences somehow find themselves relevant? No, these recycled FedMil exaggerations are no reflection of the facts.

The Intaki Assembly continued in its capacity as the local authority, with all of the administrative and legislative power it has always had.

There are also "concerns" voiced over Caldari corporations exploiting the system, stripping it bare of its resources. There is of course little evidence of exploitation, unless of course we look (admittedly with an overly cynical mind, and I am being purposefully so when I say this) to the established Federal stations in the system, set up as they are for efficient mining, storage and export, but providing little in the way of manufacturing, research or retail.

And next a corrupt military force patrolling the heavens! As I respond right now, I am in the Intaki system looking at Federation Navy ships, in numbers, openly and blatantly disregarding the wishes of the Intaki Assembly who specifically and explicitly exercised their right to deny Federation Navy access to the system. The Federation might like us to believe they respect the autonomy of its member nations, but the evidence is to the contrary.

The General then takes a moment to adopt a more positive attitude. This is good. He speaks of the potential for FedMil to actually invest in the Intaki system, raising it to Tier 5 status.

Proudly announcing that Intaki will benefit from additional in-station manufacturing and blueprint related facilities, he does of course reveal his ignorance of the system in that the Federation corporations in Intaki do not offer these facilities to begin with, and as such these "improvements" could never be granted.

But I'm perhaps being unfair to the General. Upgrading to Tier 5 would be a positive step to be applauded and welcomed, by Federal and Secessionist alike. Unfortunately for the General, he was again incorrect when suggesting these benefits would be unprecedented and thus far had never been seen in the constellation.

Until recently Intaki had already been enjoying Tier 5 status and the benefits that brings. The actions of FedMil are directly responsible for this no longer being the case and so Intaki is, under the occupation of FedMil, worse off than it was less than a fortnight ago.

And so we come to the final comments from members of FedMil. Remarks such as "Intaki is dead to me" and "Boycott Intaki. No upgrades". These spite-filled sentiments reveal a severe lack concern for the citizens they claim to protect. They do not care for the welfare of the people who find themselves in the middle of a warzone, suffering from the effects any conflict has on a population.

All that matters is that the Generals can replace little blue flags with little green flags, pinning them to their campaign maps so that they can back-slap and congratulate each other for the "liberation" of a people they very clearly despise.

Their efforts to subjugate Intaki and its people will, however be in vain.

Less than 24 hours since their victory, their attitude and public statements have marginalised and alienated Intaki across the Federation. Already the general population and capsuleers alike speak out to give voice to their distaste. Slowly people come to the realisation that in the case of Intaki, only a fully independent and autonomous Intaki nation state, an Intaki Sovereigty, will act in the best interests of its own people.

Intaki Endures.

Very well said. I would have merely quoted the salient points, but your post requires reading in it's entirety for every word is laced with an undeniable truth.

The Federation has fought hard for the Intaki system, indeed they have fought hard across the entire warzone, so I must offer a sincere nod of grudging respect; they have taken to the CONCORD mandated changes in the landscape of this war like ducks to water and for that cold efficiency alone I can state my appreciation for their martial adaptability.

However, here is the crux of the matter. Cold efficiency. The cracks in the veneer of supposed liberty and the erroneous supposition that through liberty comes freedom are shown in the very nature of what the Federation must become to persecute this war effectively. Your government is ill equipped for sustained war, let alone one that is without end by design such as this. Meanwhile, regardless of our CONCORD sanctioned metrics, the State is catalyzed by war, as it always has been. When at peace with foreign powers, we sport amongst ourselves, when at war we have a unity that I hazard to state is likely unmatched by any but the closest tribal kindreds or Noble families. Unlike these two examples, we feel this as corporate entities of staggering size, now all united under the banner of the CPD for the good of all citizens.

With this constant ebb and flow of war, and the transitory nature of all our holdings in the warzone, I can only hope that General Gallentius will have the good grace to return my gesture of grudging respect, when inevitably the knife turns once more.

As for my friends in the IPI, I am sure words speaking larger than action from the Federation comes as no surprise to you. Best of luck in your efforts.

CEO of the Achura-Waschi Exchange

Intaki Reborn

Independent Capsuleer

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-11-13 09:45:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Mekhana
Bataav you have proven to me once again you are merely a politician at best and a mere puppet of the Caldari State.

The ILF shames the Intaki people, who for the most part are not as corrupt or as insane as Bataav and his delusional fellow conspirators and collaborators.

While most of the Intaki citizens live happily under the warm embrace of the Federation's wings, Bataav here thinks he's entitled to speak for all people of Intaki and their descendants. The same people who would never even consider being part of this separatist ploy.

Your words can not deceive those with a minimum grasp on reality.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Gussarde en Welle
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-11-13 09:48:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Gussarde en Welle
Aelisha wrote:

As for my friends in the IPI, I am sure words speaking larger than action from the Federation comes as no surprise to you. Best of luck in your efforts.

Meanwhile, legions of vicious and totally insane pirates lurking in nullsec thirst for the blood of the weakened victor and all the innocent victims left in the wake of the two thrashing titans. Every one of you should feel ashamed.
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