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Anti-Goon Merc Service Reclaiming Ice Belts

First post
Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-10-15 05:44:15 UTC
As the head of a high profile financial corp I have been horrified by the actions of the Goonswarm alliance in Gallente ice belts. As such, my organization of rich and powerful hisec businessmen have organized numerous mercenary organizations into a coalition aimed at countering the Goon offensive.

We currently have 7 of the top Eve mercenary corporations coordinating to counter the Goon threat. We have been so successful that half of the Gallente ice belt systems have been reclaimed from their evil paws. However, this effort costs money, and lots of it. From war decs and ship reimbursement to retainers and logistical fees, my organization has laid out substantial sums to turn back the tide of the evil Goon threat.

If you want to help fight back against the threat to hisec and the entire game of Eve as a whole, then send donations to this character to help support the efforts of our mercenary coalition. We are already half way to sending these evil Goonies back to their space, but my organization cannot do it alone. Send us your help, of any amount, and let us together save Eve from the Goonie threat that is attempting to destroy everything that we all have created.

Death to Goons and long live Eve!
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2011-10-15 05:46:35 UTC

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Vastek Non
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-10-15 05:48:49 UTC
I suppose it was only a matter of time before the scammers turned up Straight
Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-10-15 06:08:49 UTC
My merc contacts just reported 5 Goonie gank battleships down on the undock of their staging station. How long can they afford these losses without even achieving a suicide attack?

Join the anti-goon coalition now and send your donations to help end the Goonie threat, while having a good laugh at their failure.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#5 - 2011-10-15 06:13:22 UTC
Vastek Non wrote:
I suppose it was only a matter of time before the scammers turned up Straight

Vastek, Elise is the real thing, she has no scam going and is actively fighting the Goons. You need only check her previous posts and her history.

This is not a scam. Unless you ice miners want to remain sheep to the slaughter - do nothing.
Brock Nelson
#6 - 2011-10-15 06:17:39 UTC
Rich and powerful highsec businessmen hiring mercs to counter the goon? Really? Rich and powerful highsec businessmen would encourage goonswarm to continue their campaign to take advantage of the economic crisis.

Fake edit: heh..."economic crisis"

Signature removed, CCP Phantom

Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-10-15 06:18:43 UTC
265m in donations already! Obviously people are excited to finally get a chance to fight back against these Gonnie scum. The more you give, the more we can embarrass these Goon fools. We have more mercs waiting in the wings only waiting for enough donations to cover their fees.

Hisec warriors unite and fight back against those who want to ruin this great game for everyone!
Vastek Non
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2011-10-15 06:24:24 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:
Vastek Non wrote:
I suppose it was only a matter of time before the scammers turned up Straight

Vastek, Elise is the real thing, she has no scam going and is actively fighting the Goons. You need only check her previous posts and her history.

This is not a scam. Unless you ice miners want to remain sheep to the slaughter - do nothing.

The fact is that HS dwellers desperately need to do something of this nature, regardless of this is a scam or not.

As for the mercs, well I know of a few people in game fighting GS, and tbh I have not seen or heard any mention of Elise, so pardon my cynicism.

Apologising if this is genuine, but its going to be hard to convince many that 'any' request for isk isn't a scam. Maybe getting someone trustworthy such as Chribba to take the isk, record and hand it over to the appropriate Mercs?

Anyway, good luck if genuine.
Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-10-15 06:36:14 UTC
Vastek Non wrote:
The fact is that HS dwellers desperately need to do something of this nature, regardless of this is a scam or not.

As for the mercs, well I know of a few people in game fighting GS, and tbh I have not seen or heard any mention of Elise, so pardon my cynicism.

Apologising if this is genuine, but its going to be hard to convince many that 'any' request for isk isn't a scam. Maybe getting someone trustworthy such as Chribba to take the isk, record and hand it over to the appropriate Mercs?

Anyway, good luck if genuine.

There isn't time to play silly games with money. If you are seriously committed to ending the Goon threat like we are, then you need to act now and join us in this crusade, without support we cannot finish this campaign that we are already over half way to achieving.

Anyone mincing over a few millions here and there is only helping the Goons through their fear to commit.
Tore Vest
#10 - 2011-10-15 06:46:11 UTC
Im supprised that goons forumposter brigade hasnt flooded this post yet.....

No troll.

Tore Vest
#11 - 2011-10-15 06:52:52 UTC

No troll.

Handsome Hussein
#12 - 2011-10-15 06:54:48 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
There isn't time to play silly games with money. If you are seriously committed to ending the Goon threat like we are, then you need to act now and join us in this crusade, without support we cannot finish this campaign that we are already over half way to achieving.


Christ, this entire thread smacks of cheap telemarketer...

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Vastek Non
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-10-15 06:55:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Vastek Non
Elise DarkStar wrote:
Vastek Non wrote:
The fact is that HS dwellers desperately need to do something of this nature, regardless of this is a scam or not.

As for the mercs, well I know of a few people in game fighting GS, and tbh I have not seen or heard any mention of Elise, so pardon my cynicism.

Apologising if this is genuine, but its going to be hard to convince many that 'any' request for isk isn't a scam. Maybe getting someone trustworthy such as Chribba to take the isk, record and hand it over to the appropriate Mercs?

Anyway, good luck if genuine.

There isn't time to play silly games with money. If you are seriously committed to ending the Goon threat like we are, then you need to act now and join us in this crusade, without support we cannot finish this campaign that we are already over half way to achieving.

Anyone mincing over a few millions here and there is only helping the Goons through their fear to commit.

High pressure salesmanship scam talk Roll BUY NOW OR BE PRICED OUT FOREVER Shocked

Get the CEO of a reputable merc company to post here confirming then i'll believe. Until then you have just confirmed my first suspicion.

Get out.
Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-10-15 07:06:16 UTC
When people ask "where were you when the Goons fell" you can answer "right there fighting with the anti-goon coalition" or "trying to look cool on the eve-o forum".

You decide how you want to partake in one of the greatest events in Eve Online.

Almost 500m in total donations so far. Thanks to everyone who has partaken and you're welcome for the coalition fleet invites and information resources that we have shared with you. With your generous support we have been able to add another merc corp to the coalition and have reclaimed another system that is currently being filled by grateful ice miners.

Vastek Non
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2011-10-15 07:08:48 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
When people ask "where were you when the Goons fell" you can answer "right there fighting with the anti-goon coalition" or "trying to look cool on the eve-o forum".

You decide how you want to partake in one of the greatest events in Eve Online.

Almost 500m in total donations so far. Thanks to everyone who has partaken and you're welcome for the coalition fleet invites and information resources that we have shared with you. With your generous support we have been able to add another merc corp to the coalition and have reclaimed another system that is currently being filled by grateful ice miners.

Alternative answer: 'scamming victims to make the efforts of those genuinely doing something less meaningful'

^ Thats you btw.
Handsome Hussein
#16 - 2011-10-15 07:09:29 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
When people ask "where were you when the Goons fell" you can answer "right there fighting with the anti-goon coalition" or "trying to look cool on the eve-o forum".

You decide how you want to partake in one of the greatest events in Eve Online.

Almost 500m in total donations so far. Thanks to everyone who has partaken and you're welcome for the coalition fleet invites and information resources that we have shared with you. With your generous support we have been able to add another merc corp to the coalition and have reclaimed another system that is currently being filled by grateful ice miners.


Way too obvious. But thanks for trying so hard, I'm very entertained.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Vardaugas Family
#17 - 2011-10-15 07:13:26 UTC
I am offering a killmail prevention service. Just contract me your Hulks for the insurance payout.
So you can lose your Hulk without receiving that embarrassing killmail.
Also taking Orcas, Macks and Procurers/Skiffs(they're cute).
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#18 - 2011-10-15 07:13:40 UTC
I am going with a scam as well because:

Elise DarkStar wrote:
As the head of a high profile financial corp I have been horrified by the actions of the Goonswarm alliance in Gallente ice belts. As such, my organization of rich and powerful hisec businessmen have organized numerous mercenary organizations into a coalition aimed at countering the Goon offensive.

Followed by:

Elise DarkStar wrote:
Join the anti-goon coalition now and send your donations to help end the Goonie threat, while having a good laugh at their failure.

Why would a high profile financial corp, with rich and powerful businessmen ever need donations?

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2011-10-15 07:16:12 UTC
Look at all these desperate Goonie alts trying to turn back the tide that has risen against them.

Join now and together we will drive them from hisec forever.
Vastek Non
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2011-10-15 07:19:30 UTC
Alpheias wrote:
I am going with a scam as well because:

Elise DarkStar wrote:
As the head of a high profile financial corp I have been horrified by the actions of the Goonswarm alliance in Gallente ice belts. As such, my organization of rich and powerful hisec businessmen have organized numerous mercenary organizations into a coalition aimed at countering the Goon offensive.

Followed by:

Elise DarkStar wrote:
Join the anti-goon coalition now and send your donations to help end the Goonie threat, while having a good laugh at their failure.

Why would a high profile financial corp, with rich and powerful businessmen ever need donations?

'High profile financial corp' that consists of 2 people that hasn't exactly been widely heard of?

You may well be onto something Lol

Elise: Tell me the names of the merc corps hired by you.

And aformentiond confirmation from CEO. I mean these guys are hired to kill people, they aren't embarrassed by it. Given the contracts are usually in billions and they love talking on the forums in general, i'm sure a small note won't be too hard, or will it Question
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