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Anti-Goon Merc Service Reclaiming Ice Belts

First post
Ramacliv's IRA
#61 - 2011-10-15 21:26:20 UTC
Chaos Incarnate wrote:
I have at least 700 trillion isk i would be willing to donate to such a service, however i am a scrupulous man and will require screenshots of goons exploding and ice miners mining in the belts again to be convinced that you have the requisite amount of space honour to accept my isk

If you got that kind of ISK and an interest in seeing the Goons killed I suggest you hire your own Mercs. Lol

Anyway ti the OP why would I donate I never asked nor endorsed your crusade? I mean come on the goons are only a bother to a select few in High Sec the rest of us are left alone and actually enjoy the higher sell prices for stuff things like this create.

Okay folks I have a one time offer on how to solve this problem take it or leave it. You have to send me 0 ISK and in fact I will tell you what needs to be done right here so pay attention. Quite simply do nothing and let the Goons "win" this war on ice mining. They started this out of boredom and a desire to make some ISK and I say let them because how long will it be before they start getting fat, lazy, and bored again? I mean come on eventually they will miss the pew and head on to something else and then normal activities for those put out by this little annoyance can resume while someone somewhere else is in the line of Goon fire.
Akara Ito
Phalanx Solutions
#62 - 2011-10-15 21:26:44 UTC
10m send.
Lets do this.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2011-10-15 21:59:54 UTC
this is not a scam, Eliza is reputable and legit

Theta Squad best squad. Monocle crew represent~

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2011-10-15 22:00:13 UTC
**** wrong alt

Theta Squad best squad. Monocle crew represent~

Kengutsi Akira
#65 - 2011-10-15 22:05:11 UTC
lol a friend who mines said "its more dangerous to mine in high sec right now than it is to mine in low or null."

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Kengutsi Akira
#66 - 2011-10-15 22:07:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Kengutsi Akira
Ramacliv wrote:
Chaos Incarnate wrote:
I have at least 700 trillion isk i would be willing to donate to such a service, however i am a scrupulous man and will require screenshots of goons exploding and ice miners mining in the belts again to be convinced that you have the requisite amount of space honour to accept my isk

If you got that kind of ISK and an interest in seeing the Goons killed I suggest you hire your own Mercs. Lol

Anyway ti the OP why would I donate I never asked nor endorsed your crusade? I mean come on the goons are only a bother to a select few in High Sec the rest of us are left alone and actually enjoy the higher sell prices for stuff things like this create.

Okay folks I have a one time offer on how to solve this problem take it or leave it. You have to send me 0 ISK and in fact I will tell you what needs to be done right here so pay attention. Quite simply do nothing and let the Goons "win" this war on ice mining. They started this out of boredom and a desire to make some ISK and I say let them because how long will it be before they start getting fat, lazy, and bored again? I mean come on eventually they will miss the pew and head on to something else and then normal activities for those put out by this little annoyance can resume while someone somewhere else is in the line of Goon fire.

this will become the norm for high sec once mittens has all of 0.0 under drf control cause youll have all those bored-as-hell 0.0 pilots doing nothing out there.

Itll be funny tho, as all those cap pilots wont be doing much when all of 0.0 is DRF

an no, im not bitter, I think its gonna be damn funny

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#67 - 2011-10-15 22:11:35 UTC
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
this will become the norm for high sec once mittens has all of 0.0 under drf control cause youll have all those bored-as-hell 0.0 pilots doing nothing out there.

And it will be glorious
Kengutsi Akira
#68 - 2011-10-15 22:41:03 UTC
Skunk Gracklaw wrote:
Kengutsi Akira wrote:
this will become the norm for high sec once mittens has all of 0.0 under drf control cause youll have all those bored-as-hell 0.0 pilots doing nothing out there.

And it will be glorious

gotta agree. cause at that point CCP will have to do something or start losing subs because of perfectly legal in game things.

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Ogi Talvanen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#69 - 2011-10-15 22:54:47 UTC
Nah then the game ends and credits start rolling because we won eve.
Kengutsi Akira
#70 - 2011-10-15 23:39:13 UTC
Ogi Talvanen wrote:
Nah then the game ends and credits start rolling because we won eve.

yup, then they shelve EVE and DUST and start work on World of Darkness.
Good idea guys, I wanna play that game too.

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Ogi Talvanen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#71 - 2011-10-15 23:40:48 UTC
We can make Test and Goons vampire clans!
Kengutsi Akira
#72 - 2011-10-16 04:25:36 UTC
Ogi Talvanen wrote:
We can make Test and Goons vampire clans!

lol you guys got a hard on for killin CCP games in general or what?

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2011-10-16 04:34:24 UTC
as one of the private mercs hired by a small mining corps in gallente space, i could also use donations, i try to fit the best to get the best results and to be fair, i felt bad and didnt charge the usual fee for harrassment... any donations will help greatly.
Amro One
#74 - 2011-10-16 05:15:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Amro One
I to am a rich business man, and have been paying out out t1 logistic ships to miners in Ice belts to keep there macks and hulks alive.

Goons is force to kill them before the barges.

But I have not paid mercs. to help out as people already are as you have read.
Waiting my turn sort of speaking.

So to provide more t1 logistic ship and cost of logistic of moving them around i to am taking donations to better help those in need in ice belts.

Got Oxytopes?
Caldari State
#75 - 2011-10-16 06:04:53 UTC
I, too, am fighting evil goonies. Send me as much isk as you can and I'll get to work right away on stopping my evil brethren from popping miners!
Kengutsi Akira
#76 - 2011-10-16 06:08:47 UTC
Botleten wrote:
I, too, am fighting evil goonies. Send me as much isk as you can and I'll get to work right away on stopping my evil brethren from popping miners!

lol I liked the guy who wanted to give a donation to this.
You should get more Goons to post here. it makes it less obvious that its a Goon funded scam

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Himnos Altar
An Errant Venture
#77 - 2011-10-16 06:14:54 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
When people ask "where were you when the Goons fell" you can answer "right there fighting with the anti-goon coalition" or "trying to look cool on the eve-o forum".

Option Three:

Your Mom, One Nickel
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#78 - 2011-10-16 09:35:10 UTC
Begging is not allowed on the forums.

Thread locked.

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