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Why Goonswarm needs to go

First post
Tiger Would
#81 - 2012-08-24 13:59:06 UTC
Anyways, to the viewers of this here thread.
(5 pages filled within the hour)

Pay close attention, a lot can be learned from the "techniques" that are now being fielded.
They also underline the accusation.

Once you think you have it all, you have actually become ignorant towards everything else.

T. Would

#82 - 2012-08-24 13:59:08 UTC
Tiger Would wrote:
Kryss Darkdust wrote:
Again a well formulated argument

So how does this radiate outwards?

Because I was talking about retention bit initially also about attracting, hence my previous comment.

That eve is the last unadulterated eden of a sandbox. Or you can go o7m8/dance in f2p korea land. lol what the christ

#83 - 2012-08-24 14:01:05 UTC
Tiger Would wrote:
Anyways, to the viewers of this here thread.
(5 pages filled within the hour)

Pay close attention, a lot can be learned from the "techniques" that are now being fielded.
They also underline the accusation.

No take the example of
In the beginning I and others trolled, then actual discussions started happening.
This is a shitthread and isn't it heart-breaking. lol what the christ

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#84 - 2012-08-24 14:02:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Osabojo
Diesel47 wrote:

The whole thing was because mittani was so ass hurt about being banned for a month. Which is silly because he got extremely lucky, Things like that deserve a permaban.

Burn Jita was planned for months.
Gorn Arming
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#85 - 2012-08-24 14:03:45 UTC
Some day one of these rants will be written by someone fluent in English, and on that day the world will end.
Lin-Young Borovskova
#86 - 2012-08-24 14:05:43 UTC
Gorn Arming wrote:
Some day one of these rants will be written by someone fluent in English, and on that day the world will end.

I'd rather see it in American, far easier to understand Lol


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#87 - 2012-08-24 14:05:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Diesel47
Borlag Crendraven wrote:
Diesel47 wrote:
I'm so sad at burn jita because they totally ganked me when i was basing out of Amarr.

The whole thing was because mittani was so ass hurt about being banned for a month. Which is silly because he got extremely lucky. Things like that deserve a permaban.

I don't take any stand on why it happened, nor do I care about it to be honest. In my opinion Mittani deserved a ban, much longer than what he got too. He didn't, end of story as far as I'm concerned.

That still doesn't change the actual event, depending on how you approached it , there was lots of fun to be had. Same as all events ranging from stuff like the beforementioned Holy Veldspar fleet to save Chribba, the ice interdiction stuff etc etc. Goons are great at what they do, make content for a large portion of EVE's userbase, there's simply no one else who does it on such a large scale. And again, that doesn't take any stand on whether I like the goons or not, that is completely different thing.

lmao, content.

What content? The entire thing was the result of mittani's butthurt. The entire event was just a reflection of mittani's rage and tears. Pretty funny at how mad he got....but that isn't content.

The only people that did anything were the gankers, the rest of participants either got blown up for no reason or had to experience massive amounts of lag because there were too many people in jita. I don't see that as "creating content" for the userbase. More like "creating inconvenience."
Polly Oxford
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#88 - 2012-08-24 14:05:56 UTC
Tiger Would wrote:
Xinivrae wrote:

Who plays a game they don't like?

Good question and very "on topic". not kidding.

You obviously don't seem to enjoy it with us in the game, so why are you still playing?
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2012-08-24 14:09:23 UTC
Tiger Would wrote:
Anyways, to the viewers of this here thread.
(5 pages filled within the hour)

Pay close attention, a lot can be learned from the "techniques" that are now being fielded.
They also underline the accusation.

The techniques (or should I say "techniques" (sic)) being fielded are as follows:

1. Point out the obvious nonsense in the original post.
2. Mock the OP when he tries to deflect.
3. Mock the OP when he doesn't try to deflect.
4. Mock the OP.
Tiger Would
#90 - 2012-08-24 14:09:35 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
Tiger Would wrote:
Kryss Darkdust wrote:
Again a well formulated argument

So how does this radiate outwards?

Because I was talking about retention bit initially also about attracting, hence my previous comment.

That eve is the last unadulterated eden of a sandbox. Or you can go o7m8/dance in f2p korea land.

Dear viewers,

Here you can observe what happens when initially fielded techniques fail, the technique of personal attacks ensues.

I am used to it by now.
But if you are a potential new subscriber or just 1 to 3 months into the game and ask a question, chances are you will be targeted instantly with the latter.

Quite interesting, CCP are you also paying attention?

Since Goonswarm is just a minority in regards to the entire playerbase and potential playerbase.

Once you think you have it all, you have actually become ignorant towards everything else.

T. Would

Scope Works
#91 - 2012-08-24 14:09:49 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
Tiger Would wrote:
Anyways, to the viewers of this here thread.
(5 pages filled within the hour)

Pay close attention, a lot can be learned from the "techniques" that are now being fielded.
They also underline the accusation.

No take the example of
In the beginning I and others trolled, then actual discussions started happening.
This is a shitthread and isn't it heart-breaking.

And your a shitposter goon alt, but you don't see me complaining do you?

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Tiger Would
#92 - 2012-08-24 14:11:27 UTC
Osabojo wrote:
Diesel47 wrote:

The whole thing was because mittani was so ass hurt about being banned for a month. Which is silly because he got extremely lucky, Things like that deserve a permaban.

Burn Jita was planned for months.

Yes, keep repeating that, someone might actually start believing it.

Once you think you have it all, you have actually become ignorant towards everything else.

T. Would

Borlag Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2012-08-24 14:11:58 UTC
Diesel47 wrote:
[lmao, content.

What content? The entire thing was the result of mittani's butthurt. The entire event was just a reflection of mittani's rage and tears. Pretty funny at how mad he got....but that isn't content.

The only people that did anything were the gankers, the rest of participants either got blown up for no reason or had to experience massive amounts of lag because there were too many people in jita. I don't see that as "creating content" for anybody.

Like said, look past the butthurt and think about the event a bit. The reasoning that started the whole thing doesn't even matter, unless you're one of the parties directly affected by the said reason. For the rest of us, completely detached from goons or the guy who was told to kill himself, it was an opportunity to blow stuff up and make huge piles of isk while doing so.

You seem to demand some kind of narrative or lore behind any new content before it can be classified as content. Guess what, in a player driven game world you don't get any of that. Sure you can pick up pieces from here and there to make up your mind on the background of the whole thing (ie. the ban and the events leading to the ban, the posts from goons saying how it was all planned before the whole ban thing etc etc), yet if you don't partisipate in the actual action you're missing out all the fun. Your first post belittled the fun one could have in there, but at the same time it's prettyy obvious that you yourself didn't actually do anything during the event. That's not the goons fault, or mine, or anyone elses but your own.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#94 - 2012-08-24 14:12:36 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Ghazu wrote:
Tiger Would wrote:
Anyways, to the viewers of this here thread.
(5 pages filled within the hour)

Pay close attention, a lot can be learned from the "techniques" that are now being fielded.
They also underline the accusation.

No take the example of
In the beginning I and others trolled, then actual discussions started happening.
This is a shitthread and isn't it heart-breaking.

And your a shitposter goon alt, but you don't see me complaining do you?

Nice personal attacks.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#95 - 2012-08-24 14:13:00 UTC
Diesel47 wrote:

What content? The entire thing was the result of mittani's butthurt. The entire event was just a reflection of mittani's rage and tears. Pretty funny at how mad he got....but that isn't content.

As much as you want this to be true, it really was planned well in advance. Smile
Mhax Arthie
#96 - 2012-08-24 14:14:40 UTC
Ghazu wrote:

TBH the whole cyberbully thing was ...

... the reason I started to play EVE. If I can contribute in any way to burn down the wizard hat, mission accomplished. Otherwise, this game is pretty cool.
#97 - 2012-08-24 14:19:26 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Ghazu wrote:
Tiger Would wrote:
Anyways, to the viewers of this here thread.
(5 pages filled within the hour)

Pay close attention, a lot can be learned from the "techniques" that are now being fielded.
They also underline the accusation.

No take the example of
In the beginning I and others trolled, then actual discussions started happening.
This is a shitthread and isn't it heart-breaking.

And your a shitposter goon alt, but you don't see me complaining do you?

But you highsec rights activists already complain with every post lol lol what the christ

#98 - 2012-08-24 14:20:17 UTC
Hey what's worse, a bot you can shoot at will or a bot protected by concord? lol what the christ

Tiger Would
#99 - 2012-08-24 14:20:19 UTC
Osabojo wrote:
Diesel47 wrote:

What content? The entire thing was the result of mittani's butthurt. The entire event was just a reflection of mittani's rage and tears. Pretty funny at how mad he got....but that isn't content.

As much as you want this to be true, it really was planned well in advance. Smile

I think you need one or two more posts like that, it might work.

Once you think you have it all, you have actually become ignorant towards everything else.

T. Would

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#100 - 2012-08-24 14:23:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Diesel47
Borlag Crendraven wrote:
Diesel47 wrote:
[lmao, content.

What content? The entire thing was the result of mittani's butthurt. The entire event was just a reflection of mittani's rage and tears. Pretty funny at how mad he got....but that isn't content.

The only people that did anything were the gankers, the rest of participants either got blown up for no reason or had to experience massive amounts of lag because there were too many people in jita. I don't see that as "creating content" for anybody.

Like said, look past the butthurt and think about the event a bit. The reasoning that started the whole thing doesn't even matter, unless you're one of the parties directly affected by the said reason. For the rest of us, completely detached from goons or the guy who was told to kill himself, it was an opportunity to blow stuff up and make huge piles of isk while doing so.

You seem to demand some kind of narrative or lore behind any new content before it can be classified as content. Guess what, in a player driven game world you don't get any of that. Sure you can pick up pieces from here and there to make up your mind on the background of the whole thing (ie. the ban and the events leading to the ban, the posts from goons saying how it was all planned before the whole ban thing etc etc), yet if you don't partisipate in the actual action you're missing out all the fun. Your first post belittled the fun one could have in there, but at the same time it's prettyy obvious that you yourself didn't actually do anything during the event. That's not the goons fault, or mine, or anyone elses but your own.

I did do something during the event. I went to jita on my alt to see what the commotion was. All I got was so much lag that it took 5 minutes just to warp somewhere. I had a blast.

Goons didn't create anything during burn jita. Just because they were suicide ganking some guys doesn't mean this is your golden opportunity to also suicide gank. You can suicide gank ANY day of the week, Burn jita was just suicide ganking with more people and more lag. Really unimaginative event if you ask me.

Overdoing something that already happens everyday isn't making content.

Content is something like a player hosted PvP tournament that has a ton of prizes with full forum/video coverage and casting. Imagine how much more attention that would bring for EvE. Now thats something I'd like to see and be excited about. And it would probably make goons look a bit better than "ragemode mitten's private army" . Lol