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New dev blog: Capital ship balancing

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Weapons dealers INC
#1661 - 2011-10-12 07:44:33 UTC
Shade Millith wrote:
Just Another Toon wrote:
You are stupid, best changes CCP have done and now your back tracking cos of a little forum pressure.. Carriers are logistics ships not offensive ships. Want to defend a carrier bring your sub cap fleet!

Now im angry

Carriers do not need a nerf. He is backing down from an accidental nerfing of a ship type that didn't need it.

Then give carriers are tracking buff to fighters, that way we still can get the SC balanced.
Jennifer Celeste
The Dark Horses.
#1662 - 2011-10-12 07:47:13 UTC
Meldgaard wrote:
Then give carriers are tracking buff to fighters, that way we still can still farm sanctums in our carriers.

Daedalus II
Gallente Federation
#1663 - 2011-10-12 08:02:54 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:
Because an artificial limitation is being imposed on 3 ship types (dreads, supercarriers, titans) that now require them to have support because they can't launch a single 5 drone flight of light drones in their own defense, yet no other ship type needs fall under this hoakey limitation being put into place.
So in other words, things change…

Or, more accurately, things only change if you're doing it wrong — ships that were envisioned as fleet ships now become fleet ships (which is no more of an artificial limitation than freighters having no offence or defence whatsoever). They're having their role defined more clearly. This rather sounds like a good thing.


So why is every other offensive capital ship being forced into the "Fleet Ship" profile except the carrier?

Shouldn't we remove its regular drones as well and require it to be fielded with support?

After all if you're changing the role of offensive capitals, change them all, don't leave one in its broken state.

They are broken right, thats why we're changing them?

Yes but those three ship types can more or less defend themselves against other capital ships. A carrier can not. Where they require a support fleet against sub-cabs, carriers require a support fleet against supercaps. Dreads are the arguable exception, but personally I don't see why they can't keep at least a small drone bay.
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#1664 - 2011-10-12 08:09:43 UTC
Daedalus II wrote:
[quote=Grath Telkin]
Yes but those three ship types can more or less defend themselves against other capital ships. A carrier can not. Where they require a support fleet against sub-cabs, carriers require a support fleet against supercaps. Dreads are the arguable exception, but personally I don't see why they can't keep at least a small drone bay.

They have pretty overwhelming reps, so they CAN defend, as much as any dread can, against supers and titans.

They can also defend/defeat sub caps in large enough numbers in the same way.

And yea, why CAN'T dreads, supers, and titans keep a small drone bay, 50m3 or so, I cannot fathom the whole "NO DRONES NOT NOW NOT EVER". Every Gallente ship, from the noob ship up uses drones, but for some reason the 3 biggest baddest had them left out?

Thats the only flaw in the nerfs, is omitting a small drone bay from each ship type, and keeping the carrier inline with the rest of the 'fleet' ships.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

UK Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#1665 - 2011-10-12 08:13:09 UTC
Aase Nord wrote:
Thank you CCP/goons/allies/alts.
Game is F.U.B.A.R

Its time for me to find an other game to spend my money on .


Please don't leave... What will become nullsec pvp without you around?
Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#1666 - 2011-10-12 08:20:22 UTC
! changes need too, against supcapital blob. Increase their build time to 2x or 3x times longer.
The Initiative.
#1667 - 2011-10-12 08:24:56 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
I never understood some ****** players why happy, when CCP changes to wrong direction something. Check weapon icons, 0.0 changes what need changes again because bad ideas.

Clap your hands buddies when capital nerf coming. :DDD

1. Supercarriers changes: The first problem is their too big damage output, but CCP nerfing their HP ???
2. Unuseable Dreads still unuseable. Who want bring dreads to fight, when 300-400 supercarrier blobs moving to kill them ?

3. Fighter nerf, made carriers unusable against sub-cap fleets, but CCP say, bring carriers against subfleets. LOL
We knew it always, they don't like drones and this is why they want to remove from caps. They got their chance to remove drones and say to player base, bring more man to fights instead of the drones, but everyone know that, if somebody bring more man he will bring more lag.
We know supcarriers problems is their damage output and they useable with blob without support, but CCP why need nerfing fighters ??? They want to nerfing carriers too with fighter changes ???

4. Titan nerf: Old supercarriers changes made titans unusable, titan pilots using them just for titanbridges, because too dangerous using them against supercap blobs.
But ccp idea more nerfing titans. LOL 3-4 supercarriers more useable than a single titan with same value. Who wanna use titans when too weak against SC hordes ?
Grab HD or dictor and catch a titan without danger, because drone removing. LOL
CCP read your backstories and chronicles from titans.

We know, need changes and rebalance but be smart and use brain and logic.

Supcarriers need damage nerf too for adding to chance to dread fleets.
Fighter changes will make carrier nerf not just for supcarrier. (Remove fighters from supers and not need fighter nerf, but CCP your idea will succes, because supers will need support.)
Need titan boost against supercarrier hordes and need scriptable DD.

Aequitas Veritas
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1668 - 2011-10-12 08:25:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Aequitas Veritas
As Miolnir and many others have pointed out theres plenty of other ways to change how the Supers can be changed, best would be a total remake of them to something different than combatships, but that will take time and some rebalancing before is in dire need.
Dread buff and logoutchanges are spot on, though I'd keep the dronebay on dreads as well. No ship should be completely useless vs all smaller ships.

All the fuzz about the supercarriers drones are quite ********. It's not an issue in most fights as can be demonstrated in this video which shows how helpless supercarriers are against a welpfleet even with support:


Though since drones can be a issue in the smallest of fights in lowsec and so on Id still change them some.

Increase their sig resolution to at least 200 to make them less useful against cruisers and destroyers etc, possibly more, as well as increase orbit of the closest orbiting ones. Might want to bring this up to 300 or so.

Their biggest problem is their insane damage dealt to capitals using fighterbombers, this makes carriers and dreads completely useless when faceing supercarriers. Their second problem is the ease of which they project power. Thirdly their ability to create remote rr chains and thus operate without carriers and forth their damageoutput vs subcaps, mostly in smallscale fighting. Changes:
  • Give supercarriers a rolebonus with 100% damage to fighter and fighterbombers, reduce their skillbonus to +1 drone pr level as with carriers and theyll work just as the Revenant does. At the same time reduce the damage of fighterbombers to 50% of what it is today. This reduces lag created by drones. It reduce the gankeffect that supercarriers today have over other capitals and prevents them being used. It reduces the amout of normal drones to 10 which makes them less efficient in destroying gangwarfare and lastly it reduce their damage output vs POSes by 50% making dreads useful.
  • Remove rigslots and balance their HP around 30M EHP fully fitted without bonuses so the supers don't mess with the rigmarket for battleships.
  • Remove their bonus to Remote Reps so they can't spidertank alone and would need carrier support.
  • Get Slaveallike implants for Shieldships in some way.
  • Reduce the jumprange to limit their powerprojection and increase the jumpfuelcost to make their use more of an effort.
  • Possibly give them XL rigslots which can be used to modify the supers to a more logistical role with increased hangar and shipbay as well as jumprange.

  • In short: Max 10 launched fighters, fighterbombers and drones. Same DPS as today with fighters but 50% reduction of fighterbombers and with drones. No RR. Reduced EHP so theire around 30M EHP. Increased cost of using and less power projection. Less efficient vs subcaps due to fighter sig res increase and 50% less drones launched.

    Titan changes
  • Keep their EHP and increase the EHP of the Ragnarok. Remove rigslots.
  • Reduce jumprange and increase jumpfuel to limit power projection through Titan bridges and the Titan itself. I'd even want the bridge to be removed alltogether as bridgedropping is preventing ppl from fighting cus theres no way for ppl to know if theres reinforcements coming within the blink of an eye to the opposing gang.
  • DoomsDay might be fine with a Capital only version, but might be better to just or also increase its fuelcost to not only prevent DDing cheaper targets, but also limit how many times a Titan can DD in a fleetfight through its fuelbay, making each DD more valuable.
  • Keep the dronebay.

  • Summary
    This will let the supers still have a role and a defence without being completely dependent on winning the subcap fights in fleetbattles. Through limiting the amount of drones launched it reduce their efficiency in affecting smaller gangs and with no RR ability on the supers themselves one might think twice about dropping a few supers on a smaller gang. Power projection through jumping and bridgeing is reduced which will increase smallgangs survivability and increased jumpfuelamount will make it costly to move a fleet of supercaps around.

    This is a tweak to them and not a complete castration. If it fails to give the effect you want nothing prevents you from making further changes in the future.

    Though at some point something must be done about the DD, it needs to be changed to some kind of effect rather than a weapon or just removed or Titan proliferation will just continue to increase and we're back to square one.
    Awesome Corp
    #1669 - 2011-10-12 08:31:37 UTC
    did anyone actually use damage drones while their dread was in siege besides the moros? I used webbing drones
    Grymn Loche
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #1670 - 2011-10-12 08:38:05 UTC
    why use a sledge hammer to fix a couple of small cracks in your best bone china tea set

    "people who winge should be killed"

    direct quote: M Gandhi 1947

    Le Cardinal
    ECP Rogues
    #1671 - 2011-10-12 08:44:07 UTC
    Great, forum ate my post TWICE

    90% of the replys here are ********.

    A 20B endgame ship shouldnt be able to hold at least a few drones to fend off a dictor? lol. How somone could say thats a sane thing to do is beyond comprehension.

    Lets go further:

    Remove drones and offensive capabilty of interdictors and HICs: "Destroyer-class/Cruiser-class vessels, designed to pull other vessels out of warp."

    Remove drones from majority of BS: "They have after all a designated role as well. Dont like it? bring support"

    Remove all offensive capability of Cap-Industrial SHips and Mining barges: "Dont like it? bring support. Its industrial ships.

    Remove mining abilities of Cap-industrial ships. They are supposed to be industrial platforms, not solominers ".

    Remove ability to fit EW modules on ships not designed for it: Dont like it? Bring proper support.

    I could go on and on and its not anymore ******** than most of the arguments that people in this thread spews out.

    There are ships designated for most roles in the game, so if you wanna pull the role-card then make it happen to all classes.
    I would like to see the reactions then from the people in this thread who support the current nerf.

    No matter how you twist and turn it, you do in fact sometimes end up in situations where you are alone and without support, either from logging at a safespot or pos or whatever. Its inevitable.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #1672 - 2011-10-12 08:48:10 UTC
    Got my post eaten too, this is irritating.

    Got Eaten, Didn't Read version: 36M EHP on a supercap is already too much when compared to the Hp per isk ratio on other ships and the opportunity cost of taking one down. If you don't understand what the opportunity cost is, go check wikipedia.
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #1673 - 2011-10-12 08:55:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Mioelnir
    Tippia wrote:
    Mioelnir wrote:
    Yes, and you then go ahead and claim that because one aspect does not change, no aspect changes. And that is wrong.
    So what other aspects change, do you think?

    The path of your reasoning is wrong, regardless of what else changes.
    But I'm in a mood to feed you, so here we go:

    Close to all options small groups of capitals have. Yet we all pretty much agree that small capital counts are not a problem once the logout mechanic is changed so that a properly tackled and engaged capital does not disappear. There are plenty of options to counter small capital fleets.

    It also makes dreads even more suicidal than they are now, a shipclass generally considered so overpowered, you can often buy them for below mineral value. Yet carriers remain swiss army knives. And battleships do not require frigate escorts.

    All the while, in large packs, very very little will change. By model size alone, a group of titans is so vast that you will never be able to keep every one of them from successfully tracking you in a battleship by hitting orbit on one. That is simply how tracking works. Their overwehelming DPS against the shipclasses that are supposed to fight them remains, meaning those will not get fielded against sthem.

    Dreads remain immobile dps platforms that can not adapt to a fight in any way preserving them as a relic from a time when eve pvp tactics were two fleets set up at 200km from each other shooting it out. The limitations the siege module needs to impose on them so POS remain a threat guarantee a turkey shoot once supers enter the field.

    Supercarrier dps against caps and structures remains high because sov structure HP is balanced against it and remote ecm burst became more powerful at the cost of their double-battleship dps against subcaps inside 60km. Their massive EHP bulk with remote rep is unaffected or strengthened, depending on engagement range.

    Carrier miraculously stay the same. And while their remote rep can be jammed, it is also a lot easier to field 250 of them, bringing us back to Branch-defense by Insurgency times with 250 carriers except there is no AEO DDD to clean the fighters. The moment supers enter the field, they continue to die like flies in a flamethrower.

    Shield capitals still need setup time and effort to gain full combat strength, keeping them inferior to armor capitals which do not require such support.

    What changes is that those capitals that already can be killed, will now be trivial. What changes is the certainty of the cap pilot that if he gets stranded during deployment, he has no defensive options left and by that account might not deploy his cap at all. What changes is the introduction of combat shiptypes that are not allowed to defend themselves against ships that are specifically designed to engage them (HICs). What changes is that you do not actually need to fight supercarriers, but get their killmails gifted to you by killing their support.

    @Infinion: yes.

    @Shadowsword: no it is not.
    Lord Wickham
    Pator Tech School
    Minmatar Republic
    #1674 - 2011-10-12 08:58:48 UTC
    when they say fighter singature radius has been increased to 400, is this both fighters and fighter bombers or what?

    is a carrier now useless to rat in aswell? and what about wormhole carriers?
    Goonswarm Federation
    #1675 - 2011-10-12 08:59:44 UTC
    ToXicPaIN wrote:
    I want also the Drone Skills for my Levi titan back ...

    so the T2 Heavys / Sentrys are not longer needed ...
    sou you can delete all the trained drone skills and give the SPs back !!!
    to train this Drones cost a lot of time ... and this time is wasted with this fuc**** patch

    or better , let me dock so i can refine the titan

    I also want my money back from Monday night dinner because you know ... it is in the toilet now ...

    Monster Dude
    Raging Angels
    Red Alliance
    #1676 - 2011-10-12 09:07:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Monster Dude
    down in this post:
    - preconditions for SC nerf are wrong
    - nerfing SC's wrong in general
    - it all in favor of botting

    To me all past changes do is "driving SC's out of game. Making them less and less useful." And that that removing of drones is a peak of nonsense. It has no EVE world logic at all.

    My assumption:
    Perhaps CCP devs listening some once opinions when making this. But I'm afraid that those people are either not honest to EVE community or just very high in leadership position that they do get SC by clap a hands (most likely both).

    Closer to the point:
    What is SC for ordinary player who has built on his own?. Not to mention that it takes whole character to get stuck in SC.
    It is ship that can give value in nice capital PVP for him, his corp, his alliance. Meanwhile if there is no PVP need SC pilot could make some ISK in his VERY expensive ship. (which expose him in danger getting tackled and killed)

    What for SC's after this nerf? For rich, well rich alliances that can afford lose them a lot if "something goes wrong"? That change is in favor of those rich alliances just to make their separation from others even higher. Hm... who might want that?
    Cause if you want to be cost efficient - you start using drednoughts due to their insurance... And what SC will do?

    Long ago SC's were already nerfed for worse ratting abilities. Why? I didn't see anything bad in ratting SC... Nothing is wrong in that. Freaking expensive ship does ratting and getting used. If it is getting used it will be tackled at some point and die. But now instead of manual ratting in e.g. SC half of eve does botting. After nerf 3/4 will do botting? Well, compare you doing manually ratting in SC and some one botting with drake(s). What is better for real EVE players?

    Preconditions for nerf:

    1) Supercapitals are too hard to kill.
    2) Supercarriers are far too versatile.
    3) The Titan superweapon is too powerful.
    4) Dreadnoughts are not good enough.
    5) Remote ECM Bursts should not work on ships immune to ewar.
    6) Sub-capitals are useless in fleet fights.

    1) too hard to kill? really? I wouldn't say so as I seen many of those pops very quick being attacked sub-caps.
    2) too versatile? really? a ship that can't really kill hictor on his own... that takes ages to lock cruser size or frig.... and if you need to swap fighters to drones it takes too long and time is everything.
    3) titans - perhaps this is right precondition. So this step is for making gap between rich alliances and poor once smaller. When doing opposite with SC's...
    4) dreds - absolutely correct
    5) ECM - no comments that perhaps right
    6) really? Shocked good to know... Now I know that all my fights before and titans/super kills were useless Pirate

    As I see things:
    - There is nothing wrong with SC's atm, absolutely nothing. They are just good. Nerfing them is a bonus for botting communities and bonus to very rich alliances (which are often the same).
    - May be it is not bad idea to nefr a bit titans dooms day, but I'd draw border on BS size. BS and above can shot, cruser and below can't.
    - YES, dreads needs boost. This one it self will bring needed balance.

    As a short summary.
    Why would player like to have/build an SC? (for him or for providing some abilities for his corp as individual)
    Why would corp like to equip members with SC's? (if business wise dreds are safer, insurance, etc...)
    This nerf will increase amount of botters -> ppl getting not fair advantage on those who stays in rules -> they will afford to use this nerfed SC's, as they can replace them in 2 weeks botting -> not good changes.
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #1677 - 2011-10-12 09:10:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Ath'daru
    People are disliking these changes, not because it will impact them in PvP, but because it will screw up their ISK farming.

    I can't fly capitals yet, let alone a super carrier, but I'd be pissed too if I used to make several billion ISK a day soloing ****, and someone took that away from me :)
    Victoria Cheeks
    Caldari State
    #1678 - 2011-10-12 09:30:58 UTC
    I'm in love with the log off timer change.

    Future logs are showing a dramatic increase in selfdestructing ships. Especially capitals...

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to allow killmails to be generated even though someone selfdestructs?

    Just my 2p.
    Victoria Cheeks
    Caldari State
    #1679 - 2011-10-12 09:32:19 UTC
    Ath'daru wrote:
    People are disliking these changes, not because it will impact them in PvP, but because it will screw up their ISK farming.

    I can't fly capitals yet, let alone a super carrier, but I'd be pissed too if I used to make several billion ISK a day soloing ****, and someone took that away from me :)

    If you can afford supers, do you really think they had an isk problem to start with?
    CynoNet Two
    GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
    Goonswarm Federation
    #1680 - 2011-10-12 09:35:32 UTC
    Le Cardinal wrote:
    A 20B endgame ship shouldnt be able to hold at least a few drones to fend off a dictor? lol. How somone could say thats a sane thing to do is beyond comprehension.

    Lets go further:

    Remove drones and offensive capabilty of interdictors and HICs: "Destroyer-class/Cruiser-class vessels, designed to pull other vessels out of warp."

    What are you talking about? The only HIC or Dictor with any kind of drone bay is the 5m­3 on the Eris, able to carry a single light drone.
    They do have a token offensive capability inherited from the Tech 1 version of their hull, but generally this isn't a threat to anything more than a pod or hauler, which is one of the targets they're intended to hunt solo. They can't however kill capital ships solo, they need support for that.
    Inversely, Supercarriers can still kill capital and super-capital sized targets using their offensive capability, which is exactly what they're designed to hunt. They now need support to kill sub-caps, which is how it should be.

    Le Cardinal wrote:
    Remove drones from majority of BS: "They have after all a designated role as well. Dont like it? bring support"
    BS often have to travel through gates to get home. They lack ewar-immunity and as such it's pretty fair for them to be able to fight off the weakest tacklers. Even with the drone bay they still have very, very little chance against an Interdictor or HIC, if you want to compare them to supercaps.
    Supercaps always take the direct route home. The very nature of capital travel means that another friendly entitiy will always be involved in their movement, either an armed starbase with a beacon or a cynoship. You can use anything you like as that cynoship to protect the supercap.

    Le Cardinal wrote:
    Remove all offensive capability of Cap-Industrial SHips and Mining barges: "Dont like it? bring support. Its industrial ships.
    Barges and cap industrial ships do not have ewar-immunity, ranged ECM bursts, or the ability to run large neuts/smartbombs without compromising their fit. This point is moot however as they're clearly not intended to be run without a support fleet already. Your argument is circular and redundant.

    Le Cardinal wrote:
    Remove mining abilities of Cap-industrial ships. They are supposed to be industrial platforms, not solominers ".
    The ability to run 5 mining drones is clearly game-breaking. Please provide less ridiculous examples.

    Le Cardinal wrote:
    Remove ability to fit EW modules on ships not designed for it: Dont like it? Bring proper support.

    Using ECM on an unbonused ship is about as effective as using Fighters against a sub-capital. The option is there in both cases and scales quite well.

    The key point that most people whining about drone bays seem to be missing is that a token dronebay will never, ever protect a supercap from a competent dictor pilot. No amount of drones is going to be popping that bubble placed outside of smartbomb range. This results in an issue of scale:
    A lone supercap will need many drones to defend itself against tacklers - 5 mediums just won't cut it against a dictor pilot who drops a bubble, warps out and back in then cloaks before it's time for the next bubble. Unless the supercap has enough drones to nuke it in a few seconds, that dictor will hold him forever.
    So what happens if we give it enough drones to do that? Sure a lone supercap becomes able to shake off a lone tackler. But then we get 10, 20, 50+ supercarriers in fleets who are suddently also able to shake off 10, 20 50+ dictors. Not accounting for scale is how we got into this mess in the first place.

    Supercaps are the deathstars of EVE. They bring all the extreme firepower, but you should still need escorts to keep the X-Wing from the exhaust port.