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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Venom Pointe Industries
#881 - 2012-07-17 13:36:36 UTC
Just my opinion: but if you force almost everyone out of high sec you would kill Eve. The sandbox idea DOES include casual game play in high sec where you can chat with your friends and corpmates.
Yes we all understand that the rage and hatred you contain for us casuals is insurmountable and that not even the gods could overcome it. But quiet frankly: suck it.

Why is it that so many people expect constant warfare. The economy of Eve would crash because it would dry up when almost no manufacturing could be done except for some really well entrenched alliances.

Let us do what we want. We aren't complaining about the alliance blob fests. And after a while high sec does become boring, we just do the low sec stuff when we are ready. High sec people do stick their toes into low sec and other things after a while. You just want it on your terms with your obvious advantages of already being established and waiting for new players to shot at.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#882 - 2012-07-17 15:17:33 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
my interest in local changing is in one area, i like covert ops, i'd like to see covert meaning covert and not being as it is right now, i'm not very covert if you can see me in local am i.

Okay, then. Add a racial ship which has one high slot but no mid or low slots, and that high slot can only take a covert ops cloak. Role bonus: disappears from local when cloak activates, but can't do **** otherwise.

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
I do not want it so i can never be found, there needs to be a counter to cloaking ships, you want balance, show me where there is balance with the current cloaking mechanics Zim ?

Okay, then. Add a racial ship which has one high slot but no mid or low slots, and that high slot can only take a new probe launcher which can only launch the new cloak detection probes.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#883 - 2012-07-17 16:36:02 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
With the one-sided "I just want ganking to be a fucktonne easier" arguments people like you keep coming up with, I'm definitely not, no, because what you're suggesting will only depopulate nullsec further.

Temper the change of not having local with nullsec being vastly more profitable than hisec, and you have a modicum of chance to get support for that change, but good luck getting the hisec reward nerf past the playerbase, and good luck getting CCP to up the rewards in nullsec. The last time CCP did that they panicked over the effect it had on the economy.

I have been reconsidering Lord Zim's point about increasing the value of low and Null sec. Moving the L3's and L4's out there is not actually a bad idea. Trading local for that won't be such a bad idea, read below for more.
(Leave no reward or time bonus only versions in high for training if you like, I hear that some pilots care only for the challenge)

Allow me to explain why.

The greatest reason people avoid low and null is risk. It's not just a case of being risk averse, it is much more a case of being the only target for NBSI corps across several systems.
(NRDS, or Not Red Don't Shoot is a fine idea, but PvP starved dwellers can be conveniently forgetful. And that is assuming they weren't NBSI to begin with)

Now, you make it so a tidal wave of pilots is coming across to do missions, and that changes things. It would encourage low sec to be more tolerant so they could have their stations become trade hubs, and eventually swell the ranks of corps after players realized the low sec experience was doable.

WH's are a poor example of what piloting would be like after such a change, since they have so many other aspects that will remain unique to them. This local free version of EVE could quite probably be very similar to what we have now.
The shifting of the game to remove local could be like the Y2K bug in how people react, overly dramatic.
A lot of changes are seen as overly dramatic till they happen, and then people blink and say,"That was it? Oh....".

Change does not automatically equal doom.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#884 - 2012-07-19 10:48:05 UTC
In regards to "the reason", CFC doesn't do renters, we prefer active and healthy allies. If they actually use the system beyond using the POSes to react stuff or build supercaps, or use the planets to extract PI, awesome. Dumb, but awesome. The south does renters, however, and they'd better actually be using the systems they're paying for or they're pretty dumb.

As to your suggestion, I see all manner of holes in this. First of all, this would make hisec pubbies whine even harder about how nullsec is "safer than hisec", and they would actually have a point (as opposed to today's whines). Secondly, aren't supercaps being built at an alarming rate already? What do you think happens if you can't even intercept supercap fetuses? Thirdly, haven't we already had an experiment where all space was equal, and CCP nerfed that hard within a few months?

No. Those are bad ideas.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Galactic Rangers
#885 - 2012-07-19 12:26:49 UTC  |  Edited by: xxxTRUSTxxx
Lord Zim wrote:
In regards to "the reason", CFC doesn't do renters, we prefer active and healthy allies. If they actually use the system beyond using the POSes to react stuff or build supercaps, or use the planets to extract PI, awesome. Dumb, but awesome. The south does renters, however, and they'd better actually be using the systems they're paying for or they're pretty dumb.

As to your suggestion, I see all manner of holes in this. First of all, this would make hisec pubbies whine even harder about how nullsec is "safer than hisec", and they would actually have a point (as opposed to today's whines). Secondly, aren't supercaps being built at an alarming rate already? What do you think happens if you can't even intercept supercap fetuses? Thirdly, haven't we already had an experiment where all space was equal, and CCP nerfed that hard within a few months?

No. Those are bad ideas.

so the mails from CFC asking if people are interest in renting a system are an attempt to scam, or are they infact not real, mmmmkay.

you don't want changes of anykind do you, no matter what anyone suggests you'll red flag it because you're here for one reason.
you like to disagree and love to see your mindless shite in text.
you do indeed have nothing to add to this debate, so i revert to my original plan in regards to replying to you.

nuff said, jog on !
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#886 - 2012-07-19 12:32:14 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
so the mails from CFC asking if people are interest in renting a system are not real, mmmmkay.

I'll err on the side of caution and say that yes, they're probably scams.

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
you don't want changes of anykind do you, no matter what anyone suggests you'll red flag it because your here for one reason.

So you're actually going to say that your "idea" was made seriously?

Okay then. Here's a counteridea in the same vein: let titans and supercarriers into hisec, and let whomever is in a supercarrier or titan shoot anyone in hisec, with impunity.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#887 - 2012-07-20 12:16:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Zim
You forgot to include what I referred to (notice "as I've said before"? It's there for a reason) where I talk about how I spend my iskmaking time in hisec, and only fleet up for fleetfights in nullsec, because the risk/effort vs reward ratio makes it worth going in hisec instead of in nullsec. That's with today's mechanics, there's no way I'd even consider doing this if local were removed if hisec rewards were kept at the level they are now.

It's like I haven't said this tons of times already. vOv

And the answer to "why give a ****": I actually care about game balance.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#888 - 2012-07-21 04:08:20 UTC
Please refrain from personal attacks, off topic posting and trolling, as it does nothing to further a conversation. Thank you kindly.

Thread has been cleaned of off topic posts and personal insults - ISD Type40

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Questionable Acquisitions
#889 - 2012-07-21 08:58:15 UTC
FireT wrote:
Just my opinion: but if you force almost everyone out of high sec you would kill Eve. The sandbox idea DOES include casual game play in high sec where you can chat with your friends and corpmates.

It's not about forcing everyone out of highsec, it's about having an appropriate risk/effort vs reward balance in the game rather than the imbalanced current state that forces people into an increasingly safe and lucrative Highsec.

Anyway, pretty sure there isn't a single post in this thread saying players shouldn't be able chat with their friends and corpmates without having combat forced on you, even if everywhere became Nullsec and every system was filled with massive blobs of rabid players out for killmails and tears, you could still chat with people safely in a Station.

You're also I suspect rather uninformed on what drives EVE's economy, and what a Sandbox MMORPG happens to be.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#890 - 2012-07-21 22:35:41 UTC
There is also a significant effect created by perception. Local supports this in high sec, despite the quality of intelligence it provides being worthless at best there.

This delusion of safety keeps too many pilots from even considering doing missions in low sec.

Here is the problem. Too many pilots avoid low sec for many of the other pilots to still travel through it with confidence. They understand that PvP hungry pilots want fights, and with so few to choose from odds for them become uncomfortable.

This is all perception. It is unsupported by the reality of EVE, but this is the power of perception to affect people.

Low sec, in particular with a meaningful amount of pilots added by this change, will bring to these pilots more of what they hoped to get out of playing EVE.

Move at least the L4 missions to low. Keep a reward free version in high if wanted, for casual challenge seekers.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#891 - 2012-07-21 22:44:35 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

Move at least the L4 missions to low. Keep a reward free version in high if wanted, for casual challenge seekers.

Then you will have the same situation we have now, except with 3s.

No one will do 4s (because you can just do 5s for the same risk), and HS will just be people running 3s.

Not to mention that a large number would rage about and possibly quit if such a change went through.

There are many ways to "fix" whatever problem there is with 4s. Removing them from HS is not the best of them.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#892 - 2012-07-21 22:49:30 UTC
But you'll get people to move out of hisec and into low/nullsec instead, because the rewards warrant the increase in risk/effort.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#893 - 2012-07-21 22:57:32 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

Move at least the L4 missions to low. Keep a reward free version in high if wanted, for casual challenge seekers.

Then you will have the same situation we have now, except with 3s.

No one will do 4s (because you can just do 5s for the same risk), and HS will just be people running 3s.

Not to mention that a large number would rage about and possibly quit if such a change went through.

There are many ways to "fix" whatever problem there is with 4s. Removing them from HS is not the best of them.

Without local, or just delayed local like WHs have, moving the L3 and L4 missions to low won't be the disaster many expect.

There is strength in numbers. Conversely, their can be weakness in their absence.
With more people active in low it will be less risk simply because of this.

The perception of only PvP predators lurking on the other side of gates into low sec is more damaging than anything else. With greater numbers traveling through low, this myth can be beaten and many pilots can finally surpass their own perceived limits.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#894 - 2012-07-21 23:15:41 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Corina Jarr wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

Move at least the L4 missions to low. Keep a reward free version in high if wanted, for casual challenge seekers.

Then you will have the same situation we have now, except with 3s.

No one will do 4s (because you can just do 5s for the same risk), and HS will just be people running 3s.

Not to mention that a large number would rage about and possibly quit if such a change went through.

There are many ways to "fix" whatever problem there is with 4s. Removing them from HS is not the best of them.

Without local, or just delayed local like WHs have, moving the L3 and L4 missions to low won't be the disaster many expect.

There is strength in numbers. Conversely, their can be weakness in their absence.
With more people active in low it will be less risk simply because of this.

The perception of only PvP predators lurking on the other side of gates into low sec is more damaging than anything else. With greater numbers traveling through low, this myth can be beaten and many pilots can finally surpass their own perceived limits.

You don't understand.

You won't ever get carebears, or partial carebears, to enter a free PvP zone. They will learn that they can be probed down and killed without knowing anyone is there, and they will either leave the game or live with 3s.

You can't change people.

You say "you can get great rewards and be safe with lots of people and you only might die" and all they hear is "die".
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#895 - 2012-07-21 23:26:30 UTC
We don't care about the carebears, we care about those who PVP in null/lowsec, but make money in hisec because the risk/effort to reward makes it moderately idiotic to try to make isk in anything other than L4s in hisec.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Questionable Acquisitions
#896 - 2012-07-22 04:40:06 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:

You don't understand.

You won't ever get carebears, or partial carebears, to enter a free PvP zone. They will learn that they can be probed down and killed without knowing anyone is there, and they will either leave the game or live with 3s.

You can't change people.

You say "you can get great rewards and be safe with lots of people and you only might die" and all they hear is "die".

It isn't necessary to change them, I don't think that's even the goal of anyone discussing this in the last few pages of this thread.

For my part I'd like to see those that want Themepark / WoW type gameplay driven from EVE entirely, which I imagine includes a few developers as well. If players want to sit in an almost PvP free zone and do newbie PvE so be it, but level 3 and 4 missions, 4/10 exploration sites, most mining, and definitely Incursions need to be pulled from space patrolled by CONCORD.

And yes Local Intel needs to go.
Galactic Rangers
#897 - 2012-07-23 08:25:03 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
We don't care about the carebears, we care about those who PVP in null/lowsec, but make money in hisec because the risk/effort to reward makes it moderately idiotic to try to make isk in anything other than L4s in hisec.

man why do you bother posting, you said on this very same page that you cared for game balance, then you post this crap that you don't care about carebears even though most of them supply the ships you fly and the ammo thats used to kill all them ships in null sec and low sec that you attend. again i'll say who is WE ? you represent nobody, you again are pushing your opinion as if it's the general opninion of the majority of players in the game, if it is then please go ahead and post proof that what you say is how people want it.

you're butt hurt because anoms got nerfed, admit it !

do incursions, do some trading, run mining ops, do whatever it takes to make isk, but don't whine that you refuse to live in null and it's the possible loss of local or any effect on it that is keeping you in high sec, you are in high sec because it suits you and you believe you can make more isk there. (anoms got nerfed) Roll
this is all you are concerned with, how does Zim make money to allow him to PVP in null/low sec. you care for balance, but hey, **** the carebears, incredible.

you've already admitted that any change to local will have no effect on your style of play, you've now shown that you don't care for the majority, just what Zim can shoot at and then earn to keep him shooting at stuff.
Galactic Rangers
#898 - 2012-07-23 08:28:41 UTC
Xorv wrote:
Corina Jarr wrote:

You don't understand.

You won't ever get carebears, or partial carebears, to enter a free PvP zone. They will learn that they can be probed down and killed without knowing anyone is there, and they will either leave the game or live with 3s.

You can't change people.

You say "you can get great rewards and be safe with lots of people and you only might die" and all they hear is "die".

It isn't necessary to change them, I don't think that's even the goal of anyone discussing this in the last few pages of this thread.

For my part I'd like to see those that want Themepark / WoW type gameplay driven from EVE entirely, which I imagine includes a few developers as well. If players want to sit in an almost PvP free zone and do newbie PvE so be it, but level 3 and 4 missions, 4/10 exploration sites, most mining, and definitely Incursions need to be pulled from space patrolled by CONCORD.

And yes Local Intel needs to go.

well said
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#899 - 2012-07-23 09:49:44 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
man why do you bother posting, you said on this very same page that you cared for game balance, then you post this crap that you don't care about carebears

I do care about game balance, I don't care to try to force those who are too chicken to even consider nullsec because they might lose a ship into null. They can keep on running their L2s in hisec if they want (or L3s if CCP doesn't want to go that far, whatever) for meager money. What needs to happen is that the nullsec people who are currently running L4s instead of running anoms or ratting because it's profitable enough compared to the risk and effort that it's worth it, should be incentivized into moving back into null and live there.

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
you're butt hurt because anoms got nerfed, admit it !

Nope. The anom nerf made sense, but keep reaching for straws, you might make a man yet.

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
do incursions, do some trading, run mining ops, do whatever it takes to make isk, but don't whine that you refuse to live in null and it's the possible loss of local or any effect on it that is keeping you in high sec, you are in high sec because it suits you and you believe you can make more isk there. (anoms got nerfed) Roll

It has nothing to do with "make more isk there", and everything to do with "it takes little enough effort and has little enough risk associated with it to make the drop in isk rewards worth it", and this is a bad balance.

If all you can think of is "anoms got nerfed", then I don't know what to tell you. vOv
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
this is all you are concerned with, how does Zim make money to allow him to PVP in null/low sec. you care for balance, but hey, **** the carebears, incredible.

I've made enough money to pimpfit 2 supercarriers, I don't need to make more. vOv

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
you've already admitted that any change to local will have no effect on your style of play, you've now shown that you don't care for the majority, just what Zim can shoot at and then earn to keep him shooting at stuff.

No local won't have an effect on my style of play because I don't rat/mine/plex/do anoms in null, L4s are enjoyed by "the majority" (instead of going to low/null for higher rewards), and I only shoot at things while in 100v100 (or bigger), I'm not sure how you're assuming more people in nullsec on a daily basis should translate into there being more people available there for me to shoot.

Face it, you just want local to be removed so you've got an easier time of getting kills, until nullsec is even more dead than it is now on a daily basis.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#900 - 2012-07-23 10:52:37 UTC
this thread, i would dislike it if i could.

not even for the fact that i dont want local removed (which i dont really care either way)

but because the argument being given is really poor.

Very poor.