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Post if you are unsubing over the new inventory, as thats the only way CCP listens

First post
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#941 - 2012-06-11 06:22:25 UTC
Malice Redeemer wrote:
pussnheels wrote:
How childish

Unsubbing becauseof being literally griefed out the game is one thing
Unsubbing because the game becomes unplayable due to the lack ofproper testing and your pc is still a stone age version fine i can understand
But unsubbing because you can t be bothered to read the devblog and lacking the patience to learn. How it works , very childish

I suggest that unsubing due to griefing is the childish thing being discused here.

BTW, we read the dev blog, we even tested this on sisi and gave feedback, and yet here we are. There is nothing to learn, they removed functions that are not replaced, and as far as I can tell, will never be returned.

The new system works fine, it has increased functionality, any body still complaining at this point is just a whine bag who hates change.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#942 - 2012-06-11 06:34:31 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
Malice Redeemer wrote:
pussnheels wrote:
How childish

Unsubbing becauseof being literally griefed out the game is one thing
Unsubbing because the game becomes unplayable due to the lack ofproper testing and your pc is still a stone age version fine i can understand
But unsubbing because you can t be bothered to read the devblog and lacking the patience to learn. How it works , very childish

I suggest that unsubing due to griefing is the childish thing being discused here.

BTW, we read the dev blog, we even tested this on sisi and gave feedback, and yet here we are. There is nothing to learn, they removed functions that are not replaced, and as far as I can tell, will never be returned.

The new system works fine, it has increased functionality, any body still complaining at this point is just a whine bag who hates change.

I can't completely agree with that... there are still a few things that need to be smoothed out a bit for the power inventory users. But yes, I do agree that those complaining because they don't like to do things slightly differently, or refuse to actually take the time to figure out the practical advantages of the new system are more than a little tedious.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#943 - 2012-06-11 08:44:45 UTC
I was all for rage when this change was introduced, but now it workes just fine. If only they locked the hotkeys to work with a certain part of the inventory... I would like Alt-C to ALWAYS open my station inventory, not some random box choosen between ships, items, active ship etc.
Thunder Fenix
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#944 - 2012-06-11 11:39:26 UTC
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
I was all for rage when this change was introduced, but now it workes just fine. If only they locked the hotkeys to work with a certain part of the inventory... I would like Alt-C to ALWAYS open my station inventory, not some random box choosen between ships, items, active ship etc.

It works just fine? Have u an idea of what ppl is speaking about in this thread?

- Access to cans placed into corp hangars still bugged
- index tree is absurdly long and it desn't scroll up/down if u're dragging some item on top/bottom of it, u still need to open destination can in other window, then drag/drop stuff this way (exaclty like old system, just need more clicks)
- the filters seems pretty unuseful to me, since i always used cans to sort stuff --> each can enlongs even more the alredy long tree, the filters are useful only for ppl who never sorted his stuff
- the "estimated price" is often completely wrong, no idea where the prices are took out from (still quite unuseful feature to me, i would like an option to remove it)

there are lot more things not working in the new inventory just not able to explain them all well since my english is poor/no time to write everyhing since i need to go to work now.

i've been playing EVE for about 4 years now, never quited and won't do it now, anyway i MUST say this new inventory is the worse thing ccp did in these 4 years, second place is the fuel blocks thing but that's OT

Fly safe guys o/
Espen Egak
Pandemic Horde
#945 - 2012-06-11 11:45:54 UTC
Unsubbing this damn forum post since it get's new posts all the damn time X
Biofuel Productions
#946 - 2012-06-11 13:12:15 UTC
Thunder Fenix wrote:
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
I was all for rage when this change was introduced, but now it workes just fine. If only they locked the hotkeys to work with a certain part of the inventory... I would like Alt-C to ALWAYS open my station inventory, not some random box choosen between ships, items, active ship etc.

It works just fine? Have u an idea of what ppl is speaking about in this thread?

- Access to cans placed into corp hangars still bugged
- index tree is absurdly long and it desn't scroll up/down if u're dragging some item on top/bottom of it, u still need to open destination can in other window, then drag/drop stuff this way (exaclty like old system, just need more clicks)
- the filters seems pretty unuseful to me, since i always used cans to sort stuff --> each can enlongs even more the alredy long tree, the filters are useful only for ppl who never sorted his stuff
- the "estimated price" is often completely wrong, no idea where the prices are took out from (still quite unuseful feature to me, i would like an option to remove it)

there are lot more things not working in the new inventory just not able to explain them all well since my english is poor/no time to write everyhing since i need to go to work now.

i've been playing EVE for about 4 years now, never quited and won't do it now, anyway i MUST say this new inventory is the worse thing ccp did in these 4 years, second place is the fuel blocks thing but that's OT

Fly safe guys o/

-I have no trouble accessing cans in corp hangers, maybe you don't know how?
-Yea Index tree at a POS is long, its pretty annoying but at least we can use the scroll wheel to move the tree up and down, it's a nuisance but doesn't take any longer then having X amount of windows open. Maybe you don't know how to use a scroll wheel?
-Yea I don't use them either. I also don't use the sov system, please remove it.
-They should put a disclaimer in the estimated price that's its just an estimate. I understand the worse "estimate" is already in there but it should be listed at least one more time.

I have been playing EvE for 3 or 4 years, this new Inventory UI is amazing, I always hated having to open the drone bay just to put more drones in, now I can do it from one window. It's so much better in every way.
Gallente Federation
#947 - 2012-06-11 15:19:42 UTC
i have seen it all, game is grate, but this UI is crap!
been playing this game since may 9, 2003 - and no other change to the game has made me so furiously mad trying to play a game than this UI
go to a pos, instead of checking 9 lab slots to see if we have something in there, im checking 63 slots
dealing with poses i used to have 2 small windows , one for ship cargo, and another for the pos mod im working with, now the UI takes up my whole screen.
and if I do anything with another hanger, the UI switches to that hanger, at lease with windows there's a handy BACK button!
going from silo to silo adding and taking stuff from them is a complete nightmare with the UI doing and switching to whatever. a job that took me 2 hours to do (since I have allot of poses) now takes me 4 to 5 hours to do.
its not that I need to get used to something new, its that this UI is such crap for working with poses and all my inventory that I would rather have the old system back with 3 minute online timers on silos and feeding the pos with 8 different fuel types over this. it took less time.
anyone that like this UI obviously has little to nothing in there inventories. I myself half to watch that old 1000 items cap in a can or hanger all the time.
there has been now 9 fixes to this and it still not fixed. yea, this is one idea that needs reversed and ALLOT more time on being worked on.
there is over 100 pages of forms on this subject on dislike, I'm beginning see the only way ccp will listen to its players is if we burn jita and that's just ridicules.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#948 - 2012-06-11 16:15:28 UTC
Cierejai wrote:
Thunder Fenix wrote:
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
I was all for rage when this change was introduced, but now it workes just fine. If only they locked the hotkeys to work with a certain part of the inventory... I would like Alt-C to ALWAYS open my station inventory, not some random box choosen between ships, items, active ship etc.

It works just fine? Have u an idea of what ppl is speaking about in this thread?

- Access to cans placed into corp hangars still bugged
- index tree is absurdly long and it desn't scroll up/down if u're dragging some item on top/bottom of it, u still need to open destination can in other window, then drag/drop stuff this way (exaclty like old system, just need more clicks)
- the filters seems pretty unuseful to me, since i always used cans to sort stuff --> each can enlongs even more the alredy long tree, the filters are useful only for ppl who never sorted his stuff
- the "estimated price" is often completely wrong, no idea where the prices are took out from (still quite unuseful feature to me, i would like an option to remove it)

there are lot more things not working in the new inventory just not able to explain them all well since my english is poor/no time to write everyhing since i need to go to work now.

i've been playing EVE for about 4 years now, never quited and won't do it now, anyway i MUST say this new inventory is the worse thing ccp did in these 4 years, second place is the fuel blocks thing but that's OT

Fly safe guys o/

-I have no trouble accessing cans in corp hangers, maybe you don't know how?
-Yea Index tree at a POS is long, its pretty annoying but at least we can use the scroll wheel to move the tree up and down, it's a nuisance but doesn't take any longer then having X amount of windows open. Maybe you don't know how to use a scroll wheel?
-Yea I don't use them either. I also don't use the sov system, please remove it.
-They should put a disclaimer in the estimated price that's its just an estimate. I understand the worse "estimate" is already in there but it should be listed at least one more time.

I have been playing EvE for 3 or 4 years, this new Inventory UI is amazing, I always hated having to open the drone bay just to put more drones in, now I can do it from one window. It's so much better in every way.

- He is referring to corp members other than the CEO and director not being able to access things in corporate hangers, I don't know if this has been fixed.
- I believe the ability to rename things at a POS (which should allow better sorting) is coming, and the ability to filter what is in the tree has been asked for many times. That will probably come in with the 1.1 update near the end of the month.
- Can's were necessary before filters, not so much afterwards.
- The estimated price is usually based on the cost of the materials to build the item in question averaged over the last two weeks.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Thunder Fenix
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#949 - 2012-06-11 18:00:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Thunder Fenix
Cierejai wrote:

-I have no trouble accessing cans in corp hangers, maybe you don't know how?

there was a bug and ppl (me included) wasn't able to access cans into corp hangars, no matter if ceo, director or son of ****.
This has been fixed and worked for some days, now again i can't access them without moving into personal hangar (tryed with director and ceo) . so i'm asking u now: have u idea what are u speaking of?

Cierejai wrote:
-Yea Index tree at a POS is long, its pretty annoying but at least we can use the scroll wheel to move the tree up and down, it's a nuisance but doesn't take any longer then having X amount of windows open. Maybe you don't know how to use a scroll wheel?

If u're able to use the scroll wheel while holding left button to drag items i'd awere u my special decoration "6 fingers monkey" + a prize of 1000 kicks in the nuts

Cierejai wrote:
-They should put a disclaimer in the estimated price that's its just an estimate. I understand the worse "estimate" is already in there but it should be listed at least one more time.

Why not use the words "estimated price" all around the window like a frame... but prolly for u woudn't still be enough

Cierejai wrote:
I have been playing EvE for 3 or 4 years, this new Inventory UI is amazing, I always hated having to open the drone bay just to put more drones in, now I can do it from one window. It's so much better in every way.

Agreed! Every eve player placed the drone bay access as the first thing to do to make eve better *claps*

Arch Ville
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#950 - 2012-06-11 18:22:13 UTC
Are they gonna at least give us the option to use the old inventory system or are gonna be stuck with this **** forever?

Give us the option to use the older inventory system ffs.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#951 - 2012-06-11 18:26:39 UTC
Arch Ville wrote:
Are they gonna at least give us the option to use the old inventory system or are gonna be stuck with this **** forever?

Give us the option to use the older inventory system ffs.

I dont get how you cannot use the new one. Its easyer and quickerUgh
Thunder Fenix
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#952 - 2012-06-11 18:34:01 UTC
Arch Ville wrote:
Are they gonna at least give us the option to use the old inventory system or are gonna be stuck with this **** forever?

Give us the option to use the older inventory system ffs.

That won't happen, think they completely recoded the inventory, with a total backstep to old system would mean they will also admit they completely failed.

P.S. @baltec1 : u're joking, right?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#953 - 2012-06-11 20:01:05 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Arch Ville wrote:
Are they gonna at least give us the option to use the old inventory system or are gonna be stuck with this **** forever?

Give us the option to use the older inventory system ffs.

I dont get how you cannot use the new one. Its easyer and quickerUgh

My 39 seconds of spinning I have to wait every time I dock at my main station say otherwise.

As for easy, it's a "WoW PvE rogue" kind of easy. I.e. easy to get to the glass ceiling with 4 buttons then you are done.

It's obvious that the One Window To Rule Them All is easy. Because it's so damn single dimensional and limited.

There are power users who can brain compute more than 1 window open, if the new system was so good it'd *include* the same versatily of the older system plus more. But alas, it does not.

I have hundreds of boxes. My multiple POSes labs and structures are all used in 5+ divisions each for its task. Do I have to describe the mounds of pain when my carefully created order gets a nightmare to browse?

Before this brain crippled farce, I would approach a lab and press *1* click. All the labs I wanted, all the division easily, QUICKLY, found and QUICKLY opened (not taking 10+ seconds each).

Now it's totally asinine and if I don't recall to close everything before I warp off, the whole stuff becomes a mess (used to self close), windows interiors magically switch into a plethora of ship cargo photocopies all over the place. Oh, did I say that this also screws the way they are stored so the next time they open randomly?

I fail to recall a single game in my life where opening *1* inventory takes 39 seconds.

This is how bad this farce is. Not even the EA games I have played have a sh!ttier inventory, and EA are masters at pure hasty garbage production, I am impressed at seeing somebody can do worse.

I want to see Grammy Crappy Awards being distributed at next Fanfest.
Sloppy Podfarts
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#954 - 2012-06-11 22:27:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Sloppy Podfarts
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Arch Ville wrote:
Are they gonna at least give us the option to use the old inventory system or are gonna be stuck with this **** forever?

Give us the option to use the older inventory system ffs.

It's obvious that the One Window To Rule Them All is easy. Because it's so damn single dimensional and limited.

There are power users who can brain compute more than 1 window open, if the new system was so good it'd *include* the same versatily of the older system plus more. But alas, it does not.

I have hundreds of boxes. My multiple POSes labs and structures are all used in 5+ divisions each for its task. Do I have to describe the mounds of pain when my carefully created order gets a nightmare to browse?

Before this brain crippled farce, I would approach a lab and press *1* click. All the labs I wanted, all the division easily, QUICKLY, found and QUICKLY opened (not taking 10+ seconds each).

Now it's totally asinine and if I don't recall to close everything before I warp off, the whole stuff becomes a mess (used to self close), windows interiors magically switch into a plethora of ship cargo photocopies all over the place. Oh, did I say that this also screws the way they are stored so the next time they open randomly?

I fail to recall a single game in my life where opening *1* inventory takes 39 seconds.

This is how bad this farce is. Not even the EA games I have played have a sh!ttier inventory, and EA are masters at pure hasty garbage production, I am impressed at seeing somebody can do worse.

I want to see Grammy Crappy Awards being distributed at next Fanfest.

Cry Indeed. It manages to both suck and blow. Sad
Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#955 - 2012-06-11 23:15:16 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:
I love it when incompetents name and shame themselves.


Stopped reading when I found it.

New interface is win
Katja Faith
#956 - 2012-06-11 23:31:47 UTC
FailQuitters 2012. Please, leave the game. And no, I don't want your crap.
Zelman Axe
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#957 - 2012-06-12 22:14:55 UTC
The new UI is a sh1t sandwhich we all have to bite, it joins the list of many things we didnt want in EvE, NEX store ,PI, are some good examples. The old UI wasnt broken and worked well, never heard a complaint about it but lets just have change for change sake. I hate the new UI its windows explorer and its terrible when will CCp listen to player feedback from the SISI tests that stated it was terrible dont implement but hey what do we know.
Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#958 - 2012-06-13 00:51:12 UTC
Zelman Axe wrote:
The new UI is a **** sandwhich we all have to bite, it joins the list of many things we didnt want in EvE, NEX store ,PI, are some good examples. The old UI wasnt broken and worked well, never heard a complaint about it but lets just have change for change sake. I hate the new UI its windows explorer and its terrible when will CCp listen to player feedback from the SISI tests that stated it was terrible dont implement but hey what do we know.

You obviously missed the fact that the old UI was pretty much the most consistently complained about thing in the whole of eve. It was clunky, utterly unintiutive and amongst the highest contributors to the 'spreadsheets in space' look that so many people passionately hated.

Im not saying that people who dont like the new inventory are wrong or that there arent issues that need addressing because there are, im just saying that as long as CCP continues to iterate and fix the system, we'll eventually end up with something thats better in pretty much every way.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

#959 - 2012-06-13 01:25:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Disdaine
So far there is not one single thing the new UI does better for me. Here's just a few things I hat off the top of my head :

Lags on loading. Processing large numbers of items a headache.

Tree view pretty useless. Still find myself opening target windows when sorting multiple items to avoid having to scroll around the tree.

Have to manually open and close cargo holds when changing ships.

Windows still occasionally forgetting their positions and sizes.

Useless ISK value and situationally useless filter bar taking up more screen space.

Now have to shift double click loot cans in sites instead of double click to avoid a screenful of tree that reverts to my cargo hold which I can see anyway once I hit loot all.

Station containers randomly locking items placed in them regardless of security settings.

Having to readjust the width of the tree panel everytime I resize a window.

Other than that yeah, the new UI is awesome and better in every way and I'm just a luddite who is afraid of change for changes sake.

A mate who just started playing who has a couple of rifters, and containers at a single station on his 1024x768 laptop says he prefers the new UI.
Tao Arnst
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#960 - 2012-06-13 04:30:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Tao Arnst
All these so-called updates and this new ui is still S***! Maybe they will continue with the updates so everyone forgets how much faster and efficient the previous inventory was.

To all those still trying to use the lame line: "You hate change",... STFU. If you are still trying to use that line and hoping we will finally like "BAD change", your either an idiot or a ccp/dev alt, again, STFU you idiot...

I only log in now to check and see if they have the option yet to use 'Previous(Better) Inventory'. Otherwise, game is unplayable til then to be honest, and I will keep checking until sub runs out....

In the meantime, been playing other games that I don't have to work around bugs all the time and instead can actually PLAY the game ;) SO MUCH better than this F***ED UP client is now.....nice goin ccp....

Was the Title "Inferno" given to this release because its a Steaming Pile of S**t? Most people embrace GOOD change Parasites embrace BAD change ccp supports the degradation of society