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New dev blog: This Week In The Unified Inventory

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Loose End
The Big Bambu
#381 - 2012-05-29 11:29:18 UTC
Sakari Orisi wrote:
Alec Freeman wrote:
the blog link is blank FYI.

And please just gives us an option to disable the new inventory system all together and roll with the old one. Dont fix what isnt broken.

Or should i say dont break what has worked fine for 9 years.

Whiner :D

I personally think the state of the unified inventory will be very acceptable after these changes (up from barely usable). Keep working on it CCP and it'll be perfect soon!

Won't matter if it attains perfection ....CCP will either change it or screw it up once it's even close to perfect. You do know they quit giving out brown noser points a few years back?

Though Hope is forever present that they can stop fixing that which is not broken and fix that which is.
Yuna Yee
Caldari State
#382 - 2012-05-29 11:32:49 UTC
A few wishes apart from those heard over and over again already:

- Please put back the possibility to access the orcas ship maintanance hangar, drone hangar, ore hangar... by rightclicking on the active ship again - no idea why this was removed.

- Why is the Phantasm looking so horribly green now depending on the angle - was that intended ?

and please please give us a "open new window by default" button just to say it once again!
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#383 - 2012-05-29 11:34:29 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Quick update

As you guys know, we're rolling out a bunch of changes today. Sometime later this afternoon, I'll update the thread with some of the changes coming next, hopefully on Friday.

Where we can get our paychecks from CCP, if we testing their unfinished, alpha state software parts ???? Twisted
Loose End
The Big Bambu
#384 - 2012-05-29 11:34:39 UTC
Spanking Monkeys wrote:
WolfSchwarzMond wrote:
CCP Optimal wrote:

I beg you to honestly give the new system a try. If you still don't like it and you aren't able to find an equally good or better work flow for your tasks, tell us why. Many of you have already done so, and we will are already acting on that feedback, but keep it coming. Telling us that it sucks won't help anyone, l.

Ok I've tried and tried to figure out a way to use this thing as well as the old one...It cannot be done. Here is why.

Opening multiple cans/wrecks lags the entire game. For mission looting this makes the game almost unplayable. For Jetcan Miners like me it causes us to lose cycles which is lost isk.
The loading time on the windows is just unacceptable. 0.5-2mins to load your own hold if your're in a POS. 3mins to load a Ship Maintence array.
Opening all the holds on a Rorqual or an Orca now takes twice as many clicks as it did and you have to play with the little tree.
Opening Corp hangers where you can read them requires a window that is so very large, you can't really do anything else.
Opening Corp hanger with Security Roles and a Large Corp will almost if not totally crash Eve.
The little graph that indicates cargo hold seems to generate lag.
The new window header and footer makes the amount of room to see Items even smaller then the old way did making you blow the window up bigger resulting in less room to work mutiple windows. This is a major issue when working a Rorqual/Orca
It does not remember window locations/size when you dock/undock
If you misclick and don't press shift you have to start all over. Try picking No Back Button.
The Filters tree? menu? won't stay down.
When you remove Items from your cargo hold into the Item hanger using only 1 window, it auto sorts them forcing you to search for the new items. Think of having to haul in some mods for a new ship fitting, Before you could justdrop them in the Item hanger get in new ship fit the mods cause they were at the bottom of the items. Now drop them in, get in new ship and SEARCH for mods they're not at the bottom like they were they're sorted in with everything else.....
The search function on the new UI RESETS every time you change Hangers/hold this makes locating a specific item a pain.
Moving large amounts of items generates Lag or results in some Items not being moved.
It is now stupidly easy to drop something in the wrong location.....forcing you to go look for it.
Previously if you had Tab 2 in your Orca Corp hanger opened and then opened POS Corp Hanger or SAA Tab 2 would open by default. Now it just opens the 1st tab.
The loot all button does NOT stack ore in the holds nor does it give you the option to take just as much ore as will fit in your hold it's all or nothing.
EVERYTHING to do with dealing with items now takes LONGER and is harder to do. This system IMHO is a step BACKWARD in that it is not simple to operate. You are forcing us for some reason I cannot fathom to use a system that is inherently more difficult to operate then the old one. This is not a "get used to it issue" This system is not as intelligent as the old one.

A great number of your CUSTOMERS, are upset about your product. You need to be willing to accept that while someone thought this was the way to go, your CUSTOMERS, the people you work for, the people who PAY you for your product DO NOT LIKE IT. Do us all a favor. Admit the mistake and correct it

CCP Optimal wrote:
and I must stretch what has already been stated that reverting the entire thing is not an option (It's also as good as technically impossible).
Is IMHO the wrong thing to say. Most people will read it as "this is what you will now use. Get used to it." Also CCP made it, CCP can UNMAKE IT so it is not technically impossible. Saying that is lying to your customers. It may be difficult and you don't want to do it, that doesn't mean you cannot do it.

I'll leave you with this Quote "The greatest lesson for me is the realization that EVE belongs to you, and we at CCP are just the hosts of your experience." -Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO
You are failing as hosts at this time.

this needs to be said until you at CCP take it on board.

you have broken your product, no amount of time or use will take away from the fact that a reduction in functionality is not acceptible.
the system is broken as a concept. 'you need multiple windows so we give you one..' that the hell were you smoking when you came up with this?
why didnt you wait to roll this on to tq, when all the feed back said it wasnt ready?

Here Here! Bravo!
Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#385 - 2012-05-29 11:43:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
CCP Optimal wrote:
I've not been able to be very active on the forums for the last couple of days simple because my time is better spent fixing defects as it is.

First, on the SISI thing; it's true that we let a few issues slip us and that's regrettable, but it is simply a fact that not all issues surface on test servers.

I beg you to honestly give the new system a try. If you still don't like it and you aren't able to find an equally good or better work flow for your tasks, tell us why.

The best part of this statement is: I do not read the forum but I will implement your ideas. Please write a thread in the forum. Lol

CCP Soundwave:
Are you planning to change the UI so, that it is possible to drag several windows out of this unified UI again?
Most of the players want more windows than one (BUT NEVER OPEN WITH A SHORTCUT).
They want their Icons on the Neocom back. Doubleklicks on Icons and new windows. Why is it so hard to listen to the PAYING customer?

And be sure: I do NOT play the game at present. All I can do is a fast log in; write a few rows in chat, check some contracts, change skills and log off. After 4 years of cuntinued subcription and gameplay. THIS is all what left from EVE now due to this useless UI.
I am absolute not willed to play this game with the unified UI. I pay for EVE to have fun; but but not to anger about the unified UI. It was no demand from me and I think from most of the people in EVE. I will not renew my subscription till you have changed back this unified UI so, that I am able to play with the EXACT 100% copy of the old UI. You can demand the money from my now outbound subscription fee, from CCP Arrow / CCP Optimal and his team. But untill you have not changed the unified UI back into the old UI with hundreds of own windows; you will not get any Euros from me again!

I will cancel my subscription two weeks before my account(s) run out! Act as soon as possible CCP!
Mercury Inc.
#386 - 2012-05-29 11:51:30 UTC
Callidus Dux wrote:
The best part of this statement is: I do not read the forum but I will implement your ideas. Please write a thread in the forum.

Spot on
Loose End
The Big Bambu
#387 - 2012-05-29 11:52:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Loose End
Spanking Monkeys wrote:
Nova York wrote:
What I can not understand is the persistence that CCP has in pushing the new UI. As long as a lot of their customer base is unhappy with the new UI and when even CCP admitted that the new UI is broken why all the pushing forward with the new UI? Why not take your new UI test it, make it free of bugs, ask and listen to the player opinion on Sisi, implement the changes, and then, come with it live. And in the mean time please, let us play.

the inventory is a clicky nightmare.

ive stated many times and been banned on one toon. i have 9 biting the dust in a week anyhow as i just cant face this bull, so no loss.

you ingored feed back on sisi, you ignored teh feedback in the test server forum. you even stated you didnt care what we said, and just what we did.

corp hangers at a pos. i need to access 4, all 7 hangers at once. before click on each and open in 1 window, all 4 stacked. with a few clciks i can navgate all of the hangers.

now its 28 shift clciks a screen full off windows and a bloody nightmare, with everything taking much longer.

ffs give me back my corp hangers back how they were, right click open, 7 tabs all hangers 1 window. 4 stacked windows 28 hangers.

did a mass carrier jump, 140 carreirs, we do this every few weeks. why the hell did you take my static windows away. 1 corp hanger, 1 fuel bay. i need to know there is enough fuel to jjump, with out shift clicking the hell out of everything. also why teh hell does the inventory refresh every sec when your in a ball of carriers, wtf is up with that.

you ccp optimal dont play eve, thats clear. but for those of us that do., GIVE US BACK ALL OF THE FUNCTIONALITY YOU HAVE REMOVED.

deserves a here ya go...
time to pull out the finger CCP...

you know I think I can hear the sound of a Threadnought in the making...
by the steal the new guy from EverQuest?..he acts like a EQ Dev...
The Executioners
#388 - 2012-05-29 11:53:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
Add a tick box to remove estimated prices, this will remove a great deal of the lag associated with opening cans / items etc. Plus it was a stupid idea, trying to be polite, but what the **** was this for exactly? really, think about it, most of us sell our stuff in a trade hub where having this sort of functionality is not required. Why was it not optional from the beginning?

Oh and whilst I'm making the requested 'constructive' suggestions.

1. Add a ship hanger button that links directly to the....duh duh duuuuh ship hanger - 1click only
2. Return the corp hanger button, same thing - opens in a separate window
3. Make the windows stay when they are opened, and not close on dock / undock.
4. Reduce the screen real-estate required for your ******** UI - this one is important
5. Return one click functionality, I need my left hand for other **** than holding the shift key down.
6. Remove spiral vision when we open hangers.

Oh and whilst I hopefully have your eye for a second STOP deleting posts, if you think censorship is going to calm this community down you are seriously playing with fire. If the UI doesn't either get rolled back or made optional this is likely to build and NOT go quiet, I suspect the the CSM will be discussing the censorship of forum posts with you guys fairly soon.
Lev Arturis
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#389 - 2012-05-29 11:56:30 UTC
Maraner wrote:

Oh and whilst I hopefully have your eye for a second STOP deleting posts, if you think censorship is going to calm this community down you are seriously playing with fire. If the UI doesn't either get rolled back or made optional this is likely to build and NOT go quiet, I suspect the the CSM will be discussing the censorship of forum posts with you guys fairly soon.

Learn to behave and no post will get removed.
Xzen Drix
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#390 - 2012-05-29 11:57:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Xzen Drix
"CCP Optimal wrote:
and I must stretch what has already been stated that reverting the entire thing is not an option (It's also as good as technically impossible). "

and I must tell you that my account's (6) won't be stretch on any more...

The statement (It's also as good as technically impossible)
Is a lie, it was as good as possible before we "got" the unified inventory crap,
but then the new UI only affect the back bone (missioners, miners, industraliests WH corps and other POS holders)
of EVE and not PvP'ers and isent that the direction EVE been moving towards the latest yeras.

Sincerly not yours anymore

If the UI problems is sorted I might go to Playing EVE again. ATM log on do skills and log off until sub expires
(Lag, retarted one window system and for more info read on the forums.... ups you don't do that otherwise we woudnt be here NOW)
Mercury Inc.
#391 - 2012-05-29 11:58:43 UTC
Maraner wrote:
I suspect the the CSM will be discussing the censorship of forum posts with you guys fairly soon.

Probably not. They didn't do a lot about this bag of crap, why start now ?
Rote Kapelle
#392 - 2012-05-29 12:01:49 UTC
I do not ever want to see that stupid hangar tree ever again. I want my Neocom buttons back. You know, the ship hanger button and the Item hanger button.

I want to single click them. A single new persistent window should open when I click them.
Quay Industries
#393 - 2012-05-29 12:10:02 UTC
Well looting is now considerably quicker, but the problem still imo is that double clicking on a wreck opens the window in my existing open window (eg my open cargohold).

Why cant it go back to opening in the default position i set it to via double clicking, so that i have cargohold in bottom left and wrecks opening in middle of screen? (and dont tell me that I can do it via shift click, i know i can but thats still a big step backwards to how it was before you cocked all this inventory lark up).

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#394 - 2012-05-29 12:10:39 UTC
Could we have it so we can open multiple of those inventory windows? I know it sounds counter intuitive but I think it will make feel much less limiting.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#395 - 2012-05-29 12:10:49 UTC
I'll just link to this, this, and this again.

None of those issues are addressed so far, but at least it looks like performance will be slightly enhanced in this first batch. Personally, I still feel that the lost functionality is still a bigger source of annoyance.
Abigail Sagan
Skeleton Liberation Front
#396 - 2012-05-29 12:12:05 UTC
Elyon Itari wrote:
This is nothing personal, and Abigail Sagan (a reference to the late, great Carl Sagan?) was just the most well-written list I could find, so I am going to answer by quoting you (I will most definitely hit the 5 quotes limit). :)

AS2: Because of quote limits, I will use "AS1:" before my first comment, "EI:" before Elyon Itari's response. I'll use AS2 before my new response. Hopefully it won't become too confusing. (Yes: C. Sagan was in my mind when the name of the character was discovered)
AS1: Here are some features that need fixing:
AS1: - The new interface is laggy - especially with a POS or many cans/wrecks in grid like during salvaging or mining op.
EI: This has already been optimised and is coming out in today's patch.
AS2: I hope CCP's optimization has succeeded properly, and it isn't just a theoretical tweak that has little real effect on the lag.
AS1: - The new interface takes too much space from screen.
EI: If you used to have more than one window open, that already took up more space. If you only need one window for what you're doing, well, you can collapse the tree view by clicking the << button in the top left corner.
AS2: Yes, << button helps some, after that you just have to resize the window (to reduce the area it takes), and never touch the >> button, or it will mess things up. At least that is what my memory claims - my memory is a quirky thing; I cannot access the game atm so I could check. Also, the old windows could be very small and attached to each other.
AS1: - The new interface involves too much scrolling up and down the tree.
EI: The scrollage should so far only be true for POS management. This is being worked on as well.
AS2: It also affects things if you have dozen or two ships and dozen or two containers in one station - like I do. Also, it affects things if you don't want the inventory window taking lots of room - either in station, or out in space. Again: I hope CCP does good job here. Separating the tree view from actual inventory might be a good move.
AS1: - The new interface does not obey the old keyboard shortcuts, and if it does, it won't do it correctly.
EI: This may very well be. What shortcuts are you having issues with?
AS2: The best example I can give here is alt+c: I would like to open a separate window for the ship cargo, not the unified inventory window with all it's lag. If the lag is magically dispelled, I think I can live with the current shortcut.
AS2: As a development idea: there could be a shortcut for opening a separate window for the ships in your current station.
AS1: - Shift+Click spawned windows don't remember their location & state.
EI: I am sure that this is an easy fix; you can expect this in a matter of weeks, I'd say.
AS2: As a programmer I am afraid this isn't as easy as you think. I believe so because the number of those spawned windows isn't currently limited. I think they currently dont's have a way of knowing what inventory windows have already been spawned, and thus need to open new one with every shift+click. Hopefully I am wrong and you are right, and CCP already has a plan to tackle this.
AS1: - I don't need multiple instances of the same cargohold open at the same time. Does someone?
EI: What do you mean? In what way are you forced into having two identical cargoholds open?
AS2: I am not forced to yes, on the opposite; I am allowed to, and that is what troubles me as you noticed from my previous answer. I would be happy to be limited to one spawned window per container, but I honestly don't know if there is someone somewhere, that needs to have certain cargohold open more than once at a time.
AS1: - I & my friends don't have any ships with Fuel bay, but it looks like that could use some fixing too.
EI: *My friends and I. Furthermore, the fuel bay for capital ships is being worked on as well - CCP even stated so on the first page ;)
AS2: So it seems; Soundwave mentions it in the thread. Hopefully the players affected by the thing will be happy.
AS1: - CCP did not listen to SiSi feedback. That cannot be helped in this case, but maybe in future you could so? At least you should.
EI: It is true that CCP don't listen all that much to sisi feedback - but the players on sisi are not representative of the entire playerbase. The same goes for these forums.
AS2: I could be wrong, but I think the reason for SiSi existence and players being allowed there is, that CCP wishes to have (or at least 'has wished to have') input from players. If they don't listen to that input, the reason for SiSi existence is reduced, if not negated totally. Much of the same is true for forum input we provide here.
EI: They could still be better at listening to feedback on SiSi, but it's like a few thousand players at most - way less than 1% of the playerbase. They can't blindly follow the suggestions of those players (though in this case, more feedback listening could have helped a bit :))
AS2: If some people provide their time for CCP testing purposes, CCP should listen to them. They are doing things for CCP after all, and for free. I think the players who have dedicated their time for these tests are to be respected more than the average players. The same is true for the opinions of these players. (And no, I have never taken part in SiSi testing; I expect to be paid for my work, so I won't go to SiSi. I am greedy in that way.)
EI: Either way, your feedback was well structured and hopefully helped, unlike most of the stone-throwing, flaming, yelling, shouting, and threats of unsubscription - even if almost every member on the forums unsubscribed, it would be barely noticeable in the grand scheme of things. Still a major loss if it is not exclusively the whiny people leaving, though.
EI: Thank you for your time.
AS2: Thank you for opinions, input, time and kind words. Fly safe and may lag never be with you Elyon Itari.
Sodone Gristein
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#397 - 2012-05-29 12:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Sodone Gristein
Here's a modest proposal, add a checkbox in the settings that toggles the following behavior:

1) All actions that open the inventory window (eg: fitting screen icons, neocom icons, keyboard shortcuts, opening containers in space...) open a new window. If the window for that particular inventory location is already open, give it focus.
2) Hide the tree by default (except for corp hangars, I guess)
3) Remember window positions and window stacking/tabbing
4) Add context menus to ships/structures for accessing bays (cascading menus perhaps)
5) Add buttons for accessing corp hangars in station etc.
6) Add separate icons in the neocom for accessing ships and items

I don't know how hard it'd be to implement with the new system but I guess that it'd make 99% of people complaining happy, since this is basically the old behaviour.
The Executioners
#398 - 2012-05-29 12:23:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
Lev Arturis wrote:
Maraner wrote:

Oh and whilst I hopefully have your eye for a second STOP deleting posts, if you think censorship is going to calm this community down you are seriously playing with fire. If the UI doesn't either get rolled back or made optional this is likely to build and NOT go quiet, I suspect the the CSM will be discussing the censorship of forum posts with you guys fairly soon.

Learn to behave and no post will get removed.

Learn to behave? who the hell are you? People are posting on these threads for your benefit as well unless your one of the 1% that actually like the new UI. The community is feeding back about a serious issue and jut because CCP doesn't like what it's hearing is no justification to censor even id some of the posts are off topic. Its the sort of act that can get out of hand, rapidly.

Oh and if the only reason your posting in this thread is to tell people to behave I suspect you'll be the next one to get muzzled.

Agree with ^^

The tree should be by default hidden.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#399 - 2012-05-29 12:29:33 UTC
CCP are obviously at least *trying* to make the new clickyclickyinventory work.

As another poster pointed out they most likey CANT rollback to the old inventory style as this is *probably* the inventory type needed to interface correctly with Dust.

I for one can certainly see the future potential of Eve/Dust/etc and can agree that with mucho development time it will become THE place to be for several different type of game all within a single persistent world. And that'll be beyond awesome Big smile

To that end....

Issues I current see that need fix.

1. When swapping ships the old cargo bay needs to close and new open in same place as old automatically or at the least with a double click in the newly boarded ship.

2. We have to have it remembering where windows are and their state (open close pinned etc) for each ship.

3. We desperatly need a right click dropdown on the Orca to open the corp hangers in it. Same for other caps.

4. Needs to have a check box to tick to turn up market pricing info to help reduce the lagfest that this inventory has caused.

5. Hanger item and ship hanger when docked need to remember their position and state. I noticed the ship cargo bay already does this....well done its a start.

6. Desperatly need the buttons back for opening corp hangers when docked. It really needs to open in a new window automatically. Window need to remeber its size/state/position.

These few things will remove much of the nausea many of us fell when trying to do anything.
Quay Industries
#400 - 2012-05-29 12:38:55 UTC
Performance: We’ve applied fixes that let you handle larger numbers of items more gracefully. It should be a great deal faster now

dragging from hangar to orca corp hangar is still as slow as ****