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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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disasterous industries
#841 - 2012-05-25 14:40:43 UTC
questions asked towards CCP stay open, instead they just make a new dev blog on how hard they are working towards a solution
but there solution is now ours, they just blabering on and on about there nice new feature called unified inventory.

why don you (CCP) start playing eve for a few days, then come with a real answer about this crap thats called unified inventory.
instead of acting like a child put your fingers in your ears and sticking out your tongue, to your customers.

you state
Hello Spacefriends

We've been collecting and planning changes to the unified inventory system based on the various threads currently on the forums. The list right now is comprised of the issues we feel are most urgent after reviewing the feedback and by no means the final list of what will be fixed. It is a list of what we´re fixing right now and we can certainly add more stuff to be added when the schedule is a bit calmer.

but to me it sounds more like you are planning to make it even more difficult then it already is, if you actually where listening to the threads and suggestions you will realize we want the old situation back.

i suggest your next devblog will be a statement on what your intentions are, so people who still might have a little hope then can make up there minds, either continue or quit the game.
#842 - 2012-05-25 14:41:54 UTC
Releasing new features as BETA before fully integrating them into the game is a new concept we at CCP are trying out and the new NeoCom will be one of the first features to get such royal treatment. The idea here is to make the introduction of new features a smoother experience, both for developers and players. To enable a BETA feature, one must go to the "General settings" tab of system menu (ESC) and press the relevant button in the bottom left corner. Should this iteration of the new feature not meet your expectations, you can simply turn it off for the time being and tell us why you did so on the forums. Even though SISI has proven a great play testing tool, we feel confident that trying out new features on TQ where you are actually playing the game will provide better feedback than we‘ve been able to get in the past.

People WILL want to try things out. As I mentioned already, proceeding in the above manner opens the new content to people willing to test but who can't (or won't) install another client for SiSi. It also allows you guys to get feedback on the new content being tested in actual real situations where it will eventually be used.

The number of people who try it out will be proportional to the polish that gets added combined with the positive reports of the Dev team working with and listening to feedback from the players.

The problems with the current situation are that the new UI was forced on everyone, it's not finished or in a working state, and you guys ignored SiSi tester input. That's why everyone is upset. Something like Asset and Inventory management is even more crucial to how players play the game than the Neocom is. If anything deserved the BETA treatment, it is this new Inventory.
Can't Resist IRON FIST
#843 - 2012-05-25 14:46:48 UTC
Why will CCP not listen to it's customers? 90% are saying they do not want the UNIFIED INVENTORY system. At the very least just make it optional so each player can decide if they want it or not, it seems to be popular with the newbies who have no inventory to worry about or manage.

We do not want a TREE system to select what we look at, all we want is our PERSISTENT WINDOWS to Stay where we put each time we enter ior leave a station and at our POS for the windows to remain in the same positions as well.

I would be perfectly happy if the old inventory system was left just as it was, after all it was NOT broken, so why did CCP have to go FIX it..????
Alec Freeman
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#844 - 2012-05-25 14:59:40 UTC
Ugh. Please allow an option to re-enable the old windowed inventory system. Just because you do not have the mental capacity to grasp being able to see into multiple cargo holds at the same time well placing them at different places on your screen doesnt mean your user base has the same defect. The new unified system although looks pretty lacks the large amounts of functionality that came with the old windowed system. Also the lag issue which come with it however i understand this is just growing pains of a new tool.
Brutal Red
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#845 - 2012-05-25 15:03:21 UTC
Etharion Calthon wrote:
Well....thankfully I was quoted in post #537. I was very critical of CCP in an earlier post, and it was censored. Now I see my post discussing be censored, was also censored. I guess I have no free speech in CCP's forums.


The person doing the sacking, who just sacked the sacker, has just been sacked.

Also noted was Soundwave post that Monday was a PUBLIC holiday. Umm, CCP is a *private* enterprise, so
why weren't you working around the clock fixing the game?

Oh, where are my were OFF drinking beer toasting your lastest lame patch.

I'm done. Have a nice weekend.

SOMEONE QUOTE this so when they censor it will still be seen. Thanks!

Here you go .

But like windows in Eve, not sure if it will stick P
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#846 - 2012-05-25 15:06:09 UTC
so far, new inventory method has not been an issue for me. Taking a bit to get use to it though.
Windwalker 2007
Can't Resist IRON FIST
#847 - 2012-05-25 15:07:19 UTC
CCP what happens to your player driven experience motto...!?!?!?

The Unified Inventory was tested on SISI and was a failure there, so CCP decides to drag it on to Tranquility. What is the purpose of SIS if CCP will not listen to the player base when they clearly say something does not work or should not be implemented. I am seeing almost 100% of the posts wanting the UNIFIED INVENTORY removed, so why don't you make it a check box instead of forcing it on all the players who do not want it...?
Marisol Shimaya
#848 - 2012-05-25 15:11:11 UTC
Here we go again !

Seems like we get noway here and seems like the CCP give a **** what we telling them to do.
So I like to say this once a again.


But seems that wont help. So instead I will do is just this.


CCP get **** I think you know what I mean about that hahahaha

Fight For Our Rights

Capsuleer Newton
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#849 - 2012-05-25 15:12:42 UTC
Windwalker 2007 wrote:
CCP what happens to your player driven experience motto...!?!?!?

The Unified Inventory was tested on SISI and was a failure there, so CCP decides to drag it on to Tranquility. What is the purpose of SIS if CCP will not listen to the player base when they clearly say something does not work or should not be implemented. I am seeing almost 100% of the posts wanting the UNIFIED INVENTORY removed, so why don't you make it a check box instead of forcing it on all the players who do not want it...?

TwistedTwistedTwistedCCP's notion of "Player Driven Experience" = Players Driven to the Brink of Insanity for LOLz!!LolLol
Mika Svetlana
Central Services Inc
#850 - 2012-05-25 15:14:14 UTC
Hi CCP. As others have probably pointed out, you can't drag items from the Assets pane to the Inventory system. I filed a bug report but it was shut down, devs said it was a 'feature request' to make items draggable between these panes. If you would like to reproduce my exact issue please see issue number 136542.

So I am requesting better integration of Assets into Unified Inventory as a 'feature'. Best case would be to merge them, but allowing pilots to drag from Assets to Inventory would be a fine start.
Asmodes Reynolds
Rayn Enterprises
#851 - 2012-05-25 15:16:30 UTC
Capsuleer Newton wrote:
Windwalker 2007 wrote:
CCP what happens to your player driven experience motto...!?!?!?

The Unified Inventory was tested on SISI and was a failure there, so CCP decides to drag it on to Tranquility. What is the purpose of SIS if CCP will not listen to the player base when they clearly say something does not work or should not be implemented. I am seeing almost 100% of the posts wanting the UNIFIED INVENTORY removed, so why don't you make it a check box instead of forcing it on all the players who do not want it...?

TwistedTwistedTwistedCCP's notion of "Player Driven Experience" = Players Driven to the Brink of Insanity for LOLz!!LolLol that's telling it as it is
Rhianna BloodELF
Can't Resist IRON FIST
#852 - 2012-05-25 15:17:19 UTC

Kali Mezuko
Artificial Stupidity
#853 - 2012-05-25 15:21:53 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Hey guys

We should have another round of fixes/changes coming this Tuesday (Monday is a public holiday in Iceland). I'll post that list in the thread Tuesday morning.

Your management team has got to address what appears to be a complete lack of process.

This is yet another debacle that is completely self made. The only thing in your favour is it is not as game breaking as the last one, the game is still playable, just incredibly frustrating...

I presume you do actually QA this game internally? You have to storyboard how people actually play Eve, and then test against that...

Oh, and releasing a major release mid week before a holiday period is not very sensible. Your developers are on holiday when you need them the most...
Marisol Shimaya
#854 - 2012-05-25 15:24:30 UTC
Rhianna BloodELF wrote:


Great some one has the same matter as me yahoo.

Go for it lets them know what we need from the CCP and they need to listen to us.
I wonder how in the world what they was thinking , but I know for sure one place they used haha

Fight For Our Rights

Davina Sienar
The Misinterpretation of Silence
#855 - 2012-05-25 15:27:20 UTC
found out what SISI realy is for:
People will make Screenshots & Vids from new stuff and repost everywhere in the net = free Advertising for CCP

question what is the estimated count on Players to quit till it hurts ?
guess its a high number now, since u hope u will have plenty of new cash coming in @ Dust release ?
so screw bout the eve people ?

personal deadline atm: 23 days till acc expires...

my opinion: EVERY memeber of CCP should be forced to play 2hrs of even EVERYDAY , so they know what they doin, and also u have your internal QA right there - voila

Marisol Shimaya
#856 - 2012-05-25 15:42:38 UTC
I'm not the one ends this for a reason , but I also thinks ther are many player might quit the game for just for a reason.
CCP have gone too far now and if they wants they paying customers still playing eve then they have no choice to reset
the inventory box back it should be, but seems like you player have many options here and I hate to say this that
Leave if you can or stay and fight for our rights and stay on to better ends.

I might have also gone to far but it's a reason to that and I hope for the best for our friends to stay put and do what you can
do to make the CCP PAY.

The battle hasn't finish yet so stay on target the CCP and good luck to you all

Light The Fire

Fight For Our Rights

Can't Resist IRON FIST
#857 - 2012-05-25 15:43:35 UTC
CCP does not listen to their players (customers) at all...!?!?!?!

The UNIFIED INVENTORY is the worst idea I have seen in all the upgrades/patches since I started playing the game many years ago. Why would CCP fix a system that worked well and had no problems? And best of all, it failed on SISI and the players all let CCP know about it and they still forced it on us anyway.

I am seeing between 95% to 99% of comments in the forums asking for a return to the old true INVETORY SYSTEM with persistem windows. In my own personal experience the game is now unplayable, I can not manage my POS, or actually do Ratting or Mining in 0.0 with out considerable time and effort. Tasks that used to take only a few key clicks now take me an hour to perform. Then once I leave the station or the POS and return I have to do it all over again, what joy!!!

When the game ceases to be fun and is now a frustrating and extremely time consuming, I no longer desire to spend time in it...
Marisol Shimaya
#858 - 2012-05-25 15:47:36 UTC
Tesan wrote:
CCP does not listen to their players (customers) at all...!?!?!?!

The UNIFIED INVENTORY is the worst idea I have seen in all the upgrades/patches since I started playing the game many years ago. Why would CCP fix a system that worked well and had no problems? And best of all, it failed on SISI and the players all let CCP know about it and they still forced it on us anyway.

I am seeing between 95% to 99% of comments in the forums asking for a return to the old true INVETORY SYSTEM with persistem windows. In my own personal experience the game is now unplayable, I can not manage my POS, or actually do Ratting or Mining in 0.0 with out considerable time and effort. Tasks that used to take only a few key clicks now take me an hour to perform. Then once I leave the station or the POS and return I have to do it all over again, what joy!!!

When the game ceases to be fun and is now a frustrating and extremely time consuming, I no longer desire to spend time in it...

How long have you playd this game?????

Fight For Our Rights

Snuffed Out
#859 - 2012-05-25 15:50:49 UTC
Well, in a way CCPs patch did actually make my gaming expirience much easier.

As a tradetycoon I had 1000+ trade orders up etc, but with the new UI i just cancelled the orders.
Quite genious feature I must admit. Without the orders I dont need trade alts, so it even reduces my subscription

Best patch ever!
Kile Kitmoore
#860 - 2012-05-25 15:50:57 UTC
Callidus Dux wrote:
Oh no! Is it possible that CCP gets dumber every day?
Now there is another Thread from another CCP guy who asks "How should we improve the inventory UI?".
Read the EXISTING Threads and do not split the whole community into different locations in the forum!

You have your feedback, You got your feedback from SiSi and the minority of the community hates your sh!t.

At least build a version so that I, and all others, are able to rebuild the old UI 100%; 1to1 again.
NO one need all information in one window. WE demand hundreds of its own, adjustable in size and position, windows.
We demand the exact copy of the old UI!

And please stop introduceing more threads HOW SHOULD WE FIX IT? You have your comments:


They all say: bring back the old view. Nothing others. Just the old, hundreds of own windows, view!
How many threads do you need more till you have found out, that your UI is absolute crapsh!t and that it is impossible to rescue this project?

BRING BACK THE EXACT COPY OF THE OLD UI!!! 100% and 1to1 as it was before 22.05.2012!!!!!!!!!!!!! X
With every further question and next thread you will bring more hate into the community! STOP IT! Just roll back!

OK, this is where I stop getting caught up on this thread and get really pissed! What F*CK are we doing here telling them of the problems for them to ask us to start posting in another thread, are they kidding? Are you guys reading any of the feedback people are providing in all these "other" threads!?!?