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GMs - Please weigh in on the boomerang maneuver. Exploit (y/n)?

First post
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#141 - 2012-03-30 09:18:05 UTC  |  Edited by: ScooterPuff Sr
Zombo Brian wrote:
its not about concord reacting too slow to warp in its them reacting too slow when they are allready at the crime scene

how else do you explain kills from solo tornados on freighters?

link. let's see a sologank on a freighter
Zombo Brian
#142 - 2012-03-30 09:20:43 UTC

the tornado had to make a ton of volleys for that, and did not get killed

also, the victim was in an npc corp and so no war

its also api verified
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#143 - 2012-03-30 09:25:30 UTC
Zombo Brian wrote:

the tornado had to make a ton of volleys for that, and did not get killed

also, the victim was in an npc corp and so no war

its also api verified

that is hilarious.
you want to stop this why?
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#144 - 2012-03-30 09:27:17 UTC
ScooterPuff Sr wrote:
Zombo Brian wrote:

the tornado had to make a ton of volleys for that, and did not get killed

also, the victim was in an npc corp and so no war

its also api verified

that is hilarious.
you want to stop this why?

i find it interesting concord has a killboard also.
that man needs a medal
Zombo Brian
#145 - 2012-03-30 09:29:35 UTC
ScooterPuff Sr wrote:
Zombo Brian wrote:

the tornado had to make a ton of volleys for that, and did not get killed

also, the victim was in an npc corp and so no war

its also api verified

that is hilarious.
you want to stop this why?

maybe you can live with flying every single ship anywhere, not undocking in anything that is slow

but i cant

how are you supposed to do anything then hauling in cruisers of battleships when this is possible and will be done in jita?

once this is made to a big extend, prices on ships will explode, and you can pay 5 milion for a rifter soon

you're not one of the people to think ahead are you?
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#146 - 2012-03-30 09:33:44 UTC
Zombo Brian wrote:
ScooterPuff Sr wrote:
Zombo Brian wrote:

the tornado had to make a ton of volleys for that, and did not get killed

also, the victim was in an npc corp and so no war

its also api verified

that is hilarious.
you want to stop this why?

maybe you can live with flying every single ship anywhere, not undocking in anything that is slow

but i cant

how are you supposed to do anything then hauling in cruisers of battleships when this is possible and will be done in jita?

once this is made to a big extend, prices on ships will explode, and you can pay 5 milion for a rifter soon

you're not one of the people to think ahead are you?

learn 2 have friends to fly with you
whether its 3. or 30. you watch your p's and q's. fly smart. or stupid. makes little difference to me.
it's gonna be the difference between flying back in your freighter or crying on ap in a pod
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#147 - 2012-03-30 09:36:56 UTC
honestly. if you're so sore about this. consider another profession. i don't care what your problem is because it is not mine. nothing needs to change. there is a community of haulers, pver's pvper's ganker's pirate blah de blah.
if your out on your own without a paddle. that's on you.
highsec lowsec whatever.
deal with it
Zombo Brian
#148 - 2012-03-30 09:43:16 UTC
nevertheless, that would stil destroy the economy

do you have any idea how many freighters are flying in and out of jita every day? having an escort for every single freighter is near impossible to do, and should not be needed in high sec

i personally dont fly freighter, but this here is definitely an exploit

CCP could just as well make concord tankable again imo

this is a thread about boomeranging being an exploit, not about if highsec players should be safe or not

and with that technique, killing freighters in high is as easy as killing them in 0.0
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#149 - 2012-03-30 09:47:49 UTC
Zombo Brian wrote:
nevertheless, that would stil destroy the economy

do you have any idea how many freighters are flying in and out of jita every day? having an escort for every single freighter is near impossible to do, and should not be needed in high sec

i personally dont fly freighter, but this here is definitely an exploit

CCP could just as well make concord tankable again imo

this is a thread about boomeranging being an exploit, not about if highsec players should be safe or not

and with that technique, killing freighters in high is as easy as killing them in 0.0

there is nothing wrong with the boomerang. plain and simple. it takes quite a bit of effort to execute it and one wrong move blows it. a freighter died to 3 bc's. if they were warping around getting vollies off at every stop. tbh. thats talent.
quit whining about what you think should be an exploit the mechanics are not being abused in any way.
Zombo Brian
#150 - 2012-03-30 09:55:48 UTC

again, just to remember

the ignorance is strong in this one

and i'l stop spamming the thread at this point
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#151 - 2012-03-30 10:14:51 UTC
Zombo Brian wrote:

again, just to remember

the ignorance is strong in this one

and i'l stop spamming the thread at this point

admit it. you're on the bandwagon for another safety net in eve.

Red Frog Rufen
Red Frog Freight
#152 - 2012-03-30 10:34:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Red Frog Rufen

We, at Red Frog Freight, lost a freighter to that tactics.

Although a very nice tactics, it's one we feel is an exploit. The "evading concord" alone might not be one, but the use of it while another ship bumping the freighter without any consequence probably is.

For years, we've worked knowing that we could get ganked, and that's fair. It usually take between 12 and 15 ship to take a freighter down, so we based our max collateral on that. (1b)

But, losing a freighter to 1 ship? We feel that this is not WAI.

It would be fine if we could retaliate, but since freighter can't fit a webber, there's no way we can defend ourselves.

As you could imagine, if this spread, there wont be many freighter left to move stuff around. Red Frog (and probably Push too) would just stop hauling, and I'm pretty sure no one wants to use industrial to move stuff around either.

There's absolutely no way to evade such tactics if done by pros.

So please, GMs, tell us where you stand.

If you allow this, fine, we'll probably close up shop. If you don't, please reimburse all the lost freighters.
Zombo Brian
#153 - 2012-03-30 10:39:17 UTC
i this is not declared being an exploid, i'l get myself a tornado i guess...^^
ScooterPuff Sr
Shenanigans Mining Hub
#154 - 2012-03-30 10:49:53 UTC
Zombo Brian wrote:
i this is not declared being an exploid, i'l get myself a tornado i guess...^^

everyone fly tornados!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#155 - 2012-03-30 10:59:35 UTC
You ask why this needs to be stopped, i'll tell you why;

Because every single freighter in highsec just lost their purpose.

While this is in effect highsec is just about as safe as nullsec for freighters.

I fully agree that this needs to be nerfed somehow, maybe by preventing people from warping once they've attracted the attention of Concord.

I like to see myself as a person who likes to gank a hulk once in a while, but what you guys are doing, exploiting this "feature", is just idiotic. Only thing you will manage is to buff concord so much that highsec will be truly safe.

fkn idiots, if you find a feature like this THEN YOU DO NOT POST TO THE FORUMS ABOUT IT.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#156 - 2012-03-30 10:59:53 UTC
Yea! Freighters should quit EVE. They are obsoleted.
zelma en Dairez
DeSoto Industries
#157 - 2012-03-30 11:14:55 UTC
As a point, I am the one from red frog that lost their freighter. I was at the keyboard the whole time. One tornado bumped me constantly, keeping me away from gate, while the other was able to warp in and out 18 - 20 times in order to kill me.

There is only a single pilot on the kill - when I get home I will post it on eve kill and link.

As the bumper is at no risk, and the other ship was able to warp in and out over 10-15 minutes in a 0.6 system, I fail to see at what point this is not an exploit.

A freighter has no way to fight back - I cant web, scram, shoot or even target.

I have no issues with a suicide gank - it's a part of the game. But in this case, he has no real risk - he is loosing maybe 90 million.

Should it not be considered an exploit, I will no longer be running freighters, I'll find something else to do. Hisec hauling will go through the roof. Good luck getting your gear moved easily. This cost me about 2 billion isk - at least I'm not the poor guy that lost a rhea to it.

I would also love to see the physics that explain the guy bumping me not being a smear on my hull - and also how a small ship can create the inertia to bump me so far.

I have petitioned it for a yes or no answer - we will see what the decision is.

Fly safe

#158 - 2012-03-30 11:20:22 UTC
Expect a boost in Concord response time, warpscrambling ships with a GCC.

Perhaps with an Tornado it's not possible to warp around for 15 minutes to drop the GCC, but with a faster ship it is. A group of interceptors could probably pull this off quite easily. If this groups is big enough you can still take out anything.

As the latter is defined by CCP as an exploit ("Thou shalt not survive Concord!"), the fix to plug this, will likely put an end to the Tornado boomerang as well. The only question is whether we'll see it happen in the update next month or with Inferno.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#159 - 2012-03-30 11:22:19 UTC
Will happen way before that, thanks to idiots smearing this all over the forums, everyone and their mother will be suicideganking freighters using this setup, that in turn will make the highsec bears rage so hard that CCP will have to do something.
Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#160 - 2012-03-30 11:59:07 UTC
Well, well, well.
Freighters are now vulnerable to enterprising Tornado pilots, using the tactic as a multiplier.
I commend those who brilliantly applied and modified this tactic to handle those beasts. This is a revolution that could have a large impact on high-sec logistics.

Instead of the 'brain dead' brute force solution that nobody seems to have a problem with (ie, 20 Tornados on a gate, and before that 20 Tempests, and before that 20 Dominixes)....

The Tornado Boomerang allows pirates to replacing raw numbers with finesse and skill. Hopefully this will lead to a significant increase in freighter destruction in the coming weeks.

This is something I've hoped to see for a very long time.

I've flown freighters for years. I've even lost two to suicide ganks, to the Cardshark Influence and the Russian Thunder Squad respectively.

But effortless logistics in highsec (and JF's in nulsec) is a bad thing - and has been a bad thing for a long time. Loading up a freighter and hitting the Autopilot button as a path to easy risk-free wealth needs to end.

"I fly a freighter and there is no escape! NERF TORNADO!" Nonsense.

-Don't fly AFK. Its MUCH harder to bump a freighter effectively if they know what is going on. An AFK freighter, on the other hand....can be juggled indefinitely.
-Bring an escort. Azarus would work nicely. Why? (Attacking Tornados are GCC'd. That means you can attack them, scramble them, etc.) and foil the entire attack. Doesn't even require the slightest PVP talent - just requires you to be there.

Yes, requiring escorts mean that logistics are now 'more difficult', but now "Red Frog" or anyone, can dispatch pilots or hire mercs to escort the freighters - and mark up your prices on delivery accordingly. Personally, I would LOVE to see escorted convoys in highsec.

Also, remember that more difficult logistics means that trade opportunities for profit increase significantly. Shortages of ships, mineral or commodities in regions lead to ample opportunities for interregional profit - for the SMART haulers, as well as industrialists who want to fill a void. Today, markets are relatively flat across highsec space.......mainly because of frictionless logistics.

"1 Tornado can kill a Freighter - NO FAIR!"
Get a grip people. Its possible, but it is a parlor trick. It takes a long time to accomplish - and is incredibly easy for ANYONE to disrupt. Its the equivalent of "Foolsmate" in chess, anyone with a brain can avoid it. Groups of 3-5 Tornados are much more realistically dangerous - but easily counterable via the methods above.

I'm sure the shrieks of indignation will be loud and the petitions will be thick. Miners can't be bothered to learn to tank, from some of these posts, I'm sure that freighter pilots are not relishing the idea of needing to have escorts. (Although in this case, escorts ARE actually able to DO something effective and protect the freighter...)

We have the potential here to see some major changes in the business of 'moving goods' in the next few weeks....if CCP sticks to a 'laissez faire' attitude - allows the experiment to continue. With luck, we've just witnessed EVE get a little bit 'larger'.