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My Apology

First post First post
Montague Zooma
Amarr Empire
#3501 - 2012-03-28 16:41:30 UTC
I'm not really a sociopath, I'm simply someone who enjoys duplicating such behavior with 100% accuracy. Yeah, right.

I'm fed up with being associated with a game that rewards this kind of human garbage and that's why I'm outta here. Came back for a month after leaving Eve last year, and this incident shows I was right to walk away.

I'm too old for this crap.
Temulkar Blaine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3502 - 2012-03-28 16:41:58 UTC
Magnus Orin wrote:
chumbucket wrote:
Did he man up and fall on his own sword? 10000 votes dosent make him immune to self inflicted political suicide. He acted like an idiot he should pay the price for it. I love all the goon emo about not doing anything wrong should he be banned..... no should he be CSM player rep...... no who would want his guy representing them for anything after his little drunken tyraide.......

Dude... He publicly apologized, gave the 'victim' 11billion isk, and apologized to him personally.

Put down your fucking noose already.

Dont you think its amusing Alexander has to take step before two step can take his place?
Giuliano Verti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3503 - 2012-03-28 16:42:03 UTC
Magnus Orin wrote:
chumbucket wrote:
Did he man up and fall on his own sword? 10000 votes dosent make him immune to self inflicted political suicide. He acted like an idiot he should pay the price for it. I love all the goon emo about not doing anything wrong should he be banned..... no should he be CSM player rep...... no who would want his guy representing them for anything after his little drunken tyraide.......

Dude... He publicly apologized, gave the 'victim' 11billion isk, and apologized to him personally.

Put down your fucking noose already.

Just landed.
Step one, apologize profusely. <<--- Check
Step two, resign. <<<--- Still waiting
Step three, send all my isk to the victim. <<--- Check

And goons read this carefully:

Entirely my fault and unacceptable.

the united
#3504 - 2012-03-28 16:42:09 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
This has been hanging over my head since Thursday when I stumbled away from the Alliance Panel with a vague sense that I had done something horrible. I didn't know the extent of how much of a shitheel I had been until today, when footage of the presentation went up. As many of you now know, I gave out the in-game character name of a Mackinaw miner if anyone had wanted to blow him up - except that I was so smashed that I didn't recall exactly what I said (as anyone who was there can tell you). When I came to the forums the other day and saw threads complaining about my behavior - not remembering what I'd said - I assumed that I was enduring the usual anti-Goonswarm trolls, and posted something like "deal with it~" in my usual "The Mittani" way.

Then I landed, and saw the article listing my actual quote.


I feel absolutely ashamed of my behavior at the Alliance Panel. It's one thing to play a villain in an online roleplaying game - when I post on these forums or on twitter, I usually do so as 'The Mittani', and do my level best to convince everyone that I'm an unrepentant space villain, as that kind of facade provides an in-game advantage to me and my alliance. But I am not that character in real life, as anyone who has met me can attest. I went way, way, /way/ past the line on Thursday night by mocking the Mackinaw miner at a real-life event. I, as a person, am not the entity that I play in EVE; I am not actually a sociopath or a sadist, and I certainly don't want people to kill themselves in real life over an internet spaceship game, no matter what I may say or do within the game itself. CCP may say 'EVE is Real', but EVE is not real - and the line between the game and reality should not be overstepped.

I'm relieved to discover that the Mackinaw miner is doing fine and mining away, despite being blown up by Goonswarm in-game. He deserves, and he has, my heartfelt apologies - here in public as well as a private apology. There's no excuse for what I did - while some might try to use my inebriation as a mitigating factor, I put myself in that compromised mental state, and the guilt of that is entirely mine.

If I could go back in time and not have included the slide mentioning the miner, I would do so. While the Eve Online character "The Mittani" would never apologize for any sort of villany in game, I myself, as Alex Gianturco, feel utterly ashamed and sickened by my behavior.

i was always a fan of yours but with this statment it just proves ur a sackless geek tard at least have the balls to stand by your actions

you are only taking in teh ass now becuase you are scared you might have to resign and that you woulkd of wasted your and your friend time making the 2k votes with 31day old chars(which was clever and took smarts imo one of the reasons i liked you)

i'm dissapointed in you -1 from me

[b]Inappropriate signature removed. Spitfire

^^ my sig was awesome that naugty spitfire stole it for himself true story

United Recruitment Director.[/b]

Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#3505 - 2012-03-28 16:43:43 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
I also would like to point out that Alex never slurs or stumble about. At 3:20 seconds of this video the following was said:

"I, uh, suppose I'm not drunk enough." - Alex

"No your not, I can hear your words clearly." - Someone in the audience or panel

Which is correct. His entire presentation was very understandable with no word slurring or anything that would be signs of being drunk. What everyone here is assuming is he must have been drunk to say what he did about making The Wis kill himself. Alex even spells his name out with clarity and making sure no one misspells it with the letter Z.

You're an expert on discerning levels of inebriation based on visual and audible queues? I wonder, do you also have blood test and breathalyzer test results to back that up?

Seriously, you're ******* reaching, here.
FLannd Kwerfiden
Gallente Federation
#3506 - 2012-03-28 16:43:52 UTC
CCP should carry a large portion of the blame for this also.

While its awesome that fanfest includes lots of beer drinking a pub crawl and is not watered down for the kiddies ect. To put these guys together in a room, add alcohol & an audience and not expect something dumb to be said is ridiculous.

Then to even consider streaming it live or having cameras there at all was a truly dumbass decision.

Next year mabey they can do ccp presents while all pissed.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3507 - 2012-03-28 16:44:16 UTC
Had my father watch the vid and he was shocked by what he saw and heard. He asked me why would i play a game with people like that in it.

Yeah, I play with some great guys but even I had to double take that moment when my dad said that.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Lenrir Andven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3508 - 2012-03-28 16:44:27 UTC
Giuliano Verti wrote:
Magnus Orin wrote:
chumbucket wrote:
Did he man up and fall on his own sword? 10000 votes dosent make him immune to self inflicted political suicide. He acted like an idiot he should pay the price for it. I love all the goon emo about not doing anything wrong should he be banned..... no should he be CSM player rep...... no who would want his guy representing them for anything after his little drunken tyraide.......

Dude... He publicly apologized, gave the 'victim' 11billion isk, and apologized to him personally.

Put down your fucking noose already.

Just landed.
Step one, apologize profusely. <<--- Check
Step two, resign. <<<--- Still waiting
Step three, send all my isk to the victim. <<--- Check

And goons read this carefully:

Entirely my fault and unacceptable.

Yet you guys yap on and on about wanting him to go further on it. Maybe not you, but the majority does. As long as the rest of you scrubs call for more, we will step in to defend. Simple as.
Magnus Orin
Goonswarm Federation
#3509 - 2012-03-28 16:44:30 UTC
Montague Zooma wrote:
I'm not really a sociopath, I'm simply someone who enjoys duplicating such behavior with 100% accuracy. Yeah, right.

I'm fed up with being associated with a game that rewards this kind of human garbage and that's why I'm outta here. Came back for a month after leaving Eve last year, and this incident shows I was right to walk away.

I'm too old for this crap.

Feel free to contract me your stuff in Jita IV-IV.
Lenrir Andven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3510 - 2012-03-28 16:45:08 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
Had my father watch the vid and he was shocked by what he saw and heard. He asked me why would i play a game with people like that in it.

Yeah, I play with some great guys but even I had to double take that moment when my dad said that.

Then your father must be a liberal.
Reid Ardorei
The Halcyon Directive
#3511 - 2012-03-28 16:45:59 UTC
We've all made mistakes and talked completely out of our ass at times. I hold no ill will to the guy.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#3512 - 2012-03-28 16:47:58 UTC
Lenrir Andven wrote:
Giuliano Verti wrote:
Magnus Orin wrote:
chumbucket wrote:
Did he man up and fall on his own sword? 10000 votes dosent make him immune to self inflicted political suicide. He acted like an idiot he should pay the price for it. I love all the goon emo about not doing anything wrong should he be banned..... no should he be CSM player rep...... no who would want his guy representing them for anything after his little drunken tyraide.......

Dude... He publicly apologized, gave the 'victim' 11billion isk, and apologized to him personally.

Put down your fucking noose already.

Just landed.
Step one, apologize profusely. <<--- Check
Step two, resign. <<<--- Still waiting
Step three, send all my isk to the victim. <<--- Check

And goons read this carefully:

Entirely my fault and unacceptable.

Yet you guys yap on and on about wanting him to go further on it. Maybe not you, but the majority does. As long as the rest of you scrubs call for more, we will step in to defend. Simple as.

I'm not sure thats true mr goon. I said from day one I wanted him to resign as chair and if he'd done it in a timely and dignified manner I was even happy for him to serve on the csm so the 10,000 votes were not wasted. But it hasn't stopped the swarm trying (admittedly very unsuccessfully) to flame my posting.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#3513 - 2012-03-28 16:48:14 UTC
FLannd Kwerfiden wrote:
CCP should carry a large portion of the blame for this also.

While its awesome that fanfest includes lots of beer drinking a pub crawl and is not watered down for the kiddies ect. To put these guys together in a room, add alcohol & an audience and not expect something dumb to be said is ridiculous.

Then to even consider streaming it live or having cameras there at all was a truly dumbass decision.

Next year mabey they can do ccp presents while all pissed.

Actually, I'd pay double to watch that.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3514 - 2012-03-28 16:48:21 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Abriael VonRosen wrote:

Sorry to burst a silly little bubble here, but the only one that dragged his name through the mud (and the name of the CSM, CCP and ultimately this community) across as many news sites as possible is Mittani himself, with his actions.

The press will react ad report on what happened, and the readers will judge. As a gaming writer myself, I'm refraining from writing about it for the simple fact that I don't feel that this community deserves the stigma of being represented by someone able to do this kind of aberrant actions, and that's exactly why Mittani should take responsibility and resign, or CCP should force him to. He gave a bad name to us all, and while the goons might not care (since they have a bad name anyway), quite evidently there are many that do.

The fact that most of them got it from an anti-GSF blog site and all of them were mailed by anti-Mittani white knighters has of corse nothing at all to do with it.


So its OK when Alex runs to all the news outlets during incarnagate but not when people go to them over his murder through proxy by suicide threats?

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Lenrir Andven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3515 - 2012-03-28 16:48:39 UTC
Magnus Orin wrote:
Reid Ardorei wrote:
We've all made mistakes and talked completely out of our ass at times. I hold no ill will to the guy.

Proud to give you your first like for a reasonable post.

If only the rest of the rabble were also this reasonable.
Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#3516 - 2012-03-28 16:49:25 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Abriael VonRosen wrote:

Sorry to burst a silly little bubble here, but the only one that dragged his name through the mud (and the name of the CSM, CCP and ultimately this community) across as many news sites as possible is Mittani himself, with his actions.

The press will react ad report on what happened, and the readers will judge. As a gaming writer myself, I'm refraining from writing about it for the simple fact that I don't feel that this community deserves the stigma of being represented by someone able to do this kind of aberrant actions, and that's exactly why Mittani should take responsibility and resign, or CCP should force him to. He gave a bad name to us all, and while the goons might not care (since they have a bad name anyway), quite evidently there are many that do.

The fact that most of them got it from an anti-GSF blog site and all of them were mailed by anti-Mittani white knighters has of corse nothing at all to do with it.


So its OK when Alex runs to all the news outlets during incarnagate but not when people go to them over his murder through proxy by suicide threats?

Of course... That wouldn't be favorable to him =p
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3517 - 2012-03-28 16:49:55 UTC
Lenrir Andven wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:
Had my father watch the vid and he was shocked by what he saw and heard. He asked me why would i play a game with people like that in it.

Yeah, I play with some great guys but even I had to double take that moment when my dad said that.

Then your father must be a liberal.

Yeah no hes very conservative. Does that make it worse or better for you that he had that reaction?

Oh wait it doesnt matter either way, most sane reasonable non evil people will have the same reaction.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#3518 - 2012-03-28 16:50:32 UTC
Lenrir Andven wrote:
Magnus Orin wrote:
Reid Ardorei wrote:
We've all made mistakes and talked completely out of our ass at times. I hold no ill will to the guy.

Proud to give you your first like for a reasonable post.

If only the rest of the rabble were also this reasonable.

You having fun spamming non important garbage because your leader is in trouble and you are trying to distract from the issue?
Lenrir Andven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3519 - 2012-03-28 16:50:39 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Lenrir Andven wrote:
Giuliano Verti wrote:
Magnus Orin wrote:
chumbucket wrote:
Did he man up and fall on his own sword? 10000 votes dosent make him immune to self inflicted political suicide. He acted like an idiot he should pay the price for it. I love all the goon emo about not doing anything wrong should he be banned..... no should he be CSM player rep...... no who would want his guy representing them for anything after his little drunken tyraide.......

Dude... He publicly apologized, gave the 'victim' 11billion isk, and apologized to him personally.

Put down your fucking noose already.

Just landed.
Step one, apologize profusely. <<--- Check
Step two, resign. <<<--- Still waiting
Step three, send all my isk to the victim. <<--- Check

And goons read this carefully:

Entirely my fault and unacceptable.

Yet you guys yap on and on about wanting him to go further on it. Maybe not you, but the majority does. As long as the rest of you scrubs call for more, we will step in to defend. Simple as.

I'm not sure thats true mr goon. I said from day one I wanted him to resign as chair and if he'd done it in a timely and dignified manner I was even happy for him to serve on the csm so the 10,000 votes were not wasted. But it hasn't stopped the swarm trying (admittedly very unsuccessfully) to flame my posting.

It's hard to take time to change our approach when the majority want him to be banned.
Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#3520 - 2012-03-28 16:50:47 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Abriael VonRosen wrote:

Sorry to burst a silly little bubble here, but the only one that dragged his name through the mud (and the name of the CSM, CCP and ultimately this community) across as many news sites as possible is Mittani himself, with his actions.

The press will react ad report on what happened, and the readers will judge. As a gaming writer myself, I'm refraining from writing about it for the simple fact that I don't feel that this community deserves the stigma of being represented by someone able to do this kind of aberrant actions, and that's exactly why Mittani should take responsibility and resign, or CCP should force him to. He gave a bad name to us all, and while the goons might not care (since they have a bad name anyway), quite evidently there are many that do.

The fact that most of them got it from an anti-GSF blog site and all of them were mailed by anti-Mittani white knighters has of corse nothing at all to do with it.


So its OK when Alex runs to all the news outlets during incarnagate but not when people go to them over his murder through proxy by suicide threats?

Holy ****, that murder by proxie hyperbole again. Can you at least try to stay on the same planet as the rest of us?