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My Apology

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The F Word
#3241 - 2012-03-28 12:22:49 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

The sensible solution and decent one is for Alexander Gianturco to simply come out now and resign. And I still hope he does this rather than continuing to drag all our reputations through the mud while doing immense damage to CCP's visibility in the gaming (and soon to be) mainstream media.

That's just not going to happen. It requires no small amount of effort both in and out of game to achieve what he has done - and it is an achievement he is extremely proud of. He's simply not going to give it up willingly despite (or in spite of) what he tweeted.
Rolf Wesselius
#3242 - 2012-03-28 12:23:00 UTC
Yeep wrote:
Rolf Wesselius wrote:

I dont care about his resignation im talking about the stuff in eve that can be seen as cyber bullying as a whole this just brought it up.
Remember if Sony even feels like it they can kill dust 514 and demand all the development money they invested back from CCP.
Even if this is small they can see not acting against this as not giving a damn about cyber bullying and kill dust 514.
Im just saying.You look like the smartest goon around so just think about it if this debacle even slightly offends Sony Dust 514 is ******.

Its a little insulting to the intelligence of both CCP and Sony to suggest that they don't both already know what kind of game Eve is. Entering into a business agreement with a company where you have to hope they don't do any research into your primary product is a terrible idea.

Do you honestly think that this which could blow up into a cyberbullying case honestly will not tarnish eve's reputation.
#3243 - 2012-03-28 12:23:22 UTC
Wow 176 pages is this the longest threadnaught in eves history?

So what is the conclusion?
When is CCP going to officially say anything more about Alex (im sayiong Alex as in the person rather than Mittani the character, becuase we are dealing with a real person here)
Is there actually going to be a decision on resigning or not?
Temulkar Blaine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3244 - 2012-03-28 12:23:57 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
Temulkar Blaine wrote:

Karim your posting clearly shows that you havent understood the serious nature of this issue and you dont even have the vaguest empathy for someone being harrassed. I pity you.

You will have hard time convincing me that blowing up internet spaceships constitutes a harassment.

Duh we all blow up internet spaceships thats a game.

What we dont all do is incite other to harrass sombody so the kill themselves, on a public forum with a live stream on the internet. You see the difference or is basic comprehension of the facts too difficult for you?

Why don't you first settle on a single version and then we'll talk?

Does someone harassed someone else or someone allegedly incited a third party to harass someone else?

You seem to be making both claims, as evident from you first saying "someone being harassed" and then saying "incite other to harass somebody".

Are you really so simple that you dont understand people can be tried under multiple charges and sentenced for them in one case? The racial element was only part of the case. The use of twitter was another. Come on its not that difficult a concept to understand.
Ryunosuke Kusanagi
#3245 - 2012-03-28 12:24:52 UTC

Why the hell does it matter to all of you at this point.

BOTH SIDES have said their piece. Mittani Offered up an apology and he is STILL being skull raped by it. The WIS was on Big Country's show yesterday/Last night on EVE radio and gave his two bits.

I would actually contend that at THIS Point in time, You all are hellworthy guilty of doing EXACTLY THE SAME F***ING THING Alex did. That being Cyberbullying someone into doing something. Anyone who disagrees with me can kindly STFU.

Any of you calling for any punishment towards Alex is wrong, You are vilifying Mittani, and through him his player. Yes Mittani is an ass, and a fuckwit, that is Mittani, do you expect anything else? Alex offered up an apology because he had a lapse in judgement while drinking, SHOCK, PEOPLE DO STUPID **** WHILE DRINKING! maybe we should make drinking while playing EVE a bannable offence and a violation of TOS? It is not your decision on what punishment Alex may or may not receive, it is up to CCP on what to do about this.

That. Is. All.
Goonswarm Federation
#3246 - 2012-03-28 12:25:01 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
TheButcherPete wrote:
Mittens resigning from the CSM CHANGES NOTHING.

Don't resign Mittani!

So you would like him ban hammered? Thats a bit harsh don't you think or are you suggesting CCP makes real life threats acceptable or is it that as the CSM chairman you believe he should be able to do what ever he wants without consequences?

I don't think he should be banned either. This is EVE, a merciless, harsh universe with zero compassion. HTFU.


If EVE is real, does that mean all of us are RMTrs?[/b]

Jack Parr
Kzinti Hegemony
#3247 - 2012-03-28 12:25:58 UTC
This is the best goon scam of the year. Can't wait to see the goons posting 6 months from now bragging how they got away with this. I bet he'll outdo himself next year at fan fest.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average goon."      - The Mittani

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3248 - 2012-03-28 12:26:09 UTC

That guy harassed the Facebook pages of SEVERAL people over nearly a year. That's more than a little different than a single comment followed by an apology a few days later.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Haun Xling
The French Musketeers
#3249 - 2012-03-28 12:26:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Haun Xling
Personaly. anyone can write out an apology saying im sorry for being a douche, but can one honestly make a video of them saying all the words he had written for an apology to the eve community On a Video. While manageing to keep a straight face. so we know for sure he isnt bullsh*tting ?

Alot of people whom have posted saying. i accept this apology, etc etc. Don't really see the true nature of the picture, of what happend and what he did.

Being the mastermind behind all this mambo jumbo telling everyone in *deklain to message the victem to egg him on* make's them all As Guilty as the Mastermind behind it all.

Drunk or not your still an idiot in my books, Sure it take's balls to admit what you had done etc etc,

But if you where in this players shoes, and someone did this to you how would it make you feel? to be treated like that, I know i wouldnt stand for it,
Or accept an apology from a person who is head Chair of the CSM's

Sure you can step down as CSM and maybe people will forgive you but others with a shread of Comon Sence will still see you as a person who doesn't even deserve to be forgived.
Because what you did was Just Wrong, And your going to have to live with this guilt for the rest of your days on eve. as soul punishment for your Stupidity As well as the other Goons who messaged this player.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3250 - 2012-03-28 12:27:07 UTC
You idiots claiming that mittani should be permabanned need to read the ToS / EULA

#3251 - 2012-03-28 12:27:58 UTC
Ryunosuke Kusanagi wrote:

Why the hell does it matter to all of you at this point.

BOTH SIDES have said their piece. Mittani Offered up an apology and he is STILL being skull raped by it. The WIS was on Big Country's show yesterday/Last night on EVE radio and gave his two bits.

I would actually contend that at THIS Point in time, You all are hellworthy guilty of doing EXACTLY THE SAME F***ING THING Alex did. That being Cyberbullying someone into doing something. Anyone who disagrees with me can kindly STFU.

Any of you calling for any punishment towards Alex is wrong, You are vilifying Mittani, and through him his player. Yes Mittani is an ass, and a fuckwit, that is Mittani, do you expect anything else? Alex offered up an apology because he had a lapse in judgement while drinking, SHOCK, PEOPLE DO STUPID **** WHILE DRINKING! maybe we should make drinking while playing EVE a bannable offence and a violation of TOS? It is not your decision on what punishment Alex may or may not receive, it is up to CCP on what to do about this.

That. Is. All.

Your actions creates consequences and you need to HTFU and accept them.
You're either grown up or some wickwit fuckfaced kid with mental issues. In both cases there's only one outcome. CCP law that should be equal for BOTH
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3252 - 2012-03-28 12:28:39 UTC
Haun Xling wrote:
Personaly. anyone can write out an apology saying im sorry for being a douche, but can one honestly make a video of them saying all the words he had written for an apology to the eve community On a Video. While manageing to keep a straight face. so we know for sure he isnt bullsh*tting ?

Do you think for even a second that anyone who doesn't already believe his sincerity would change their mind?

Here, I'll spoil what they'd say for you

"He was acting"

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Temulkar Blaine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3253 - 2012-03-28 12:28:40 UTC
Orkasm wrote:
You idiots claiming that mittani should be permabanned need to read the ToS / EULA


WI used to be a cool Alliance what happened? just a pet corp posting for their fuhrer now, its so sad.Sad
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3254 - 2012-03-28 12:30:13 UTC
This publicity is soo awesome
Amarr Empire
#3255 - 2012-03-28 12:30:31 UTC

So we've got one case of inciting racial hatred so far and now apparently multiple cases where the Larping one used YouTube, Twitter and Facebook in a sustained campaign against multiple targets.

I hope he gets the chair.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3256 - 2012-03-28 12:30:50 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
Orkasm wrote:
You idiots claiming that mittani should be permabanned need to read the ToS / EULA


WI used to be a cool Alliance what happened? just a pet corp posting for their fuhrer now, its so sad.Sad

WI was never a cool alliance, dont lie

Amarr Empire
#3257 - 2012-03-28 12:32:27 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
Orkasm wrote:
You idiots claiming that mittani should be permabanned need to read the ToS / EULA


WI used to be a cool Alliance what happened? just a pet corp posting for their fuhrer now, its so sad.Sad

I agree, kick WI(dot)
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#3258 - 2012-03-28 12:33:43 UTC
Ryunosuke Kusanagi wrote:

Why the hell does it matter to all of you at this point.

I'll tell you one reason. In 2008 I was CSM chair and got filmed in the role at fanfest and quoted in the position in newspapers from London, New York, Paris, Amsterdam, Iceland etc. I got interviewed by the BBC and its still on record.

The following year I did a contract interview where this stuff was discovered by a background checking agency that linked my newspaper appearences to my panel as Jade Constantine the space anarchist terrorist doing an alliance panel presentation. They asked me what it was all about.

I explained Eve Online to them and being the world's first elected spaceship politican. They thought it was pretty cool and I got the contract.

This year somebody checks my background and cross references with EVE CSM and they are going to see a drunken fratboy slurring out inducements to harrassment and urging gamers to get someone to commit suicide on youtube.

And thats precisely what I mean about bringing the game into disrepute. Whether CCP come out of this well or extremely badly is going to depend on how Alexander Gianturco is punished and whether he jumps or is pushed out of the CSM chair.

Here's the reality for people. Once you step out behind that computer console and get up on stage in front of the media there are consequences for your action and behaviour and I would have thought Gianturco would have understood that with his legal background at least.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

The F Word
#3259 - 2012-03-28 12:33:44 UTC  |  Edited by: The F Word
EDIT: Quote is a fake.


92:46:27 AM) directorbot: Gentlegoons, While I have the spaceship council work on their pleas for my resignation pledge retraction I need my "lolapology thread" locked or otherwise removed from front page. Till further notice spam Roadhouse references until publord scum rage out and burn the thread.

*** This was a broadcast from the_mittani to all-all, replies are not monitored ***
Karim alRashid
#3260 - 2012-03-28 12:34:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:

You will have hard time convincing me that blowing up internet spaceships constitutes a harassment.

Duh we all blow up internet spaceships thats a game.

What we dont all do is incite other to harrass sombody so the kill themselves, on a public forum with a live stream on the internet. You see the difference or is basic comprehension of the facts too difficult for you?

Why don't you first settle on a single version and then we'll talk?

Does someone harassed someone else or someone allegedly incited a third party to harass someone else?

You seem to be making both claims, as evident from you first saying "someone being harassed" and then saying "incite other to harass somebody".

Are you really so simple that you dont understand people can be tried under multiple charges and sentenced for them in one case? The racial element was only part of the case. The use of twitter was another. Come on its not that difficult a concept to understand.

You seem to be reading your script without paying much attention to what you are replying to.

It's me asking you about your opinion what has happened - harassment, incite to harassment, both or something else - and you're answering "people can be tried under multiple charges and sentenced for them in one case".

I suggest you improve you communication and logical reasoning skills, because they are severely lacking.

Pain is weakness leaving the body