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EVE Launcher
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Announcement:EVE Launcher - Feedback and issues
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CCP Phantom
597343,514802017.07.17 12:16
Sir Constantin Go to last post
Newer things that I like and one suggestion
11,15302016.11.30 01:30
Spaminator Go to last post
Black screen
Tie Bolt
149,02812016.11.29 04:45
Flharfh Lhar Go to last post
What is the ship displayed in the launcher
Mark Remillard
11,21502016.11.28 00:56
Mark Remillard Go to last post
Launcher won't open client after Thanksgiving update.
Raynor Oskold
42,85612016.11.27 13:16
Thonys Visser Go to last post
Launcher asking for username/password every time
03,11702016.11.27 10:23
Shoppaholic Go to last post
EvE not opening.
Tengu Sphinx
97,09602016.11.27 10:16
Xuzi Go to last post
Account names backup
Keira Nifaresi
02,81102016.11.27 09:08
Keira Nifaresi Go to last post
Launcher no longer starts
104,61102016.11.25 23:09
Darth Khasei Go to last post
Can't run second account
Senjiu Kanuba
21,89302016.11.25 11:19
Senjiu Kanuba Go to last post
EVE Launcher version 1095633
CCP Snorlax
69,67532016.11.23 16:01
CCP Snorlax Go to last post
The authentication token provided by the launcher is of an invalid
02,47402016.11.22 00:58
Harleydavid Go to last post
Eve subscription status from launcher
Kasia Kash
02,17502016.11.19 15:55
Kasia Kash Go to last post
Launcher forgot accounts now gives error
02,08102016.11.18 21:24
Zetadelta333 Go to last post
Ship Tree [Minor]
02,36102016.11.18 15:07
NightF0x Go to last post
Web gui through ssh tunnel or proxy
Naibuko Neherovo
01,80902016.11.18 07:49
Naibuko Neherovo Go to last post
The new voice to say warp drive etc.
Budsin Adar
63,46662016.11.18 06:03
Fi Wan Go to last post
Launcher not detecting closed game
Snaggle Viliana
21,90902016.11.18 03:07
Mi-Lin Go to last post
email verification deleting accounts is ridiculous
Jack Tronic
01,28702016.11.18 01:11
Jack Tronic Go to last post
To install a new launcher
12,06402016.11.17 22:33
John WarpingSlow Go to last post
Launcher v.2.2999545 need help please
21,66102016.11.17 22:23
John WarpingSlow Go to last post
Verification Failed
Thelonius McFluffybottom
23,33002016.11.17 22:01
John WarpingSlow Go to last post
I want the new tutorials on Older accounts pls.
Hope Varidan
11,34602016.11.17 21:55
John WarpingSlow Go to last post
Launcher wants cookies turned on?
McWiggles Pantaloons
114,37902016.11.17 18:40
Gwenda Gwendarson Go to last post
Another ridiculous EULA modification without change bars
01,15102016.11.17 06:59
Xiantra Go to last post
EVE Launcher version 1096321
CCP Snorlax
32,25502016.11.16 09:50
Capt Klaa Go to last post
EVE Launcher inifinite update loop
189,10202016.11.16 04:48
GoHa RED Go to last post
Performance issue
Voxin Tulon
01,11102016.11.15 21:42
Voxin Tulon Go to last post
Riddic Speedster
52,41902016.11.15 19:26
Fi Wan Go to last post
Aleksa Otsolen
62,76102016.11.15 16:58
Ange1s Go to last post