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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37952017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,30002014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Rats AI / Level 5 mission
51,43412016.04.15 04:41
pyyKtas Go to last post
super fleet hanger to small
055602016.04.14 19:15
dutchkiller11 Go to last post
Requirements for new T2 guns for Dreads
Sisi Collins
197702016.04.14 13:59
Lord Haur Go to last post
Mass Test on Singularity: Tuesday, 12th April @ 17:00 UTC
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CCP Goliath
2411,06442016.04.13 11:06
pajedas Go to last post
A little more feedback
Captain Africa
31,44102016.04.13 09:32
Captain Africa Go to last post
I'm having some trouble with the Sisi launcher.
Hero Roy
184402016.04.12 17:12
Hero Roy Go to last post
how to use the command /moveme
Alex Jantex
32,20302016.04.12 13:42
Ja'e Ambraelle Go to last post
Citadel Compression & Reprocessing separated and to be taxable.
24,15512016.04.12 05:33
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
On the Removal of Ship Tractor Beams and Repulsor Fields
Alexander Otium
41,68902016.04.11 19:02
Alexander Otium Go to last post
Citadel Stuck at Anchoring 0s
Lokeesha Lai'Daigano
31,55302016.04.11 15:36
Destiny Dain2 Go to last post
Server offline ? why its off for DT not in correct time ?
Fiona Kirath
41,43202016.04.11 14:07
CCP Claymore Go to last post
Asset Safety
11,06502016.04.11 11:55
CCP Claymore Go to last post
SiSi Market ETA?
Jonas Kanjus
294602016.04.11 11:47
CCP Habakuk Go to last post
Tech 2 Capital guns and fighters industrial costs
Natasia Nicia
11,07612016.04.11 09:00
sci0gon Go to last post
Super Testing
158302016.04.11 08:41
sci0gon Go to last post
✪✪✪ Not So Hard ✪✪✪
41,01912016.04.11 03:27
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post
New Camera Controls
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CCP Burger
15276,2571352016.04.11 00:54
Syri Taneka Go to last post
► Test Server Status ◄
385402016.04.10 23:29
Minerva Arbosa Go to last post
Dreadnought Feedback
Ivo Cortes
22,29652016.04.10 22:59
Ivo Cortes Go to last post
New Mirror coming to Singularity
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CCP Goliath
328,65212016.04.10 13:19
Kieron VonDeux Go to last post
Smuff Gallente
264202016.04.10 12:40
RainReaper Go to last post
Anyone Know How to Obtain the Character-Screen Background Picture?
Titas Agor
173302016.04.10 06:57
Irisviel von Einzbern Go to last post
Sisi down
61,63012016.04.09 07:22
Amak Boma Go to last post
SISI - "Cluster Closed" ?
Neferfiti Akhenaten
058302016.04.09 07:10
Neferfiti Akhenaten Go to last post
Activate singularity account
William Latitude
038002016.04.09 00:13
William Latitude Go to last post
Capitals & Fighters Mass Test - ROUND 2 Thu 7th April @ 17:00 EV...
CCP Lebowski
166,68912016.04.08 10:08
Katya Aurora Go to last post
Capitals & Fighters Mass Test - Tuesday 5th April @ 17:00 EVE ti...
CCP Lebowski
179,03912016.04.08 09:44
Akira Yashimoto Go to last post