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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37952017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
036502016.08.18 14:23
RainReaper Go to last post
Camera Changes: Docked, Docking, Undocking, Changing Ships in Statio...
[ Pages: 1 ... 4, 5, 6 ]
CCP Claymore
10343,623872016.08.16 14:12
CCP Claymore Go to last post
August release - Contracts in Citadels
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CCP Habakuk
5522,775322016.08.15 21:58
Messenger Of Truth Go to last post
In-station billboards causing excessive (500%+ greater) CPU load
162412016.08.15 14:50
Jadensmith22 Katelo Go to last post
August Release - Missile Code Rewrite
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CCP Lebowski
2811,48142016.08.14 23:13
Cade Windstalker Go to last post
How do i reset pasword for sisi
Kagan Storm
044402016.08.14 11:33
Kagan Storm Go to last post
"Load Station Environment" option removed?
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Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
7134,5241112016.08.12 01:54
Bienator II Go to last post
Changing sisi password?
Kalmr Varys
92,61012016.08.11 12:05
Demolishar Go to last post
Parthannun Solette
21,15902016.08.10 17:58
Parthannun Solette Go to last post
Can I get some people reactivated?
Cyclo Hexanol
047602016.08.08 10:06
Cyclo Hexanol Go to last post
new test server
Asika Koraka
21,02102016.08.08 08:55
Asika Koraka Go to last post
ouroboros accelerator question
Jimy F
11,73502016.08.06 15:03
Kueyen Go to last post
Next mirror?
41,29902016.08.06 14:50
Demolishar Go to last post
Clouds. In space. Using lightning bolt texture.
Nana Skalski
176002016.08.06 09:00
Asika Koraka Go to last post
watchdog timeframe timeout
Asika Koraka
144,82102016.08.05 12:18
Asika Koraka Go to last post
Rorqual - why no love [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Amarisen Gream
358,39212016.08.05 00:25
Amarisen Gream Go to last post
#SISIREKKINGCREW Official Recruitment Post
Jonny Copper
82,12602016.08.02 06:08
Cyclo Hexanol Go to last post
Visual Damage System 2.0
CCP Sledgehammer
129,125232016.08.01 08:01
elitatwo Go to last post
Reprocesing Implants RX-80* not working properly
21,24112016.07.28 19:23
Wolfier Go to last post
164302016.07.27 15:08
citizen0000345 Go to last post
Activate me plsplspls!
Brinn Yerdola
172002016.07.27 15:07
citizen0000345 Go to last post
can't conect SISI. warning :Incompatible (Build).
Olin LAmoy
151502016.07.27 12:34
Olin LAmoy Go to last post
/copyskills error on singularity
Jacob Hita
41,33302016.07.26 21:28
Jacob Hita Go to last post
/copyskills is not working
Jacob Hita
070402016.07.26 21:26
Jacob Hita Go to last post
CCPlease stop mirroring Citadels
114,606212016.07.25 20:50
Vorll Minaaran Go to last post
SISI crashes display drivers
364002016.07.25 14:58
Annexe Go to last post
Carrier Instapop From Sleeper Drones
Arcano Dentist
31,22502016.07.25 12:34
Torgeir Hekard Go to last post