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Player Features and Ideas Discussion
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:The Great Split of Our Time: Features and Ideas Discussion...
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Logibro
2653,743192017.01.27 09:07
Rabbit Lacey Go to last post
Announcement:Features & Ideas Discussion Resources
CCP Falcon
132,11402014.11.19 15:03
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Ideas for EVE
72,30202017.06.11 10:08
Ragnar Danskjold Go to last post
Isk/Plex for Eve Store Merchandise
Eve Slaya
070502017.06.11 08:13
Eve Slaya Go to last post
The Rook [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Old Pervert
3813,20072017.06.11 04:30
Ragnar Danskjold Go to last post
Shifting Null Ratting Rewards
Suren Scott
61,98352017.06.11 00:23
Tessa Sage Go to last post
Can We Please Agree on the Exact Problem with the Eve Ecosystem? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Olmeca Gold
268,348122017.06.10 22:04
Axure Abbacus Go to last post
Mission Multiplier
61,99312017.06.10 21:27
Shallanna Yassavi Go to last post
Cloaky Smartbombing?
195,521252017.06.10 17:47
Marcus Binchiette Go to last post
All Owned ships display inside station
Master OfBlaster
182022017.06.10 08:13
grgjegb gergerg Go to last post
Possible ISK sink with Citadels
Arianna Kahoudi
175812017.06.10 04:42
Sterling Blades Go to last post
Aegis Wersuken
123,31222017.06.09 22:56
Metal-Beard Go to last post
Bounty system - where dreads thrive and knights shine [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Belvin Disepret
399,25392017.06.09 21:57
Danika Princip Go to last post
Bounties on structures (Citadels, mostly)
grgjegb gergerg
81,95712017.06.09 21:19
grgjegb gergerg Go to last post
A few 'corrections' to current structure mechanics
143,34872017.06.09 20:39
Asset Confiscation Officer Go to last post
On the stabilization of empires and renter alliances in eve today.
Orion Supernova
143,25022017.06.09 20:37
Cade Windstalker Go to last post
New ship type / skills
Dildus Maximus
72,31702017.06.09 18:27
Asset Confiscation Officer Go to last post
How to fix the broken bounty hunting mechanic [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
379,02882017.06.09 18:19
Asset Confiscation Officer Go to last post
New Mining Mechanic [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Sister Stetille
308,737142017.06.09 17:41
Asset Confiscation Officer Go to last post
4K Resolution and the cursor.
Korban Reed
278902017.06.09 17:00
Old Pervert Go to last post
skill queue filter alpha clone
crno rupa
82,60242017.06.09 15:32
Korban Reed Go to last post
Custom Logo Creation/Uploading
46,83832017.06.09 13:17
Cade Windstalker Go to last post
Scripts are needless busywork
Lothros Andastar
195,06222017.06.09 11:49
Dior Ambraelle Go to last post
Chat Channel's on Mobile device
102,86312017.06.09 01:50
Sonya Corvinus Go to last post
[Petition] Santa Outfits For Xmas - PLEASE
The Devils Cousin
153,57662017.06.08 23:30
The Devils Cousin Go to last post
change or remove client side chat logging
jenna is adumbkrab
102,32612017.06.08 12:14
Linus Gorp Go to last post
Petition to address AFK cloaky camping.
144,07212017.06.07 22:28
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Abandoned Stations
63,075132017.06.07 18:05
Teckos Pech Go to last post
MIning: Add Moving Rocks? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
grgjegb gergerg
226,09732017.06.07 17:00
grgjegb gergerg Go to last post
To: The Developers (Please Add Make Orca Have 3 Low Slots) [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Fifty Three
256,071242017.06.07 16:17
Do Little Go to last post