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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Tournament Discussion has moved!
CCP Logibro
07,56502017.06.21 13:37
CCP Logibro Go to last post
Announcement:Notice to Teams: Staging Locations
CCP Logibro
25,62812017.05.09 01:23
CCP Logibro Go to last post
Sticky:Alliance Tournament XV: Seeding
CCP Logibro
1211,10052017.06.17 02:53
Suitonia Go to last post
Sticky:Welcome to Thunderdome - The Event Server
[ Pages: 1 ... 6, 7, 8 ]
CCP Logibro
141134,815282017.06.15 16:09
bigsharkbait Go to last post
Sticky:Advertise on EVE TV during Alliance Tounrnament XV
CCP Logibro
14,74202017.06.12 16:09
King Voodoo Go to last post
Sticky:Alliance Tournament XV: Rule Revisions
CCP Logibro
25,30802017.06.08 10:48
CCP Logibro Go to last post
Problem with Thunderdome
James Kestrel
06,99002017.07.11 21:18
James Kestrel Go to last post
AT XV Feeder Round Schedule
CCP Logibro
1721,02162017.07.05 10:22
Bei ArtJay Go to last post
LF USTZ Scrimmage Partners
King Voodoo
14,51602017.06.20 02:37
King Voodoo Go to last post
Thunderdome Account/Character Issue
CCP Logibro
66,79202017.06.17 20:24
phlatch Go to last post
ATXV Teams
King Voodoo
65,79602017.06.16 14:47
Soldarius Go to last post
ATXV Practice Partners
Erasmas Edharian
05,37512017.06.15 03:35
Erasmas Edharian Go to last post
Looking for practice partners
Kenda deLagrange
05,74502017.06.12 21:05
Kenda deLagrange Go to last post
Thunderdome down?
Sym Biotic
05,83002017.06.11 11:50
Sym Biotic Go to last post
light heaven
23,31002017.06.10 11:20
CCP Logibro Go to last post
Dear Logibro and Fozzie, can you please postpone flagship submission...
Mystic Rebel
45,00342017.06.06 08:32
Nituspar Go to last post
Thunderdome Access
44,13402017.06.06 00:57
blade190 Go to last post
Boosting prematch
General Vachot
44,62812017.06.01 23:51
General Vachot Go to last post
Preliminary matchups
Shae Tadaruwa
12,86312017.05.31 21:10
King Voodoo Go to last post
Rule Clarification: Impersonation of characters on Thunderdome
34,42912017.05.29 17:13
CCP Logibro Go to last post
ancillary mods
23,20402017.05.28 05:41
GROUND XERO Go to last post
need clarification on AT legality of game mechanic
Gideon Goldenbelly
13,22502017.05.27 18:34
Henry Plantgenet Go to last post
Rules. When?
97,26102017.05.27 01:24
Cristl Go to last post
EVE Alliance Tournament Advertising
Kettle Vallei
06,85802017.05.27 01:10
Kettle Vallei Go to last post
Proposal: Post-match interviews during the AT finals live streams
Akiri Senso
43,85502017.05.24 05:41
Cliff Beauland Go to last post
Awesome dates ccp
33,62202017.05.16 07:03
Lysus Go to last post
Alliance Tournament XV: Returning Top 16 teams
CCP Logibro
09,42702017.05.10 15:32
CCP Logibro Go to last post
End of Life seeking AT interested pilots
General Vachot
23,84302017.05.10 00:03
General Vachot Go to last post
$25000 Entry Fee?
zluq zabaa
33,99822017.05.09 13:43
Mr Epeen Go to last post
Proposed rule changes for Alliance Tournament XV [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Suleiman Shouaa
2718,665192017.05.02 14:08
Nika NOisER Go to last post
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