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EVE Gameplay Center

Crime & Punishment
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Crime and Punishment Rules
CCP Falcon
033,14902015.01.12 11:26
CCP Falcon Go to last post
For the Record - We Won!
Marlin Spikes
193,574382015.01.27 13:12
Solj RichPopolous Go to last post
New Business Man Seeking to Start Scams
Nemo Yerik
101,55152015.01.27 08:20
ISD Cyberdyne Go to last post
Solo suicide ganking hs haulers [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
236,630292015.01.27 08:05
Starbuck05 Go to last post
Once an Awoxer, Always an Awoxer? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Jackson Walsh
286,742302015.01.27 06:00
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Attn: Oldman Star
Chris Chan
61,54542015.01.27 00:51
Eldwinn Go to last post
Bad corp thief is bad
Trinkets friend
133,160122015.01.26 20:53
Dradis Aulmais Go to last post
How much does a POS bash cost? 32 members, no alliance, offline POS
21,16102015.01.26 15:06
Bronson Hughes Go to last post
[Moved] Putting the screwes to highsec gankers
ISD Ezwal
045802015.01.26 11:40
ISD Ezwal Go to last post
Vengeance Against Whole Squid Offering access to C4 WH
61,82222015.01.25 10:42
Seraph IX Basarab Go to last post
Free Target
Bronson Hughes
163,567402015.01.24 15:22
Sadario Go to last post
Need advice on ganking a Stratios In Hi-sec
114,55392015.01.24 00:18
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie Go to last post
The Evolution of Awoxing...the same but diffrent
Vector Symian
132,222142015.01.22 16:40
Mike Adoulin Go to last post
HISEC MERC Contract Available
Copper John
61,47332015.01.22 15:35
Badman Lasermouse Go to last post
****How i made 56 bill scaming players**** [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Capitan Lorenzo
235,379382015.01.21 20:25
Elenahina Go to last post
Hey kid, wanna make some isk this spring? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Rez Valintine
204,519392015.01.21 20:18
Unsuccessful At Everything Go to last post
EVE Online Bounty Corporation [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
EVE Online Bounty
244,690182015.01.21 06:22
EVE Online Bounty Go to last post
DBD Reloaded WH Corp Theft (by me!)
John Robert Crist
154,313262015.01.21 06:11
John Robert Crist Go to last post
ISD Ezwal
040602015.01.19 22:05
ISD Ezwal Go to last post
--Currently Closed-- [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Nox Aubaris
388,379172015.01.19 20:19
Nox Aubaris Go to last post
Bounties on Evuldgenzo Matari Gardening (total 26b) [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Dream Five
245,86692015.01.19 12:45
Dream Five Go to last post
wh pos defence
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
41,06302015.01.19 08:46
ISD Ezwal Go to last post
Alod bowhead
Proeliator Bahis
164,31562015.01.18 23:28
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post
HTFU [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Tora Bushido
295,763492015.01.18 01:27
ISD Decoy Go to last post
pushing for harder punishment on hi sec gankers [ Pages: 1 ... 45, 46, 47 ]
13 nonames
937212,3791,0962015.01.17 10:35
Concord Guy's Cousin Go to last post
The price of heresy [ Pages: 1 ... 26, 27, 28 ]
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
558129,6407132015.01.16 22:48
ISD LackOfFaith Go to last post
[MERC] Disavowed - For Hire
41,62842015.01.15 18:32
Buhhdust Princess Go to last post
Hisec Ganking is Really Fun- and Easy ~my (long) story~ [ Pages: 1 ... 4, 5, 6 ]
Mr Omniblivion
10219,9661082015.01.14 06:04
Don Purple Go to last post
The Aeschee Triangle & the Persecution of the Adirain People [ Pages: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ]
William Champ McCloundy
8219,086782015.01.13 23:56
Awarmingcoat Go to last post
[MERC] Forsaken Asylum [ Pages: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ]
12646,166432015.01.13 22:13
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post