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[MERC] The Marmite Collective

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Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#1421 - 2017-06-21 06:26:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
Lew Dicrous wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Lew Dicrous wrote:
Kaely Tanniss

I beg to differ judging by your killboard Lew..

..especially considering you can't lose against structures. Perhaps you took those fights because you thought you would lose? or all the 12+ on a single kill? Yeah..I know how it works..but your point is silly and biased. You hate VMG..I get it. Move on.

@Dom.. So you're still gonna play that game after coming to me asking for help right? Because you could handle your dec all by yourself..right? Wanna tell me you didn't ask me to ask VMG to help you..then bad mouth them on the forums some more? There's a word for that..I think we all know what it is. Go on..deny it.

You heard right people..I wasn't gonna say anything out of the respect that hasn't been given to me in return..but hey, why not be a douche like everyone else and let the cat out of the bag.. it think it's appropriate at this point. [:evil: wrote:

No, u.

Seriously, if being a douche is your go-to response for being proven wrong you're gonna go through alot of nozzles.....

I douche regularly tyvm Blink

..and the last part of that wasn't directed at you..though I fail to see where I was proven wrong.

....which is your biggest problem tbh.

Nah..apparently my biggest problem is being in VMG according to many people. Funny how that works.. Blink
..and Lew, you missed the point in the "I know how it works" part..

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something Vipsan? I'm afraid I have my scrublord block setting on and can't see your posts..pity Roll

Odd... I can see Lew's posts..oh wait..that's because he's not a scrublord Shocked We may disagree, but I still respect him and consider him a friend.

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Vipsan Agrippa
Machine Gun Coitus
#1422 - 2017-06-21 06:37:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Vipsan Agrippa
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something Vipsan? I'm afraid I have my scrublord block setting on and can't see your posts..pity Roll
Odd I can see Lew's posts..oh wait..that's because he's not a scrublord Shocked

If you were not a proven liar ( "no I've never ganked," & "no I'v never been a member of Code.") and were not a member of a proven scamming alliance; I might believe you. Smile

ATM you are VMG's weakest link on the forums, enjoy the attention.Roll
  • Fk Bob Praise Kek! -

They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Alliances will rise and fall, but one constant in Eve is the smouldering dumpster that is C & P.

(Bob's a cuck)

Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#1423 - 2017-06-21 09:32:50 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Lew Dicrous wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
France LaCoeur wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
They never took a fight since the conflict began. Not a single fight. But this doesn't mean that we can't catch them, even if they use dual prop mods on their ships. Few weeks into this conflict and they are 9 bil down plus a couple of small citadels.
What about that time on the Jita undock when your guy docked up then started complaining Marmites tried to blob him?

Because I think your definition of 'taking a fight' is in fact 'accepting to be beaten down by superior numbers' and that's the only times VMG actually go and form to engage their enemies: If they have (or think they have) superior numbers/fleet comp.

The same can be said about every Null sec alliance or any other PvP group in the game. Only a fool takes a fight he knows or thinks he can't win.

On the contrary, the real fools take the fights they think they can't lose.

I beg to differ judging by your killboard Lew..

..especially considering you can't lose against structures. Perhaps you took those fights because you thought you would lose? or all the 12+ on a single kill? Yeah..I know how it works..but your point is silly and biased. You hate VMG..I get it. Move on.

@Dom.. So you're still gonna play that game after coming to me asking for help right? Because you could handle your dec all by yourself..right? Wanna tell me you didn't ask me to ask VMG to help you..then bad mouth them on the forums some more? There's a word for that..I think we all know what it is. Go on..deny it.

You heard right people..I wasn't gonna say anything out of the respect that hasn't been given to me in return..but hey, why not be a douche like everyone else and let the cat out of the bag.. it think it's appropriate at this point. Evil

I knew before I even asked the answer Kae
Don't need to be brilliant or whatever to know that.

I did think that maybe, idk, you guys would try to change my mind since I'm so oblivious to the "truth" about VMG, but I guess I was right and so were the others.

You can stop playing the victim, you decided to make it personal.
Don't dish it out if you can't take it Blink

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#1424 - 2017-06-21 09:47:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
Dom Arkaral wrote:

I knew before I even asked the answer Kae
Don't need to be brilliant or whatever to know that.

I did think that maybe, idk, you guys would try to change my mind since I'm so oblivious to the "truth" about VMG, but I guess I was right and so were the others.

You can stop playing the victim, you decided to make it personal.
Don't dish it out if you can't take it Blink

Get over it Dom. If you knew..why ask. We would have helped you..had you the brains to keep it shut. It's not VMG's job to convince you of anything. You are nothing more than the typical anti-Code, whiny carebear. "Oh noes..VMG are big meanies and sociopaths".. And get over the personal thing. You blew any chance of that with your mouth. Idk you irl beyond chatting in game..and for that, I am thankful. You can stop grasping at straws now.

Thing are a hypocrite..and this only solidifies that fact. You made your live with it. I couldn't care less what you think. Roll

You have this misconception I think I'm a victim..I assure you you're mistaken. There are things beyond you. Sooner or later you'll find out...and what a fool you'll feel.

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#1425 - 2017-06-21 10:06:08 UTC
Hire Marmites today and walls of text will go away...... What?


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#1426 - 2017-06-21 10:41:38 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

Nah..apparently my biggest problem is being in VMG according to many people. Funny how that works.. Blink
..and Lew, you missed the point in the "I know how it works"

Gotta keep bringing it up Everytime to feel that your hurt... Wah...
This is why your wrong, you always bring it up and no one else does, the amount you say we give you crap for being in vmg is back since you've made yourself into a human shield for them.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Clockwork Robot
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1427 - 2017-06-21 12:02:33 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
Hire Marmites today and walls of text will go away...... What?

Give me what I want, and I'll go away...
France LaCoeur
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1428 - 2017-06-21 12:49:21 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
France LaCoeur wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
They never took a fight since the conflict began. Not a single fight. But this doesn't mean that we can't catch them, even if they use dual prop mods on their ships. Few weeks into this conflict and they are 9 bil down plus a couple of small citadels.
What about that time on the Jita undock when your guy docked up then started complaining Marmites tried to blob him?

Because I think your definition of 'taking a fight' is in fact 'accepting to be beaten down by superior numbers' and that's the only times VMG actually go and form to engage their enemies: If they have (or think they have) superior numbers/fleet comp.

The same can be said about every Null sec alliance or any other PvP group in the game. Only a fool takes a fight he knows or thinks he can't win.

And yet, VMG's forum mouth bashing Marmites for not taking those very fights.

Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#1429 - 2017-06-21 16:06:17 UTC
oh là là going straight to my rl now hmm?
You realize this is a game right? XD

Might be a good time for you to step down lol, even Yaosus didn't try going that far..

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#1430 - 2017-06-21 16:12:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
France LaCoeur wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
France LaCoeur wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
They never took a fight since the conflict began. Not a single fight. But this doesn't mean that we can't catch them, even if they use dual prop mods on their ships. Few weeks into this conflict and they are 9 bil down plus a couple of small citadels.
What about that time on the Jita undock when your guy docked up then started complaining Marmites tried to blob him?

Because I think your definition of 'taking a fight' is in fact 'accepting to be beaten down by superior numbers' and that's the only times VMG actually go and form to engage their enemies: If they have (or think they have) superior numbers/fleet comp.

The same can be said about every Null sec alliance or any other PvP group in the game. Only a fool takes a fight he knows or thinks he can't win.

And yet, VMG's forum mouth bashing Marmites for not taking those very fights.


I haven't once bashed Marmite about anything. I think you have me mistaken for someone else.

@Dom..are you really that dense?

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#1431 - 2017-06-21 16:59:35 UTC
I'm not the one being bitter about other people's opinions on my alliance Lol

Now back to our regular "grr Marmite" programming Cool

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist

France LaCoeur
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1432 - 2017-06-21 18:54:47 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
France LaCoeur wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
France LaCoeur wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
They never took a fight since the conflict began. Not a single fight. But this doesn't mean that we can't catch them, even if they use dual prop mods on their ships. Few weeks into this conflict and they are 9 bil down plus a couple of small citadels.
What about that time on the Jita undock when your guy docked up then started complaining Marmites tried to blob him?

Because I think your definition of 'taking a fight' is in fact 'accepting to be beaten down by superior numbers' and that's the only times VMG actually go and form to engage their enemies: If they have (or think they have) superior numbers/fleet comp.

The same can be said about every Null sec alliance or any other PvP group in the game. Only a fool takes a fight he knows or thinks he can't win.

And yet, VMG's forum mouth bashing Marmites for not taking those very fights.


I haven't once bashed Marmite about anything. I think you have me mistaken for someone else.
Finger wasn't pointed in your direction Kaely, look at the original quote. Blink
From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#1433 - 2017-06-21 19:10:05 UTC
Dom Arkaral wrote:
oh là là going straight to my rl now hmm?
You realize this is a game right? XD

Might be a good time for you to step down lol, even Yaosus didn't try going that far..

@Dom It must be sad being you.

@Tora :Pick up your skirt and you knitting needles and GTFO. Dock up I am coming to Balle.

@Saeger : All good down there in Aruba?

@Mypsichopathfrenchfan : Voulez vous un croissant?

Bitchslaps Dom! Get yo' ass up on that stage.
Sol epoch
#1434 - 2017-06-21 19:57:15 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
Dom Arkaral wrote:
oh là là going straight to my rl now hmm?
You realize this is a game right? XD

Might be a good time for you to step down lol, even Yaosus didn't try going that far..

@Dom It must be sad being you.

@Tora :Pick up your skirt and you knitting needles and GTFO. Dock up I am coming to Balle.

@Saeger : All good down there in Aruba?

@Mypsichopathfrenchfan : Voulez vous un croissant?

Bitchslaps Dom! Get yo' ass up on that stage.

Why do I get the feeling that once VMG are no longer around the silence from you will be deafening!
Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#1435 - 2017-06-21 20:20:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
France LaCoeur wrote:
Finger wasn't pointed in your direction Kaely, look at the original quote. Blink

You're bad Smile

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#1436 - 2017-06-21 20:20:29 UTC
Sol epoch wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
Dom Arkaral wrote:
oh là là going straight to my rl now hmm?
You realize this is a game right? XD

Might be a good time for you to step down lol, even Yaosus didn't try going that far..

@Dom It must be sad being you.

@Tora :Pick up your skirt and you knitting needles and GTFO. Dock up I am coming to Balle.

@Saeger : All good down there in Aruba?

@Mypsichopathfrenchfan : Voulez vous un croissant?

Bitchslaps Dom! Get yo' ass up on that stage.

Why do I get the feeling that once VMG are no longer around the silence from you will be deafening!

Why do I get the feeling you are just another VMG fan. Have a jellybean? Take the yellow ones, those are the best.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#1437 - 2017-06-21 20:26:16 UTC
I've been online every night hanging out with Dom.. and thewidower have yet to see you online yaoscared..

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Sol epoch
#1438 - 2017-06-21 20:29:41 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
Sol epoch wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
Dom Arkaral wrote:
oh là là going straight to my rl now hmm?
You realize this is a game right? XD

Might be a good time for you to step down lol, even Yaosus didn't try going that far..

@Dom It must be sad being you.

@Tora :Pick up your skirt and you knitting needles and GTFO. Dock up I am coming to Balle.

@Saeger : All good down there in Aruba?

@Mypsichopathfrenchfan : Voulez vous un croissant?

Bitchslaps Dom! Get yo' ass up on that stage.

Why do I get the feeling that once VMG are no longer around the silence from you will be deafening!

Why do I get the feeling you are just another VMG fan. Have a jellybean? Take the yellow ones, those are the best.

That feeling you are having is just all the hot air and wind you are spouting!
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#1439 - 2017-06-21 20:43:25 UTC
Sol epoch wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
Sol epoch wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
Dom Arkaral wrote:
oh là là going straight to my rl now hmm?
You realize this is a game right? XD

Might be a good time for you to step down lol, even Yaosus didn't try going that far..

@Dom It must be sad being you.

@Tora :Pick up your skirt and you knitting needles and GTFO. Dock up I am coming to Balle.

@Saeger : All good down there in Aruba?

@Mypsichopathfrenchfan : Voulez vous un croissant?

Bitchslaps Dom! Get yo' ass up on that stage.

Why do I get the feeling that once VMG are no longer around the silence from you will be deafening!

Why do I get the feeling you are just another VMG fan. Have a jellybean? Take the yellow ones, those are the best.

That feeling you are having is just all the hot air and wind you are spouting!

I'm waiting for that I told you so thing to happen yea know sol lol.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#1440 - 2017-06-21 22:13:45 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
Dom Arkaral wrote:
oh là là going straight to my rl now hmm?
You realize this is a game right? XD

Might be a good time for you to step down lol, even Yaosus didn't try going that far..

@Dom It must be sad being you.

@Tora :Pick up your skirt and you knitting needles and GTFO. Dock up I am coming to Balle.

@Saeger : All good down there in Aruba?

@Mypsichopathfrenchfan : Voulez vous un croissant?

Bitchslaps Dom! Get yo' ass up on that stage.

Must be sad being a VMG member who can't separate a game from rl
Stuff is going better every day, so I can't complain much ;)

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist