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New Dev Blog: DUST 514 Closed Beta Signup Now Live

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Damien Grimm Muutaras
Seraphim Initiative
#501 - 2012-01-13 13:26:46 UTC
Gubah Rakun wrote:

  • There will not be Orbital Bombardments from EVE players, CCP want the only interaction between DUST and EVE to be ISK from EVE players going to DUST players & wins/losses on planets in DUST to be reflected in EVE
  • [/list]

    Thats all for now :)

    This part is incorrect. It's already confirmed that orbital bombardment will indeed be done by Eve players, at the request of Dust players.
    Hans Jagerblitzen
    Ice Fire Warriors
    #502 - 2012-01-13 15:56:15 UTC
    Gubah Rakun wrote:

  • The game is not on PC because CCP want PC-players to play EVE and console players to play DUST, they want two to remain separate.

  • There will not be Orbital Bombardments from EVE players, CCP want the only interaction between DUST and EVE to be ISK from EVE players going to DUST players & wins/losses on planets in DUST to be reflected in EVE
  • [/list]

    Thats all for now :)

    They are not trying to keep the games “separate” – quite the opposite. Both games run simultaneously on the same Tranquility server, the only separation is that on the PC you access space gameplay, and on console you access ground-force gameplay. Corporations, isk, commerce, chat, territorial disputes, these are all common elements to both games. The reason that they are not doing it on the PC is just as you mentioned though - they don’t want to split off happy paying EvE customers to turn them into Dust players, they would prefer instead that EvE players keep playing EvE and that the Dust 514 crowd is constructed from a new batch of gamers that otherwise wouldn’t or couldn’t play EvE. There will be some of us of course that play both.

    There most certainly will be orbital bombardments, as well as the reverse – there are ground-based cannons capable of attacking large eve ships. This is something that has been reported by press witnessing working builds of Dust / EvE in action, not pure speculation based on trailers. The HOW exactly isn’t known, but the IF certainly is.

    CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

    Hunter Cazaderon
    What The French
    #503 - 2012-01-13 16:04:20 UTC
    Gubah Rakun wrote:

  • There will not be Orbital Bombardments from EVE players, CCP want the only interaction between DUST and EVE to be ISK from EVE players going to DUST players & wins/losses on planets in DUST to be reflected in EVE
  • [/list]

    Thats all for now :)

    Can you point to me the Devblog that says there won't be any orbital strikes ?
    Cause in two trailers we can see : One orbital strike (from GC 09) and one anti-spatial strike (from E3 11)

    Plus, what's the use of having voice channel between DUST and EVE if it has no use in combat situation ? (see latest interview from december)

    I dont say you re wrong but if you have something to quote on that i d appreciate. :)

    Founder of

    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #504 - 2012-01-13 22:25:05 UTC
    Gubah Rakun wrote:
    Right, no doubt this post will be ignored and be subsumed beneath a ton of other crap but here's the low-down AFAIK. Information provided by Dev Blogs, E-On and PC Gamer UK

    • The only Subscription you will need will be to CCP for EVE Online, for PlayStation you just need to create a free account.

    • The game is not on XBox360 because Microsoft require the game to run on a Microsoft-controlled server, DUST will run on the CCP servers (e.g. Tranquility).

    • The game is not on PC because CCP want PC-players to play EVE and console players to play DUST, they want two to remain separate.

    • There will not be Orbital Bombardments from EVE players, CCP want the only interaction between DUST and EVE to be ISK from EVE players going to DUST players & wins/losses on planets in DUST to be reflected in EVE

    Thats all for now :)

    Hunter may want to be polite but Im in no such mood.

    1. You will not need an eve subscription for Dust, you just need one to sign up at this stage in the trials

    2. Yeah your probrably right on this

    3. I have no Idea what CCP wants other than to be a successful business.

    4. This is just so wrong I cannot begin to express it. For starters the future of eve movie they made clearly shows they WANT a huge level of interaction, theyve stated Dust players can do industry, shown not only orbital bombardments but Skyfire batteries as well, to top it off they already have Orbital defense items that can be found on battle clinic, are they irrefutable no Im sure the items you can find will not be the end game items you use but the idea is already there and short of them saying we changed our minds about orbital bombardment we can consider this pretty much confirmed.
    Mars Theran
    Foreign Interloper
    #505 - 2012-01-14 03:20:02 UTC
    As far as I recall, they had Orbital Strike functional back when they released the E3 Trailer.
    Joshua Aivoras
    Tech IV Industries
    #506 - 2012-01-14 10:45:17 UTC
    Orbital bombardment?

    Much more interested in whether or not I can press a shiny red button and fire a giant beam into space that cuts a Moros in half.

    95% of the players are loving EVE, the other 5%? On the forums.

    Hunter Cazaderon
    What The French
    #507 - 2012-01-14 11:39:23 UTC
    Joshua Aivoras wrote:
    Orbital bombardment?

    Much more interested in whether or not I can press a shiny red button and fire a giant beam into space that cuts a Moros in half.

    According to the end of 2011 E3 trailer, i d say it will be available

    Founder of

    Mercy Crow
    Black Legion Projects
    #508 - 2012-01-14 13:52:33 UTC
    Aegis Stormborn wrote:
    Mercy Crow wrote:
    Ifly Uwalk wrote:
    no PC - no play.

    that is all.

    As of June 2008, the number of personal computers in use worldwide hit one billion, while another billion is expected to be reached by 2014.

    Worldwide sales figures
    1.Wii – 89.36 million as of 30 September 2011[9]
    2.Xbox 360 – 57.6 million as of 4 November 2011[38]
    3.PlayStation 3 – 56 million as of 2 November 2011[39]

    I feel like I just went over this a couple pages ago but since you seem to be extra slow we'll cover it again.

    First, people use PCs for more than FPS games. I think this is where your logic (or lack thereof) steered you wrong. You need to be looking at FPS sales by platform.

    Check there for video game sales. You will see that the highest performing FPS game on the list is Call of Duty Black Ops.

    COD Black Ops Sales:

    Xbox: 13.25 million
    PS3: 11.23 million
    PC: 1.32 million

    Consoles outsold PC by about 18 to 1.

    Next most successful FPS game would be COD Modern Warfare 2. Those sales figures are as follows:

    Xbox: 12.67 million
    PS3: 9.77 million
    PC: 65 thousand

    Consoles outsold PC by 34 to 1.

    This type of sales gap repeats itself with any major FPS title. Anybody that tries to infer CCP is going after a smaller FPS audience by going with a console over PC couldn't be any more incorrect.

    Boxed games only no doubt

    K since you insist on using that site ok...

    Awww no pc's

    Ohh well since i was talking about potential sales here 56 ish million ps3's vs 1 billion pc's pick your market SIR...
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #509 - 2012-01-15 05:49:37 UTC  |  Edited by: ROD04
    edit out
    Mars Theran
    Foreign Interloper
    #510 - 2012-01-16 04:28:14 UTC
    Have to agree. Using worldwide sales of PCs to make an assessment on platforms most in use, is only correct if you don't consider what software they are using. I know my brother, mother, aunts & uncles(~25?), at least one friend, my employer and his wife, and at least one member of the office staff do not play games on their PCs. That's not including the ~10 Office PCs that are not used to play games.

    Actually, aside from one guy at work, I'm the only person I can think of that I know personally, that actually does use a PC for gaming. Outside of 1 Tech at one of the local computer stores; I don't know anyone else, locally, that plays games on PC.
    Kei Nagase
    Applied Creations
    #511 - 2012-01-16 05:29:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Kei Nagase
    So when registering for the MPT, am I supposed to receive a confirmation e-mail? I haven't and it only makes sense that there would be an automatically generated confirmation e-mail sent when signing up.

    I also confirmed that my e-mail address is correct.
    Jake Calmelat
    Ahrendee Mercenaries
    #512 - 2012-01-16 08:23:00 UTC
    You wont receive one but they just tweeted their finalizing a status page for MPT. They said it should be accessible through your account management page soon.
    Tizian Enel
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #513 - 2012-01-16 10:45:33 UTC
    I signed up to MPT and, after pondering it for a while, decided to be honest and said I have no PSN account or whatever it was.

    In fact I don't even have a PS3.

    Maybe they'll need people just for eveside testing. *hopes*
    I'll certainly buy the console by summer though.
    Grarr Dexx
    Blue Canary
    Watch This
    #514 - 2012-01-16 10:52:36 UTC
    Just FYI, they recently added an Orbital Siege Cannon module to the game's data files, so it does seem like a reality that we will be able to bombard the **** out of planets.
    Hans Jagerblitzen
    Ice Fire Warriors
    #515 - 2012-01-16 11:45:34 UTC
    Grarr Dexx wrote:
    Just FYI, they recently added an Orbital Siege Cannon module to the game's data files, so it does seem like a reality that we will be able to bombard the **** out of planets.

    Good thing I finished my Dreadnought skills a couple weeks ago! I'm all ready now. And I can't wait.

    CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #516 - 2012-01-16 17:02:13 UTC
    Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
    Grarr Dexx wrote:
    Just FYI, they recently added an Orbital Siege Cannon module to the game's data files, so it does seem like a reality that we will be able to bombard the **** out of planets.

    Good thing I finished my Dreadnought skills a couple weeks ago! I'm all ready now. And I can't wait.

    Good thing I finished tactical weapon reconfig V a couple ways ago Bear
    Hans Jagerblitzen
    Ice Fire Warriors
    #517 - 2012-01-16 17:27:34 UTC
    Cadinie wrote:
    Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
    Grarr Dexx wrote:
    Just FYI, they recently added an Orbital Siege Cannon module to the game's data files, so it does seem like a reality that we will be able to bombard the **** out of planets.

    Good thing I finished my Dreadnought skills a couple weeks ago! I'm all ready now. And I can't wait.

    Good thing I finished tactical weapon reconfig V a couple ways ago Bear

    Congrats! I'm not *quite* there yet, but at least now, there's an even better reason than ever to take the time to max it out! Loving the new tech 2 modules.

    CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #518 - 2012-01-17 04:43:38 UTC
    Ya but I wonder how long the dreads will stay as they are. All the dreads besides the moros get about 8~9 K DPS with similar fits while the moros gets comparable range with blasters but gets 12.5 K DPS lol a bit OP but man is it enjoyable being a mini erebus.
    Hunter Cazaderon
    What The French
    #519 - 2012-01-17 09:58:22 UTC
    Cadinie wrote:
    Ya but I wonder how long the dreads will stay as they are. All the dreads besides the moros get about 8~9 K DPS with similar fits while the moros gets comparable range with blasters but gets 12.5 K DPS lol a bit OP but man is it enjoyable being a mini erebus.

    Aaaaand i understood nothing Oops
    I really need some more EVE training before DUST comes out. :D

    Founder of

    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #520 - 2012-01-17 15:21:23 UTC
    Hunter Cazaderon wrote:
    Cadinie wrote:
    Ya but I wonder how long the dreads will stay as they are. All the dreads besides the moros get about 8~9 K DPS with similar fits while the moros gets comparable range with blasters but gets 12.5 K DPS lol a bit OP but man is it enjoyable being a mini erebus.

    Aaaaand i understood nothing Oops
    I really need some more EVE training before DUST comes out. :D

    Basically dread = dreadnaught. With the introduction of t2 siege modules which dreads use to enter a special no movement dose mode, the dreads have recently became unbalanced. 3 of the dreads are fairly on par with damage and range, but the fourth (morose) is about 30 % more powerful and even outdamages titans at the moment. That is why I mentioned how long it may be before they balance it.