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Why Eve Can't attract new players, and has lost 20,000 so far.

First post
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#81 - 2016-06-22 23:51:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Bella Jennie wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Quoting that particular special snowflake trashed whatever credibility you may have had.

Aelavaine wrote:
The current war dec system is rubbish. It allows PvPers to impose their play style on others.
That's the entire point of them, success in Eve isn't measured in ISK or assets, it's measured by how effectively you can enforce your will upon others.

If someone wants a total war, there is plenty of space in low and null sec for it.
Hisec is just as much a PvP area as either of those, and that is by design.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Random Lurker
Critical Strike
Nuclear Confusion
#82 - 2016-07-03 13:58:13 UTC
as a ganker myself I do tend to partially agree with the OP, While we are being hammered by CCP in every way, ganking gets harder over time and we find new ways BUT...

I personally dont do it for tears of new players but there are a LOT who do it simply to harrass new unsuspecting players. So saying that ganking benefits the market in anyway is just plain bs.. ganking is a form of harrassment and it is there for ragers to blow steam that is all. No market and no benefit to Eve whatsoever.

Here are a few thoughts:

I dont agree with empire space 100% safe, I do agree that it needs to be a lot harder than what it is right now. Ships that are capable to suicide gank should be nerfed and brought in line, making it a LOT expensie

Reduce concord response time to be a lot quicker than it is. 10 seconds in 0.5 sec space and about 3-5 seconds in 1.0 Giving gankers less than 10 seconds to gank. This would require a lot more ships to gank, making it harder and more challenging and more fun to gank.

Concord needs to deal simultaenous damage to all gankers at the same time, including drones.

Black Pedro
#83 - 2016-07-03 14:53:11 UTC
Random Lurker wrote:
Reduce concord response time to be a lot quicker than it is. 10 seconds in 0.5 sec space and about 3-5 seconds in 1.0 Giving gankers less than 10 seconds to gank. This would require a lot more ships to gank, making it harder and more challenging and more fun to gank.

Concord needs to deal simultaenous damage to all gankers at the same time, including drones.

Wait, what? It is already impossible to solo gank most ships under the current times. Why should solo and AFK miners require a huge group of players to kill? It is already unprofitable, and if you make it so that it also requires massive groups, it will just not happen. Any gankers that can form groups will just go after profitable ships like freighters, like they already do. If you half the CONCORD response time, you will just raise the minimum value worth ganking from 5B or so to 10B+. How is that more engaging or better for anyone? It just makes players more complacent before they cross some unseen profitability line and lose 15B worth of stuff in 10s.

The usual case that is made is that CONCORD response time should be slower (with a corresponding buff to EHP or whatever so fights last longer) so that there is more time for player actions to determine the outcome of a fight. If you made it so short, there would be no time for anyone to react which would just reinforce the feelings of helplessness.

Personally, I think long-term CCP should look to replace/rework CONCORD with something else. A system where players can easily defend themselves, but actually have to do something to fight back. Maybe something like the upcoming Rorqual "force-field" which all players can highsec get to give time for them to call for reinforcements. Sure, at the end of it CONCORD can still vapourize the aggressors ships, but at least something that provides a more interesting, and player-driven mechanic than an NPC-enforced DPS race to explode ships in highsec.

New players have to learn that Eve is a PvP game sooner rather than later - shooting them is not harassment. Bubble-wrapping them from the real game isn't going to do anything other than give veteran players a way to grind in safety and wreck the player-driven economy. These players will be more likely to leave when they suffer their first loss if it happens later and costs them much more than if some miscreant pops their Venture at day 30 in the game.
Geronimo McVain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2016-07-03 18:38:36 UTC
I'm a relatively new and I think that ganking is a problem, but IMHO not the worst one.

1. Make the career agents mandatory! You can opt out but with a strict warning.
2. Fix the fitting tool! Fitting a ship is a mystery to new players and because you can't play around with it, there is almost no way to really learn how to except to find some outside web sites. Give them some fittings with reasons why this ship was fitted this way.
3. Bring evelopedia back! If just one game need a manual it's EVE.
4. Make it possible (optional) to trade from and to a ships cargohold. When you are collecting modules for your ship it's frustrating to forget them in station.
5. Give a warning if some trade gets you into low/Null.
Kal en Chalune
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2016-07-04 03:03:00 UTC
I seldom respond to topics but I felt a strong need to respond.

Why is it the casuals and carebears always complain come in and complain and change games.

several mmo's have gone from very good to wastelands due to politically correct carebears and casuals .

First if you dont want to be here dont.

2nd this is a pvp game with pve elements.

third and finally if you take most of the hi sec risk out and hold hands and make it a 30 day investment to fly titans the hard core old timers will all prob quit.

this is a game of time skill and spreadsheets.

not a game of instant leveling and hand holding.

I for one am sick of the casual carebear crowd ruining every game ever in existence just to socialize

you wanna socialize go play my little pony online.

also i can see this being removed by the politically correct because i may offend someone

well I'm sorry but it had to be said

this is a good game and its only that a game.
Elsia Browne
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2016-07-05 06:32:01 UTC
Kal en Chalune wrote:
I seldom respond to topics but I felt a strong need to respond.

Why is it the casuals and carebears always complain come in and complain and change games.

several mmo's have gone from very good to wastelands due to politically correct carebears and casuals .

First if you dont want to be here dont.

2nd this is a pvp game with pve elements.

third and finally if you take most of the hi sec risk out and hold hands and make it a 30 day investment to fly titans the hard core old timers will all prob quit.

this is a game of time skill and spreadsheets.

not a game of instant leveling and hand holding.

I for one am sick of the casual carebear crowd ruining every game ever in existence just to socialize

you wanna socialize go play my little pony online.

also i can see this being removed by the politically correct because i may offend someone

well I'm sorry but it had to be said

this is a good game and its only that a game.

Kal, you aren't hurting anyone's feelings or offending anyone so stop with the appologies.

Carebears, and casuals are already leaving the game in record numbers along with some vets that don't really agree with the changes or have real life things to take care of.

The Carebears and casuals that do stay hang out in NPC corps. Nothing wrong with it, everyone enjoys the game how they choose to enjoy it.

The games you are talking about that have gone to waste lands are? I'm just asking because I did play UO for 3 years (still play on a shard from time to time with friends). EQ for 4 years, FFXI for 7 years, FFXIV for 4 years, Guild Wars for 3 years (talk about a PVP oriented MMO). Lineage II for a couple years. Lots of other MMOs out there but usually they died because the Devs couldn't keep up with the hardcore players and provide them with enough content. This is the problem with a game has Dev driven content and not player driven content.

The Spreadsheets alone usually drive off players, I've tried to get a few friends to play over the course of many years I've played. Some of them just couldn't get past the learning curve. Others did and went off to do other bigger and better things in the game only to quit when a change came out that they didn't like.

A game is only as good as its player base. If the player base is obsessed with harassment of other players. Most players will leave a game because it isn't fun to them. Those that are doing the harassment have fun until they get harassed themselves or run out of people who are easily harassed.

This this after all a sandbox and players consent to PVP by simply undocking from a station. There are many things that are broken or missing in this game. Some players want it to remain as is because they are getting enjoyment out of it, others who aren't participating much in it see the problem but don't feel a need to make changes to it because it doesn't effect them. The last group is the group that feels they are getting harassed by the first group.

Honestly I'm glad there is a war dec system in the game, I just believe it needs to have more added to it and needs to be modified to create more dynamic content. Currently right now all the war system has is Pew Pew. Why not add in Economic war fare? Toss in the ability to charge a tariff on a target, or give the ability to pay off a faction to not allow a war target to dock at their stations? Or why not give the ability for a corp to pay off a faction and not allow a war target to jump through a gate? Lots of possibilities that haven't really been realized that could provide so much content and so much conflict. It would allow some of these big "indy" corps that have no experience with pew pew to fight back. It would allow rich corps to smash competition in an area. You could end station games, create ways to blockade high sec systems from a select group. Thousands of possibilities.

The more content you have and the greater the interaction with players new players have the better your or anyone else gaming experience will be.
TSOE Po1ice
TSOE Consortium
#87 - 2016-07-05 12:33:33 UTC
Ms GoodyMaker wrote:
The player base continues to tell CCP that the one thing that drives players away the most is CCP continuing to allow players to suicide kill other players in empire space, with little to no ramifications for their actions, while the players they kill take huge losses.

You do realise, that there's other parts of space as well in this Sandbox? You are NOT segregated into High-Sec. Go out, low, null, wh and the problems simply go away.

The character does not represent the views/opinions of its Corporation or Alliance.

marly cortez
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#88 - 2016-07-05 18:38:45 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
20 k people dont log in in the peak because they dont need to. They have a lot of PLEX stashed and a lot of skills in skillqueue. Maybe they will come back now, while you can inject more SP, so they will not have to wait until Carrier lvl 5 completes.

A specious argument to a far more complex problem than many care to admit.

CCP continuous efforts to 'Improve', The game are failing to attract and hold new players in numbers that outweigh those that no longer play the game which as an aside is of greater concern than a constant stream of so called 'Carebear' tears, I really hate that term tbh as it degrades the contribution that that facet of the player base actually contribute to the games health overall but why do they feel that way in the first place.

This is were the crux of the problem is in the opinion of many, expectation, When I joined Eve in it's original Beta form the game was attractive to me because of it's complexity, The famous vertical learning curve cartoon still makes me chuckle because it really did epitomise the game as it was then meaning you really did have to spend the time and effort learning how it worked, even getting out of the station was not obvious to many and simply moving around the place, unless you were very astute meant that you required the help and advice of others and your experience there often set the mould for your future in the short term in Eve.

Career prospects in the game came next on the list, I can move around but what do I do with this new found knowledge and it was very simple to trip onto the easy track and start mining, it gave you ISK built your bank account and gave you time to sort out Eve, at that time in the three years I did it I never got ganked once in Lonetrek, even when I moved to mission running, the same rules applied, I used what I had taken the time to learn and avoided getting into problems, 5 plus billion later I moved into Null Sec and never returned to Empire with that toon again.

The thing is that it took time, not only to learn the mechanics of Eve but to build the confidence and experience to use those to your best advantage, Since then CCP has made it plain they want to reduce this workload and tbh it has not been in the best interest of players, That well meaning helping hand from the Devs has meant that players do not have the time to gain that experience, learn how to play the game and worst of all not had the time to fully understand that Eve is not a nice place even if you do follow the rules, it can at times bite you just when you thought things were going well.

I don't have an answer the ganking issue, if there really is such a thing in the game, but I do know this much, what ever course CCP are currently on, the player base is having a problem with it, admit it or not, overall there is less reason to join Eve and stay, and of far more concern is it is far to easy for players to find they have nothing invested in the game and leave than it used to be in times past.

Humanity is the thin veneer that remains after you remove the baffled chimp.

Faya Fel
Contention Building
#89 - 2016-07-06 02:41:20 UTC
marly cortez wrote:

I don't have an answer the ganking issue, if there really is such a thing in the game, but I do know this much, what ever course CCP are currently on, the player base is having a problem with it, admit it or not, overall there is less reason to join Eve and stay, and of far more concern is it is far to easy for players to find they have nothing invested in the game and leave than it used to be in times past.

You are very correct. There is a problem with Ganking/Griefing that leaves no recourse to Solo/Small Corps. I have been to Null/WH/Low-sec and died there. That is to be expected and I enjoy that aspect of the game. But due to recent experiences with a single character in High Sec that left me with no options over and over. I have gathered the individual did it for the LOL's.
As many I guess who play Solo/small Corp I do not have the time to invest in a large corp, that's how I enjoy the game, Solo and small corp, but due to griefing, I can not enjoy playing the game. The way I want to, due to another player. I have lost more ships than I care to count in WH's and low sec, THAT is the risk/reward that makes eve fun. Not getting ganked data mining in high Sec for LOL's. Ganked just for being in system. Butt-hurt.....maybe. Buts I refuse to cower in station waiting to do PI until the douchebag leaves. So I chose not to play. I will take my money else where.

Since it is becoming a larger issue than CCP cares to admit. I too have added my name to those leaving EVE for its failure to address Griefing/ganking to the point of harassment
Faya Fel
Contention Building
#90 - 2016-07-06 03:54:36 UTC
In the end the real world market will dictate how the game is played. If EVE can not attract and hold new players that equals no new subscriptions, a loss of future revenue . If EVE can not hold on to existing player base a loss of current revenue. Then the game will have to change whether those who drink cups of Care Bear tears every day like it or not, change will happen. Care bears the soloists, indy's don't like constantly getting griefed, then who will the griefers grief? This game runs on dollars, Euros, pounds, francs, guilders, krones, pesos, dinars, and Rubles, not your ability to gank every living thing in a high sec system. Change or the RL market place will change you. For better or worse, money will do the talking......
Geronimo McVain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2016-07-06 09:40:27 UTC
Eve is special. Things like scams that would get you instabanned anywhere else are part of the game.
Where EVE IMHO really lags is to break down the complexity to manageable levels in the UI.

Badest thing is the fitting tool! Especially new players need it. Vets know what they need: noobs don't and need to play around but don't have the money to do so. solution: Extrernal Programm

UI forgets scanned down targets in exploration. solution: External Programm

evelopedia closed, no manual for noobs: solution: External webside

IGB wil go away: solution: external program

Buying and selling prices: just reginal. Solution external webside. Why? Either make it also possible ingame or take the prices out of Crest. Only noobs don't know the prices, vets know where to look outside EVE. Point for the vets.

Sorry, but EVE should only be sold as a package with these programs because they are providing essential help for EVE and also give vets an unfair advantage over noobs.

CCP should focus on the UI and how improve it. Why do you really need!!! to sell and buy via the Item hangar? It's certainly the option for industry/ Megatrade but it's just a pain if you want to buy some small things somewhere.

Shortkeys loosing focus (jump, align etc) is another pain.

Eve is technically fullfilling everything you need for a modern game but over time the UI is way back. The whole UI needs a general overhaul by someone who has experience in usability and is NOT a long time EVE player.
Apotheosis of Caledvwich
#92 - 2016-07-06 21:43:07 UTC
Its been clearly stated by CCP that they are having a hard time retaining new players. That cannot be argued based on their own key notes.

I have been playing Eve since Beta and have done just about every aspect except lived in a Wormhole...

I dont see any good reason to not make Hi sec a PvP safe zone unless you are in a wardec or agree to a dual.

Will the population stats change locations from null sec to hi sec. Maybe a little. Alts will go up of course.

but to alleviate it a bit they need to make things less lucrative in hi sec versus low sec to null. This includes Incursions or any other new Isk making element. Population may shift for a bit but as with any MMO the people will be able to take larger and larger risks over time and move to the other areas where the isk pays out more.

It will balance over time, but more importantly I think there will be more players in eve - maybe not PvPers right away, or maybe so, but eventually everyone will try pvp or they wont - it doesnt matter.
Kal en Chalune
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2016-07-07 04:39:43 UTC
Elsia Browne wrote:
Kal en Chalune wrote:
I seldom respond to topics but I felt a strong need to respond.

Why is it the casuals and carebears always complain come in and complain and change games.

several mmo's have gone from very good to wastelands due to politically correct carebears and casuals .

First if you dont want to be here dont.

2nd this is a pvp game with pve elements.

third and finally if you take most of the hi sec risk out and hold hands and make it a 30 day investment to fly titans the hard core old timers will all prob quit.

this is a game of time skill and spreadsheets.

not a game of instant leveling and hand holding.

I for one am sick of the casual carebear crowd ruining every game ever in existence just to socialize

you wanna socialize go play my little pony online.

also i can see this being removed by the politically correct because i may offend someone

well I'm sorry but it had to be said

this is a good game and its only that a game.

Kal, you aren't hurting anyone's feelings or offending anyone so stop with the appologies.

Carebears, and casuals are already leaving the game in record numbers along with some vets that don't really agree with the changes or have real life things to take care of.

The Carebears and casuals that do stay hang out in NPC corps. Nothing wrong with it, everyone enjoys the game how they choose to enjoy it.

The games you are talking about that have gone to waste lands are? I'm just asking because I did play UO for 3 years (still play on a shard from time to time with friends). EQ for 4 years, FFXI for 7 years, FFXIV for 4 years, Guild Wars for 3 years (talk about a PVP oriented MMO). Lineage II for a couple years. Lots of other MMOs out there but usually they died because the Devs couldn't keep up with the hardcore players and provide them with enough content. This is the problem with a game has Dev driven content and not player driven content.

The Spreadsheets alone usually drive off players, I've tried to get a few friends to play over the course of many years I've played. Some of them just couldn't get past the learning curve. Others did and went off to do other bigger and better things in the game only to quit when a change came out that they didn't like.

A game is only as good as its player base. If the player base is obsessed with harassment of other players. Most players will leave a game because it isn't fun to them. Those that are doing the harassment have fun until they get harassed themselves or run out of people who are easily harassed.

This this after all a sandbox and players consent to PVP by simply undocking from a station. There are many things that are broken or missing in this game. Some players want it to remain as is because they are getting enjoyment out of it, others who aren't participating much in it see the problem but don't feel a need to make changes to it because it doesn't effect them. The last group is the group that feels they are getting harassed by the first group.

Honestly I'm glad there is a war dec system in the game, I just believe it needs to have more added to it and needs to be modified to create more dynamic content. Currently right now all the war system has is Pew Pew. Why not add in Economic war fare? Toss in the ability to charge a tariff on a target, or give the ability to pay off a faction to not allow a war target to dock at their stations? Or why not give the ability for a corp to pay off a faction and not allow a war target to jump through a gate? Lots of possibilities that haven't really been realized that could provide so much content and so much conflict. It would allow some of these big "indy" corps that have no experience with pew pew to fight back. It would allow rich corps to smash competition in an area. You could end station games, create ways to blockade high sec systems from a select group. Thousands of possibilities.

The more content you have and the greater the interaction with players new players have the better your or anyone else gaming experience will be.

see I can quote other to and disregard them I am an old school gamer I play for the game not to come and socialze as my primary objective I like all aspects of the game from wh to null scamming and yes even ganking ive been ganked and lost billions and done same .

as for the games that have gone in the toilet wow is a big one they may still have largest player base but its prob dropped by a third or more why because of catering the the blind deaf and dumb that need to be hand held.

Please if you find the game to difficult do the tutorials use google read take notes learn join eve university . you can teach the uninformed and the person willing to learn you can not teach the stupid and the lazy.

If you are flying multi b in cargo in an untanked ship with poor agility you deserve to be ganked.
The politically correct crowd always joins because its the flavor of the month.

Im a nerd from way back when being a nerd was defiantly not cool . Now we have all these wanna be fairie princess unicorn nerds that come here to pretend and go "weeeeeeeeeeee" im in a space ship then they cry to mommy ( ccp ) when the bad guy "me" blows them up and takes there stuff or scams them well thats what makes EVE different from other games

Please stop trying to dumb down every game you touch and ruining it for real gamers.

id say a few other things to the person that enjoys copying and belittling my post but I am zero mood to be banned
Kal en Chalune
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2016-07-07 04:44:41 UTC
perhaps if ccp actually advertised more there might be more people.

who knows.
TOR Protocol
State War Academy
Caldari State
#95 - 2016-07-07 20:08:09 UTC  |  Edited by: TOR Protocol
CCP's doing a fine job attracting new players. Keeping them is a problem, though. Go watch CCP Ghost give his speech at Fanfest and you'll understand that part.

Anyway, the ganking part isn't what's killing EVE. It's annoying and harassing to a degree, sure, but some risk management in not flying something overpriced and/or not carrying way too much cargo will mostly mitigate that behavior in highsec since ganking is an economic decision as much as it is a lulzy one.

The biggest problem in EVE right now is the war system being basically unlimited. To cherry-pick an ideal example, the Marmite Collective has, at the time of this posting, 128 active wars and 37 pending wars ... which adds up to them spending a total of around $8.2 billion isk on declaring wars this week. The cost is clearly not the problem. At this rate, why even have highsec? If it's so easy to find the cash to wage war on wide swaths of the non-pvp-centric players, then you're going to lose that section of your customer base since they see the game as not worth playing when they can naturally expect to be constantly at war when they have no interest in it being a constant for them.

War should be a thing, sure, but the easiest fix is to just cap the total number of wars, both active and pending, per entity to five or ten. Tops. You don't even have to bump the price of it to something halfway expensive, but you wouldn't catch me complaining if you did.
Bugsy Nardieu
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2016-07-10 12:35:30 UTC
I am the braun part and Chea Elohe is the brains part of my gaming accounts. Our human counterpart is a 62 year old old fart a previous gamemaster for D&D, Omega Project, Star Fleet Battles (Campaign) Morrow Project, Tank Commander, ... I turn of the discussion to him as he is human and can best communicate to you. I Steven Wilkinson am a 15 year USAF Veteran from 1973 to 1988. During this time I was an active supporter to the Gaming Clubs at each of my assigned location. For those few who dedicated the time to play I learned as much as I gave in terms of game plots that I staged to test and practice tactics and strategy. You see in the military gaming was not and is not just considered an for fun activity. It is the only on base club that did not have the strict non-fraternization rule. In my last two assignments, my commander gave me the responsibility and access to the command post so that we could use sand tables and extended maps to layout the games for our participants. I invested my weekends to support the gaming activities. In Korea the club was tasked to provide exercise for Law Enforcement to review and act upon during exercise activities. As a member of the team who created these exercises I can attest that we enjoyed ourselves and the organization commanders appreciated the challenges we added to the training exercises. In Korea our gaming organization included 125 active members from all organization on the base and a very wide range of enlisted and officer grades. Every new member had to go through me for their briefing and my recommendation as to their acceptance in the gaming organization. This was a voluntary club that played in order to learn strategy and tactics. We were obligated to present any game that built up the individuals who were part of that organization and to keep our behaviour in such that it properly represented the USAF and the many organization to which we were assigned. I left active duty March 1988 have worked training military personnel in the Middle-east since August 1988. On my own time I have continued to participate in gaming (computer based and table top) activities.
My briefing to my gaming partners is that gaming can be extremely addictive and we who play must take every effort to ensure that our day to day lives are not compromised by our gaming activity. Our policy for our married members or members who have family responsibilities was that they limit their gaming to 8 hours in a week and less if military obligation interfer.
I have given you this information so that there is a foundation to what I am about to recommend. "Eve Online" is a civilian game and is a commercial enterprise. From my experience I can testify that games that have changing plots in which the players are give parts to play produce the most active and committed participants. In this I am referring to Role Playing and depends on activity as part of a team. All games loose when it is left to one person. Now lets talk about PVP vs PVE. PVP is a drag to some individuals. PVP is counter productive if there is no balance between the individuals. Eve Online has a basic design that if applied permits new individuals / teams to be developed. I suggest the following to increase participation and membership. These changes will make more money for CCP and more fun for the members.
A CCP Fleet Auxiliary Organization and Acadamy be added to the game. This organization is committed to enforcing law in high sec and as membership, skills, budget and resources are made available by member participation they are committed to bring that same Law Standard to Low Sec and beyond.
The CCP Fleet Auxiliary Organization and Academy provide computer based support to expand membership to each time zone and team development in each of these time zones. The members must spend 4 days (96 hours) training in each vessel with fleet exercises provided and required for the training of each level 5 mastery. The goal is to introduce teams that live in the same time zones and can organize with each other to develop fleets that are qualified to compete with those who demand to have PVP as an obligation. The difference is that PVP is limited to low sec and below else they meet the force of both the CCP AI and the CCP Fleet Auxiliary. Old member can choose to become part of CCP Fleet Auxiliary and this has the impact of raising their security rating and all high sec locations protect CCP Fleet members. Yes ganking organizations can choose to attack high value targets but the value of those targets will depend on the success of the CCP Fleet Auxiliary doing its job of interdicting low sec individuals and fleets who take such action in high sec. As the plan proceeds that will be a natural conflict between those who want the wild wild west in nul and work whole space and those who are committed to enforcing High Sec Law in the rest of Eve Space.
TOR Protocol
State War Academy
Caldari State
#97 - 2016-07-11 00:18:17 UTC
Bugsy Nardieu wrote:
The CCP Fleet Auxiliary Organization and Academy

Not to put a damper on your personal experience, recommendations, and so forth ... but CCP is aware the newbro playerbase needs additional support in order to boost retention rates as a part of overcoming the inherent complexities of EVE Online. They're working on it, but mainly as integrating it into the new player experience (i.e., the newbie training). I'm sure they'd love to hear more specific details on how, exactly, new players could be better-supported.
Kal en Chalune
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2016-07-11 09:08:23 UTC
I am totally in favor of helping new players.

perhaps first 30 days immune to pvp unless they flag selves.

or some sort of mandatory training quests to get acquainted to game and the rules.

Lots of new players come in and its overload.

perhaps more hands on from some volunteers.

People need to be told hey man thats not wise and let them accept the advice or reject.

Iam sure ccp knows what new players dont like maybe some compromise or more of a penalty when people gank.

such as more lower security rating

like4 ganks and you get a - 10 and your off to low and have to repair status.

that may be to severe but as people say more support for new people is needed.
Bugsy Nardieu
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2016-07-11 16:37:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy Nardieu
TOR Protocol wrote:
Bugsy Nardieu wrote:
The CCP Fleet Auxiliary Organization and Academy

Not to put a damper on your personal experience, recommendations, and so forth ... but CCP is aware the newbro playerbase needs additional support in order to boost retention rates as a part of overcoming the inherent complexities of EVE Online. They're working on it, but mainly as integrating it into the new player experience (i.e., the newbie training). I'm sure they'd love to hear more specific details on how, exactly, new players could be better-supported.

Can you write a story based on a month's gaming time? Would the story change each month? There are many types of individuals some who like PVP and others who would like to track each and every ganker and destroy them every time they sho their harassing faces. The point of creating an Fleet Auxiliary for the CCP would provide a structure in which to take new and old players to systematically create a team based organization that provides each a fun way of playing while getting the most out of training and to provide a negative factor for the harassing ganker to have consider. Look at our corporation system. I work in the Middle-east and I play between 1500 to 2000 eve time. Look at the number of corps that claim to operate during these hours. There are truly far less than listed. I have looked. We need a system that connects people so that we have coverage 23 hours per day. We need that system to provide the game with a usable plot that can be incorporated in the function and character of the game. I note that I am coming from the USA Historical Western Migration and the institution of Law in those regions as frontiersmen and women who explored the land were replaced by families and businesses wanting security, safety, and clear lines to move products and resources to warrant their investments. We have in EVE the micro culture of this migration and we have the ability to use known human nature to motivate the players in creating game play the uses PVP, PVI and Role Play. The CCP Auxiliary is used to recruit new and old players to establish Law Enforcement /Industry/Mining and shipping to police High Sec. If bad boys and girls in low and nullsec desire to repent of their way there has to ways to permit their enlistment into CCP Auxiliary. CCP developer will have an open story board on which to design environments for these individuals to train in every CCP ship and gain training points for the completion of each training exercise. In addition to completing training exercises, each CCP Auxiliary Fleet will be assigned a system in High Sec to patrol 24 hours each day and protect all residents of that system. The CCP will have exercises to provide Orca Boost in each System that they are assigned to the Auxiliary has to protect these missions until the Active CCP Fleet arrives. This starts in High Sec and continues as the Auxiliary moves to Alianances in Low, Nul and Worm Whole Space. There will be those who will want to test the system. This is part of game creation and is important to keep Eve energy. But by recruiting fleets it will mean having the gankers facing competition and give a sense of fairness to the unarmed miners and solo players.
How specifically is the new player trained? In the CCP Aux they are linked to an existing Fleet with Team Speak and work their way thru each vessel in an interactive environment to complete the mission of that environment and to gain lvl 5 master of that ship. I would be very happy to work with a developer to put in operation. There are Four Races and eight (8) faction Frigates. Each Frigate has it own mission and fits and is beneficial as training is completed. Requirement for training in each Frigate would mean operating a fleet of all the frigates for each training environment and having to use each race and factors ship. How many skill points for the completion of each of the exercises need to be balanced but use of skill bonuses coordinated with the training enables the players to move upward and onward in the gaming environment.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#100 - 2016-07-11 23:45:32 UTC
TOR Protocol wrote:
CCP's doing a fine job attracting new players. Keeping them is a problem, though. Go watch CCP Ghost give his speech at Fanfest and you'll understand that part.

Anyway, the ganking part isn't what's killing EVE. It's annoying and harassing to a degree, sure, but some risk management in not flying something overpriced and/or not carrying way too much cargo will mostly mitigate that behavior in highsec since ganking is an economic decision as much as it is a lulzy one.

The biggest problem in EVE right now is the war system being basically unlimited. To cherry-pick an ideal example, the Marmite Collective has, at the time of this posting, 128 active wars and 37 pending wars ... which adds up to them spending a total of around $8.2 billion isk on declaring wars this week. The cost is clearly not the problem. At this rate, why even have highsec? If it's so easy to find the cash to wage war on wide swaths of the non-pvp-centric players, then you're going to lose that section of your customer base since they see the game as not worth playing when they can naturally expect to be constantly at war when they have no interest in it being a constant for them.

War should be a thing, sure, but the easiest fix is to just cap the total number of wars, both active and pending, per entity to five or ten. Tops. You don't even have to bump the price of it to something halfway expensive, but you wouldn't catch me complaining if you did.


The only way to wage war now is to camp pipes and trade hubs. Other forms of war are now defunct...thanks to CCP.

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