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June release 118.6 - General feedback

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Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#301 - 2016-06-29 23:41:03 UTC
Anna Maria Yolo wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:
I commented to point out that requesting an additional option toggle is not as helpful as explaining why the feature bothers you, because the graphics software team (my team) is currently working on simplifying the graphics settings options.

A different team than mine is responsible for the docking animation, and despite that they haven't posted here, they are reading all of the feedback.

Ok, I'll try to be constructive. I will explain why your animatiom make people dizzy

1. The main problem is that that the pivot point is static and located in the middle of the screen. The object (ship) is all the time in the middle of the screen. You zoom out the camera, but the pivot point is static. You will get much better result when the pivot point moves with a ship from left border of the screen to the central point. This will be cinematic. The current effect is not cinematic but "whoaa, world rotates aroud me. combat drugs definitely have side effects"

2. More annoying is docking animation than undocking. The reason is simple - within the animation time (3 sec?) you pivot around 90 degrees in hangar and around 30 degrees outside a station. To make the animation less annoying just reduce pivot to 30 degrees in a station.

You may make a change in general. After docking the station and watching the animation, a pilot can automaticaly enter to captain's quarters. All other in-station operations like ship changing, fitting, reprocessing, trade, etc can be done from there. This way there will be no reason to watch the 3s animation while ship changing, and finally people will know what clothes they wear.

Besides that, a lot of pilots (me included) have the camera off center, which makes everything more queezy.

You sit in front of multiple screens, them being rotated, so you sit right at the screens middle axis, one half for the ship, the other half for the windows (mostly high transparency) and when you add a sliding and rotating animation with decreasing speed (slide), everything becomes a nausea festival.
#302 - 2016-06-29 23:42:56 UTC
EvilYou announced the advertising way back to get rid of containers in space used for corp ads. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that you put billboards in a station to get rid of the advertising containers in space!

I was even looking forward seeing bigger billboards at gates instead of the damn corp ad containers. Who even came up with that idea? Having bigger billboards in space at gates would get rid of of the damn corp containers. Your ads in a station are distracting and utterly useless in replacing corp ad containers in space. The billboards could be build and would add content, the anchoring of billboards by players would also be new content, like finding the best place etc. Billboards in station are utter nonsense, I never look at them and move my camera that they are out of view anyways. USELESS.

The docking animation is making me angry beyond believe. Some people might not feel that way, but I do. And when I play a game, I want to have fun and be angry! Annoyed is o.k. from time to time; it's Eve after all.

The SCOPE events are VERY repetitive. finish 5 finish 10 is too much - it's always the same. New content is fine, I like the event (when it actually works), but repeat the same task 10 times? It's just stupid and way too repetitive. I appreciate the new event, but it's too repetitive.

Giving no loot in the wrecks is also very discouraging and disappointing. Hey I finished, WHAT? NO LOOT! Only shiny, useless salvage worth nothing as usual. Most people don't even bother to salvage the wrecks; AND NOTING IN IT. One damn can at the end? Really? You need a cruiser with skills to finish and then a frigate speeds in and takes your damn can. Now I have garbage salvage and no loot? Why? Put some shiny stuff in some of the ships at least.

Getting imaginary points is also not good. And then they should add up to 50000? It's way too high. Again you cater only to people that mindless shoot at NPCs all day. Some might like that, I DON'T. And put some 10k 20k 50k skill boosters in the wrecks, please. We miss the daily anyway.

Giving a +10 that lasts only half a day or day at the end is utter garbage:

Point Reward Tiers

Bronze – 10,000
Redeemable Copper Ouroboros which may drop the following loot:
Copper Ouroboros Accelerator +10 last for 12 hours.
Clothing Items

Silver – 25,000
Redeemable Silver Ouroboros which may drop the following loot:
Silver Ouroboros Accelerator +10 last for 72 hours.
Clothing Items

Gold – 50,000
Redeemable Gold Ouroboros which may drop the following loot:
Gold Ouroboros Accelerator +10 last for 120 hours.
Single Run Vehement BPC
Clothing Items

Tyran Crow
Deaths Consortium
Pandemic Horde
#303 - 2016-06-29 23:52:11 UTC
Norrin Ellis wrote:
I'm not sure why "I preferred things the way they were" is insufficient. Why do the customers have to justify their preferences to CCP?

You put something in--by all accounts against the recommendations of people who tested it on SiSi--and now we're all screaming that we liked EVE better the way it was.

Now, I understand that you've got some sunk costs involved in putting this feature in, but making decisions moving forward on the basis of those sunk costs is the kind of fallacious reasoning that has extended the life of all sorts of awful decisions throughout human history.

Exactly. No one likes their work to be this widely ripped apart by the player base and I'm sure the working group is probably a little upset with the response to their work product but it is simply a non starter and this is a business, like all businesses the moment you stop listening and responding to customer wishes they simply find an alternative vendor. Don't be this guy CCP. Buy the team some pizza and beer, let them know we as players bear them no ill will personally and let them know we wish them better luck next time.... and don't forget to turn it OFF.
Elendor Xanadaph
Redwind Trading Facility
#304 - 2016-06-30 00:06:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Elendor Xanadaph
Please give us back the option for "New/old Camera" in the options menu like there was before. The ship spinning makes me very nauseous, the "stepped" zooming in and out and the non linear movement of the camera in space also makes me somewhat nauseous.

Please just make it a checkbox and let people have a basic simple camera, I am playing a game and want precision in how I move the camera around, I don't want to watch a cinematic movie.

I logged in, changed ships, undocked, and am feeling it. It limits the amount of time I can play, which makes me wants to log in less and less. My first post on this forum in my time playing of almost 10 years, this will be a deal breaker please CCP :((

Tikktokk Tokkzikk
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#305 - 2016-06-30 00:12:06 UTC
Hey, I'd like to offer some feedback on the new camera. When switching ship or docking, I'd like the camera to stop rotating to behind my ship when I start to manually moving the camera. I like to switch between the ships in my hangar just to look at the skins and killmarks, and I find it very frustrating having to fight the automatic movement for ~10 seconds every time I switch ships. On a more important note, when cancelling the undock animation I want instant control and responsiveness. Having to wait around half a second for the camera to zoom in or out feels sluggish and is bound to annoy me greatly in critical situations.

Besides those two issues, I'm actually surprised by how much I enjoy watching the switch ship / dock animation.
Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#306 - 2016-06-30 00:12:37 UTC
But besides the docking/changing animation, there are some other things which deserve mentioning in this thread.

Serpentis Event

I did log in today and after the spawn hotfix for the New Event, I managed to enjoy the new content immensely. Competition is high, yet fleet and corp participation gets rewarded Big smile

One concern which came up is, that, once those 'missions' accumulate which a pilot is unable to run, he might get stuck with just one or even no option (Though 'Keep Up The Pressure' seems always to re-appear). Those are mostly: Kill Drifters, Kill Sleepers, Run Incursions, Mine Ore (which luckily have a 24h timer already).
An option to ask for a new 'mission', like from Agents, might be welcome -, maybe just every 6 or 12 hours.


Another thing, which I asked about in part in the issue thread is, why do I see Mining amount and single Bounty rewards on screen .. even with all notifications and log an messages turned off.

Besides this probably being an oversight and could be considered a bug; I am still of the opinion, that this is unnecessary in the first place.

As I mentioned, to have the correct mining amount information available is great, but in the wrong place - it should be with the module info when you mouse over - cause you need it only once per mining session, not with every cycle.

And in regards to bounty pool adds, who cares ? The importance for most is the tick in the wallet to calculate ISK/h, every other Bounty information is useless, unwanted and unnecessary screen clutter.

I know, some players live for a screen spammed full with damage numbers blocking 2/3 of the screen and need those to feel awesome, I rather enjoy space free of those things.... the OV and Menu have numbers enough.

Tactical Overlay

The Tactical Overlay gets better and better with every addition, good job.

The only minor critique I have is the direction and speed arrow for my own ship... the necessity escapes me. If I don't know where I am headed and need an arrow.. I´d Say I have no busyness in space and I cant image a situation coming up where I think "Hmm, I wonder how fast I am flying, better open the TO and check the arrow"

The Tactical Camera freaks me the **** out though, when I forget it is turned on... and stuff just happens, like my ship fly off into the horizon and me thinking "Am I warping off ? why am warping ? - I am NOT warping !" ... but I guess that's me having to learn to use it correctly - or keeping my hands off it.
Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#307 - 2016-06-30 00:22:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Fer'isam K'ahn
Rexeva wrote:
The SCOPE events are VERY repetitive. finish 5 finish 10 is too much - it's always the same. New content is fine, I like the event (when it actually works), but repeat the same task 10 times? It's just stupid and way too repetitive. I appreciate the new event, but it's too repetitive.

Giving no loot in the wrecks is also very discouraging and disappointing...

I do agree, that some obstacles are a bit heavy handed on the numbers count due to RnG and especially high traffic at Gates (to get those Guards), but it is also just the first day and things might be changed.

About the second part, I have to disagree, other options are available. Loot is in the Shipyard container for example and salvage is quite decent. These are meant to be run fast, in competition or company, dealing with minor loot (dropping an MTU, flying around, emptying cargo regularly) is a bother and thank the Lords of Cobol there isn't any - or much.
For instance my Noctis, in Fleet, gets a tick for the event. BS rats give up to 2.5 mil a piece Bounty, which is super rare otherwise and they are usually hard to crack.

Except for some spawn RnG and Number tweaks I am quite happy.

@Rexeva: In your last post is just a quote of my post ... you forgot to reply ? or the reply window got a refresh/load error ?!
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#308 - 2016-06-30 00:45:08 UTC  |  Edited by: nezroy
Anna Maria Yolo wrote:

Ok, I'll try to be constructive. I will explain why your animatiom make people dizzy

The dynamic FOV at the end of the docking anim is a huge part of the problem. The camera team needs to unlearn all the stupid stuff they picked up in film school. Dynamic FOV is fine for cinema and consoles because you are 10 feet away from the TV. It is evil nausea inducing worst-practice total rookie PC game designer mistake to do it on a computer monitor 10 inches from my face.

EDIT: seriously, do NOT change the FOV of a scene on a PC monitor except in direct response to a user input clearly tied to doing so. And never not provide an option to disable any and all dynamic FOV changes as it is the #1 cause of nausea/motion sickness on a monitor. This is 101 stuff.
Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#309 - 2016-06-30 01:35:27 UTC
Finally got on to try the new scope dailies and i already hate them. I know its personal preference and all that - but imo rating is some of the worst content in eve - and this just takes terrible content and makes it repetitive ad nasuma . Shooting the same rats over and over again is just awful.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

SeVenNight Deng
#310 - 2016-06-30 02:07:55 UTC
The docking animation make me sick. Please check about the docking animation of the Capsule, and the vibration of the screen just awful. I am ok with the first time you dock in the station with this animation. But please, do not make it everytime when i change me ship, and it is annoying as **
Cayman Finance
#311 - 2016-06-30 02:14:33 UTC
Can we please get a hotfix yesterday to remove/disable the docking/undocking camera changes? I would like to play EVE without having to look out the window or face the opposite wall every time I dock or change ships. I generally try not to post repeatedly in threads, but I feel strongly about this and hope the CCP team can listen to their players and do the right thing.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#312 - 2016-06-30 02:28:01 UTC
Kasimir Wulf wrote:
Mesacc wrote:
2005 player here. This will most likely be my last post since my subscription runs out in a day or 2. I cancelled 2 accounts after the removal of the old camera and will not be resubscribing until the new camera is brought up to the quality of the old one. Lack of custom tracking position and tracking camera snap speed along with zoom acceleration are my biggest issues and the fact that these are being ignored while you work on useless docking animations that are clearly hated by the player base does not make my returning look promising. I hope you get your priorities in order because I would love to play EVE for another 10 years.

you do know that theres an option to customize it to the feel you want right? but i guess actually looking into the settings tabs to difficult of a task for you.

cya you won't be missed.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day.

A slider that goes from Smooth to Stiff - Isn't really "customization" it simply speeds up or slows down 1 aspect of an otherwise not very user friendly camera.

NB; Is the camera snap at the end of the undocking timer really necessary.

Is it possible the zoom on the camera during the undock timer can be removed - If we are to be forced to undock in slow motion, at least make it so you can see what it is your undocking, a circle made up of white lines is pretty unimpressive as far as animations go.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Goonswarm Federation
#313 - 2016-06-30 03:28:59 UTC
Thead Enco
Valkyre Black
#314 - 2016-06-30 03:46:05 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
As if one more menu tab in the ESC menu would be the end of the world. If they actually researched it I'm betting a significant number of EVE customers would be happy with one or more additional ESC menus that would provide toggles for over a dozen or more "features" that the customers actually hate. The issue is the Dev's don't like us pushing back.

Quite the opposite: I feel that it's very valuable for the developers of new features, like the docking animation, to hear what you have to say, which is why I encouraged continuing to post.

When people ask for a toggle to turn a feature off, usually they are really saying they'd like the feature removed entirely but think that an option toggle is a more reasonable request. Our focus, though, is usually on trying to make something new like the docking animation a positive for more people.

That's why I asked for posters who might say "Add a switch!" or "Take it out!" to instead explain what they don't like about it. Maybe it could be different in some way that wouldn't make you feel that way but doesn't take us back to a black screen or a loading bar for these session changes, and it helps if you offer us thoughts that can help us get there.

Of course, taking it out, or even adding a switch, are always last-resort options, but they're just something we prefer not to do if we think we can find a better spot for the feature that more players will appreciate.

Importantly: Team TriLambda, Eve's art and graphics software team, (mostly) maintains the graphics settings menu but camera (including docking animation) and general UI development is handled by Team Psycho Sisters. That's why I didn't address specific feedback in my earlier comment.

As if pages of statements by dozens of others doesn't detail the issues? Seriously???

Two people saying a thing have a louder voice than one. Just because someone else has said a thing doesn't mean someone else may not want to offer the same feedback a different way. I don't want to encourage anyone who feels strongly to keep their feedback to themselves.

and removed the blue light transition when using a Jump Bridge.

This is not an intended change, and the jump animation will be restored as soon as possible.

Does anyone at CCP even read the sisi forums?. If you know ahead of time you going to have some game play issues why bother adding those changes to the game when it will only cause you heartburn and grief on the forums? it's like you guys like wasting time for no reason.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#315 - 2016-06-30 03:51:13 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Kasimir Wulf wrote:
Mesacc wrote:
2005 player here. This will most likely be my last post since my subscription runs out in a day or 2. I cancelled 2 accounts after the removal of the old camera and will not be resubscribing until the new camera is brought up to the quality of the old one. Lack of custom tracking position and tracking camera snap speed along with zoom acceleration are my biggest issues and the fact that these are being ignored while you work on useless docking animations that are clearly hated by the player base does not make my returning look promising. I hope you get your priorities in order because I would love to play EVE for another 10 years.

you do know that theres an option to customize it to the feel you want right? but i guess actually looking into the settings tabs to difficult of a task for you.

cya you won't be missed.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day.

A slider that goes from Smooth to Stiff - Isn't really "customization" it simply speeds up or slows down 1 aspect of an otherwise not very user friendly camera.

It's the same as the UI customization features that allow you to choose between a "selection" of color schemes that were all decided upon by someone else.

Chances are, the UI/art department doesn't have the cross section of disabilities needed for them to personally understand all the accessibility issues others will have. So that's why it's important for them to proactively learn about such things and take them into consideration so that people like me don't have to harp on for ages about how you're making your game unplayable to us.

Unfortunately when so many of us told them that the new UI was making the game very difficult for us to play, they just responded by telling us how typical people handle their UI and disregarded the fact that a substantial portion of the people complaining where not typical and as such their responses were both insulting, inappropriate and unhelpful.

And here we are again.
Thead Enco
Valkyre Black
#316 - 2016-06-30 03:51:33 UTC
[quote=CCP Darwin]
As if one more menu tab in the ESC menu would be the end of the world. If they actually researched it I'm betting a significant number of EVE customers would be happy with one or more additional ESC menus that would provide toggles for over a dozen or more "features" that the customers actually hate. The issue is the Dev's don't like us pushing back.

Quite the opposite: I feel that it's very valuable for the developers of new features, like the docking animation, to hear what you have to say, which is why I encouraged continuing to post.

If they actual read the sisi fourms they would know the dock animation is utter **** and they should feel bad about that.

Also p.s. Starscream confirms no vouch's for Riot for anyone at CCP.
Thead Enco
Valkyre Black
#317 - 2016-06-30 03:59:16 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Kremlath wrote:
1) No, we're not adding options to the options menu because that makes things 'complex'

I commented to point out that requesting an additional option toggle is not as helpful as explaining why the feature bothers you, because the graphics software team (my team) is currently working on simplifying the graphics settings options.

A different team than mine is responsible for the docking animation, and despite that they haven't posted here, they are reading all of the feedback.

FYI you'll be gone 6 account''s in 30 days. I have no problem pissing off in The Division for the time being. o7
Roving Guns Inc.
Pandemic Legion
#318 - 2016-06-30 04:26:00 UTC
+1 please, just a toggle box to stop this dock effect. Its VERY unpleasant even just once in a while.
I'm honestly not sure i can play a game that makes me feel nauseous every time i do anything.

Don't really feel like that should be argued with ... its obviously a widespread problem, people don't play games that make them feel it needs fixing by either removing entirely or with a simple toggle box.
Cayman Finance
#319 - 2016-06-30 04:37:46 UTC
For those who haven't realized yet, enabling Captain's Quarters is a decent temporary workaround for the docking animation. It bypasses the animation and you can watch a loading screen and laggy third person area instead. It may be annoying, slow, superfluous junk, but at least it won't make you sick. Even though mentioned several times in this thread, I only just tried it now, as I had placed Captain's Quarters in the 'Does not exist' section of my brain.

Undocking animation remains a problem.
Rolder Slaton
Caldari State
#320 - 2016-06-30 04:53:39 UTC
The Serpentis event seems like a ridiculous amount of grinding and tedious site finding/running for how little the reward is. Especially when most of the time the individual sites give you just about nothing.