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WoD, etc really screwed us

Dika Regyri
#41 - 2016-02-25 00:38:34 UTC
18 months later and the HIGH-TECH items that are dropped from data sites still have NO use or value. These items come from a core game activity that is heavily marketed: Exploration.

But by all means, keep making ship skins.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#42 - 2016-02-26 07:19:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Concerning WoD, there's been 2 games based on it already, and Paradox certainly is gong to develop *something* with that IP.

World Of Darkness is one of the best selling horror RPG franchises ever. It predated the sparkling vampires and certainly has outlived them. Failing to buid a MMORPG on WoD is like failing to make a RTS out of a Warhammer license.

As for the Atlanta team, here is something worth noting. As the Reykjavik team begrudgingly developed one single CQ in over a year ("we were hired to make spaceships, not rooms") the Atlanta office finished 3 CQs in 6 months... in detriment of WoD.

Those Reykjavik artists are the same who now have spent over a year texturizing structures with thousands of square kilometers of surface so they become the most gloriously useless 3D screensaver ever. Thousands of square kilometers of nothing to interact with and nothing to do when you're "inside" of it, but to look at it from a thousand kilometers away... sitting and idling... forever.

This, from the company who figured that it was worth spending God knows how many man hours to connect a PC game to a console game via two different propietary networks so the PC player could sit doing nothing but wait to press F1 each 10 minutes...

CCP haves an habit of climbing mountains because there's a Vision on them; resolving technological challenges just because they're challenging... "game" and "fun" be damned.
Ravana 729
A Drunken Squirrels' Conspiracy for Revenge
#43 - 2016-02-26 08:31:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Ravana 729
stg slate wrote:
You know, if CCP had used the time/money/resources they threw into a fire with World of Darkness, Dust514, etc on EVE instead we could be up to Tech4 and be walking, gambling, fighting, and screwing in Stations by now.

Now they throw money into a fire with Valkyrie and we still have a million 1/2 implemented or outdated/broken features.

I can't help but think about how other successful MMO's differ so much from CCP. Blizzard is one great example of a much more successful MMO which didn't do anything like CCP. They need to stop squandering money and focus on 5 star projects like Eve, instead of Playstation junk. When Blizzard strays from its bread and butter, they do so carefully and into freaking phone games - highly successful phone games I might add. Stop dabbling in bad storytelling and stealing the story sandbox from players. You cannot have it both ways. If you don't know how to maintain and take care of your franchise like Blizzard does, don't bother with it and let the players shine, instead of stealing their plots and ruining everything. Blizzard is successful in part because their enormous stable of curated characters is inspiring to the players, and they have a full lore team to back this up. They also don't kill off faction leaders lightly and with no player involvement allowed.

Stop calling them expansions. THEY'RE PATCHES. You need to add BIG features to call them expansions, like walking, gambling and fighting for instance. Even Fedo battles would be a step up at this point.

There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with training and game balance when you have to start selling SP to new players for real money to "catch them up" I would never reccomend Eve to a new player unless they purchased a character knowing what I know now.

People are not as stupid as you think they are CCP.
Black Jack 0-1
#44 - 2016-02-26 14:34:15 UTC
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
CCP should have made no attempt to diversify

So you are saying ccp should have never made eve then?
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2016-02-26 20:26:17 UTC
Why the actual **** would we ever want Tech 4 ships?
Ravana 729
A Drunken Squirrels' Conspiracy for Revenge
#46 - 2016-02-27 21:47:33 UTC
thatonepersone wrote:
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
CCP should have made no attempt to diversify

So you are saying ccp should have never made eve then?

No they are saying that instead of abandoning their five star phenomenon they should have nurtured it carefully and put money right back into it.

If they had nurtured Eve right from the beginning, no one could touch them, they'd have as much content as World of Warcraft. You'd be crazy to try to remake WoW, but Eve has like 12 quests and a very basic system. This offers WoW an unexpected advantage against its competitors in the Fantasy genre and Eve just hasn't been cared for very well, making it vulnerable to competition such as Elite and Star Citizen.
Galactic Rangers
#47 - 2016-02-27 22:56:40 UTC
Ravana 729 wrote:
thatonepersone wrote:
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
CCP should have made no attempt to diversify

So you are saying ccp should have never made eve then?

No they are saying that instead of abandoning their five star phenomenon they should have nurtured it carefully and put money right back into it.

If they had nurtured Eve right from the beginning, no one could touch them, they'd have as much content as World of Warcraft. You'd be crazy to try to remake WoW, but Eve has like 12 quests and a very basic system. This offers WoW an unexpected advantage against its competitors in the Fantasy genre and Eve just hasn't been cared for very well, making it vulnerable to competition such as Elite and Star Citizen.

you compare EVE with 2 games that one of is below par with EVE and the other has yet to be released.

always amazes me how these posters of threads like this one actually believe they know something the rest of us don't.

reaction shitehawk threads fishing for drama.
Beta Maoye
#48 - 2016-02-27 23:43:54 UTC
The world is changing really quickly. This is particularly true in computer game industry. A game developer is guaranteed to die if it stops being creative and taking risk.

If CCP did not take risk to start the development of a spaceship game 13 years ago, EVE does not exist today. It's nothing wrong to try new directions as long as they learn from their mistakes.

The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.
Luca Lure
#49 - 2016-02-28 08:45:01 UTC
stg slate wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
because of you don't know what you are saying in a given language, it's usually best to STFU until you learn it better.

This is the sort of racist treatment always comes. I will leave for other language communities and no longer post here.

Stg Slate, don't let biggots scare you of. They can't speak any other language at all, but feel the need to talk down on other people instead of discussing with arguments. In the meantime you see their countryman beg on these forums because they can't get a normal health insurance like civilized people have.


The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#50 - 2016-02-28 11:33:44 UTC
stg slate wrote:
You know, if CCP had used the time/money/resources they threw into a fire with World of Darkness, Dust514, etc on EVE instead we could be up to Tech4 and be walking, gambling, fighting, and screwing in Stations by now.

Now they throw money into a fire with Valkyrie and we still have a million 1/2 implemented or outdated/broken features.

You know that CCP did spend a whole bunch of money on WiS, and most of it was thrown on a fire too?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2016-02-28 14:56:27 UTC
stg slate wrote:
You know, if CCP had used the time/money/resources they threw into a fire with World of Darkness, Dust514, etc on EVE instead we could be up to Tech4 and be walking, gambling, fighting, and screwing in Stations by now.

Now they throw money into a fire with Valkyrie and we still have a million 1/2 implemented or outdated/broken features.

That's because they slowly want to milk the EVE player base out of real cash using micro transactions so they can safely kill it off and make something else.

That or F2P (which basically means killing the game).
Mishra San
#52 - 2016-02-28 16:09:24 UTC
stg slate wrote:
You know, if CCP had used the time/money/resources they threw into a fire with World of Darkness, Dust514, etc on EVE instead we could be up to Tech4 and be walking, gambling, fighting, and screwing in Stations by now.

Now they throw money into a fire with Valkyrie and we still have a million 1/2 implemented or outdated/broken features.

I concur.

EVE Online should be their only focus.
Warlock Assassins
#53 - 2016-02-28 17:53:48 UTC
stg slate wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
I take it you're a "millennial", OP?

Just based on the fact that you think that your $15 monthly expenditure entitles you to tell CCP how to run their company.

I don't know what the **** a millennial is, but please point out how my casual musing was telling CCP how to prioritize their projects?

I don't have to "assume" anything about you from your post, its pretty obvious your an ignorant jackass, so go **** yourself.

That escalated quickly.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Warlock Assassins
#54 - 2016-02-28 18:29:18 UTC
This whole thread--and all the other ones like it--stink like a garbage pile of survivorship bias.

Everybody is crawling around up in here pretending they know what makes a good or popular or profitable video game, and we're all sitting around here pointing at the different bullet holes in the plane and yelling at each other, "LOOK! THERE'S THE PROBLEM! CAN'T YOU SEE THE HOLES IN THE PLANE? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?"

Yeah, guess what? The holes in a plane that made it back to the landing strip don't matter. It's the stuff that didn't get hit that counts.

In my opinion, EvE has had a guiding vision throughout its existence, and that vision has not been recently diminished.

The vision is that it should always be dangerous to undock. People are free to be bad if they choose.

That's what keeps me coming back, time after time.

When CCP does things to make things safer, I tend to object. When they do things that make it more dangerous, I tend to applaud. When CPP changes things that don't affect safety in either direction, I don't care.

FozzieSOV? Don't care.
Skill Points? Don't care/sort of like it because more people with more SP = more danger (theoretically)
Jump Fatigue? Don't care.
WiS? Don't care unless it means people can stab me while I try to pick up hookers.
AUR/NEX Store/monocles/$1,000 jeans? Don't care. Except that I love delicious forum tears.
Ridiculously overpowered T3Ds? Bring it. More danger is better.
Other games that CCP is working on? Seriously do not care. Other games didn't break EvE. Other games will never break EvE. Unbelievable non-issue.

The only thing that will break EvE is this:

When CCP changes mechanics to make things safer.

That's the core part of the game that, in my opinion, keeps this whole thing going. But CCP doesn't do that very often.

There's a lot of blarghle-blarg about CCP losing its way because they are experimenting with some different things. I disagree. I think CCP is very much keeping its path very well, while it is trying some things out that specifically do not interfere or disrupt the game's core appeal.

I know people will disagree, but I think that most of the things that people gripe about are things that are ancillary to the core concept. It's just that some of them are inconvenient or personally dissatisfying for some players. But that doesn't make them a compromise of the game's core values.

This thread is particularly absurd and misinformed. But the ideas I'm suggesting are applicable to many recent GD threads.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Mr Mieyli
#55 - 2016-02-28 18:56:21 UTC
I'm more and more thinking that we should be directing our anger at senior management within CCP. It was senior management that mismanaged incarna, it was them that wasted eve money on WoD, and it's them who are introducing all of the new real cash options into the game. CCP need to once again take a look at themselves as a company and decide if they are still following their vision for EvE.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#56 - 2016-02-28 18:59:31 UTC
Glathull wrote:
stg slate wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
I take it you're a "millennial", OP?

Just based on the fact that you think that your $15 monthly expenditure entitles you to tell CCP how to run their company.

I don't know what the **** a millennial is, but please point out how my casual musing was telling CCP how to prioritize their projects?

I don't have to "assume" anything about you from your post, its pretty obvious your an ignorant jackass, so go **** yourself.

That escalated quickly.

So what we've learned is that the kind of special snowflake who thinks it's possible for CCP to "screw him" by investing in other projects also feels he should not have to bear any criticism for this entitled whinging.

Go figure.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Disclosed Desire
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#57 - 2016-02-28 19:17:32 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
I take it you're a "millennial", OP?

Just based on the fact that you think that your $15 monthly expenditure entitles you to tell CCP how to run their company.

One of the more cretinous generalisations I've seen for a while and that is quite an impressive feat.
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#58 - 2016-02-28 20:09:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Johan Civire
If the had focus on one game instead making 3 games (darkness nonsense) then we had more than just eve in eve. We had a better eve now. And allot better things to do. Now the try to (catch up strategist to keep the foes calm) . Focus on eve the say and what do we get a remap of UI. Add some 10 ships done. finish, Now all the money back to other games the have..... Yah thanks. Off course we are **** off about it.

Now the add the injectors for the quick cash the can make. To budget there other games. And hope some of them get succes.
Warlock Assassins
#59 - 2016-02-28 21:38:45 UTC
Johan Civire wrote:
If the had focus on one game instead making 3 games (darkness nonsense) then we had more than just eve in eve. We had a better eve now. And allot better things to do. Now the try to (catch up strategist to keep the foes calm) . Focus on eve the say and what do we get a remap of UI. Add some 10 ships done. finish, Now all the money back to other games the have..... Yah thanks. Off course we are **** off about it.

Now the add the injectors for the quick cash the can make. To budget there other games. And hope some of them get succes.

I'm just not at all convinced that we would have more EvE or better EvE if CCP were focused solely on EvE.

Blindly throwing people, resources, and money at a problem doesn't often help with technical problems, and it can actually hurt with conceptual problems.

Dev work can be a little like trying to have a baby. If you really don't have any idea how that works, you might just apply some simple logic to the problem. If it takes one woman 9 months to produce a baby, then surely 9 women can produce a baby in one month. Right?

Some things just need time to happen. When CCP tweaks balance, it takes time to see how players respond. When mechanics are updated, it takes time to see how players use and abuse them.

There's also the issue of tunnel vision. When you get too close to a problem for too long, you lose perspective, and you get locked into a certain way of thinking about your problems. Sometimes the best thing you can do to solve a hard problem is to forget about it for a while and go work on something different. When you come back to the original problem, you may have learned something new. Or you may have learned of a new way to think about your problem. This process also takes time.

I'm not at all convinced that EvE has suffered because of WoD or any of their other projects. I think it's very likely that EvE has benefitted from these other projects.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Aviola von Yodalgut
#60 - 2016-02-28 22:03:36 UTC
Glathull wrote:

I think it's very likely that EvE has benefitted from these other projects.

Not sure about that.

What I do know is that when WoD was still being worked on, there were a lot of EVE players moaning about EVE not getting much attention and blaming WoD as well as Dust514.

But then what's the point in worrying about what might have been. Should be looking forward not back.