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CCP - I'm on my knees begging for an update on Factional Warfare

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Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2011-11-29 01:09:09 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Well, to be fair, Pandemic Legion was there in Amamake first, before FW even existed. Hard to blame them for returning to their ancestral hunting grounds for a while.

Lets see how this pans out with the supercap nerf and the new BC's - we'll see how willing they are to drop them with the same frequency. Besides, Pandemic Legion are fun to engage and kill when they're not all in Nyx's.

^^ This...
Let us see how well PL can fight in low sec without their I WIN buttons and no bubbles or bombs...
I see some good fights in the future and some expensive losses (hopefully for PL)
Amarr Victor...

CCP Konflikt
#62 - 2012-01-05 11:48:48 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Konflikt
I didn't say what this was earlier, but when SiSi starts up next, alliances will be able to join Faction Warfare. This will go out to TQ soon™.

There are more improvements on the table for Faction Warfare.

CCP Konflikt Quality Assurance Engineer Team Trilambda

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#63 - 2012-01-05 11:58:37 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
I didn't say what this was earlier, but when SiSi starts up next, alliances will be able to join Faction Warfare.

With what restrictions?

If you do it without then you are dooming FW to perpetual blobbing due to sheer numbers pouring in, you will crash the navy markets thus taking away the only source of revenue for most FW pilots while giving alliances access to yet another source.

Please do us the courtesy of applying a modicum of thought to the problem before pushing one of your "fixes".
Route One
#64 - 2012-01-05 12:04:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
CCP Konflikt wrote:
I didn't say what this was earlier, but when SiSi starts up next, alliances will be able to join Faction Warfare. This will go out to TQ soon™.

There are more improvements on the table for Faction Warfare.

The fact you think this is likely to "improve" FW indicates you are completely delusional. I'm serious Straight

Anyone in Minnie/Amarr FW remember when Reikoku joined FW for a couple of weeks after the disbanding of BoB? To say it unbalanced things was the understatement of the year, and that was just one (large) null-sec corp, not an alliance.

Epic idea - lets have all the isk-rich bored null-sec players come fight the (relatively) isk-poor people of FW.

Totally unbelievable, it really is and I'm very glad I'm no longer involved in it.
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#65 - 2012-01-05 12:17:31 UTC
Well, a lot of ppl asked for this and it is a realatively easy fix. I always thought it was a terribad idea, but here is hoping for the best.

I has all the eve inactivity

Route One
#66 - 2012-01-05 12:39:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
Karl Planck wrote:
Well, a lot of ppl asked for this and it is a realatively easy fix. I always thought it was a terribad idea, but here is hoping for the best.

At first glance it looks like another FU to new players.

At second glance it looks like a FU to anyone who isn't rich enough to absorb upwards of 500mill in losses/month - and I'd say that'd be the very low-end of losses. Edit - I mean non-alliance FW players here and I base that on what I saw RKK do to all of the FW corps back when they were in temporarily.

Bugger all to the lads/lasses with the moon goo of course. Not that bad for many existing FW players. Likely to put lots of new players off.

Perhaps someone in CCP should actually try being in FW 100% of the time, with no other income before coming up with lunacy like this.

/me shrugs - I've given up on CCP ever coming out with anything coherent on FW anyway, and this just convinces me I was right to do so.
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#67 - 2012-01-05 12:47:28 UTC
You know, on the plus side here (since no one has mentioned it) is that fw'ers can now enter the next AT. Something to consider

I has all the eve inactivity

Ezra Tair
#68 - 2012-01-05 13:31:33 UTC
I think its a good idea. As for the doomsday speaking. Consider, what large'ish alliance will wants half of high sec cut off from them? Have Jita cut off? If a 'typical' null sec player has anoms to do, or FW missions to do, which will hey chose? Anoms are easier by far. Attacking low-sec towers without GCC? A way to filter out unwanted militia elements? RKK being in FW was temporary, but what if someone equally large joined the other side? Also not all alliances are large nullsec holding entities. I say its a good idea, and I can't wait for it to be implemented.
Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#69 - 2012-01-05 13:36:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Hirana Yoshida
Easy .. we don't know what/how yet .. Smile (Oh. My. Goddess. Can't believe I just said that .. hahahahahaha)
Karl Planck wrote:
You know, on the plus side here (since no one has mentioned it) is that fw'ers can now enter the next AT. Something to consider

Except it won't be FW'ers but an alliance that at thatis probably only in FW to pad their killboards and wallets .. just sayin'
Ezra Tair wrote:
...Also not all alliances are large nullsec holding entities. I say its a good idea, and I can't wait for it to be implemented.

Which was the reason that CCP themselves suggested that alliances be allowed in provided they held no sov. Most of us would love to have new wingmen/fodder but very few of us want to be forced to play the extreme blobbing game that null's chose as their life-style .. and that is what will happen if you dump hundreds or thousands 'actives' onto the fronts .. completely irrelevant what side they are on.
Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#70 - 2012-01-05 14:12:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Arkady Sadik
Ezra Tair wrote:
I think its a good idea. As for the doomsday speaking. Consider, what large'ish alliance will wants half of high sec cut off from them? Have Jita cut off?
That just means they will all join Caldari/Amarr. Yay. :-/

I think the actual worry is that big 0.0 alliances will join FW for a "vacation from 0.0" for a few weeks to have some fun with the noobs. FW is already unbalanced heavily by a single coordinated, high-SP, high-ISK corp. A whole alliance will make things worse. This also removes the normal progression of PvP from npc corp -> corp in FW -> alliance in 0.0. I'm not sure that that's good for the game as a whole.

The restriction (as pointed out by CCP in another thread) is that all corps in the alliance need to have 0.5 faction standing:

Nothing about sov.
Route One
#71 - 2012-01-05 15:15:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
Arkady Sadik wrote:

I think the actual worry is that big 0.0 alliances will join FW for a "vacation from 0.0" for a few weeks to have some fun with the noobs.

Which is precisely what has happened before down in Hed (Amamake/Auga/etc for those that don't know)

Reikoku basically owned the area for two weeks, a couple of other corps from defunct alliances/sov holdings have done the same over the years.

Join FW, hotdrop the crap out of anything that moves for a couple of weeks and then off to the next null-sov alliance.

Now it appears someone has lost the plot enough to allow entire alliances to do the same Roll

It'd be quite amusing if it didn't indicate such a complete disconnection between devs and the game.
Route One
#72 - 2012-01-05 15:39:14 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:

The restriction (as pointed out by CCP in another thread) is that all corps in the alliance need to have 0.5 faction standing:

Oh and its worth pointing out that this "restriction" probably equates to a few bill of tags per corp (worst case) to bump standings. Wouldn't imagine it'd be too hard to have 0.5 to multiple factions either.

I suppose it will - temporarily at least - increase low-sec population, making it look like someone had a plan for low-sec. Or something like that Blink
Lee Whelan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2012-01-05 15:39:20 UTC
Allowing alliances to join FW is the worst idea I could think of. Alliances will not be denied access to any of the trade hubs due to having alt neutral corps handling logistics for them. The faction warfare ships, mods market will be degraded even further with people farming with their main rather than just alts. I would be waiting for the super blob to come and tear up our little patch of space. If wanted that kind of game play, I would have gone to null sec. I could go on and on about this, but that's basically what it comes down to. I would wait until I see how it works out but I wouldn't be far from canceling my subscriptions.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#74 - 2012-01-05 15:48:34 UTC
Lee Whelan wrote:
Allowing alliances to join FW is the worst idea I could think of. Alliances will not be denied access to any of the trade hubs due to having alt neutral corps handling logistics for them. The faction warfare ships, mods market will be degraded even further with people farming with their main rather than just alts. I would be waiting for the super blob to come and tear up our little patch of space. If wanted that kind of game play, I would have gone to null sec. I could go on and on about this, but that's basically what it comes down to. I would wait until I see how it works out but I wouldn't be far from canceling my subscriptions.

Because hugging your titan all day in abaddons/garudians and dropping the nearest BC gang half your size is all FW is about Roll
Xuko Nuki
Heralds of Darkness
White Sky.
#75 - 2012-01-05 15:49:01 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
I didn't say what this was earlier, but when SiSi starts up next, alliances will be able to join Faction Warfare. This will go out to TQ soon™.

There are more improvements on the table for Faction Warfare.

"So... what's wrong with FW"

"I dunno but they're complaining about it a lot."

"Let's take a closer look shall we?"

"They seem to be in really small fleets with dinky t1 cruisers, most all belonging to their respective faction, lame."

"Gross, no wonder they hate it."

"How can we make FW less about small gangs and less about factions?"

"Hmm, let's see here. Let's add 0.0 alliances."

"Great idea, I've always wanted to try FW but didn't want to drop corp."

Is this how the brainstorming went?
Plus 10 NV
#76 - 2012-01-05 15:56:57 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
Easy .. we don't know what/how yet .. Smile (Oh. My. Goddess. Can't believe I just said that .. hahahahahaha)
Karl Planck wrote:
You know, on the plus side here (since no one has mentioned it) is that fw'ers can now enter the next AT. Something to consider

Except it won't be FW'ers but an alliance that at thatis probably only in FW to pad their killboards and wallets .. just sayin'
Ezra Tair wrote:
...Also not all alliances are large nullsec holding entities. I say its a good idea, and I can't wait for it to be implemented.

Which was the reason that CCP themselves suggested that alliances be allowed in provided they held no sov. Most of us would love to have new wingmen/fodder but very few of us want to be forced to play the extreme blobbing game that null's chose as their life-style .. and that is what will happen if you dump hundreds or thousands 'actives' onto the fronts .. completely irrelevant what side they are on.

This ccp.

Only alliances that do not hold sov should be able to join. If any. The faction standings are extremely easy to get - its not really a barrier.

Also its going to be a real mess if two large alliances that are at war with eachother both join the same faction for fw.

You can't consider the change a success just because more people join. Sure this may quadruple the number of people in fw. But that doesn't mean it will improve it and make it something new for people to do in eve.

This is would be just like what you did with high sec incursions. You made incursions ridiculous isk faucets so of course allot of people do them and therefore its deemed some sort of successful mechanic. If you made ship spinning pay that amount of isk in high sec it would be a huge success.

Please don't just boost the superficial numbers of players doing something and call it a successful change. Dig down and figure out how to really make it a truly great mechanic in eve. Make it a *unique* way to get pvp - frequent quality small scale pvp.

Adjust the occupancy plexing mechanics so its fun. Don't just make it easier to join or throw lots of isk at it.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#77 - 2012-01-05 16:01:50 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:

Oh dear, if they are going to base it on the broken standings system only then FW is a goner Cry

Tags can be used to boost it, but the easier way is to have corps drop alliance, join up, grind missions/orbit buttons for a few hours/days and standings will be through the roof. Rejoin alliance and the whole she-bang can now join/leave at their leisure.
Since pretty much all space holding alliances have all assets in an executor corp, with just a few characters if that in it they can quite literally get the cake, eat the cake and sell the cake all at once Big smile

Income will crash as LP becomes worthless, gangs balloon to fleets and Titan bridge bait/traps and generic hotdrops become the norm .. awesome future.
It is bad enough that systems can now be flipped in just one measly day .. CCP is either completely out of touch with reality or are determined to kill us off so that Eve = botting/grinding/blobbing/RMT/scamming with no room for RP or fun ...

Draco Rosso
State War Academy
Caldari State
#78 - 2012-01-05 16:09:04 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
I didn't say what this was earlier, but when SiSi starts up next, alliances will be able to join Faction Warfare. This will go out to TQ soon™.

There are more improvements on the table for Faction Warfare.

Thumbs down. You Devs really don't have damn clue about FW and from the looks of it never will.
Route One
#79 - 2012-01-05 16:10:10 UTC
Cearain wrote:

Only alliances that do not hold sov should be able to join.

That doesn't go far enough. Not even close.

The reason is simple - lost your sov for the moment and looking for pastures new? No problem, park your alliance in Amamake for a couple of weeks and bounce back and forth between factions for the lulz. Once you got your new sov (blues) sorted then off you go.

Don't tell me it won't happen, its EXACTLY what is going to happen.

If this is going to happen and supercarriers/titans are still allowed in low-sec then it doesn't take a genius to figure out the likely outcome mmm?

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#80 - 2012-01-05 16:17:10 UTC
But without some sort of automated mechanic to govern who can join, then we are back at the idea aired by some in RP community when the started war three years ago: That we have a GM screen applicants so that only the "serious" alliances are allowed entry.

Somehow doubt that will fly with the bot-lords Smile