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[Galatea] First batch of sov capture iterations

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I'm fine and You aren't
#61 - 2015-08-18 23:39:10 UTC
:yawn: Wake me up from ratting when an update actually makes sense.
Chocolate Mooses
The Conference Elite
#62 - 2015-08-18 23:39:58 UTC

More goon BLOB ...

the biggest advantage we have SPEED is taken away.... so they can just roll BLOBS onto the grid. BLOB BLOB BLOB.... back to n+1 fighting

Crying about "blobbing" is top secret MOA code for crying about "Not having enough friends or competent pilots."

It's not out fault you are totally ineffective and don't have enough numbers to accomplish anything beyond shooting at ratting ships. This is what happens when you take your marching orders from a random blogger with a officer level tin foil hat.
Katrin BarRiona
State War Academy
Caldari State
#63 - 2015-08-18 23:40:38 UTC
Teen nods? Sirius O.o
You can chek rf one constelation and see how much nods spawn after this? Five-0 try it and see.
Rotciv Rrama Industries
Goonswarm Federation
#64 - 2015-08-18 23:42:31 UTC  |  Edited by: oodell
Urandas wrote:
A step in the right direction, however not strong enough. 4km/s is still too fast. Honestly it should act like a seige module with -100% speed reduction. If your worried about us bumping the hacking ship away, then make it so the ship can't go over 0m/s.
Theoretically, if a player has 'control' over the grid the hack beacon is on, then they shouldn't need to move.

Well, also theoretically, you could have two doctrines fighting each other while both holding an entosis point on a node. Having a -100% penalty would make the (example) entosis tengus in your tengu fleet stick out rather obviously. 4km/sec, on the other hand, is significantly higher than any mainline doctrine I can think of, which is probably where they got that number from. 4km/sec does impact the snowflake entosis trolling ships significantly more. Is it enough? Maybe not. Certainly a good step though.

Querns wrote:
Most of the complaints regarding aegis sov would be allayed if interdiction nullification was removed from the game.

Interceptors have been cancer since the day they were released. Not having counters for things in this game has been historically terrible, and right now a gang of interceptors has no counter if they don't want to get caught. Yes you can catch one or two if you're lucky and have the right ships, but the rest blow past you, and you have no way to catch up. Let HICs catch them already.
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#65 - 2015-08-18 23:43:46 UTC
Alphaomega21 wrote:

You're obviously unhappy playing this game. Why don't you ease your pain by contracting me your stuff and going outside for a while ?
Allawa Phantom
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#66 - 2015-08-18 23:43:59 UTC
like what the **** kind of fix is this? 4K isnt a limit most ships you cant even get to 4K. Even with an over-sized propmod.

What CCP has done here is made Torll Ceptors More Trolly. The 4M limit will INCREASE the amount of Troll Hacking Which is the UNDER LYING PROBLEM with this sov system.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#67 - 2015-08-18 23:46:04 UTC
this whole new sov system just seems silly, and its very boring. imho the whole system should be scrapped and rethinked. u actually implanted a WOW solution!.
Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#68 - 2015-08-18 23:46:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Murkar Omaristos
oodell wrote:
Interceptors have been cancer since the day they were release.

This I don't agree with, however they are cancer now.

Ceptors were fantastic after the nerf to combat ceptors. The point is that they're hard to catch, but they can't pose any threat other than tackle/scouting.

Now that they are powerful enough to reinforce a station they are cancer. But the solution is removing entosis links from sub-cruiser sized ships, not a ceptor nerf.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2015-08-18 23:47:36 UTC
FlashSpawn wrote:
Alphaomega21 wrote:

You're obviously unhappy playing this game. Why don't you ease your pain by contracting me your stuff and going outside for a while ?

I will go down with this sinking ship if need be but I would rather make this game good again.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2015-08-18 23:48:37 UTC
Murkar Omaristos wrote:
oodell wrote:
Interceptors have been cancer since the day they were release. Not having counters for things in this game has been historically terrible, and right now a gang of interceptors has no counter if they don't want to get caught. Yes you can catch one or two if you're lucky and have the right ships, but the reset blow past you, and you have no way to catch up.

This I don't agree with, however they are cancer now.

Ceptors were fantastic after the nerf to combat ceptors. The point is that they're hard to catch, but they can't pose any threat other than tackle/scouting.

Now that they are powerful they are cancer. But the solution is removing entosis links from sub-cruiser sized ships, not a ceptor nerf.

Yea because not being able to catch a ship is totally not broken.
Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#71 - 2015-08-18 23:50:20 UTC
5pitf1re wrote:

Yea because not being able to catch a ship is totally not broken.

You can with an insta-slasher. And a fit that can escape insta-slashers are useless for anything but moving loot.
Rotciv Rrama Industries
Goonswarm Federation
#72 - 2015-08-18 23:53:02 UTC  |  Edited by: oodell
Murkar Omaristos wrote:
oodell wrote:
Interceptors have been cancer since the day they were release. Not having counters for things in this game has been historically terrible, and right now a gang of interceptors has no counter if they don't want to get caught. Yes you can catch one or two if you're lucky and have the right ships, but the reset blow past you, and you have no way to catch up.

This I don't agree with, however they are cancer now.

Ceptors were fantastic after the nerf to combat ceptors. The point is that they're hard to catch, but they can't pose any threat other than tackle/scouting.

Now that they are powerful enough to reinforce a station they are cancer. But the solution is removing entosis links from sub-cruiser sized ships, not a ceptor nerf.

Of course they're a threat. A handful of them can skate around a region, be almost completely untouchable, and burn ratters to the ground. They move so fast that even good intel networks fail to keep up. A fleet of them can dodge any defense fleet and just generally wreck havok. Even if you do kill one or two, they can reship in minutes. Having hostiles in your space is great content. Having untouchable, uncatchable hostiles is cancer.

The only half-way consistent way to deal with them is half a dozen smartbombing titans on an out gate. (Welcome to Deklein) And with fatigue, you only get one shot at it. It's ridiculous.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2015-08-18 23:54:48 UTC  |  Edited by: 5pitf1re
Murkar Omaristos wrote:
5pitf1re wrote:

Yea because not being able to catch a ship is totally not broken.

You can with an insta-slasher. And a fit that can escape insta-slashers are useless for anything but moving loot.

You show me how to catch a sub 2 seconds align interceptor other than with smartbombs and I'll give you 1 bil.
Kalenn Istarion
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2015-08-18 23:55:38 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey everyone. With vacation season winding down here in Iceland, we're fast approaching the first release since the Aegis Sovereignty deployment: Galatea on August 25th.

Galatea will contain the first (and definitely not the last) set of updates to the sov capture system released in Aegis, thanks in large part to your excellent feedback and observations we've made of the first few weeks of the new system on Tranquility. This first set of adjustments is focused on the capture times and maximum number of Command Nodes, as well as some tweaks to the Entosis Link penalties itself.

The first and most significant change in this release is that we are reducing the base capture time of Structure Command Nodes from 10 minutes to 4 minutes, and Station Services from 5 minutes to 4 minutes. This means the capture times for these structures will range from a minimum of 4 minutes (for defenders and when the multiplier is at its base of 1) to a maximum of 24 minutes (for attackers against a 6x multiplier structure).

To help ensure that defenders maintain a robust but fair advantage, we are also starting the defending alliance off with 60% control in the overall event tug of war when nodes start spawning. This means that an uncontested defense will now require capture of 8 nodes at 4 minutes (plus warmup) a piece, down from 10x10 before. In total, the fastest possible defense would require 4 players and 12 minutes post-Galatea, compared to 5 players and 24 minutes pre-Galatea.

To help reduce the clutter that builds up in lower value systems when capture events are left for extended periods of time uncontested, we are also reducing the cap on total nodes that can spawn per structure from 20 to 10. We are also reducing the spawn rate of randomly appearing extra nodes by approximately 50% (this second part only applies to the randomly spawning extra nodes, not the the nodes that spawn instantly when old ones are completed).

We are also making an adjustment to the penalties on the Entosis Link module itself. The mass penalty is being replaced with a "speed limit" to 4000m/s. This means that the normal subwarp engines of a ship with an Entosis Link fitted will never accelerate it past 4000m/s. This limit was chosen to have the smallest possible impact on ships fit for engagement and combat while having a larger impact on the escapability of evasion fits than the mass penalty.

We are also releasing the first batch of Sov UI little things, which CCP Punkturis and CCP Sharq sourced from your feedback in this thread. These changes include an overview of sov data in the constellation show-info window, direct access to the default vulnerability timer and a new region column in the sov dashboard and improved tooltips in the infrastructure hub UI. Punkturis is continuing to work on improving the sov UI and we encourage people to keep posting their requests in the little things thread.

Finally this release also contains a number of bug fixes, some of which are quite visible (Alliance logos once again appearing in space on the TCU) and others which improve handling of rare edge cases (such as alliances disbanding mid-fight) and back-end code.

The Galatea is just the beginning of our commitment to iterating and improving nullsec and sov. We are hard at work on the changing coming in future releases, including formal methods for dropping sov, the ability to turn IHub upgrades on and off, updates to the formula for calculating activity defense multipliers, new PVE experiences for sov nullsec and much more. Nullsec and Sov remain our focus here at Team Five 0 and we'll be continuing to update you on progress as we go forward. We are listening to your feedback and continuing to observe the results of our changes as we make them.

These Galatea changes will also obviously not be the final changes to the capture mechanics themselves. We have some changes we know we want to make (like partially captured structures returning to defender control at a slow constant regeneration pace to reduce the need for "maintenance linking") and others that we don't want to rule out but that also need more investigation and internal/external discussion before making final decisions (such as ship restrictions on Entosis Links). Thanks to everyone who's been providing constructive feedback so far, we hope you'll continue.

Thanks everyone, and good hunting!

A specific question which is not clear from the post: Does the reduced timer impact the initial ref timer as well, or only Command Nodes / services which are coming out of reinforcement?

If the shorter times apply to the initial ref period then this is an awful change. If they apply only after a structure has been reffed then it's a net positive.

Try Harder.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2015-08-18 23:55:54 UTC
5pitf1re wrote:
Murkar Omaristos wrote:
5pitf1re wrote:

Yea because not being able to catch a ship is totally not broken.

You can with an insta-slasher. And a fit that can escape insta-slashers are useless for anything but moving loot.

You show me how to catch a sub 2 seconds align interceptor and I'll give you 1 bil.

Smart bombing titans lots of smart bombing titans.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#76 - 2015-08-18 23:56:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
Entosis active should reduce speed to ZERO. DOUBLE the mass.

Reduce number of control nodes further, they are still AIDS.

Also, this. With the new 'local' model in null and requisite defensive posture of entities to hold what they take, a much needed content-generating land-rush of new entrants won't happen until the elephant in the room of 72% calling hisec home is addressed substantively It's time.

its my cyno
#77 - 2015-08-18 23:57:09 UTC
New changes upcoming take sand out of the sandbox
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#78 - 2015-08-18 23:57:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Frostys Virpio
CCP Fozzie wrote:

We are also making an adjustment to the penalties on the Entosis Link module itself. The mass penalty is being replaced with a "speed limit" to 4000m/s. This means that the normal subwarp engines of a ship with an Entosis Link fitted will never accelerate it past 4000m/s. This limit was chosen to have the smallest possible impact on ships fit for engagement and combat while having a larger impact on the escapability of evasion fits than the mass penalty.

A pre aligned warp on a probe results at 0 need to be no longer than 19.5 seconds including acceleration and deceleration for an Arazu with links and damnation point to catch a 4k/s ship. Oh wait, I forgot to take into account lock time...
#79 - 2015-08-18 23:59:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tallardar
My Lap wrote:

Apparently in July of 2015 if you listen to the people complaining about Fozziesov.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2015-08-18 23:59:36 UTC
Goons and pets will only be happy with a system that lets them rule everything by being offline.

Nah who am I kiddin, they'd still complain. CCP should add pacifiers and some warm milk to SoV holders... maybe a comfort blankie too.

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