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Aegis WH feedback

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#61 - 2015-07-16 08:28:14 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
Winthorp wrote:

This is definitely going to close the gaps on noobs spreadsheet that doesn't have a filter for WH space and k-space kills. People saying that their content and fun is now gone should realise that WH space should have been a better source of your content/fun.

you are trying to argument that removed content is somehow good for the game.
People didnt roam null because WH space was full of content, they roamed null in lack of it.

I don't normally reply to NPC alts, check my sig even.

But for you to quote that paragraph and edit out the part that had me saying that it is this way due to a lack of ways to create content in wh space and agree with your current gripe is a little bit stupid on your part.
#62 - 2015-07-16 08:31:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
Axloth Okiah wrote:
While the removal of handy NS access might (ideally) lead to certain refocus back to WH brawls, I'm afraid it is much more likely to lead to even less WH content, as groups which deliberately focus on null and use their WH as a mobile base just pack up and leave (to null or thera, probably; leaving a farming crew behind, maybe).

So up til now, you could fight them, because they would take wh fight if they could (they just wouldnt spend much effort looking for it). After the change, its quite possible they wont be there at all.

I think that it is quite naive to hope, that making wspace living less fun and less convenient will lead to increase in content for those living there.

But those people that do roam null constantly are well "roaming null constantly". You can't fight what isn't there in their chain, scanning the chain further or rolling their chain...

I agree some people might leave because they can't have their insta fun and are too lazy to scan/roll/seige/loggoff/invade/camp for it but i am not unhappy about that honestly.
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#63 - 2015-07-16 08:34:07 UTC
@ Robert Caldera;

It's not removing PVP at all.

If you really still want to go play in null you still can.

It just means you might have to go to a little more effort to scan a null exit, instead of having four of them spawn in your home system every day or something silly. Might mean you actually have to jump a hole or two to the nearest null exit. No big deal really, right?

But it's true, I'm all for forcing people to look inward to w-space for content if they live there. If they don't like that, or are having serious trouble finding wormhole content, then it's kinda obvious they're living in the wrong kind of space to begin with. There's nothing wrong with cheap and easy, but when it becomes the mainstay for a wormhole corp's content, again they're living in the wrong space.

Robert Caldera wrote:
Erica Dusette wrote:
And the minute that fleet left w-space to roam null it just removed even more content from w-space.

maybe WH duders are tired of set up and pointless arranged WH fights for years already. For me, I always wondered whats the attraction of consensual wh pvp.

Really not sure how your comment has any relation to mine.

But if you're a wormholer then you certainly sound like the most disaffected one I've met in a while.

I recommend lowsec for you. All the non-consensual, cheap fights you like and logistics is a breeze.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#64 - 2015-07-16 08:44:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Winthorp wrote:

I don't normally reply to NPC alts, check my sig even.


Winthorp wrote:

I agree some people might leave because they can't have their insta fun and are too lazy to scan/roll/seige/loggoff/invade/camp for it but i am not unhappy about that honestly.

you are not unhappy about people leaving? Interesting. In times with constantly dropping online numbers I thought people leaving was the last thing you would welcome. How is stagnant WH space benefical?

Erica Dusette wrote:

It's not removing PVP at all.

If you really still want to go play in null you still can.

I actually just showed you how it removed pvp.
null -> WH -> null was source of content = gone.
WH -> null was source of content = gone.

Sure, you might shift onto something else and try to compensate in a more or less successful way but for the moment being its chunk of content which is gone.

Erica Dusette wrote:

It just means you might have to go to a little more effort to scan a null exit, instead of having four of them spawn in your home system every day or something silly. Might mean you actually have to jump a hole or two to the nearest null exit. No big deal really, right?

like I said, forcing people into effort wont work. Forcing people into wasting hours over hours for 1 worthless null connection will work even less, thats the post aegis status quo. Post Aegis you will have to probe entire region for few poor null chains which IMO borders onto time waste, why I think players will rather say "**** you" and leave.. The whole thing worked previously solely out of the fact that there were sheer number of WH you could pick few suitable ones from.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#65 - 2015-07-16 08:45:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Erica Dusette wrote:

But it's true, I'm all for forcing people to look inward to w-space for content if they live there. If they don't like that, or are having serious trouble finding wormhole content, then it's kinda obvious they're living in the wrong kind of space to begin with.

you might wish they would look more inward w-space. I'm not that naive and think they will rather leave, which is not a good thing.
What is the gain?

Erica Dusette wrote:

There's nothing wrong with cheap and easy, but when it becomes the mainstay for a wormhole corp's content, again they're living in the wrong space.

They are wrong? I disagree. Getting cheap and easy pvp is good for the game and why people are playing in the first line, who dont want to become a part of null circlejerk.
Again, why is removing cheap and easy pvp good?? What is the gain? I dont see any.

Erica Dusette wrote:

But if you're a wormholer then you certainly sound like the most disaffected one I've met in a while.

I recommend lowsec for you. All the non-consensual, cheap fights you like and logistics is a breeze.

im not a wormholer, I live in null.
Why would you point me towards lowsec? Its a completely different from what is discussed here, stop derailing the thread.
Someone who is looking for null content certainly isnt interested in lowsec, thats why he isnt there, thats why he is here complaining.
Necharo Rackham
The Red Circle Inc.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#66 - 2015-07-16 08:53:43 UTC
The reason most people started roaming null to start with was simple arithmethic, given the fact that C5 space was largely empty - even before you factor in TZs. Btw, In the current meta - and given w-space and FW farming - the ships aren't all that cheaper (Orthus/Gila vs cheaper T3s).

As someone said up thread, the lifetime reduction and spawning mechanics will stack multiplicatively when it comes to finding usable nullsec connections. I can see that after the previous increase in null wormholes C5 space had become too connected - but the answer would have been to reverse that.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#67 - 2015-07-16 08:57:00 UTC
Necharo Rackham wrote:
I can see that after the previous increase in null wormholes C5 space had become too connected - but the answer would have been to reverse that.

which previous increase of null wormholes in C5? C5 was pretty nicely connected to null for years.
#68 - 2015-07-16 09:15:54 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
rabble rabble rabble

Instead of making stupid points or heavilly edit and qoute people to try and counter everyone's points of view why don't you actually say why you think you are entitled or need to have the level of nullsecs like you once did.
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#69 - 2015-07-16 09:21:30 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
you might wish they would look more inward w-space. I'm not that naive and think they will rather leave, which is not a good thing.
What is the gain?

The gain is we get less people like you coming here trying to change w-space to suit their own k-space meta.

Robert Caldera wrote:
Erica Dusette wrote:

There's nothing wrong with cheap and easy, but when it becomes the mainstay for a wormhole corp's content, again they're living in the wrong space.

They are wrong? I disagree. Getting cheap and easy pvp is good for the game and why people are playing in the first line, who dont want to become a part of null circlejerk.
Again, why is removing cheap and easy pvp good?? What is the gain? I dont see any.

I didn't say it was. Besides, no potential pvp is being removed anyway. Read again.

You're really getting mixed up in my context (or twisting purposely, can't really tell) and I'm guessing English isn't your first language, no offense intended. Take your time and read the wording of my posts a little closer instead of rushing to troll-reply so quickly to everyone. You're becoming too obvious.

Robert Caldera wrote:
Erica Dusette wrote:

But if you're a wormholer then you certainly sound like the most disaffected one I've met in a while.

I recommend lowsec for you. All the non-consensual, cheap fights you like and logistics is a breeze.

im not a wormholer, I live in null.
Why would you point me towards lowsec? Its a completely different from what is discussed here, stop derailing the thread.
Someone who is looking for null content certainly isnt interested in lowsec, thats why he isnt there, thats why he is here complaining.

The reason why I suggested lowsec is because all the advantages you personally listed for having a ton of null WH exits makes it sound like lowsec would meet all your requirements perfectly.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#70 - 2015-07-16 09:24:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Winthorp wrote:

Instead of making stupid points or heavilly edit and qoute people to try and counter everyone's points of view

stupid points? Points become "stupid" at last when they are proven wrong, if at all.
Isnt quoting and countering points of view not how a forum/conversation works? Just wondering.

Winthorp wrote:

why don't you actually say why you think you are entitled or need to have the level of nullsecs like you once did.

One of most hilarious things on eve-o is when people accuse someone of feeling entitled to something. How does argueing for/against something equal to being entitled? Just complaining about working parts of the game which CCP ruined for no gain/reason, apart of some whiny ***** abusing his CSM powers and crying to CCP to cather the game for his inability.
#71 - 2015-07-16 09:28:08 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
Winthorp wrote:

Instead of making stupid points or heavilly edit and qoute people to try and counter everyone's points of view

stupid points? Points become "stupid" at last when they are proven wrong, if at all.
Isnt quoting and countering points of view not how a forum/conversation works? Just wondering.

Winthorp wrote:

why don't you actually say why you think you are entitled or need to have the level of nullsecs like you once did.

One of most hilarious things on eve-o is when people accuse someone of feeling entitled to something. How does argueing for/against something equal to being entitled? Just complaining about working parts of the game which CCP ruined for no gain/reason, apart of some whiny ***** abusing his CSM powers and crying to CCP to cather the game for his inability.

Again nothing useful to add about your opinion at all...
Necharo Rackham
The Red Circle Inc.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#72 - 2015-07-16 09:31:29 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
Necharo Rackham wrote:
I can see that after the previous increase in null wormholes C5 space had become too connected - but the answer would have been to reverse that.

which previous increase of null wormholes in C5? C5 was pretty nicely connected to null for years.

Hyperion increased the spawn rate of wormholes originating in w-space [there was also the other slight uptick associated with time based spawning of the k162].
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#73 - 2015-07-16 09:31:31 UTC
Erica Dusette wrote:

The gain is we get less people like you coming here trying to change w-space to suit their own k-space meta.

answer the actual question instead of trolling.

Erica Dusette wrote:

I didn't say it was. Besides, no potential pvp is being removed anyway. Read again.

I showed you what parst of pvp were removed.

Erica Dusette wrote:

The reason why I suggested lowsec is because all the advantages you personally listed for having a ton of null WH exits makes it sound like lowsec would meet all your requirements perfectly.

Again, if I lived in lowsec I wouldnt complain. Fact is I am not living in lowsec, nor do I plan to move into lowsec in any foreseeable future.
Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2015-07-16 09:44:43 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
Axloth Okiah wrote:
While the removal of handy NS access might (ideally) lead to certain refocus back to WH brawls, I'm afraid it is much more likely to lead to even less WH content, as groups which deliberately focus on null and use their WH as a mobile base just pack up and leave (to null or thera, probably; leaving a farming crew behind, maybe).

So up til now, you could fight them, because they would take wh fight if they could (they just wouldnt spend much effort looking for it). After the change, its quite possible they wont be there at all.

I think that it is quite naive to hope, that making wspace living less fun and less convenient will lead to increase in content for those living there.

But those people that do roam null constantly are well "roaming null constantly". You can't fight what isn't there in their chain, scanning the chain further or rolling their chain...

I agree some people might leave because they can't have their insta fun and are too lazy to scan/roll/seige/loggoff/invade/camp for it but i am not unhappy about that honestly.
I have to disagree. Those things arent mutually exclusive. "Roaming in null" doesnt equal "not fighting in wspace". HK, SSC, LH and many other (less blobby) corps roam null constantly in search for targets, yet I dont think you can claim they dont also fight in wspace. If you roll into them, they'll return from null to fight you. None will fight you if you roll into an inactive hole, because they moved out, starved for fights, bored of waiting for days between wh content.

I also disagree with the notion that fighting in wspace is somehow inherently superior to fighting in null and more desirable. Big invasions and cap brawls are great, yes. Best of all, we might say. But how often do they happen? Majority of the wspace pvp is ganks. What makes ganking in wspace so much more leet than ganking in null? Why is ganking sleeper-farming dreads good and ganking ratting carriers bad? We have no local, no gates, etc. but its still a gank.
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#75 - 2015-07-16 09:55:52 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
Erica Dusette wrote:

The gain is we get less people like you coming here trying to change w-space to suit their own k-space meta.

answer the actual question instead of trolling.

That was actually a serious answer, I wasn't trolling. Less nullseccers having a say in how w-space works the better.

Though I already did answer your question. You just have to read back through my posts.

Robert Caldera wrote:
Erica Dusette wrote:

I didn't say it was. Besides, no potential pvp is being removed anyway. Read again.

I showed you what parst of pvp were removed.

Not really, just a few vague points and kinda abstract comments.

Robert Caldera wrote:
Again, if I lived in lowsec I wouldnt complain. Fact is I am not living in lowsec, nor do I plan to move into lowsec in any foreseeable future.

I'm saying maybe you should be living in lowsec. I know you want to live in null (I want a new Ferrari too), but it doesn't sound like it's really your cup of tea unless you can have a ton of easy-access wormholes to highsec. That's really your core issue, but you're kinda trying to white-knight for wormholer's PVP instead because you know you'd get laughed out of this subforum otherwise as a nullseccer concerned about his easy logistics.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#76 - 2015-07-16 10:28:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Erica Dusette wrote:

That was actually a serious answer, I wasn't trolling. Less nullseccers having a say in how w-space works the better.

Though I already did answer your question. You just have to read back through my posts.

1) Why are you advocating less WH traffic/pvp? Are you a farmer? Are you still salty about your recent tengu loss?
There is no other reason I can think of for a WH resident not wanting WH connections.

2) nullseccers have "no say" in how w-space works, all they can do is complaining about it, posting on forums about that. Until the nerf I never even looked into this subforum, thus your theory that less WH content leads to less nullseccers here is obviously wrong.

Erica Dusette wrote:

Not really, just a few vague points and kinda abstract comments.

its obvious and self explanatory.
Less WH connections means:
1) taken chances for WH folks to find targets/fighs -> less pvp.
2) taken chances for null folks to find a chain to a different part of null for targets/fight -> less pvp.
and "less pvp" (much less in current context) is just another word for "parts of pvp being removed", thus my saying about removed pvp - here again pretty obvious.

Erica Dusette wrote:

I'm saying maybe you should be living in lowsec. I know you want to live in null (I want a new Ferrari too), but it doesn't sound like it's really your cup of tea unless you can have a ton of easy-access wormholes to highsec.

I'm not saying I want to live in null, I'm saying I live in null and thats why I am affected by the change in a severe way.
Sure its my cup of tea, I can stay there and I can keep comlaining about the changed mechanics how much I like, nothing you could do anything about.

Erica Dusette wrote:
That's really your core issue, but you're kinda trying to white-knight for wormholer's PVP instead because you know you'd get laughed out of this subforum otherwise as a nullseccer concerned about his easy logistics.

I never tried to hide my concerns, dunno how you would view it that way. What I'm honestly concerned about are removed/nerfed pvp abilities for everyone including nullseccers, wormholers and lowseccers all together.
Mikha'el Airuta
Catiz is NOT my empress
#77 - 2015-07-16 10:39:08 UTC
LOL at calling Ms. Dusette a farmer. If you actually lived in WH space, you would know she and her family are the most dedicated pure WH PvP oriented ppl, I have ever met there. But I forgive you, you cant see that from Jita station.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#78 - 2015-07-16 10:41:40 UTC
Mikha'el Airuta wrote:
LOL at calling Ms. Dusette a farmer. If you actually lived in WH space, you would know she and her family are the most dedicated pure WH PvP oriented ppl, I have ever met there. But I forgive you, you cant see that from Jita station.

I havent called anyone anything, it was a question. Because I have no idea why a pvper would otherwise so deliberately advocate against pvp resulting from more/better WH connections.
Mark Hadden
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#79 - 2015-07-16 10:45:12 UTC
Mikha'el Airuta wrote:
LOL at calling Ms. Dusette a farmer. If you actually lived in WH space, you would know she and her family are the most dedicated pure WH PvP oriented ppl, I have ever met there. But I forgive you, you cant see that from Jita station.

and thanks for worrying about the view from jita station for my trading char, appreciated.
#80 - 2015-07-16 10:47:34 UTC
Axloth Okiah wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
Axloth Okiah wrote:
While the removal of handy NS access might (ideally) lead to certain refocus back to WH brawls, I'm afraid it is much more likely to lead to even less WH content, as groups which deliberately focus on null and use their WH as a mobile base just pack up and leave (to null or thera, probably; leaving a farming crew behind, maybe).

So up til now, you could fight them, because they would take wh fight if they could (they just wouldnt spend much effort looking for it). After the change, its quite possible they wont be there at all.

I think that it is quite naive to hope, that making wspace living less fun and less convenient will lead to increase in content for those living there.

But those people that do roam null constantly are well "roaming null constantly". You can't fight what isn't there in their chain, scanning the chain further or rolling their chain...

I agree some people might leave because they can't have their insta fun and are too lazy to scan/roll/seige/loggoff/invade/camp for it but i am not unhappy about that honestly.
I have to disagree. Those things arent mutually exclusive. "Roaming in null" doesnt equal "not fighting in wspace". HK, SSC, LH and many other (less blobby) corps roam null constantly in search for targets, yet I dont think you can claim they dont also fight in wspace. If you roll into them, they'll return from null to fight you. None will fight you if you roll into an inactive hole, because they moved out, starved for fights, bored of waiting for days between wh content.

I also disagree with the notion that fighting in wspace is somehow inherently superior to fighting in null and more desirable. Big invasions and cap brawls are great, yes. Best of all, we might say. But how often do they happen? Majority of the wspace pvp is ganks. What makes ganking in wspace so much more leet than ganking in null? Why is ganking sleeper-farming dreads good and ganking ratting carriers bad? We have no local, no gates, etc. but its still a gank.

I do feel "roaming in WH space" does indeed equal not fighting in WH space. I don't think i made the leap to say that that meant they wouldn't come home and fight you but since you bring it up i guess everyone would then evaluate the desire to "come back" dependent on who or what.

I do find fights in WH space (not ganks) to be far superior to null roams in crappy ships. But then that is a personal opinion and well this is what this is all about.